Tuesday, October 31
BREAKING: D.A. Drops Bombshells
In the game of legal chess that recent indictments of Mayor Frank Melton have become, District Attorney Faye Peterson fired bombshells back at Melton and his attorney Dale Danks Tuesday, revealing that Melton and Danks had, in fact, negotiated the mayor's own plea deal with her weeks ago, before later reneging on the deal.
Dear Mom: Stop or I'll Sue. Love, Drew
Drew Brees is the starting quarterback for the New Orleans Saints. His mother is running for a Texas appeals court post. Drew says his relationship with his mom has been "nonexistent" since he refused to hire her as his agent after leaving Purdue six years ago. She has been using a photo of him in a San Diego Chargers uniform in her campaign ads. He asked her to stop. When she didn't, his agent threatened legal action. What time is Christmas dinner, mom?
Lifting the Hoods in Baltimore
So, do y'all think this frat at the hoity-toity Johns Hopkins University on up in Baltimore is integrated?!? AP is reporting:
ARTICLE: Low-income apartments opposed
I don't know if it is true, but I've heard that if you can see an apartment complex from your home, your property value decreases. However, this issue in Terry seems to have more involved than just real estate.
Winners of the MS' Best Awards
Here is a listing of the winners:
Donna Ladd and Kamikaze of the Jackson Free Press take home honors at the 1st Mississippi's Best Awards.
Monday, October 30
But, Ledge, He Was Indicted of Several Crimes
Interesting little screw-up today in The Clarion-Ledger editorial about the "crime summit" no one paid any attention to. The esteemed all-male editorial board wrote:
Jackson 7th Most Improved in Morgan Quitno
Jackson was among the most improved cities in the new edition of the Morgan Quitno Annual Safest/Most Dangerous City ratings. Jackson, which ranked 42nd most dangerous overall, was the 7th most improved city, with a score 36.2 points higher than the previous year. If you count the metropolitan area, Jackson ranks 98th in most dangerous metropolitan areas. The survey included 371 cities.
Hey from Portland!
I'm sitting here in my Portland, Ore., hotel room kinda bummed that I have to leave so soon. I've been here since Friday for AAN's national board meeting. We're having our next national convention here next June, so we met here to try it out. What a great city. I'd been here once before with Todd, but experienced a little more of the city this time with the guidance of the Williamette Week editor (the Pulitzer Prize-winning Williamette Week, I might add). Several things strike you about this city right away: (a) It is brimming with pride and self-confidence. (b) People believe in LOCAL. (c) The city has incorporated respect for the environment into about everything it does—and makes their "green" attitude" a tourist attraction. We all took th the MAX (light rail) to dinner Saturday, and there were lots of teenagers on their in Halloween costume with their bikes, which you can hang on the train. I loved watching a little fairy girl hop on her bike when she got her to speed to her party with her friends. (d) The people are very friendly—almost more friendly than in the South, it seems, if that can be possible.
Ravens Rough Up Saints
The Baltimore Ravens hand the New Orleans Saints their first home loss of the season, 35-22. Take that, Mother Theresa. Steve McNair got the Ravens going, running for one touchdown and throwing for two more.
Saturday, October 28
College Football: Instant Replay, Oct. 28
How Mississippi teams did on Saturday, a day which produced a hat trick of misery:
Auburn 23, Ole Miss 17: The seventh-ranked Tigers escape the pesky Rebels.
Rudy Haters Unite: UPDATED
om/v3/images/uploads/fat.jpg" border="0" alt="pic" width="104" height="198" align=right /> (except for the part where the other Notre Dame players beat the crap out of Rudy). The midshipmen at Navy have put together a hilarious/disturbing "Rudy" remake in preparation for Saturday's game with the Irish. Now you know how sailors get through those long deployments. Go Navy.
NFL Preview: Ravens at Saints
The New Orleans Saints return to action after a bye week, playing host to the Baltimore Ravens (Sunday, noon, Ch. 12). The Ravens are led by quarterback Steve McNair, the Mount Olive native and Alcorn State legend. But the Ravens, who were also off last week, have struggled lately, losing their last two games.
