Tuesday, July 31
Miss. Supreme Court Denies Miss. Power Petition
In an 8-0 opinion, the Mississippi Supreme Court says Mississippi Power can't raise its rates while appealing the PSC denial of a price increase.
Study: Dispersants in BP Oil Spill May Have Hurt Gulf Food Chain
A study on possible effects of the 2010 BP oil spill indicates dispersants may have killed plankton — some of the ocean's tiniest plants and creatures — and disrupted the food chain in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the nation's richest seafood grounds.
Twitter Stirring Up Trouble at the Olympics
For better and for worse, the 2012 Olympics are being shaped, shaken and indisputably changed by a social media revolution that four years ago in Beijing was in its toddlerhood.

JSU's Michael Tinsley Wins Silver Medal
Jackson State track sensation Michael Tinsley has won the silver medal in the 400-meter hurdles.
Jackson Unit Prepares for Deployment
The 31st Agribusiness Development Team will conduct a sendoff ceremony on Thursday for 40 soldiers mobilizing for a one-year deployment to Afghanistan.
Baptist Leaders Urge Miss. Church to Reject Racism
Townspeople prayed for racial reconciliation Monday, but the black man whose wedding was rejected by a predominantly white Southern Baptist church in this small Mississippi town said he wasn't ready to let racism be swept under the rug.
$30M in Renovations Proposed at Fairgrounds
The state fairground's Trade Mart building and Coliseum need work.
Consumer Confidence Higher in July
U.S. consumer confidence rose in July after four months of declines, as a brighter outlook for short-term hiring offset longer-term worries about the economy.
AP News in Brief
Here's what's happening around the world this morning.
Monday, July 30
Will Romney's International Gaffes Affect Him Back Home?
On Romney's three-country tour he had the Mayor of London using his name as an epithet, the Palestinians calling a 'racist' and Solidarity in Poland distancing itself from him for his anti-union and anti-labor stances. It wasn't supposed to be like this.
23andMe Seeks FDA Approval for Personal DNA Test
Genetic test maker 23andMe is asking the Food and Drug Administration to approve its personalized DNA test in a move that, if successful, could boost acceptance of technology that is viewed skeptically by leading scientists who question its usefulness.
Chrysler Profits Thanks to US Buyers; Plans New 'Dodge Dart' Model
Chrysler's almost total reliance on North America used to be a huge weakness, one that sent the company into bankruptcy protection.
Update: Hinds County Jail Mostly Secured (+Video of Sheriff)
Inmates have created a disturbance at the Hinds County Correctional Facility. They are now holding one pod of the jail and are in a standoff with police.

Isiah Young
In his first season at Ole Miss, Young became the 2012 SEC Outdoor Champion in the 200-meter, with a time of 20.32 seconds.

Community Events and Public Meetings
Outreach Expo is at Jackson Medical Mall Wednesday, Aug. 1, at 10 a.m.
Most Miss. Districts Choose Abstinence-Only
More than half of Mississippi's school districts have chosen an abstinence-only approach to sex education
10 Things to Know This Monday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today.
Friday, July 27
Tuskegee Airman Receives Congressional Medal
Retired Tuskegee Airman Johnny C. Whitfield of Monticello, 90, received a replica of the Congressional Gold Medal Friday.
In Q2 the Economy Grew... But Barely
Weak consumer spending held growth to an annual rate of just 1.5 percent, even less than the 2 percent rate in the first quarter. And few expect the economy to accelerate in the second half of the year as Europe's financial woes and a U.S. budget crisis restrain businesses and consumers.
Bryant Calls for Teacher Merit Pay
Gov. Phil Bryant wants to end Mississippi's statewide system of seniority-based teacher raises.
'Quagmire' of Voter ID
After Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's scathing retort yesterday to "The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification," the Brennan Center for Justice is standing by its conclusions.

Forum Puts Kelly on Hot Seat
Many west Jackson citizens and community leaders let Chartre Consulting know this morning that they are not happy with the developer's plan for a mixed-income development near Jackson State University.

Bianca Knight
U.S. Olympic Team member Bianca Knight was born in Ridgeland in 1989, and currently lives in Austin, Texas.
Obama to Give Israel $70M in Military Funding
President Barack Obama said Friday he is releasing an additional $70 million in military aid for Israel, a previously announced move that appeared timed to upstage Republican rival Mitt Romney's trip to Israel this weekend.
10 Things to Know for Friday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories people will talk about today; all times are central time zone.
5 Things to Watch at the Olympics on Friday
Here's what to watch for at the London Olympics on Friday.
Romney Slights Rally Brits
From Prime Minister David Cameron to ordinary Londoners rushing to work, Britons recoiled at the visiting American's suggestion that the logistical problems encountered so far were "disconcerting." Many who have themselves been slamming organizers as incompetent, and the massive competition as an expensive fiasco, are suddenly rallying around the flag.
Teens: How to Break Up Safely
Leaving a violent abuser can be the dangerous time for a victim; teens, too, get hurt when they try to break up.
Thursday, July 26
Former USM Hoops Player Neil Reed Dies
Neil Reed, the former Indiana basketball player who coach Bob Knight was caught on tape choking in 1997, has died after collapsing in his Central California home. He was 36.
UPDATED: Hosemann: Brennan Center 'Deceptive'
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann barely stopped short of calling the Brennan Center for Justice a pack of liars.
EYES ON LONDON: A Mayor's Rejoinder to Romney
The London mayor talks back to Mitt Romney and so much more from around Olympic Village.
Facebook's Stock Tumbles After First Quarterly Earnings Statement
Facebook's first earnings report as a public company had solid numbers, but in the end it landed with a thud — much like its rocky initial public offering two months ago.
Walker's, Jeff Good, First Lady Among 'Best of the Best'
The Mississippi Children's Museum is 2012 Attraction of Year; Walker's Drive-In is Restaurant of the Year. Here's a list of the other awards.
Port of Gulfport Doing Enough With Federal Dollars?
Mississippi leaders are questioning whether the Port of Gulfport is doing enough to capitalize on the $570 million in federal money being spent there in the aftermath of 2005's Hurricane Katrina.
WGBH Boston Buys Public Radio International
Boston public media station WGBH, the producer of such marquee PBS shows as "Nova" and "Frontline," has acquired Minneapolis-based Public Radio International, the companies said Thursday.
Romney Insults English on Olympics
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney caused a stir in Britain on Thursday by questioning whether the country is prepared to host the Olympic Games without a hitch and scheduling a fundraiser with the former head of a troubled bank.
White House: Obama Not Seeking New Gun Laws
Even as the issue of guns shifts to the forefront of the presidential campaign, the White House and the Senate's top Democrat made it clear Thursday that new gun legislation will not be on the political agenda this year.

