Sunday, September 30

10 Local Stories This Week
We had another mouth-watering week of local news. Chew on these delicious stories from the week.
U.S. Economy Sending Mixed Signals Ahead of Election
Anyone puzzled by the most recent U.S. economic data has reason for feeling so: The numbers sketch a sometimes contradictory picture of the economy.
Friday, September 28

Building Community: Perception vs. Reality
At age 14, Joshua Dedmond had one thing on his mind: starting Jackson’s next big megachurch.

JRA Finalizes Iron Horse Deal
The Jackson Redevelopment Authority has finalized an agreement to help fund the resurrection of the Iron Horse Grill.

Evers, Winter: Mississippi Moving Forward, But ...
Few eyes were dry when Myrlie Evers-Williams, the widow of Jackson civil-rights hero Medgar Evers, stood in front of 600 people in downtown Jackson Thursday night and declared her love for Mississippi and for her first husband, gunned down nearly 50 years ago.

Dr. Nancy Lottridge Anderson
Dr. Nancy Lottridge Anderson is putting her knowledge of "crazy money" into an app.

It's the Weekend!
On Sunday, the Metro Jackson Heart Walk is at 1 p.m. at the Mississippi State Capitol.

No. 1 Alabama Faces Rebels' No-Huddle Offense
The Crimson Tide (4-0, 1-0 Southeastern Conference) faces Mississippi and Hugh Freeze's uptempo, no-huddle offense Saturday night , at least presenting Alabama's defense with a different- challenge.
Student Exchange Sponsor Hounded by Complaints
An organization suspended from bringing foreign exchange students to the U.S. was hounded in recent years by allegations of mismanagement.
Are Penalties Strong Enough for Assault Crimes?
Authorities say a recent attack in north Mississippi on a woman who was beaten, bound and set on fire has renewed discussions on sentences for assault crimes.
Thursday, September 27
Prof: Context Often Missing in Civil-Rights Teaching
Ole Miss history professor Charles Eagles says the university should reach beyond slogans and teach more about slavery, segregation and other difficult parts of the state's past.
Judge Approves $37.5 Million Toxic FEMA Trailer Settlement
Roughly 55,000 residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas who lived in FEMA trailers will be eligible for shares of the money paid by more than two dozen manufacturers.
DA: Woman Strangled by Sex Offender Living Next Door
A 59-year-old Mississippi woman was strangled in her bedroom by a sex offender who was recently released from prison and living next door to her, authorities said Thursday.
Pastors Protest Hobby Lobby Birth-control Fight
A coalition of liberal Christian groups has come out against Hobby Lobby's lawsuit challenging federal health care guidelines that require companies to provide insurance that covers the morning-after pill.

Regular Refs Back Tonight; Goodell Apologizes to Fans
The NFL's regular officiating crews are back, and Commissioner Roger Goodell has apologized to the fans who fretted about the replacements the last three weeks.

Enviros: Drilling Will Hurt Economy
As conservationists continue to fight the state's plan to open Mississippi waters to natural-gas drilling, one their key sticking points has to do with the economy rather than the environment.

Persons of the Day: Belhaven Football Team
Heading into last Saturday's game, the Belhaven football team didn't have much to cheer for at 0-3.

Learning the Rules
“Yes, Chef! No, Chef! I will have it right away, Chef!” For the past three years, these words have been my main vocabulary in the kitchens at the New England Culinary Institute.
Most Gators in 3 Southern Miss. Counties
The lower three counties of South Mississippi are home to 38 percent of the state's alligators.
Miss. Has Smartphone App for Driving Test
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety has partnered with Mississippi Interactive LLC to offer a driver's practice test application for residents with the proper phones or other hand-held computing devices.
Wednesday, September 26

A Stylish Space
I’m a nerd, so when we moved back to Jackson, our books received the utmost care—they were meticulously packed, sealed and transported.
The Best In Spors In 7 Days
No one in this country has become bigger whipping boys than the NFL replacement officials.

Saints’ Woes
Last season the Saints went 9-0 at the Superdome. This season, they are 0-2 at home after a 27-24 overtime loss to the hapless Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.

Tough Weekend for Miss. Teams
It was a tough weekend overall for Mississippi college football teams.

JFP Top 25: Week 4
Another week of college football and another week of teams losing in the JFP top 25.

Four Season Growing: A Garden Cornucopia
Now that you are either tending or contemplating a fall garden for freshly grown, organic crops, you might consider four-season farming for year-round food.

Re-Energize Your Soil
Now that fall is officially here, a lot of gardeners think their work is done. Well, not quite. That is, not if you expect bountiful harvests next year.

A Couple We Love
If you're looking to have a fun wedding, I suggest having a table of French fries and sweet-potato fries available for snacking during the ceremony.

You like us! You really like us!
We got overwhelming response to our redesign and 10th birthday issue last week.

Wild Nothing, Fully Realized
This summer saw Jack Tatum, the master responsible for the Brooklyn-based Wild Nothing, on tour behind one the biggest names in indie pop, Beach House.
A 'Big Menu' for Blues Fans
Blues in the Delta is still alive, and now it's getting organized. Over the past 10 years, the promotion of blues in the region has grown, including new museums and festivals.

A Mad Insurrection
Fifty years ago this week, James Meredith integrated Ole Miss, causing violent upheaval. Here are three books from men in the thick of the uprising.

Remembering Linda
I met Linda Dendy Watts three years ago at Hal & Mal's when friends gathered there to host a benefit for her.
Question O' The Week: Who is your favorite Jackson chef and why?
This one's dedicated to the food lovers in Jacktown. Tell us which chef is your favorite.

Raising and Spending
The way Republican U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker is raising campaign cash, you would think his opponent was former Vice President Al Gore, not retired preacher Albert N. Gore Jr.

Who Are the 47 Percent?
Last week, a videographer caught Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in an unguarded moment during a political fundraiser.

ADP Tight-Lipped on Office Closing
After promising to employ more than 1,000 workers, Automatic Data Processing announced it will close its office in Clinton in February 2013.

Deacon Mechanics for Defense
Because of negative sentiments and inflammatory statements toward the middle class, poor, elderly, unemployed, etc., the Ghetto Science Team Political Action Committee will apply some of the political organizing methods used during the Civil Rights era.