In the U.S. Senate Race, Vote Against Everybody
California is currently considering Proposition 85, a bill that would require any teenage girl living in an abusive household to confront her abusive parents before having an abortion--even if her father was the one who got her pregnant in the first place.
[Halloween Special] Smell My Feet
OK, rule one: Never, ever teach this chant to a school-age boy, especially of the Monkey persuasion. Yeah, it makes you feel like "cool mom" for a moment, but repetition soon makes one feel like "I'm going to take that whole bag of sugar and stick it in your pumpkin if you don't stop it now" mom. Being the cool—while somewhat neurotic—mother that I am, I decided to take advantage of the "No Halloween on a Melton School Night" decree and allow the Monkey the chance to trick-or-treat on a Saturday night.
World Series Game 5: Cardinals 4, Tigers 2
The St. Louis Cardinals defeat the Detroit TIgers 4-2, winning the World Series 4-1 and becoming the worst team (83 regular-season victories) to ever win the World Series. The Cardinals win their 10th world championship (only the Yankees have won more) and their first title since 1982.
The Saints are Coming
Q: What happens when U2 and Green Day get together and do a video to help fund the rebuilding of New Orleans? A: I don't know. I'm speechless.
Friday, October 27
There's No Such Thing As Too Much Cowbell
The folks behind "The Coach O Song" strike again with the "New Mississippi State Bulldogs Fight Song."
World Series Game 4: Cardinals 5, Tigers 4
The St. Louis Cardinals defeat the Detroit Tigers 5-4 and take a 3-1 lead in the World Series. The Cardinals can clinch the series with a victory in Game 5 on Friday night. But history says don't pop the cork on the champagne just yet. In 1968 and 1985, the Cardinals led 3-1, only to lose the Series. The team they lost to in 1968? The Tigers.
[Lott] An Ethanol Milestone
It was a rainy, dark and gloomy day in Mississippi on Thursday, October 26, but weather aside, it was a bright and promising day for our state and nation. I was pleased to join Senator Thad Cochran, Representatives Chip Pickering and Bennie Thompson, and local and state leaders to kick off construction of Mississippi's first ethanol plant. Soon it will be turning bushels of corn into gallons of fuel for our cars and trucks.
Here We Go Again
It may not count as much of an October surprise, but Republicans are thrilled that a New Jersey Supreme Court decision has returned gay marriage to the headlines, according to a piece in the New York Times today.
Thursday, October 26
"Vote for Me, I'm White"
Watch this TV ad for U.S. Senate candidate Bob Corker very carefully. The pattern is very simple--each of the actors says something about Corker's (black) opponent, Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN), intended for comic effect (e.g., "I do have too many guns").
World Series: Weather Update
There's bad news and bad weather in St. Louis.
Feds: Criticism of Airport Security ‘Without Merit'
This is an intriguing story today in The Clarion-Ledger. A federal investigation has found that criticism of the Jackson-Evers airport security, reported in recent months by The Clarion-Ledger, "are without merit," that found no "disciplinary action warranted."
Why You Should Love Moby
This is his new single titled "New York, New York"--brilliant, brilliant stuff. Vocals by Debbie Harry (aka Blondie):
World Series Game 4: Rained Out
The World Series schedule has been pushed back at least a day after Game 4 in St. Louis was rained out on Wednesday night. The problem is that the forecast for the next few days in St. Louis and Detroit calls for more bad weather.
Wednesday, October 25
Psychiatric Service Dogs
I put off blogging about this for a couple of months, so I think now is a good time to discuss it. I originally heard about this when I caught an episode of The Dog Whisperer. The dog's name was Sparky, and he was there to help a woman manage her panic attacks while she was away from home. She was scared to leave the house before she got Sparky. Hey, they have service dogs for people with seizure disorders, so why not? If you've ever had a severe panic attack, you know firsthand how similar it is to a seizure.