Ward 3 Voter Rolls, Votes Don’t Match Up
JFP Jacob Fuller has discovered discrepancies in Ward 3 vote counts, leaving election officials pointing at each other.
Ramps Moving to Farish Street
JRA approved a plan to remove the ramps to its parking garage on Capitol Street and build new, similar ramps on Farish Street.

Jackson to D.C. Flight Here to Stay
Mississippians who need to fly from the state capital to the nation's capital can breathe a sigh of relief.

Ole Miss' Brittney Reese Wins Gold Medal
UPDATE Aug 8, 2012: Brittney Reese won a gold medal in the Women's Long Jump.
Today In Mississippi: A News Digest
A round-up of Mississippi news by the Associated Press.
Money Helps Miss. Colleges Cut Energy Usage
Three Mississippi universities will share in a $725,000 Department of Energy grant to develop programs to reduce energy consumption 20 percent by 2020.
Senate Passes Cuts for All But Richest Americans
The Senate has debated, sniped and voted on the politically fraught issue of tax cuts, and next week it'll be the House's turn.
EYES ON LONDON: Music time, damaged Ukraine pride
Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you.
Chinese Politician Bo's Wife Charged with Murder
The wife of ousted Chinese politician Bo Xilai and a family aide have been charged with the murder of a British businessman, the government said Thursday.
10 Things to Know for Thursday
Gun politics, Romney abroad, fighting AIDS, the cheating Twilight chick and the lingering effects of the dang Taliban. Oh, and the Olympics are here.
Wednesday, July 25

All Dressed Up—With a Plan
Have you ever found yourself all dressed up with no place to go? Well, that is not the case for you this weekend.

A Satisfying Finale
"The Dark Knight Rises," the final installment in Christopher Nolan's Gotham trilogy, should have been the cherry on top of a summer sundae of blockbusters.
Rusty and Soothing
One might not expect to see paintings of rusty cars on the walls of a modern women's fitness facility.
Come Out Against Violence
This Saturday, the Jackson Free Press will sponsor the 8th annual Chick Ball in its ongoing effort to stop domestic violence and sexual abuse.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Football is coming and it is coming fast. But first: the Olympics.

Isbister Irby's Influential Shows
Some of Laurel Isbister Irby's most influential moments occurred during live concerts. Isbister Irby, who is performing at the JFP Chick Ball along with Wes Hughes and Loye Ashton as Lazy Jane, shared her favorite shows.

Soulful Jazz
Pam Confer considers her style "a little jazz dipped in soul." Here are some songs that she often performs.

Is Today Opposite Day?
The members of Opposite Day will be the youngest people at this year's JFP Chick Ball.
A Band that Moves
Eight years after its conception, Time to Move Band is still making people in Jackson move, dance and sing along to its high-energy sets and soulful arrangements.

Wynter Blues
Mary Anne Henry, known on stage as Emma Wynters, has good music pulsing through her veins. Born and raised in Greenville, Wynters is steeped in southern tradition.

Calling All Hopheads
Abita Andygator. Tallgrass Velvet Rooster. Spaten Optimator. Westmalle Tripel. Until July 1 of this year, these beers and many other high-gravity varieties were illegal to sell in the state. Mississippi was the only state in the country that limited alcohol by weight (ABW) for beer to5 percent—a limit that excluded approximately one-third of the world's beer styles.

A Southern Walima
As I entered the basement of the mosque, the other guests, obviously primed for the appearance of a Christian, closed in and welcomed me like I was some sort of superstar.
Thelma Glass, Ala. Bus Boycott Organizer, Dies at 96
Thelma McWilliams Glass, a longtime professor and civil rights pioneer who helped organize the Montgomery bus boycott, died on Wednesday. She was 96.
Senate OKs Dem Tax-Cut Bill in Showdown with GOP
Democrats pushed a yearlong extension of tax cuts for all but the highest-earning Americans through the Senate on Wednesday, giving President Barack Obama and his party a significant political victory.

Chicks: Make Music!
As I did the music listings this week and worked on this article, I thought about our upcoming annual JFP Chick Ball and how much it means to me.

JFP Chick Ball Auction Guide
Where can buy cool art, jewelry and furniture and help keep women and children safe all at the same time? The 8th Annual JFP Chick Ball, of course.
Of Skates and Smiles
Shanetha Lewis is all smiles at the front door of her soon-to-be-opened roller rink, Skate and Shake, in the Jackson Square at 2416 Terry Road.
College Promises: Too Good To Be True
Shirley Washington and Tiffeny Anderson had been kicking around the idea of going back to school when they came across advertisements for Virginia College. Actually, Washington stresses, the college ran "constant ads" on daytime television.

10 Things About Valley and Melody
Here are a few interesting things about JFP Chick Ball performers Valley Gordon and Melody Moody.

Spotify: Disrupting the Disruptions
It's amazing how quickly the technology "disruptions" come these days.

Guns Kill Families
It may be an inconvenient truth in a state where so many people value their rights to own a firearm, but easy access to guns make women and children much less safer—in their own homes.

Scars Run Deep
Most people hear about victims of domestic violence. It's always a friend or a relative of a co-worker or that woman you passed in a crowded bar whose name is bandied about in hushed tones.