Stinker Quote Of The Week: "Chickification"
“I think it’s feminism. If it’s tied to the last 50 years—the average size of (a man’s) member is 10 percent smaller than 50 years (ago)—it has to be the feminazis, the chickification and everything else.” –Rush Limbaugh
Scanners More Useless Regulation?
With little notice, the Mississippi Department of Human Services rolled out a program that requires poor parents and guardians to scan an appendage before they can drop off or leave with their little one.

Come Out as an Ally
Human beings, not just LGBT individuals, should never face such unfathomable discrimination.

Coast-to-Coast Collaboration
The culinary field is one of the oldest on earth—after all, since mankind has existed, we have been eating—yet it is still ever-evolving.

Early Influences
Growing up as I did in the culinary wasteland that was Jackson in the mid to late 1970s, I was just plain lucky to have watched with great interest the early old-school cooking shows broadcast on MPB/PBS television.

Rice Country Classic
Alex Eaton of Table 100 (100 Ridge Way, Flowood, 601-420-4202) has spent his whole culinary career in the South.

Sewage Woes Hit Home
The issue on Sheffield Drive is only one of several prominent issues with the city's sewage and wastewater system, and the city has to find room in the budget for all of them.

Finger Scanners Spark Concerns
Parents and child-care providers have concerns about a new state program that requires a finger scan when picking up or dropping off kids at day care.

Walking with Mr. Meredith
F*ck you, n*gger!" It was Oct. 1, 1962, and James Meredith was finally a student at the University of Mississippi.

Accepting the Legacy
On the 50th anniversary of James Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss, Mississippi Public Broadcasting presents "Integrating Ole Miss: James Meredith and Beyond," a film about how the event shaped the future of the university.

Packers Seething as NFL Replacement Refs Take Heat
Overnight, the NFL's replacement referees went from minor nuisance to staggering problem.
10 Things to Know for Today
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today.
AP Interview: Ahmadinejad Pushes New World Order
Ahmadinejad presented an air of boredom when it came to the hot topic on everyone's mind — Iran's nuclear program and the possibility of impending war.
Santorum, DeMint Endorse Akin in Mo. Senate Race
Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin has won two high-profile Republican endorsements a day after guaranteeing his candidacy would continue.
MUW Rape Suspect Caught
Columbus police have arrested a man in the alleged rape of a woman on the Mississippi University for Women campus in August.
Rep. George Flaggs to Retire
State Rep. George Flaggs, a Democrat from Vicksburg who has served in the House since 1988, says he will retire after the 2013 session.
Tuesday, September 25
AG Eric Holder to Speak at Ole Miss Thursday
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will speak about civil rights Thursday at the University of Mississippi.
MDA Rejects Drilling Appeal
The head of the Mississippi Development Authority has rejected an appeal by opponents who sought to block rules for offshore gas and oil exploration and leasing.

Could 'Teaching Tolerance' Fix Prison Pipeline?
The Mississippi Department of Corrections needs about $11.3 million to run some of its youth programs for the next two years.

Funds, Training, Jobs and a Full Figured Chest
Central Mississippi Planning and Development District will soon administer $5 million in technical skills training for the unemployed and underemployed.

LaTanya M. Junior
Award-winning business-development executive and marketing professional LaTanya M. Junior became the new executive director of communications for Jackson State University Monday, Sept. 17.

Replacement Ref Furor Grows After Wild Seattle Win
The furor over the work of replacement officials reached a fevered pitch during Week 3 in the NFL, especially Monday night when Seattle beat Green Bay on a desperation pass that many thought was an interception.

Register to vote by Noon on Oct. 6! Here's How ...
To register to vote in Hinds County, you can pick up a voter-registration application at the Circuit Clerk’s office downstairs at 407 E. Pascagoula St.
Forrest County Juvenile Detention Center 'Partially' Improved
A federal court monitor says Forrest County officials are partially in compliance with an order to make improvements at the local juvenile detention center.
Gov. Phil Bryant to Lead Energy Board
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant has been named chairman of the Southern States Energy Board.

Obama, Romney Spar Over Troubles Abroad
President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are sparring over how best to address U.S. challenges abroad in nearly back-to-back addresses at the Clinton Global Initiative's annual meeting.
UN Calls Syrian War 'Regional Calamity,' Demands End
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanded international action to stop the war in Syria, telling a somber gathering of world leaders Tuesday that the 18-month conflict had become "a regional calamity with global ramifications."
Former President Clinton Urges Religious Tolerance
Former President Bill Clinton says the followers of Islam shouldn't resort to violence when they hear their faith challenged in an increasingly diverse and Internet-connected world.
Alicia Keys Sings to the Heavens
Alicia Keys has been getting in touch with her spiritual side, headlining "MTV Crashes Manchester" in the city's cathedral.
Think Like Einstein—on your iPad
While Albert Einstein's genius isn't included, an exclusive iPad application launched Tuesday promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before.
Dems Back Rep. Banks for State Supreme Court
The Mississippi Democratic Party is endorsing Democratic state Rep. Earle Banks of Jackson.
Monday, September 24
Federal Judges Consider Setting Aside South Carolina 'Voter ID' until 2014
Recognizing this year's elections are just a few weeks away, a panel of three federal judges questioned on Monday whether South Carolina should wait until 2014 to put its voter identification law into effect.
Romney Swipes at Obama Over Libya, Israel & China
Mitt Romney led a chorus of Republican criticism of the administration's foreign policy on Monday, accusing President Barack Obama of minimizing the recent killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya as a mere "bump in the road" rather than part of a chain of events that threatens American interests.

Paul G. Moak Jr.
Second-generation businessman Paul G. Moak Jr. understands the importance of supporting members of the Jackson community.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The Jobs for Jacksonians Job Fair and Business Engagement Summit is Sept. 26 at the Jackson Medical Mall from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
10 Local Stories This Week
Here's a look at some of the top news of the week from around the capital city.
'Homeland' and 'Modern Family' Big Emmy Winners
The post-Emmy champagne surely tasted sweet for the people at "Modern Family" and "Homeland."
JSU Security Guard Found Dead
A Jackson State University security guard was found dead in a city street on Saturday morning.
12-Day Celebration of the Blues
Mississippi is joining with Arkansas and Memphis, Tenn., for a 12-day celebration of blues music.