[ElectionTalk] Fighting For The Family: Hinds County Chancery Judge Races
Chancery Court District 5-1 is probably one of the busiest districts in the state. Every week, the district processes some of the most heart-wrenching court cases ever to face a family. Divorces, child-custody battles and estate problems usually have their day within the walls of chancery court—and the kind of issues facing judges can cause tremors. After almost two decades of service, incumbent Stuart Robinson is retiring from his $104,170-a-year post, leaving it to be fought over by four contenders.
Oversee This, But Not That
The governor's office put the lockdown on money going to the Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi last week after the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the agency can no longer access $20 million a year from the state's tobacco fund. The decision, coming out of the state's Supreme Court, cannot be appealed to a higher court, and thus must stand unchallenged.
My Civil Liberties Site
As many of y'all know, I'm the About.com Guide to Civil Liberties. So you might be asking yourself: What kind of stuff have I been writing lately? Well, right now I'm working on a piece dealing with today's New Jersey marriage law/civil unions ruling--but here's some other stuff I've written...
City Won't Pay, Yet
The Mississippi Link, a small black newspaper in Jackson, can't celebrate just yet. Even though Link owner Socrates Garrett won a lawsuit against the city last month, the city has announced that it will appeal Circuit Court Judge Winston's Kidd's decision.
MayorWatch [10.25.2006]
Jackson Mayor Frank Melton is slowly working up to his day in court. Court dates are set regarding Melton's alleged rampage on Ridgeway Street and a related charge surrounding his violation of gun laws.
CityBuzz [10.25.06]
Jackson Public Schools Superintendent Earl Watkins made the church circuit Oct. 22, touting the importance of the upcoming $150-million bond proposal on the Nov. 7 ballot to congregations in three different parts of Jackson. Watkins sounded off on the many critical repairs the school system needs, such as repairing leaky roofs and foundation problems, and reducing severe overcrowding in schools. The bond proposal seeks to fix and renovate some schools, as well as build new schools.
‘We've Got Moxie'
Looking to fill the void left by Jubilee!JAM, Chris Nolen and a handful of music fans and Jackson supporters decided to create a new music festival. The result of their hard work is Jacktoberfest, a day-long festival on Friday, Oct. 27, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Nolen, 30, an art director for a Jackson ad agency, has also been making a stir with t-shirts featuring Mayor Frank Melton's face in place of infamous Argentinean revolutionary Ché Guevara's iconic portrait. He took time from wife, Kelly, and his first anniversary to explain.
[Hutchinson] Was Dr. King A Republican?
Civil rights leaders, black Democrats and Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele went ballistic when the they heard a woman in a 60-second radio ad say that "Dr. King was a Republican." The ad, which is bankrolled by the National Black Republican Association, is purportedly running on several Baltimore radio stations.
[Stiggers] Spook The Spooks
Lil' Momma Roscoe: "Since the Y2K scare, corporations, media and government have waged scare campaigns on the poor and helpless. These entities use buzz words and/or phrases like terrorism, global warming, mad cow disease, West Nile Virus, sexual enhancement medicine, contaminated spinach, etc., to spook folk into frenzied spending habits.
Let's Do The Time Warp…Again!
You remember 1973, don't you? Elvis was in concert in Hawaii, Nixon began his second term, the Watergate hearings were in full swing, the Vietnam War ended, the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, Secretariat won the Triple Crown, and Pink Floyd released "The Dark Side of the Moon." OK — maybe not.
The Movie Cast: Where Are They Now?
<b>Jonathan Adams - Dr. Everett Von Scott</b>
Um… dead (maybe this list shouldn't be in alphabetical order). Adams was a British actor who played a number of roles in British TV and Films, but is best known for his RHPS role. He died last year.
RHPS Virgin Guide
In RHPS parlance, a "virgin" is anyone who's never seen RHPS (that's "Rocky Horror Picture Show," the movie) in a theater. Seeing it on TV doesn't count (TV virgin), renting the DVD doesn't count (Video virgin), and not even seeing the play really counts (Stage virgin), although, personally, I have my doubts about the last one.