Putting Down the Baggage
It would be awesome if we got the chance to wipe away every bad relationship before starting a new one. My life, though, tells a different story. The person I have become after being abused has directed every relationship I've encountered since that horrible time in my life.
Chicks We Love
Every year just in time for the JFP Chick Ball, we name our roster of "Chicks We Love." Yes, we know they are powerful women; that's why we pick them.
Hero of the Year: Shalotta Sharp
Shalotta Sharp brings 16 years of experience as a nurse and a passion for helping and healing to every aspect of her job with the Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

The Real Roots of Evil
"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak." —Audre Lorde

Sally Ride Sparks Posthumous Debate on Coming Out
At the end of an obituary that Sally Ride co-wrote with her partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy, they disclosed to the world their relationship of 27 years.

Sexual Assault on Campus
Toward the end of her freshman year at the University of Wisconsin in 2004, Laura Dunn attended a frat party where she drank way too many raspberry vodkas. Two guys she previously knew and trusted took her to another house. They were just making a stop before going to another party, Dunn thought.

Romney Camp: 'Anglo-Saxon' Quote Untrue
Romney spokesman Ryan Williams said Wednesday that an adviser did not make a controversial "Anglo-Saxon" quote yesterday. And if an adviser said it, the aide wasn't reflecting Romney's views.
UPDATE: Senate OKs Dems' Version of Tax Cut Extension
Democrats pushed a yearlong extension of tax cuts for all but the highest-earning Americans through the Senate on Wednesday, giving Democrats a significant political victory on a measure that is fated to go no further in Congress.

Chick Ball to Fund Rape Ctr.
This year's Chick Ball features girl bands, tango, art, magic, men of character, more! And we're still taking donations.
Rebranding Jackson
The city is working with Fahrenheit Creative Group to create a new marketing plan to highlight Jackson's positive aspects.

Campaigns, Panhandlers and Buses
Ward 4 Councilman Frank Bluntson, a candidate in next year's mayoral race, has taken every chance he can to oppose Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. at City Council meetings.

Mollie Wyatt
Helping abusers and victims of domestic violence get to the root of their problems is "a passion in my heart sent from God," Mollie Wyatt says.

Yes, It Was That Bad
"I've alluded to it here and there, but it wasn't until this year, when we decided to focus the Chick Ball on sexual assault, that I knew it was my turn to come out, so to speak."

Religion Meets Raucous
Joanne Robinson Chris Roebuck are in "Buck Nekkid for Jesus" at Duling Hall this weekend.
5 Olympic Things to Know for Wednesday
Here's what to watch for at the London Olympics on Wednesday.
10 Things to Know for Wednesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today:
Factcheck: Did Romney 'Control' Bain After 1999 Exit?
According to Bain associates and others familiar with Romney's actions at the time, he stayed in regular contact with his partners over the following months, tending to his partnership interests and negotiating his separation from the company.
Mississippi Kids Still 50th
Mississippi is breaking even when it comes to how child children are faring. In the Annie E. Casey Foundation's annual Kids Count survey, Mississippi remained the worst state in the nation for child well-being (the state also finished 50th in 2011).
It Happened Yesterday: A World News Ticker
Be in the know with this hodgepodge of world and national news from London to Aurora, Beirut to Washington.
Tuesday, July 24
MSU Basketball's Davis Tears ACL, Likely Out for Season
Incoming Mississippi State freshman Jacoby Davis has torn the ACL in his left knee and will likely miss the upcoming basketball season.
NAACP Develops HIV Manual for Black Churches
The NAACP is trying to help church leaders know how to talk to their congregations about a disease that has a disproportionate effect on the black community.

Obituary: Sherman Hemsley Dead at 74
Sherman Hemsley, the actor who made the irascible, bigoted George Jefferson of "The Jeffersons" one of television's most memorable characters and a symbol for urban upward mobility, has died. He was 74.

Cooper-Stokes Still the Ward 3 Rep
LaRita Cooper-Stokes has kept her Ward 3 city council seat after a third election and a trial
U.S. Religious Right Presses Anti-Gay Laws in Africa
Conservative U.S. Christian groups are setting up fronts in Africa to fight for anti-gay and anti-abortion legislation to promote their convictions, a report by a Boston-based think tank said Tuesday.
Trustmark Profits Dip as Costs Rise
Trustmark Corp. says profit in 2012's second quarter fell 2.7 percent from the same three months of 2011, as expenses rose and noninterest income fell at the regional bank.
Apple Earnings Miss Expectations in 3Q as iPhone Gets Cheaper
Apple products have been getting cheaper. That's good news for consumers but not for investors, who thought the company would keep boosting profits and revenues at its previous breakneck pace.
Netflix 2Q Earnings Fall 91 Percent as Growth Slows
The financial deterioration reported Tuesday follows a rare loss for the video subscription service during the opening three months of the year.
More Teens Using Condoms Over Past Two Decades: AIDS Conference
Nearly half of high school students say they've had sex, yet progress has stalled in getting them to use condoms to protect against the AIDS virus, government researchers reported Tuesday.
System For Stopping an Oil Spill is Tested in Gulf
The first deep-sea test of a state-of-the-art containment system for stopping an oil spill akin to BP's catastrophic 2010 spill began on Tuesday, regulators said.

Lanier's Misunderstanding?
On Saturday, July 20, fans and players in the annual fundraiser scrimmage between current Bulldogs and Lanier alums arrived at the building on 833 Maple St. to find the doors locked.
Budget Office: 'Obamacare' Reduces the Deficit
President Barack Obama's health care overhaul will shrink rather than increase the nation's huge federal deficits over the next decade, Congress' nonpartisan budget scorekeepers said Tuesday, supporting Obama's contention in a major election-year dispute with Republicans.

State Holds Tax Holiday
If you're planning to buy clothes or shoes, you can save a few dollars this weekend.