AP Analysis: Miss. No. 2 in Imprisonment
Christopher Epps had plenty of numbers this past week when he appeared before legislative budget writers.
Friday, September 21
New Studies Strongly Suggest Sugary Drinks Amplify Risk of Obesity
New research powerfully strengthens the case against soda and other sugary drinks as culprits in the obesity epidemic.
Libyans Stage Massive Protest in Benghazi Against Militias
Around 30,000 Libyans marched through the eastern city of Benghazi on Friday in an unprecedented protest to demand the disbanding of powerful militias in the wake of last week's attack that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

Ex-Supe Denies Redistricting About Race
George Smith, the former president of the Hinds County Board of Supervisors, denies that race played a role in crafting the county's redistricting plan.

Hotel Could Add $14M to Revenues
Jackson Convention Complex General Manager Kelvin D. Moore thinks an associated hotel could increase the center's annual economic impact on the city by more than 50 percent.

Group of the Day: Cyclists Curing Cancer
If you're a biking enthusiast, you still have time (barely) to ride for a most worthy cause: curing cancer.

It's the Weekend!
Tonight, Ruben Studdard and Sir Charles Jones perform at 7:30 p.m. at Thalia Mara Hall.
10 Things to Know for Friday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Why Wall Street Regulation and Reform Matters
The 2008 financial crisis roiled the banking system and swamped the global economy, leaving millions of Americans jobless, underemployed or facing foreclosure.
Texas Hospital Plans $3B Cancer 'Moonshot'
The nation's largest cancer center is launching a massive effort against eight specific forms of the disease.
Ala. Tar Balls from 2010 BP Disaster
The material is from the BP well and certain chemicals in the tar have barely broken down,
Miss. Medicaid Director Uses Highest Estimates
Dr. David Dzielak used $1.6 billion figure from 2010 Milliman Inc. study.
Thursday, September 20
Last U.S. 'Surge' Troops Have Left Afghanistan
Nearly two years after President Barack Obama ordered 33,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan to tamp down the escalating Taliban violence, the last of those surge troops have left the country, U.S. officials said Thursday.
Chick-Fil-A Back in the Fryer Thanks to Confusing Same-Sex Stance
Controversy flared up this week when a Chicago politician said the company was no longer giving to groups that oppose same-sex marriage, angering Christian conservatives who supported Chick-fil-A this summer when its president reaffirmed his opposition to gay marriage. Civil rights groups hailed the turnabout, yet the company never confirmed it and instead released two public statements, neither of which made Chick-fil-A's position any clearer.

Homeless People Ask for Jobs
Michael Hunter is homeless, and tired of depending on charitable organizations and churches to feed him.
Hinds Lawsuit Alleges Racial Improprieties
The Hinds County Republican Party and the county's only white supervisor are suing four black county supervisors, charging race was used improperly as a factor in redrawing district voting lines.
Miss. Community Colleges Seek $100 Million More
Mississippi's 15 community and junior colleges are seeking an additional $101.7 million in the 2014 budget year.
New FEC Filing Shows Romney Has $50.4 Million To Spend
Republican Mitt Romney has about $50.4 million to spend on the final weeks of the campaign, though he still has to pay back $15 million in debt.
iPhone's New Maps: A Rare Setback for Apple
Apple released an update to its iPhone and iPad operating system on Wednesday that replaces Google Maps with Apple's own application. Early upgraders are reporting that the new maps are less detailed, look weird and misplace landmarks. It's shaping up to be a rare setback for Apple.
Reader Quotes o' the Week
The JFP presents reader quotes of the week.
The JFP Sucks File: 'Might I Be So Bold?'
Historically, the JFP has gotten very little hate mail aside from anonymous missives on local blogs personally attacking our female editors.
Question o' the Week: What Is Your Favorite JFP Moment?
For the inaugural YOU page, we posed this question to members of the JFP Nation on social media. Here's what you told us.

Miss. Income Down, Poverty Up
The Magnolia State has the lowest household median income, $36,919, according to the data released yesterday.

Clayton Moore
Jackson State University quarterback Clayton Moore put on one of the most outstanding performances of the young college football season last Saturday.
The Changing Faces of Jackson
When Shawna Davie came to the capital city from St. Louis to attend Jackson State University, like many college students, she didn't know what she'd do with her life.
Census Shows Economy is On the Rise
New 2011 census data released Thursday offer glimmers of hope in an economic recovery that technically began in mid-2009.
10 Things to Know for Thursday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Who are Romney's 47 percent, aka 'Those People'?
Just which 47 percent of Americans was Mitt Romney talking about?
Miss. Among States with Most New Jobless Claims
Here are the states with the biggest changes in unemployment aid applications.
Will Miss. School Funding Formula Survive?
The gap between MAEP, the school funding formula, and money state lawmakers appropriate could widen to more than $300 million.
Wednesday, September 19
You & JFP
Starting with this 10th birthday issue, the Jackson Free Press is devoting a page to YOU each issue.

Llama Llama's Patient Mama
Our old friend Mama Llama is back, and she sends the kids into the playroom to play together while she sits down to enjoy a cup of tea with a new neighbor.

No Rules for Money
You may wonder why anyone would invest time, money and energy in making a film about such a loathsome character.

Sweet Caroline
"I think it's quality music, and people like to listen to intelligent music and listen to views that might not be their own. I hope they have a good time and come away learning something."

The Redneck Jazz of Jimmy Herring
Guitarist Jimmy Herring has made a career as a stalwart of the jam-band scene. He's played with the Grateful Dead and the Allmans.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
We ranked Mississippi State in the JFP Top 25 a week before the national media figured out that the Bulldogs are for real. Once again, we are ahead of the trend.

Capital Sports
The Jackson sports landscape in the capital city and surrounding areas has changed a lot since the JFP was born 10 years ago.

Open That Defense
Last football season, late in the year, I wrote about the Denver Broncos offense under Tim Tebow.
JFP Top 25: Week 3
It was another shakeup weekend. While Alabama and LSU proved again that they are the best in college football, other top teams fell.

Spice Up Your Routine at Abeba
Not even a year after opening the Abeba Ethiopian Restaurant, owner and chef Molley Woldtnsea is shaking things up.
City Denies JPS Budget Increase
The Jackson City Council voted Friday to deny Jackson Public Schools the extra $2.7 million it requested for the upcoming fiscal year.

WeatherVision Joins with JSU
WeatherVision has been bringing local weather forecasts to communities across the country for more than two decades.

Stinker Quote Of The Week: "Disgraceful"
“I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi."
Making Roads Safer
Imagine driving behind someone who is swerving from side to side. For years, we would have probably assumed that driver was drinking and driving.
Stop Wasting Our Time
Here we go again.