Autumn's Bounty
In my life, just about every Saturday begins with a trip to the Belhaven Market on Fortification Street. Located in McDade's parking lot, the market is open every Saturday, from April through December, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. I lived on Carlisle Street when it first opened, so I incorporated it into the dog's weekend routine. (Let me apologize now to any of you that were "slimed" by the goofy Basset hound.) Now, several years later, there is no dog, I have to drive to get there, and I am a vendor, but the appeal is still the same. It provides me with my weekly fix of creative people and cool stuff.
The Quest for Cheap Pinot
Believe it or not, two years later, Pinot Noir is still riding high on the popularity horse after being thrust into the limelight by the movie "Sideways." Plus, studies have shown that thin-skinned grapes, e.g. Pinot Noir, are even better for your heart than other varietals. The result has been a lot of people out shopping for Pinot Noir … but they don't always like what they find.
Let The Witches Burn
For political dissidents, Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible," rings as true today as it did in 1953 when the play first appeared on Broadway. Written as an allegory of McCarthyism and the "Red Scare," the play portrays the hysteria of the Salem, Mass., witch trials of 1692. Watching the play, it's not a stretch to think of today's gung-ho, uninformed and fanatical "patriotism" where disagreeing with the current administration can literally cost you friends and ruin your career (remember The Dixie Chicks?). Fearmongering—deliberately scaring the populace with unfounded "facts" and false accusations—seems to be as popular today as it was in the '50s, or in 1692.
Theater Round-Up
Why's a conversation about prison called kites? Kite is a slang term for communications from prison. "Thousand Kites," a stage reading and theater screening, prepares audience members for a discussion about the prison industrial complex and its effect on urban and rural communities. With nationally acclaimed scholars and theater artists participating, the purpose of the project is to bring issues of the criminal justice system to the forefront for discussion.
What I'm Listening To
My musical taste is about as eclectic as my wardrobe and the decorations in the tiny cottage where I live. Old school soul, hand-clapping gospel, soothing jazz, socially conscious hip-hop or saintly classical—it's all on my iPod.
[Band In A Box] Justin Patterson & the Lost Causes
Justin Patterson & the Lost Causes
Principals: Justin Patterson - vocals, rhythm guitar, harmonica; Ashton Burge - lead guitar, backing vocals; John Reeder - bass guitar, backing vocals; Wesley
[New Releases] Scarlet Speedster "Scarlet Speedster"
Scarlet Speedster — "Scarlet Speedster"
Scarlet Speedster's self-titled six-song EP, recently released on local Popaholic Records, demonstrates the band's ability to stand out from the crowd. Younger fans will immediately associate Speedster's sound with the likes of Interpol and Snow Patrol, while older fans are more likely to recognize some of the band's influences like Depeche Mode, The Smiths and perhaps a hint of Roxy Music. The lead vocals, shared equally by all three members, lend that Morrissey/Robert Smith/Dave Gahan thing that ties the whole goth-rock sound together.
[New Releases] A. F. I. "Decemberunderground"
A. F. I. — "Decemberunderground"
A. F. I. (A Fire Inside) is back on the scene strong as ever, and the listening audience can expect this album to resemble their last, "Sing the Sorrow." The beauty of the band's regretless and ever-morphing art is infused with familiar, characteristic deeply melancholic lyrics written by the poet Davey Havok.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Junior college football, Pearl River at Hinds (7 p.m., Raymond): The Eagles wrap up a disappointing season against one of the state's top teams.
Francine Thomas Reynolds
The interim artistic director of New Stage Theatre, Francine Thomas Reynolds, has been at the theater for a number of years, involved in teaching, acting and directing. She was the education director from 1989 to 1995.
A Course with No Name
"It's never been a 'stay the course' strategy..." -- President George W. Bush, several days ago.
I Got Mugged by the NOPD
It began, as it always does, with beer. It was my first trip to New Orleans, in October 2004, to see Voodoo Fest with my girlfriend Melissa. We had checked into our hotel and caught a cab to City Park, tickled by the novelty of legally drinking beer in a moving vehicle. But as we walked into the festival, those two beers and hours on the road caught up with me. I needed immediate bladder relief.