Sally Ride
California native Sally Ride's journey began in 1978, when NASA chose her and six other women for astronaut training, a male-dominated field.
USM Research Seeks To Mimic Mars Conditions
A University of Southern Mississippi assistant professor is embarking on a yearlong project to grow a form of blue-green algae in incubation chambers at the Stennis Space Center in Hancock County.
Rebels' Mosley Suspended Indefinitely After Arrest
University of Mississippi tight end Jamal Mosley has been suspended indefinitely after he was arrested on Saturday.
Number of Smoke-Free Cities in Miss. Rise
The Mississippi State Department of Health says the number of smoke-free cities in the state has risen to 61.
Gov. Bryant Holds Blood Drive at Capitol Today
Gov. Bryant and Miss. Blood Services team up for a blood drive at State Capitol today
Gov. Bryant and Miss. Blood Services team up for a blood drive at State Capitol today.
Gov. Bryant: 'I Will Resist Medicaid Expansion'
After weeks of dancing around the issue, Gov. Phil Bryant announced his intention to resist expanding the state's Medicaid program under the federal Affordable Care Act.
Monday, July 23

Ward 3: Vote Joyce Jackson
The JFP urges Ward 3 residents to go to the polls Tuesday and elect Joyce Jackson.
GOP May Sue Over Hinds Maps
Phil Fisher, Hinds County District 4 supervisor, is thinking about suing over new county redistricting maps.

Voter ID Affects Minorities
Hours for voter identification offices could affect rural African American voters.
David Kelly
David Kelly is asking west Jackson residents to be open minded about a proposed development he and Chartre Consulting want to build near Jackson State University.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The eighth Annual JFP Chick Ball is July 28, 6 p.m., at Hal & Mal's.
Duvall Decker Brings Home Awards
Duvall Decker Architects takes home three of six AIA MS awards at annual convention.
Sunday, July 22

12 Local Stories of the Week
There are no slow news weeks in Jackson, especially at the Jackson Free Press. Here are 12 vital stories from the last week.
Friday, July 20
JPD: Arrest in Death of Robert McCoy
JFP has arrested a teen for the murder of Robert Earl McCoy, but is not yet disclosing the motive.
Grads Sue Virginia College
A group of women are not happy with the education they received at Virginia College in Jackson.

Helping Young Explorers
United Way received a grant from IBM, a multinational technology corporation, for three Young Explorer learning centers last week.

Jonathan Randolph
Brandon golfer Jonathan Randolph is playing at the True South Classic, Mississippi's only PGA tournament.

It's the Weekend!
This Saturday, the NPC Mississippi Bodybuilding and Figure Championships at Thalia Mara Hall includes a 9:30 a.m. pre-judging and a 7 p.m. show.

12 Dead in Colo. Shooting
James Holmes, 24, opened fire in an Aurora, Colo. movie theatre overnight, killing 12 people and injuring 39 others.
Miss. Gets No Child Left Behind Waiver
Mississippi is the latest state to receive a waiver from portions of the federal No Child Child Left Behind Act.
Thursday, July 19

JPS Talks New School
Citizens and city leaders packed the JPS meeting room Wednesday for new Superintendent Cedrick Gray and Ward 3 board representative Beneta Burt's first JPS board meeting.

Study: Voter ID a Barrier
Barriers resulting from the new voter ID laws may well prevent numerous potential voters from showing up at the polls.

William Raspberry
William Raspberry, a Mississippi native who spent five decades as a reporter and then a Washington Post columnist, died July 17.
JPD Weekly Crime Report
Homicides in the city of Jackson are up 84 percent over last year. Through the week ending July 12, there were 35 homicides in Jackson compared to 19 last year.
Wednesday, July 18

Power of the Draw
In Mississippi, we have no shortage of blues music, but finding good blues music isn't always simple. The test of a good blues band versus an average blues band is the "power of the draw."

Music Lasts Forever
It all started with a blues band, an 11-year-old and a drum set. McComb native Jesse Thompson began playing drums in a blues band before he was even a teenager. Music stuck with him and, despite attending Jackson State University as an environmental science major, Thompson went on to found the Jackson Music Awards 38 years ago.

Scoundrel's Strong Debut
A while back, I made reference to an "up and coming" Jackson band called That Scoundrel. Even though the band has only been together since November of last year, it built a quick buzz and signed on with Cody Cox's Jackson label Elegant Trainwreck by April this year. That is light speed in band years.

Still Going Strong
Every year in Vicksburg, a new crop of actors don the same costumes, put up the same sets and perform the same lines that they have been proclaimed from the stage for three-fourths of a century.

Showcasing J. Lee
No subject matter is off limits. Karma, interracial relationships, alcoholism and homosexuality are just a few of the controversial topics addressed in Jimmie Lee's, aka J. Lee, stage productions.
Positive Parenting Through Divorce
Just about every other marriage these days ends in divorce. No matter the cause, it can be breathtakingly painful. And when kids are involved, it can be difficult to put aside the grown-up problems in order to work together to put the kids first.
[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Before the games begin, check out ESPN.com revealing dirty secrets in Olympic Village. Read what athletes do off the field.

The Way to Fight Crime: Get Involved
In 2010, a thief confronted Pam Greer at gunpoint in Jackson. It was then that Greer, a native of McComb, decided to do her part to help fight local crime, and she began the Stop the Violence campaign.

'Tis the Season
One of the joys of summertime for foodies is the abundance of fresh tomatoes. Whether you grow your own, have a generous friend who shares their bounty, or frequent our local farmers markets, now is the time to really enjoy this delicious and healthy fruit.

Fit for a King
Nothing can beat the taste of a large plate of fried green tomatoes. I mean, this is truly a southern dish. Take a large glass of lime Kool-Aid, some pulled barbecue pork, smothered cabbage and a slice of cornbread, and you have a meal fit for a southern king. Just don't forget the plate of fried green tomatoes.

Training at Your Door
Clad in pink and black athletic attire, water bottle in hand, Ebony Cooper exudes "workout." As the owner of Body by Ebony, a mobile personal training company, Cooper dedicates her time to helping others achieve their fitness, weight loss and nutritional goals. Besides her toned arms and legs, she possesses a great smile and lots of vitality.
Gatsby Endeavors
I've alluded before in this column to my general lack of athleticism. I like working out, but when it comes to team sports, I'm much better at being a cheerleader than a participant. Joining my team for Wednesday trivia night at Fatsumo Sushi (3100 N. State St., 769-216-3574) is about as competitive as I get on a regular basis.
Chartre, JSU Planning Development
An area of green grass and trees off Dr. Robert Smith Parkway, near Jackson State University, may soon become a mixed-income housing development.
Be Transparent, Mitt (and Haley)
Amid all the clamor recently over Gov. Mitt Romney's financials—shell companies in Bermuda, Swiss bank accounts, apparent control of Bain Capital well after he says he left the company—one critic's voice rang a little hollow.