Living Local
When the Jackson Free Press launched in 2002, one of our primary goals was to help strengthen locally owned businesses.

Smoke and the City
Mississippi is one of only 10 states that hasn't adopted a statewide ban, but several cities have passed ordinances against smoking in public places, including Jackson.
Rise of the Foodies
There has never been a better time to be a foodie in Jackson. A decade ago, the city enjoyed plenty of quality chefs, but diners rarely knew them by name.

From the Garden
One area where the Jackson area bloomed in the past 10 years--literally!--is in terms of local and organic food, foodies and gardens.
Hosemann: Miss.Voter ID May Fare Better in Court
Mississippi's photo voter identification law may stand up better to legal challenges because the state has made plans to provide free identifications in many locations, the secretary of state says.

Fitness Reawakening
It's an oft-quoted statistic that Mississippi is the most obese state and has been for a while. But in the capital city, at least, folks are working together to get healthier.
The Paradox
When it comes to the arts in Jackson in the last decade, art enthusiasts are quick to point out that the city has made great strides.

How Far We've Come
At the first installment of the Blender series this summer, That Scoundrel, James Crow, 5th Child and Furrows performed, attracting both rap and rock fans to Martin's.

JFP's Biggest Stories
Over the years, the Jackson Free Press has dug in deep on a number of big stories and topics that produced major results for the city and state.
A Brief History of 'The City's Smart Alternative'
The Jackson Free Press started with no money but a big dream.

The Saga of Flood Control
Ever since the massive Easter Flood of 1979, the fear of another "big one" has loomed over Jackson.
Developing Jackson: A Decade of Progress
In 2002, Jackson looked in many ways like a city doomed to decay.

Family Ties: Earle S. Banks Sr.
Earle S. Banks Sr. counts his two decades of legislative experience as a top qualification to serve on the Mississippi State Supreme Court.

Marquis 'Keke' Lowe
When Marquis 'Keke' Lowe entered sixth grade he became involved with the Algebra Project, a program that Mississippi Freedom Summer leader Bob Moses founded that evolved into the Young People's Project.

Favorite JFP Moments: Yours and Ours
As the JFP approached its 10th birthday on Sept. 22, 2012, we asked current and former staff and interns, as well as readers, to share their favorite JFP moments.

Literary Photographer: A Snapshot of Natasha Trethewey
Natasha Trethewey, the Mississippi and national poet laureate, speaks and reads passages from her new book "Thrall" at Jackson State University Sept. 20.
10 Things to Know for Wednesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
BP Agrees to Relax Claim Requirements
BP has agreed to relax several documentation requirements regarding the submission of claims filed after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Fitch Suspends College Tuition Program
State Treasurer Lynn Fitch is auditing Mississippi's prepaid college tuition program to see whether it needs to be overhauled or scrapped.
US Stocks Waver after Positive Housing News
U.S. stocks are wavering between small gains and losses in early trading after an encouraging report about the state of the housing market.
Chicago Teachers End Strike
Chicago children returned to school on Wednesday after teachers ended a seven-day strike.
Tuesday, September 18
Romney's '47 Percent' Includes Elderly, Families, Wealthy Americans
When Mitt Romney said that 47 percent of Americans pay no income taxes and are "dependent on government," he blurred together half or more of the entire country, ranging from the nation's neediest to its middle class, and even some of its richest families.

Job Fair, Iron Horse and Senior Care Coming to Jackson
The city is teaming up with several area partners in an attempt to get Jacksonians back to work.

Foreclosure Fail: Study Pins Blame on Big Banks
As a result of banks' disorganization and understaffing—particularly at the peak of the crisis in 2009 and 2010—homeowners were often forced to run a gauntlet of confusion, delays, and errors when seeking a mortgage modification.

C.J. Stewart
C.J. Stewart, 23, was serving in Afghanistan as a medic in the Second Brigade Combat Team of the 101st Airborne Division in 2010 when he became the victim of an rocket-propelled grenade attack.
10 Things to Know for Tuesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Advocates: 39 States' Obesity Rates to Pass 50 Percent
Mississippi is expected to retain its crown as the fattest state in the nation for at least two more decades.
Miss. Economist: State in Recession
State economist Darrin Webb says Mississippi probably slipped into recession between April and June during the 2nd quarter of 2012.
Al-Qaida Fans Flames of Unrest
Al-Qaida's branch in North Africa on Tuesday called for attacks on U.S. diplomats and an escalation of protests.
'Victims' Video Latest Romney Campaign Headache
Republican Mitt Romney is trying to head off a new distraction for his campaign after a video surfaced showing him telling wealthy donors that 47 percent of all Americans "believe they are victims" entitled to help from the government that permeates their lives.
AG Returns $35 Million to State
The state's coffers are getting a $35 million bump.
Monday, September 17
Calhoun Wants Action at Juvenile Center
A Hinds County supervisor wants know what's being done to fix problems at the Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center.

Jackson City Council Wants Outside Auditor
The city will hire an outside auditor to determine exactly how the $50,000 the city paid to Retro Metro for new wiring at Metrocenter was spent.

Michael V. Hutchinson
Michael V. Hutchinson will soon take on an important fundraising role at Millsaps College.

Community Events and Public Meetings
The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board Meeting is today at 2 p.m. at Universities Center in room 432.
10 Things to Know for Monday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Violence Over Anti-Islam Film Continues
Hezbollah's call seemed aimed at keeping the issue alive by bringing out large crowds.
Antietam 150th Prompts Reflection on Loss, Freedom
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian James McPherson leads the lineup of speakers marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War Battle of Antietam near Sharpsburg, Md.
Romney Trying to Shift the Tide
With griping in GOP circles mounting, Romney and his advisers spent the weekend in Boston hashing out a plan to try to shift the dynamics of the race before the first debate on Oct. 3.
Judge Knocks Down Mississippi Health-Care Challenge
Gov. Phil Bryant and other Mississippi residents were premature in their challenge to the federal law requiring people to buy health care insurance, a federal judge has ruled.
Sunday, September 16

10 Local Stories This Week
In case you missed the Jackson Free Press' signature blend of local news, art and culture, here are 11 stories from the week.
Friday, September 14
City Denies JPS Budget Increase; Approves City Budget
The Jackson City Council voted Friday to deny Jackson Public Schools the extra $2.7 million it requested for the upcoming fiscal year after its original budget proposal.
DOJ: Miss. Voting Maps OK
The U.S. Department of Justice has approved the Mississippi's legislative redistricting plans.