Stunningly Effective Stem Cell Ad
This left me speechless. Brilliant, brilliant stuff.
World Series Game 3: Cardinals 5, Tigers 0
St. Louis pitcher Chris Carpenter hammers Detroit for eight innings as the Cardinals win 5-0 Tuesday night and take a 2-1 lead in the best-of-7 series. Game 4 is Wednesday (7 p.m., Ch. 40).
Tuesday, October 24
Bloc Party's 2nd Album Drops Feb. 6
The time is now: A Weekend in the City, Bloc Party's second full-length album, is set for release on Vice Records on February 6, 2007. Produced by Jacknife Lee (U2, Snow Patrol), and recorded in Dublin, Ireland at a studio called Grouse Lodge, Bloc Party's newest collection of songs is a stunning, intense and brilliant follow-up to their celebrated debut, Silent Alarm.
Fire Donald Rumsfeld, for Starters
A New York Times editorial today takes on the sticky issue of what the Bush administration should do to start cleaning up the horrendous mess it's made in Iraq:
Whites Appealed Katrina Insurance More
The Associated Press is reporting:
Rebels, Lousy On Field, Get Tough Off Field
Ole Miss football coach Ed Orgeron was busy Monday. Garry Pack, one of the Rebels' top defensive players, was kicked off the team for the dreaded undisclosed violations of team rules. Four other players were suspended for the same reason (allegedly smoking marijuana). And fullback Quentin Taylor quit the team. The timing of this disciplinary action is crucial. Now the Rebels have a ready-made excuse for their upcoming thrashing at the hands of Auburn on Saturday.
Eli, Giants Stampede Cowboys
Former Rebel legend Eli Manning threw two touchdown passes as the New York Giants whipped the Dallas Cowboys 36-22 on Monday night. But the quarterback who made the biggest impact was the Cowboys' Drew Bledsoe, who was so lousy that he was benched at halftime.
Florida Makes McNabb Puke
There must be something about Florida that makes Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb sick. He famously puked on the field during the Super Bowl in Jacksonville a couple of years back. He did it again on Sunday in Tampa. Maybe there's something about losing that makes him sick to his stomach. Or maybe Terrell Owens is right and McNabb is a wimp. Or perhaps D-Mac is worried about his weight.
Monday, October 23
World Series, Game 2: Tigers 3, Cardinals 1
Detroit pitcher Kenny Rogers (that cheating @#*&!) dominates St. Louis as the Tigers tie the World Series. Game 3 is Tuesday in St. Louis (7 p.m., Ch. 40).
Sunday, October 22
World Series, Game 1: Cardinals 7, Tigers 2
St. Louis rocks Detroit in Game 1. Game 2 is Sunday at 6:30 p.m. (Ch.40).
Saturday, October 21
College Football: Instant Replay, Oct. 21
How Mississippi teams did on Saturday:
Grambling State 36, Jackson State 7: The Tigers run out of luck.
A Truly Racially Diverse America Ahead
Now that the nation officially numbers more than 300 million, what next?
The Associated Press has an intriguing story about what America will look like when we hit 400 million people, which is projected to happen in fewer than 40 years. White people won't be the majority, and as a result, forecasters say, attitudes about race will be much more evolved than today. And the South will play a major role:
Ole Miss Student Kills Campus Police Officer
The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal is reporting that a second-year Ole Miss student has been arrested for dragging and killing a campus police officer after he was pulled over for speeding:
World Series, Game 1
Doctor S saves you the trouble of looking by offering some outstanding previews:
St. Louis plays at Detroit on Saturday night (6:30 p.m., Ch. 40) in Game 1 of the World Series.
Friday, October 20
Cards Headed For World Series (Mets Still Suck)
Here's how the out-of-town papers saw it:
Let's hear it for the Redbirds. The St. Louis Cardinals are headed for the World Series, where they will face the Detroit Tigers (Cards in six). It's the Cards' second NL pennant in three years. This World Series is a rematch of the 1968 Series. The Cards lost that one to the Tigers, leading to much childhood trauma for young Doctor S. What makes this one even sweeter for Cardinals fans is that they beat the loathsome Mets in Game 7 at Shea Stadium. How do you like that worm in your Big Apple?