'The Livin' Ain't Easy
Miss Doodle Mae: "At Jojo's Discount Dollar Store, we have done our best to stay cool, calm and collected in the heat of this summer. Brother Hustle (part-time sales associate and Juicy Juice on Ice vendor) came through in the clutch by providing complimentary ice-cold, lemon-lime flavored drinks for our thirsty customers.
New Generation Jim Crow
"What's Going On" is a meaningful song by the great Marvin Gaye, as is "Ball of Confusion" with another message from the Temptations.

Tupelo's 'Dirty Little Secret'
Since my "coming out" 20 years ago, my understanding of who and what I am has evolved—not unlike our president. I wrestled mightily with what I was taught as a youngster in my small Baptist church in the Mississippi Delta. I readily admit it's a source of aggravation for me.

Battle to Unionize Nissan
CANTON – Michael Carter hardly evokes the Hollywood image of a podium-pounding, fire-breathing labor agitator.
Danny Glover Stands with Workers
CANTON - Actor Danny Glover told a half-dozen Nissan workers at the United Auto Workers office here last Friday that he had a special, personal reason for meeting with them and encouraging them in their push for a union election.

Is Nissan Worth It for Taxpayers?
Before Nissan's Canton production plant opened in 2003, then-Gov. Ronnie Musgrove hosted Carlos Ghosn, the Japanese carmaker's chief executive officer at the governor's mansion in Jackson.

What is Life Post-LCD
Oxford is one of a small selection of venues that will show the LCD Soundsystem documentary "Shut Up and Play the Hits."

Cooper-Stokes v. Jackson IV
LaRita Cooper-Stokes and Joyce Jackson will square off July 24 for the Ward 3 City Council seat again.
Miss. Power's Addiction
Opponents of Mississippi Power's 582-megawatt generating station in Kemper County question if the company's financial setbacks have resulted in a work slowdown at the plant, under construction since 2010.

Biz Federation Needs Context
It seems like the releases from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (nfib.com) are coming fast and furious these days.

Rising Star Sarah Jarosz
Despite her age, Sarah Jarosz is a force to be reckoned with in contemporary bluegrass.

New Abortion Law: Medically Justified?
Is it medically necessary for doctors to have hospital admitting privileges? The question lies at the heart of the ongoing fight for Mississippi's last abortion clinic.
Tuesday, July 17
Romney: GOP Not 'Rich' Party
In Jackson Monday, Mitt Romney said the GOP isn't the party of the rich—and used the wait staff to make a point to the audience.

Foreclosure Victims Get Aid
Thousands of Mississippians who got swept up in the foreclosure crisis by losing their homes or falling far behind on mortgage payments might get some help under a new state program.

Battleground to Business
Some Jackson-area families will get help this year with the financial burden of school supplies that inevitably rolls around every August.

Mayor Chuck Jordan
Mayor Chuck Jordan is about to declare Greenville, Miss., the Hot Tamale Capital of the World.

Old Capitol Green: Hinds Out
After a top county economic development official recommended backing away from the Old Capitol Green project for downtown Jackson, supervisors made it official: the county will provide no financial support to the endeavor.
Monday, July 16

Chick Ball Donations Piling In; Here's A List
You can still donate to the JFP Chick Ball. The sooner you get it to us, the more likely it'll make the big auction guide. Hurry!

No Contract for Ward 3 Re-do
Jackson's Ward 3 special election is eight days away and the city still doesn't have a contract with Hinds County to run the election.

Mike Chaney
The Affordable Care Act has affected few in Mississippi more than State Commissioner of Insurance Mike Chaney.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The Eighth Annual JFP Chick Ball is July 28, 6 p.m., at Hal & Mal's.

Youth Group to Protest at Romney Fundraiser
Mitt Romney may get a red-carpet reception from supporters this evening, but at least one group plans to show him that not everyone in Mississippi backs his proposed policies.
Sunday, July 15

12 Local Stories of the Week
Last week, the abortion clinic in Jackson continued to make national news, but that wasn't the only story in town. Here's a round-up of the hottest.
Saturday, July 14

Agenda for July 16, 2012, Hinds Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Hinds County Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. Monday, July 16, in the Chancery Court building downtown.
Friday, July 13
Center for Reproductive Rights Responds to Clinic Ruling
Center for Reproductive Rights President Nancy Northrup: “Every woman in the United States must be guaranteed the same rights and protections under the laws of the land, no matter where she happens to live."
'Crucial' Win for Clinic
Federal Judge Dan Jordan handed down a ruling moments delivering "crucial temporary protection" to the Jackson Women's Health Organization, the state's only abortion clinic

Stokes: City Needs Jail
LaRita Cooper-Stokes is less than two weeks away from her third election for Ward 3 councilwoman in less than six months.

MMA Gets Innovation Grant
The Mississippi Museum of Art is about to restructure its model for member participation.
JPD: Trustmark on Hwy. 18 Not Robbed
The Jackson Police Department just announced that a local bank was not robbed yesterday. Whew.

Ward 1 Community Meeting Tuesday
Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. is holding a Ward 1 meeting at Beth Israel Tuesday, July 17, at 6 p.m.
Thursday, July 12

Sturgis Challenges Ag Museum
Ceara Sturgis says she is "excited" to see whether the Ag Museum will let her and her partner have their commitment ceremony there.

New Abortion Regs Issued
On the same day that a federal judge heard arguments in the ongoing controversy over a new law aimed at abortion doctors, the Mississippi State Department of Health quietly rolled out new regulations, including those governing abortion clinics.

Chartre, JSU Working on Deal
A proposed mixed-income development near Jackson State University is receiving mixed reviews from area citizens.