What's Happening in Libya: A Guide to the Best Coverage
Here's the best reporting ProPublica has found not only on yesterday's killings but also on post-war Libya. What are we missing? Please leave your favorite stories in comments.

Help for Isaac Recovery Available
In the wake of Hurricane Isaac, counties in the Jackson metro area--Hinds, Rankin and Madison--are among the many areas under a federal-disaster declaration.

Dr. Rodney Washington
Dr. Rodney Washington believes there is a shortage of positive mentors for young black men.
Fed's Bold Plan: Will it Help?
No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.
10 Things to Know for Friday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about Friday:
Healthier School Lunches get Mixed Grades
Leaner, greener school lunches served under new federal standards are getting mixed grades from students.
Foreign Policy is a Romney Hurdle
With protests at U.S. embassies and four Americans dead, Mitt Romney is suddenly facing a presidential election focused on a foreign policy crisis he gambled wouldn't happen.
Miss. School Ratings Rise
Under a new law, the old seven-step system, running from a high of star to a low of failing, is now to a five-step A-to-F system.
Thursday, September 13
DOW Climbs 206 After Fed Steps In
The stock market staged a huge rally Thursday after investors got the aggressive economic help they wanted from the Federal Reserve.
JPS Supe Intros New Programs
Dr. Cedric Gray said he wants to create an advisory committee to develop an early childhood education program in JPS.

Keith Villafranco
Mississippi College entered its game against Webber International needing a win after losing the season opener to Millsaps. The Choctaws got a superb effort from junior defensive back Keith Villafranco.
Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Identified, Under Investigation
A U.S. law enforcement official says a man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is behind the anti-Muslim film being blamed for mob attacks in Egypt, Libya and Yemen.
10 Things to Know for Thursday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.
Fact Check: Romney Seriously Mischaracterized Facts on Attacks
An occasional look at political claims that take shortcuts with the facts or don't tell the full story.
Dems get OK to Sub Moore in 4th District House Race
State election commissioners voted unanimously Wednesday to let Michael Herrington of Hattiesburg withdraw and Matthew Moore of Biloxi take his place.
MDOC's HIV/AIDS Program a National Model
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is touting a Mississippi program for inmates with HIV/AIDS as one of the nation's best.
Wednesday, September 12

Upcycled Bottles
I don't know about the rest of the world, but I find crafting goes best with wine. A glass of Pinot is the perfect thing to get my creative juices going.
Heads Up, Tacklers
Football is a tough game. I should know: Even though I played for only six or seven years, I have more days than I would like to count where my knees constantly hurt.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Football is in full swing, and Major League Baseball reaches the home stretch. With cooler air, the sports world is going into full motion.

JFP Top 25: Week 2
Week one of college football featured narrow misses from unranked teams and small conferences. That was not the case in week two where upsets were lurking everywhere, and lesser squads actually beat a few teams.

Promises, Promises
"The Words" is a literary movie. I mean that all too literally. This film, written and directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal, tells a story of an author who has written a book called "The Words."

Female Power
"Women for Progress of Mississippi brings together professional women who want to serve their community," organization co-chair Zakiya Summers says.

Big Things in a Small Room
"It's kind of neat. You do all this work for all this time—it's nice when things start happening," guitarist Glenn Sasser says about his band's recent success.

Plans and Decisions
This week I bring you a tale of two cities, a tale of making plans and going with the flow, and a tale of making amazingly proper decisions.

Savvy School-Year Sustenance
It is 11 p.m. The homework is finally done, and the kids are bathed and fast asleep. With any luck the backpacks are packed and by the front door.

Just Peachy
Summer is just about gone. What better way to celebrate these past several months then to have a final peach treat to officially send summer off with gratitude and happy memories?

The 'How' of Weight Loss
Many of my patients ask me to give them a diet. I repeatedly explain to them that there is no magic diet guide written that will change their lives.

Pure Pain
Walking into the Highland Village studio, I was greeted by a gaggle of svelte, ponytailed women with the lines of ballet dancers.

Mind Over Weight
Losing weight is simple, right? I bet you have it all figured out. Let's see: Decrease my caloric intake plus exercise more, and I will see results!
Seeking Refuge
It seemed eerie that on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf Coast braced itself for the arrival of another hurricane.

City to Audit Retro Metro
The Jackson City Council is asking for a complete audit of the Metrocenter Mall project before it clears any city departments to move into the former Belk building.
Sewers to Cost City Big
The city of Jackson will soon have a sewer repair bill that could rival the city's entire annual budget.

The Cookbook Ladies of Rankin County
In 1978 Barney McKee, then director of the University Press of Mississippi, brought home a cookbook that he couldn't publish. That book was "The Twelve Days of Christmas Cookbook" and his wife, Gwen McKee, was enamored.
Time to Think Ahead
People don't plan to fail; they fail to plan. Anyone needing evidence of that adage's truth needn't look much further than Jackson's decrepit, and worsening, infrastructure.

Get This Party Started
It's time to convince and encourage our doubtful and cynical Ghetto Science Community members to move this nation forward through the power of 'One Person, One Vote.'

Is 'Getting By' as Good as It Gets?
In the past month we've been through one hurricane, two national conventions and three weeks of preseason football. Here are a few of my casual observations.

'Mississippi is Mine'
What Meredith did not only changed a university, but also a state and a nation.
Apple Rolls Out Larger, Faster iPhone; Siri to Gain New Abilities
For the first time, the iPhone is growing. After sticking for five years to the same screen size, Apple on Wednesday revealed a new phone that's taller, with a bigger screen.
Climate Change: Real or Not?
In 2008—back when President Barack Obama was a candidate—then-Sen. Obama promised to take on global warming.
Anti-Islam Filmmaker's Identity, Claims in Doubt
Video excerpts from an anti-Muslim movie provoked assaults by mobs on U.S. missions in Egypt and Libya.

Romney Seeks Political Advantage in Libya, Egypt Crisis
The embassy statement Romney referenced had been issued before protesters reached the embassy, as tensions were rising over an amateur film made in the United States that ridiculed Islam's Prophet Muhammed.

Isaac Churns Up Oil, Questions
Hurricane Isaac disturbed oil from the 2010 BP disaster, washed up on Gulf beaches.