Under the Tusken Sun
According to independent Tattooine scholar Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sand People walk single file to hide their numbers. But if we examine this claim in light of the old "Footprints" devotional story, doesn't that mean Jesus is carrying them?
The GOP Blame Game Begins Early
The New York Times is reporting that, even before the November elections, Republicans are starting to point fingers at other Republicans to explain why they think they are going to lose the House this year, and maybe the Senate, although that is less likely:
DiFatta Donates Evers Painting to Boyd Elementary
See a full gallery of photos of the reception here.
Shteyger and Films - Festival Begins
Jackson is set to receive a fresh dose of Jewish culture this weekend, as the 5th annual Jackson Jewish Film Festival kicks off this Saturday. Thanks to the efforts of Jewish Cinema South, this year's festival should have something for just about everybody, with an eclectic mix of films designed to show different aspects of Jewish life. Beginning this Saturday and running through Tuesday, Oct. 24, daily screenings of these multiple-award winning films will be held at the Millsaps College Recital Hall, opening up with a Saturday evening sponsor reception. After the overwhelming success of last year's festival, this year's event is sure to please film buffs as well as those seeking a jumpstart of Judaism.
Thursday, October 19
Why So Few Female Bloggers and Opinion Writers?
I'm doing research to use in my first-ever opinion-writing seminar, and I ran across this piece about the dearth of women opinion writers and bloggers—and white maledom that dominates so much of the blogosphere (not here, though. Hah!). It's interesting and provides links to other relevant pieces. Take a gander:
Truly Outrageous, Indeed
Q: What do you get when you cross kitschy 1980s cartoon Jem and the Holograms with feminist new wave/punk/electroclash band Le Tigre?
Chromosomal Sabotage
On October 10th, the Rt. Rev. Duncan Gray III, Episcopal Bishop of Mississippi, wrote a pastoral letter to his diocese restating his support for the anti-gay Windsor Report.
Wednesday, October 18
Fat Man Walking
If nothing else should prove that we live in "America: Center of Obesity" this report should.
In this AP piece, the cult leader Jeffrey Lunden asks for a stay of execution because he's too fat.
Another Tragic Mississippi Day: Wilcher Executed
Gov. Haley Barbour's statement:
Despite the needless delay caused by the U.S. Supreme Court, justice has finally been rendered for these horrible crimes. The real tragedy in this case is that justice was delayed for more than two decades.
For The Girls
While reading the first draft of Natalie Collier's cover story this issue about domestic abuse, I was overtaken by emotion and memories.
Fighting For Suffrage
The ACLU of Mississippi filed a lawsuit Oct. 7 challenging the state's denial of voting rights to citizens convicted of felonies. Strickland v. Clark, filed against the secretary of state's office and the attorney general, contests the state's denial of voting privileges to two Hinds County residents convicted of crimes not specifically listed in the state constitution as a crime that would take away an individual's right to vote in national elections. The ACLU is also asking that the Oct. 7 voter-registration deadline be extended for people "who have been convicted of felony offenses and are uncertain about their voting qualifications," according to an ACLU statement.
Landlords On The Hot Seat
A meeting over a proposed landlord ordinance (PDF, 92K) got testy when supporters of tenants' rights butted heads with a coalition of landlords in council chambers last Thursday.
[City Buzz] Downtown's Pinnacle, and More
It's official. Parkway Properties announced its specific plans Monday to build The Pinnacle in the green space beside 1 Jackson Place. After a shaky start with law firm Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada and accounting firm Horne CPA getting seduced away to Ridgeland, the $39 million project is again underway. The 175,000 square-foot, eight-floor tower will feature glass-encased walls, its own secure parking area and will host businesses like Watkins, Ludlum, Winter & Stennis, P.A, East Group Properties; Brunini, Grantham, Grower & Hewes, PLLC; and Trustmark National bank.