Louis Freeh
Former FBI director Louis Freeh released the much-awaited Freeh Report today after an eight-month investigation into the Jerry Sandusky child-abuse scandal.

Civil Rights Museum Underway
Downtown Jackson will gets its civil-rights museum by 2017. Meantime, it needs your artifacts.
Another Credit Downgrade for Miss. Power?
Mississippi Power Co. may see its credit rating reduced for the second time in a matter of weeks.

What's the Deal with Google+?
For Google+, the question on many people's minds—if they think of Google+ at all—is "Why should I spend time on Google+?" And for many people, they haven't gotten a good enough answer.

Medicaid Expansion Pays
There has been a lot of loose talk about the cost of Medicaid expansion, generally in an attempt to scare people. We need to look at it more realistically.
Lies, Damn Lies and Elections
We can always tell when election season has slunk into Jackson here at the JFP. For one thing, lots of folks using fake names start to complain about us because we don't love their candidates or hate their opponents enough.

Rubio and Ryan Leading GOP VP Picks
In 2008, the Mississippi ballot offered seven presidential candidates and their running mates. Along with the Republican and Democratic nominees, we had third-party candidates ranging from the Green Party to Reform Party, independents and Libertarian candidates.

Our Creative Signatures
Finding your inspiration in any particular task is the key to a successful outcome.

Writers' Showcase
The Black Rose Theater is tucked away on the narrow Black Street in Brandon. You might not even notice it if you're just driving through, but when you get close, the bright pink walls really draw attention.

Screaming For Ice Cream
Summer can be a brutal time of year for Mississippians, leaving many looking for ways to cool off. Sometimes, the sweetest relief is ice cream.

A More Amazing 'Spider-Man'
This summer, legendary web-slinger Spider-Man is hitting movie theaters in a star-studded blockbuster. Sound familiar?

Hot as Cayenne
Storage 24 has won JFP's Best of Jackson's Best Rock twice and Best Original Band twice already, but such labels do the band's unique and distinctive sound little justice.
The Power of Mix Tapes
Ah, mix tapes. I know it's illegal now, but back in my day, you brought your pack of Memorex tapes to all the carport dances or slumber parties we had in Bogue Chitto, and you would sit there for hours making copies of your favorite songs.

'Junkyard' Songstress
When India Ramey stopped practicing law in 2009, she decided to start a music career. "Singing is the way I want to spend the rest of my life," she says.
Water, Water Everywhere
People who jump into organic gardening without any preparation often start off on the wrong foot by overwatering or not watering properly.
Urban Homesteading: Grow Your Own Sandwich
You don't have to have a large garden spread to grow your own organic food. In fact, you can grow plenty of food to supplement your diet in a small space.

Bread from Your Garden?
If you're interested in growing grain in your garden, a good book on the subject is "Homegrown Whole Grains" by Sara Pitzer (Storey Publishing, 2009, $14.95).
[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
We're days away from the start of football. The NFL Hall of Fame game is Aug. 5. I can already smell in the air that football is coming.

National Rainier Cherry Day
National Rainier Cherry Day on July 11 is the perfect opportunity to get your summer fruit fix.
Slamming It Home
Serena Williams won the Wimbledon Ladies Singles final on Saturday, July 7.

Love, and Picnics
It was one of those #$&@ days at work—we've all been there. I was so upset, I could hardly breathe or imagine how I could possibly show up at work the next day.
Float On
At the crazy popular inaugural PM Burger, one beverage nearly eclipsed the meat, as surprising as it sounds. The Irish Car Bomb Float isn't on the regular Parlor Market menu, but might pop up again at future PM Burger events.
Wednesday, July 11

Fresh-Squeezed Style
Keeping with the theme of the GOOD issue, I thought to go on the hunt for goods and pieces made by local artists and designers. Turns out, I didn't have to search very hard.

$500K, and Classic Might Stay in Jackson
Ask Alcorn State President Christopher Brown why the Alcorn State University Braves will play arch-rival Jackson State University in Lorman this year for the first time since 1992, and he'll tell you: profit. He's not just talking about cash, though.

You, the Masterpiece
Once they reach adulthood, people tend to think that they are either creative or not, left-brain or right-brain, and never shall the twain meet.

Brain Games: Elbie or Arbie?
Often, people either think they're creative or they're not. And it is true that people tend to be more "left-brain" or "right-brain."

Learn to Be Inspired
We live in a world where kids who can't sit still in class are labeled troublemakers or low-performers or even ADD. But maybe they're just kinesthetic learners: that is, they need to move around in order to soak up the information.

A World-Class City If ...
Creative Class" maven Richard Florida has ranked Jackson 75th on the creative-class scale (higher than Memphis and New Orleans!)
Creativity: A Secret to Getting Ahead
Inventive thinking is prized now more than almost any other time in history. The creative class is on the rise and is an important emerging driver in the economy.

Channeling Your Creativity
I can't say exactly when I stopped painting, drawing and attempting to write poetry. Somewhere between elementary school and college, life happened, and landing a job that paid the bills quietly snuck in and became priority over any and all creative endeavors.

Map It Out
As a creative person, I know what it's like to thrive on flying by the seat of my pants and completing tasks without a structured plan to carry it out.

Time to Create
So how to convince your right-brain, distinguished self to plan and get organized? You need to learn basic principles and then practice until it becomes second nature.

Art All Around
If the red light on the corner of Pascagoula and State streets catches you while you're driving northbound on State Street, look to your left.

Outside the Political Box
The "cultural creatives" movement is one attempt to reject the binary division in favor of a new, more enlightened political climate.
Clinic Remains Open
State attorneys for the abortion-clinic law say the governor and lieutenant governor's statements about its intent shouldn't matter because they did not author the controversial bill. The judge may not agree.

Epic Change
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."—Albert Einstein

Between Two Tonys
We sat down with local artists Tony Davenport and Anthony DiFatta, who promptly made our heads spin as they discussed their perspectives on creativity, chaos and life.
Mayor's State of the City: 'Stay on Track'
Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. focused today on his handling of the city's budget in addition to other signs of progress.
Johnson: 'Jackson is Good'
Mayor Harvey Johnson gave his State of the City Address today. The message: "Jackson is good."