Flood Control 'Kumbaya'?
The two-dozen officials representing various government and civic agencies couldn't decide on which song was best suited for the signing of a document that enables work on a long-awaited flood-control project to begin in earnest.

Allison England
It was during a summer art history class at Ole Miss that Allison England fell in love with Mississippi arts. Now, England, 27, is their resolute champion at the Mississippi Museum of Art, where she has worked for the past two years.
Jackson Named One of 100 Best Communities for Young People
Jackson, a second-time 100 Best winner, was again recognized for programs that support youth education, healthy living and community involvement.

An Inconvenient Joke
If there is anything we now know here in Mississippi and in neighboring states, rising (or surging) oceans are nothing to belittle or use to score cheap political points.

In Their Shoes
Talamieka and Charles Brice met in drawing class. Competitiveness in the classroom eventually grew into a marriage and partnership in Brice Media, a photography and graphic art company the couple co-owns.
JSU Cited as Top School in Two National Rankings
Jackson State University is cited in two national rankings as one of the top schools in the nation for educating African-Americans.
10 Things to Know for Wednesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Miss. Commissioners Fine Az. Companies $5.7 Million
Mississippi Public Service Commissioners are ordering a pair of companies to pay a record $5.7 million fine for more than 1,000 violations of the state's do-not-call law.
Romney Makes Embassy Attacks Political
Republican Mitt Romney branded the Obama administration's response to the attacks as "disgraceful" before confirmation that the American ambassador had been killed.
President Condemns Attack that Killed Ambassador, 3 Others
Barack Obama condemned attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three American members of his staff.
The Water Also Rises
In the ecological balance between droughts and floods, Where do Mississippi farmers—and consumer prices—stand?

Jackson Man Charged with Murder in Butt-Implant Death
Morris Garner, a Jackson man who lives as a woman under the name Tracey Lynne Garner, will face murder charges in the death of an Atlanta woman.
Tuesday, September 11
McGowan: 'Everybody's Together' on One Lake
Since scrapping the highly controversial Two Lakes plan in favor of a more modest single-lake concept in 2011, Levee Board meetings have been relatively tame.

Brews, Weather and Agents
Madison-based Lucky Town Brewery has purchased its first fermenting tank and installed it at a brewery in Alabama.

9/11 Victims Worldwide
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, 19 members of the international terrorist organization al-Qaeda hijacked four U.S. airliners.
10 Things to Know for Tuesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Commissioners Delay Decision on Dem in 4th District
State election commissioners on Monday delayed a decision on whether to let Democrats replace their nominee in south Mississippi's 4th Congressional District.
America Remembers 9/11, 11 Years Later
Americans paused again Tuesday to mark the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks with familiar ceremony, but also a sense that it's time to move forward after a decade of remembrance.
JPS Schools Win Gold for Health
Thirty-nine Jackson elementary schools earned gold stars.
Monday, September 10
Community Events and Public Meetings
The Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting is tonight at 6 p.m. at River Hills Club (3600 Ridgewood Road).
AP sources: al-Qaida Leader in Yemen Killed
Senior U.S. officials are confirming that the No. 2 al-Qaida leader in Yemen has been killed, dealing a major blow to the terror group.
Obama to Issue Order to Improve Digital Security After House Failed to Act
The Obama administration is preparing an executive order with new rules to protect U.S. computer systems, after Congress failed earlier this summer to pass a cybersecurity bill.

County Won't Cut Sheriff's Budget
The Hinds County Sheriff's Department won't get a budget cut after all.

School Cuts Have Serious Consequences
States' large cuts in spending on education have "serious consequences" for the economy, in both the short and long term.

Vicki Robinson Slater
Vicki Robinson Slater, a Madison attorney, is vying to reclaim Mississippi's 3rd Congressional District seat for Democrats.
10 Things to Know for Monday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.
Deaf, Rescued Dolphin Coming to Miss.
A deaf dolphin found stranded in March off the Louisiana coast is being taken to live among other dolphins at a facility in Mississippi.
Romney Says He'll Keep Parts of 'Obamacare'
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, who promised early in his campaign to repeal President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, says he would keep several important parts of the overhaul.
BP Sells Gulf Assets to Cover Blowout Costs
BP is selling some deep-water assets in the Gulf of Mexico for $5.55 billionto cover the cost of its oil well blowout in the Gulf two years ago.
Sunday, September 9
10 Local Stories This Week
Things seemed to return to normal after Hurricane Isaac and the three-day Labor Day weekend slowed down the capital city last week.
Friday, September 7
New Orleans Saints Player Suspensions Vacated, Players Reinstated
The suspensions of Jonathan Vilma and three other players in the NFL's bounty investigation were lifted Friday by a three-member appeals panel and the league reinstated those players a few minutes later.

Midtown Gets Green Housing
Midtown, one of the city's leading neighborhoods in the arts, will soon welcome the state's first eco-friendly, sustainable affordable housing.

Miss. Part of Alarming West Nile Trend
Mississippi has one of the nation's highest rates of West Nile infections and rates of death from the mosquito-borne disease.

U.S. Added 103,000 Jobs in August, Lost 7,000 Gov't Jobs
Analysts had predicted about 125,000 new jobs in August, but 103,000 were created with 7,000 government jobs eliminated, resulting in a net gain of 96,000 jobs.
More Anderson Case Hate-Crime Charges?
A federal grand jury in Jackson met to consider more hate-crime charges in the death of James Craig Anderson who was run over by a white teenager.
10 Things to Know for Friday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today:
Mississippi Revenues Exceed Estimates
For the first two months of the fiscal year collections are $13.4 million above estimate.
Speeches Highlight Obama-Romney Contrasts
The 2012 election is filled with political differences and voters will face a stark choice in policies.
Thursday, September 6

Claim of Romney Tax-Returns Theft a Puzzling Whodunit
The Secret Service and FBI were investigating the case Thursday after someone claimed to have burglarized a PricewaterhouseCoopers accounting office in Franklin, Tenn., and stolen two decades' worth of Romney's tax returns.
Missouri Bishop Convicted for Failing to Report Priest Abuse
A judge has found a Missouri bishop guilty of one misdemeanor count for failing to report suspected child abuse by a priest, and acquitted him on a second count.

Bush-Era Waterboarding More Widespread Than Thought
Human Rights Watch said it has uncovered evidence of a wider use of waterboarding than previously acknowledged by the CIA, in a report Thursday detailing brutal treatment of detainees at U.S.-run lockups abroad after the 9/11 attacks.
Radically Different Approaches to Cutting $750 Bil in Annual Medical Waste
To reform Medicare, President Obama would cut payments to service provides, and Mitt Romney would cut payments to future retirees.

EPA Decree Will Cost Jackson Big Money
The city may have to begin what could add up to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of work on its sewer and waste-water system.

Obama Gives Pivotal Speech Thursday
President Barack Obama goes before the Democratic National Convention and the nation on Thursday for a capstone speech designed not just to persuade undecided voters to swing his way but to put fire in the belly of his supporters.

Barbour Folds After 'Poker' Remark
This week, former governor Haley Barbour touched off more tumult, providing one more distraction for his party, by running his mouth.

Team of the Day: Millsaps Majors
Tropical Storm Isaac affected college football games all over Mississippi last week. One of those games was the Backyard Brawl between the Millsaps Majors and Mississippi College Choctaws.
Celtic Spirit
Learn the difference between Irish whiskey and Scotch at the Kindred Spirits Whiskey Tasting.
201,000 New Jobs Added in August, Unemployment Apps Dropped
Fewer Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, and a private survey showed businesses stepped up hiring in August. The data sketched a brighter outlook for the job market one day before the government reports on August employment.
Oil Found in La. After Isaac from BP Spill
Laboratory tests show that globs of oil found on two Louisiana beaches after Hurricane Isaac came from the 2010 BP spill.
10 Things to Know for Thursday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.

Clinton Rocks the DNC with Speech
"We simply cannot afford ... someone who will double down on trickle-down," Clinton said.
Dems Pick 2 for Congress Races
Mississippi Democrats have chosen two new nominees to challenge Republican incumbents in the state's 3rd and 4th Districts.
Inmate Pleads Guilty in Prison Riot
One inmate has pleaded guilty in a deadly Adams Count prison riot last May; a second prisoner has been charged in the case.
Factchecking Clinton's Claims
Compromise? That's the other guy's problem.
JPD SWAT Member Accused of Taking a Bribe
A Jackson police sergeant and SWAT member was arrested and charged with accepting a bribe.
Wednesday, September 5

'Gatsby' Roars into New Stage
In a stage play adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's acclaimed American novel, "The Great Gatsby" New Stage Theatre is bringing Long Island of the roaring '20s to the South.

Walking Your Problems Away
About a quarter of the deaths in Mississippi are due to heart disease, according to the 2009 National Vital Statistics Report.

'Easy' Money
The Jackson Medical Mall is hosting the "Getting on Easy Street"; program—a series of personal finance and credit workshops offered to the general public free of charge.

Guts, Gore and Survival
I received a call on my cell phone when I was cabbing through some now-forgotten city for a deposition.

Too Much VIP
About three weeks ago, my friends Erica, Sam and Jonathan and I ventured up to Clarksdale to the Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival to see Robert Plant.
JFP Top 25: Week 2
Alabama made the biggest statement of the weekend laying the smackdown to Michigan in Dallas.
A New Low Standard
This week the National Collegiate Athletic Association decided that the University of North Carolina will not face an NCAA investigation over potential academic issues.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days
College football and the NFL are back. World, see you in February—after the Super Bowl—or when my daughter is born.
Reaping Cool-Weather Rewards
Mississippi, along with the rest of the South, is blessed with a long growing season, and now is the time to plant a fall garden so that you can enjoy fresh, leafy organic vegetables often until Christmas.

Urban Homesteading Planning For Winter
Those who practice "homesteading"-or self-sufficiency-are busy preserving or "putting up" the produce they have grown this summer.

Chef St. John Pulls Up an Extra Table
When the Edwards Street Fellowship Center, an outreach ministry of the United Methodist Church in Hattiesburg, didn't have enough food to feed their clients, they called Robert St. John.
Spot On
The predicted trends for fall are of no concern when it comes to leopard. Whether it's "in" or "out" this particular season, I love it, and I'm going to wear it.
Redistricting Displeases Council Members
The Jackson City Council voted 4-2 in favor of redistricting option 1 at its regular meeting Tuesday morning, which will fracture Ward 1's foothold east of Interstate 55.

Isaac Unique Test for Utilities
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita—which occurred, respectively, in August and September 2005—cost Entergy $1.5 billion to rebuild electric distribution, transmission and generation, and gas infrastructure.
Media and Voters: Don't Accept Lies
Something that ought not be remarkable, but is, happened over the last week: Media started calling out politicians for blatant lies.

Cochran Retirement Could Be Interesting
I admit: I thought when Sen. Trent Lott retired, Congressman Chip Pickering and former Attorney General Mike Moore would be the top contenders for his seat. Neither ran.

Singing to My Soul
As a part of my mission to be a better me, I recently began searching for a part of me that I'd lost over the years.
Raising Filmmakers
It is raining in downtown Jackson. The humidity is stifling and uncomfortably sticky even under a rain jacket, yet a film crew is hard at work in the middle of a deserted street.

Getting Political on the Web
With the RNC's convention just over and the DNC's rolling on as we go to press, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at where the campaigns are with their technology and offer up the websites and apps (in addition to, naturally) that you'll need to track this crazy election to its conclusion in November.
Hope Mallard
Hope Mallard has had a passion for art and painting going as far back as grammar school at Isabella Elementary and APAC.

What I Believe
The whole concept of campaigning is a three-ring circus, with promises as big as elephants and speeches with barbs that fly like throwing knives.
In Search of an Honest Portrayal
Greg Gandy, Vincent Chaney and Lauren Cioffi are making a documentary about Mississippi subcultures to "show the transition from the older generation's set of cultures to the younger generation's."

First Lady: 'Barack Knows the American Dream'
Michelle Obama's message: President Barack Obama is just like you.
Weathered Oil on La. Beaches
Weathered oil, aka tar, restricts fishing. Officials testing for the source.
10 Things to Know for Wednesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.
Herrington Withdraws from Miss. Congressional Race
Mississippi Democrats plan to choose a new nominee to challenge Republican U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo.
Officials Watching Damaged Dam
Lamar County officials are using pumps to drop water levels in an earthen dam at the southern end of the Lake Serene system that was damaged by the heavy rains of Hurricane Isaac.
July Brings Millions in City Development
July saw new commercial development worth $9.6 million in Jackson, including several projects worth more than $100,000.
Tuesday, September 4

Paul Ryan Denies Making Inaccurate Statements
Asked on NBC's "Today" whether he would agree that some of his statements have not always been accurate, he said, "No, not in the least, actually."
In Southern La., Residents Blame Levees for Floods
The Army Corps of Engineers says it will look into whether the city's fortified defenses pushed floodwaters provoked by Hurricane Isaac into outlying areas.
Pickup Trucks Drive U.S. Auto Sales to 3-year High
Demand for full-size pickups jumped 16 percent in August, helping to make it the strongest sales month since August 2009.