Target: Paraphernalia
The City Council will soon vote on an ordinance to impose state paraphernalia penalties on store owners who sell glass pipes.

Medicaid: A Job Creator?
Mississippi hospitals worry about the rising cost of uncompensated care if the state declines to expand Medicaid to individuals who currently lack insurance.

Jalen Gilbert
This April, a self-assured Jalen Gilbert left New York City as one of 10 finalists at the 29th annual English-Speaking Union National Shakespeare Competition out of 60 competitors from across the country.

Signs of Creative Life
Recently, Todd and I happened to be driving throughout downtown Jackson on a Saturday afternoon. Suddenly, we drove by one of the new art boxes.

Choctaw Pageantry and Culture
The 63rd Mississippi Choctaw Fair, held this year from July 11-14 in Choctaw, mixes music, sport and more.
New Program a 'Passport' to Jackson
Jacksonians and visitors have a new way to purchase tickets to attractions around town. The Attractions Passport Program will allow anyone to purchase tickets on-line using a PayPal account to upcoming general or special attractions at participating locations.
State Sued for JPS' Special Ed Programs
Even though the Mississippi Department of Education threatened to yank Jackson Public Schools' accreditation in a public lambasting over the district's ongoing problems in serving special-education students, MDE is now the one under fire.
Tuesday, July 10

Miss. Power Files Suit
Mississippi Power Co. is taking its battle to raise customers' electric bills to the Mississippi State Supreme Court.

Biz Roundup: July 10, 2012
Jackson fliers will be able to travel non-stop to Chicago on United Airlines come November.

Council Elects Yarber President
City Council elects Tony Yarber, Ward 6, new president; Charles Tillman, Ward 5, new vice president.

Arthropod of the Day
Beetles are invading Mississippi. No, not the mop-topped British pop band, but the southern pine beetle.

JPD Releases Results of 'Operation Firecracker' (PDF)
The Jackson Police Department arrested 234 during its "Operation Firecracker" special operation last week, including 25 for prostitution.
State Sued for Not Helping Jackson Special-Ed Kids
The Mississippi Department of Education is facing a class-action suit on behalf of Jackson children with disabilities.

DOH Reports 2 West Nile Cases
The state Department of Health reported the first two cases of West Nile virus in Mississippi in 2012 last week.
Monday, July 9

Voter Fraud Problem?
Backers of voter identification in Mississippi and other states say the laws will eliminate voter fraud--but it may be a solution looking for a problem.

David Coates
Most who knew David Coates knew him as a offensive-minded football coach, loving father, dedicated athletic director and a man who never enjoyed the spotlight.
Parents Charged with Capital Murder of Baby
The parents of a deceased baby are both now charged with capital murder.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The Eighth Annual JFP Chick Ball is July 28, 6 p.m., at Hal & Mal's.

Our Itty-Bitty 'Green' Car
Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and former President Bill Clinton helped roll out an energy-efficient vehicle in Horn Lake on July 6.
City Council Agenda 7/10/12
City Council sets agenda for Tuesday, July 10.
Sunday, July 8

10 Local Stories of the Week
The first week of July was a busy news week in the Jackson area. Here's the recap and a whole bunch of PDFs to read.
Friday, July 6

Sisters from Another Mister
Friendships, new and old, take commitment and self-sacrifice; but the rewards are plentiful.

Proposal 'Mean Spirited'?
Ward 1 Councilman Quentin Whitwell wants to lock people up for panhandling.

Katrina Byrd
Jackson native Katrina Byrd is a teaching artist, a storyteller and a past contributor to the Jackson Free Press.

It's the Weekend!
Today through Jan. 6, see the exhibit "Dinosaurs: Big, Bad, Bold and Back" at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science.
Bryant Signs New 'Olivia Y' Agreement
This morning, Gov. Phil Bryant signed a modified settlement agreement recommitting to the state's previous commitment to protect Mississippi's foster children.
NAACP Launches Massive Voter Drive
The Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP is kicking off a voter-registration campaign designed to register and turn out more than 25,000 black voters to the polls this November

Bryant Chooses Oil Spill Recovery Panel
On July 4, Gov. Phil Bryant named four of his agency directors to a task force on state recovery projects related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Thursday, July 5
JPS to Adopt Abstinence Plus
Jackson Public Schools will adopt an abstinence-plus sex-education program for the 2012-2013 school year, JPS Superintendent Cedric Gray and board President Monica Gilmore-Love confirmed today.

State Facing Voter ID Hurdles
State officials are running into problems with the new voter-identification law even before the federal government has approved or rejected it.
Miss. Power's Credit Sinks
The financial woes continue for Mississippi Power Co. and its planned coal-fired power plant in Kemper County.
Wednesday, July 4

Luis Caballero
Luis Caballero was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Miami, Fla., where he found it hard to stay out of trouble. "The streets of Miami were not nice," he says. Cabellero says that the streets offer many dangerous distractions such as crime and drugs, but says dancing has always been an outlet for him.

July 4 Events Around Jackson
Events and happening on July 4, 2012, to celebrate America's independence!

Voyage to Natchez
For your summer road trip, why not take one of the most scenic routes the area has to offer?

ACA: 'Great But Not Perfect'
If anything, last week's U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal health-care overhaul—the Affordable Care Act—provided one more reason to mobilize for the November presidential election.

Cajun Country
Here's your plan for today: Grab the intriguingly thick paperback book "Louisiana Rambles: Exploring America's Cajun and Creole Heartland" by Ian McNulty.

Stir Up Something Saucy
I recently attended my 40th high-school reunion, and many of us have changed. I could not remember some classmates at first, but looking back at old high school pictures, I slowly began to remember and put faces to names.

Outside the Big Box
"To market, to market." So goes the nursery rhyme of our youth. But as a movement to shop local and support local growers through farmers markets continues to gain momentum and become a part of the community's collective ethos, I've been reminded of what going to market really means.

The Flying Dreams of Randy Everett
Wes Montgomery, John Coltrane and especially power guitarist Jimi Hendrix influence musician and artist Randy Everett.

The Partisan Blindfold
Passing a new tax in this political climate is like jumping into a pit of volcanic lava.
Lose the Health-Care Bickering
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act last Thursday predicated a firestorm of news and opinions.

The Baddest Show on Dirt
Frank "Penny" Edwards saw a black cowboy for the first time when he was in his late 20s. Before then, he didn't know they even existed. Now, decades later, he is the founder and president of the Real Cowboy Association.
[My Turn] Cole a Good Choice
Rickey L. Cole is the new chairman of the Mississippi Democratic Party.

Olympic Bound
Trell Kimmons, the Jackson Free Press' Person of the Day for July 2, is not the only Mississippian heading to London for track and field competitions. Three others with ties to our state will join Kimmons at the 2012 Summer Olympic games in London.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
July is a big month in sports, with the Tour de France, the 2012 London Olympics and golf's British Open all held this month.

Just Put It On Shuffle
A few weeks ago, at the conclusion of the Priced to Move pop-up art gallery at the old federal courthouse, a few of us adjourned to the rooftop of the Fondren Corner building with the remnants of the weekend's PBR keg.

[Don't Miss It!] Star on the Rise
After an ankle injury permanently sidelined basketball player Jarekus Singleton in 2008, he was on crutches for 18 weeks and had to learn to walk all over again.

For Her People
The impact of Margaret Walker Alexander's life works and achievements continues today as a monument to the African American experience of the Great Depression.

'Mike' is Magic and More
"Magic Mike" bares skin and exposes the finer aspects of southern gentility.

Keep the Faith, Baby
"God bless you, listeners! Don't worry about the crap hitting the fan: The Creator has a master plan."

Driving Green
Only one thing is better than driving on a Mississippi road trip, and that is being a passenger on a Mississippi road trip.

Eight Years is Enough
Change is not a word a lot of people are comfortable with, especially in the South. But if you're frustrated with partisan politics, perhaps you should see fit to just send a message to those in power.

Fondren Freedom Fest
Fondren After 5 is going patriotic. On Thursday, July 5, from 5 to 8 p.m. the Fondren Association of Businesses hosts the Fondren Freedom Fest, an Independence Day festival featuring entertainment for children and parents on the great lawn at Duling Green.http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/admin/media/photo/?user_generated__exact=0

On the Road with Josh Hailey
Josh Hailey loves every second of his couch hopping, frequent gas stops and random interviews with Arizona Border Control as he road-trips across America, collecting faces and moments for his "large photographic research project," Photamerica.

Hollywood, Miss.
When most people think of the film industry, Hollywood comes to mind. But California is a bit far for film buffs who want to spend their summer exploring memorable locations from their favorite movies.

Joshua Marks Cooks Up a Storm
With only 19 minutes on the clock, the amateur cooks on "Masterchef" are attempting to turn inexpensive and unconventional ingredients into something gourmet.
Car Tips for Road Trips
Summer is the season for hitting the road. Planes, trains, and especially cars transport people to their vacation destinations.

This Man Wants to Be Mayor
Jackson mayoral candidate Jonathan Lee believes in opportunity: "I think it's fair to point out, too, that I'm not a corporate guy. I run a business on the corner of Valley (Street) and Raymond Road," he says.

Repeal the Rhetoric
The morning that the U.S. Supreme Court did not strike down "Obamacare" as so many believed it would do was yet another of those crazy busy days in the Jackson Free Press offices.

Eight Years in, State Still Neglecting Kids
The foster home was not a haven for the little girl no one cared about. One of the people living in the home was a convicted rapist.
Iron Horse Grill Reborn?
Capital Hotel Associates got good news Wednesday when the Jackson Redevelopment Authority authorized a contribution agreement with the city to help fund the developer's Iron Horse Grill and Mississippi Music Experience Museum project.

Black Lawmakers: Not Expanding Medicaid 'Irresponsible'
Democratic members of the Mississippi Legislature are calling on fellow lawmakers to fully participate in the expansion of the state Medicaid program allowed under the recently upheld federal health-care reform law.
Tuesday, July 3

Mayor Johnson on 'Classic' Move to Lorman
Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. says the city worked hard to keep the Capital City Classic.

New JPS Superintendent on the Job
Jackson Public Schools has a new superintendent who wants to create an inclusive school system.

City Seizing 32 Properties
The city of Jackson plans to use eminent domain to secure 32 pieces of property in north Jackson as part of a project to connect East County Line and West County Line Road.

Bye Sportsman's Lodge, Hello Jackson Square, N.U.T.S.
Several new businesses will open at Jackson's largest outdoor shopping center July 21.

Beneta Burt
As of Monday afternoon, Beneta Burt is the Ward 3 representative and the newest member of the JPS school board.

MAC Doles Out $1.5 Million for the Arts
Artists and programs in 45 counties across the state received $1.5 million in grants from the Mississippi Arts Commission, the agency announced late Monday.
Monday, July 2

Stokes Appealing to Supremes
LaRita Stokes won a Jackson City Council seat, only to have the election overturned. Now, she's appealing.
Rhetoric May Save Clinic
State lawmakers and executives may have bitten themselves in the behind when they opened their mouths to boast about effectively ending abortion in the state with House Bill 1390.
Update: Jail Fixes Cost $1.3 Mil
The Hinds County Detention Center at Raymond is getting a facelift, but it won't necessarily put an end to the security problems that have plagued the facility.

Trell Kimmons
The march to London and 2012 Summer Olympic track and field events began June 24 in Eugene, Ore., at the U.S. Olympic Trial, where the men's 100-meter dash was held.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The Eighth Annual JFP Chick Ball is July 28, 6 p.m., at Hal & Mal's.
Student Loan-Highway Bill Passes Congress
The federal transportation bill is ready for President Barack Obama's signature. The U.S. Senate passed the $120-billion package 74-19 on June 29. The House had previously approved the measure 373-52.
Sunday, July 1

Judge Blocks Clinic Closing
A federal judge has blocked a state law that would force the closing of the state's only abortion clinic.