Democrats Say Mitt Romney 'Doesn't Get It'
Democrats ridiculed Republican Mitt Romney as a man who "quite simply doesn't get it" and worse Tuesday on the opening night of a national convention aimed at propelling Barack Obama to a second term in the White House despite high unemployment and national economic distress.

Better off? Dems Say Yes, Cite Obamacare, Auto Bailout
The better-off question sounds like yes or no would suffice, and Republicans insist that after three years of any presidency, it should be that simple.
Record Presence for Gays at Democratic Convention
The Democratic National Convention is a watershed event for America's gay rights movement, which never before has been embraced so warmly by a major political party.
FEMA: Things Hurricane Isaac Survivors Need to Know
FEMA released this information today for Hurricane Isaac survivors.
Supes Slash Sheriff's Budget
District 5 Supervisor Kenneth Stokes successfully proposed removing $2.5 million from the sheriff's budget to pay for raises and add to the county's cash reserves.

City Council Approves Redistricting
The City Council voted 4-2 in favor of redistricting option 1, which will fracture Ward 1's foothold east of Interstate 55, at a regular meeting this morning.
Politicizing Hurricane Isaac
The candidates tweaked their plans to show up in Louisiana to see Hurricane Isaac's damage.
Removing Those Nasty Nutria
Crews are pitchforking dead nutria into front-end loaders on Hancock County beaches.
Dems Open Convention Defending Obama
Democrats open their national convention Tuesday in defense of a president who carries both the power and the burden of incumbency.
10 Things to Know for Tuesday
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that people will be talking about today.
Monday, September 3
Entergy: Power Restored to All Homes, Businesses by Late Sunday
Entergy Mississippi, Inc. has successfully completed restoring power to all of its customers whose homes and businesses could safely take electricity after the impact of Hurricane Isaac.
FEMA Update on Isaac: As of Sunday, Sept. 2, 2012
Since Friday, when President Obama approved Individual Assistance as part of the Major Disaster declaration for Louisiana requested by the Governor, more than 35,000 Louisianans have registered for assistance, with roughly $400,000 approved, so far, for housing assistance and other needs.

Election 2012 Offers Two Visions for U.S.: Together v. On Your Own
It's the mantra we will hear endlessly in the coming weeks: Americans face a "stark choice" come November. It is a choice, as President Barack Obama has said repeatedly, "between two fundamentally different visions" for our country. Or as newly anointed Republican nominee Mitt Romney has said from the stump, "President Obama's vision is very different — and deeply flawed."
Over 250,000 Still Without Power in Louisiana, Mississippi Days After Isaac
About a quarter of a million customers remained in the dark Monday in Louisiana and Mississippi, days after Isaac inundated the Gulf Coast with a deluge that still has some low-lying areas under water.
Sunday, September 2

MEMA: What Flood Insurance Covers, and What It Doesn't
National Flood Insurance Policy Holders who experienced flooding due to Hurricane Isaac are reminded that NFIP policies do not cover rental assistance.
Ridgeland Tornado Sirens Hacked, Now on Manual Mode
Ridgeland Police Chief Jimmy Houston said the automated tornado sirens apparently were hacked, so—at least until Tuesday—the sirens will only be turned on manually.
246,000 Still Without Power by Sunday Morning
More than 246,000 customers remained without power in the state as of late Sunday morning. That was down from a peak of more than 900,000.

Dems Seek to Exploit Advantage on Foreign Policy
Democrats sought to push foreign policy, one of President Barack Obama's strengths, to the forefront of the White House campaign Sunday, casting Republican Mitt Romney as out of touch with the nation's international priorities and unprepared to manage them.

10 Jackson Stories This Week
Isaac, a slow-moving tropical storm that became a hurricane before reverting back to tropical storm status, dominated local news this week. Here's a look at some of the week's top stories from around the capital city

Romney Defends Omission of War, Soldiers in RNC Speech
Mitt Romney's campaign is defending the Republican presidential nominee's decision to make no mention of the politically unpopular 11-year-old war in Afghanistan in his speech last week at the GOP national convention.
Yes, He Did: Jay-Z Mimics Rocky at Philly Made In America Fest
Jay-Z's entrance said it all: He bounced up and down on top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, mimicking Rocky before he took the stage in front of nearly 50,000. His song "Made In America" played in the background.
Sept. 2: Today in History Sherman Occupied Atlanta, and Much More
Today is Sunday, Sept. 2, the 246th day of 2012. There are 120 days left in the year.
Voter ID, Early Voter Laws in Battleground States Face Courts Before Election
A series of court battles in several states may determine, over the next several weeks, everything from how people cast their votes, when polling locations will be open and what ballots will look like. Many cases have a partisan bent, with rulings potentially tipping the scales slightly in favor of Democrats or Republicans.
Saturday, September 1

Ale to the Chief: White House Releases Beer Recipe
The White House has made public the recipe for two homemade beers that have become an object of fascination for beer drinkers everywhere.
Female ICE Chief of Staff Resigns Amid Sexual Misconduct Claims
Suzanne Barr, chief of staff to ICE Director John Morton, said in her resignation letter that the allegations against her are "unfounded."
As Isaac Pushes North, Gulf Coast Slowly Recovers
As the remnants of Hurricane Isaac pushed their way up the Mississippi valley on Saturday, spinning off severe thunderstorms and at least four tornadoes, some on the Gulf Coast were impatient with the pace of restoring power days after the storm dragged through the region.
Rep. Ryan Admits His Marathon Claim Wasn't True
Republican Paul Ryan now says he didn't run a marathon in less than three hours as he claimed in a nationally broadcast interview last week.
FEMA Isaac Update: Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012
More than 1350 FEMA staff are on the ground in Louisiana and Mississippi, including 200 Community Relations staff who are assessing needs within the community and providing situational awareness to the state and local governments.