Making Jesus Real
John Shelby Spong is not your average bishop. He has stepped out of the box. He's so far out of the box, in fact, that every time he comes within 500 miles of Topeka, Kan., local minister Fred Phelps protests his coming with signs that read, "Fags Go to Hell."
[Greggs] Not That Many Bullets
It used to be that when you wanted to lose it and shoot a bunch of the idiots hanging around you, you would say you were about to "go postal." It seems to me that after the recent uprising in school shootings we almost have to call it "going to school." Is this freaking anyone else out, or is it just me?
[Stiggers] One Giant Leap For Ghettokind
Dr. Silas P. Rathbone III: "It's a defining moment in Ghetto Science history. Two of our finest will embark on a journey where very few in the ghetto have gone before.
[Kamikaze] Watch What You Say
One of the most controversial rap groups of all time, Public Enemy, had a song called "Freedom of Speech … Watch What You Say" from the seminal late-'80s album "Fear of a Black Planet." It was a testament to the hypocrisy of the First Amendment as it relates to hip-hop. Frontman Chuck D. used his platform to let his million-plus listeners know how he felt about a number of social issues. Whether it was Hollywood, black-on-black crime, drugs or the government, Public Enemy always managed to put a message in their music. That was the golden era of hip-hop: when the lyrics had meaning, and a raunchy rapper out of Miami named Luke Skywalker went all the way to the Supreme Court to defend our right as artists to say what we want—even if you don't agree. That's the school I come from.
Healthy Chic
Brigitte Malaaya Britton, 49, was born in Morocco and moved to New York City in 1960, when she was 3 years old. She went to boarding school in Westchester and spent her summers in Europe. Upon graduating, she studied haute couture (high fashion) for two years under the apprenticeship of designer Jean-Louis in Beverly Hills, before starting her own line of clothing and costume design. She went on to design costumes for Patti La Belle and Billy Idol, among others.
Fall Colors Arriving
The approaching fall promises exciting colors not only in nature, but also in gadgets. Apple this past week announced the Product Red iPod Nano, a bright red Nano with all the same features as the other colorful Nano models, but with a twist—$10 of the purchase price goes to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS in Africa. The Product Red series was started by Bono and Bobby Shriver to encourage consumers to buy bright red products that donate a portion of profits to the Global Fund.
The Pasty Stuff
I was not born a southerner, so I do not have the grits gene. I had to acquire a taste for the southern delicacy, and it didn't come easily.
[Drink] Hold The Worm
Few spirits are more mysterious than mezcal. An outlaw's drink of ill repute, mezcal, like tequila, is made from pure maguey—or agave—liquor. Unfortunately, limited distribution and lax regulation that allowed nasty chemical cocktails to pass themselves off as mescal have given the liquor a bad rep. And then there's the ubiquitous worm: Introduced into bottles as a marketing gambit in the 1950s, it offers no demonstrable hallucinogenic properties, despite popular perception.
[New Releases] Skipp Coon "A Change Gon' Come"
When first listening to Skipp Coon's new album, "A Change Gon' Come," I was immediately hit by his complex, but clearly laid-out flow, and I couldn't help but notice—dude is one hell of a lyricist.
[New Releases] Olga "Now Is The Time"
The dusty yellow hue of the cover picturing a woman wandering like some gypsy beside train tracks may remind the listener of the everyday blues musician, but Olga, the lead vocalist, is more. She is the waifish-looking woman on the cover, with the long, fairy tale blonde hair, but she possesses a voice soulful enough to leave the rib cage and its heart vibrating like the warmly strummed strings of her guitar.
Home, Bitter Home
The last time Tim* hit Olivia, they had broken up. Outside their apartment complex, in front of his friends, they did their usual screaming at one another. He had her keys and wouldn't give them back.
When You're Getting Ready To Leave
- Keep any evidence of physical abuse, such as pictures, etc.
- If you are injured, go to a doctor or an emergency room and report what happened to you. Ask that they document your visit.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Junior college football, Hinds at East Central (7 p.m., Decatur): Here's hoping the Eagles don't become confused and go to Scooba.
Isaac Byrd
Isaac Byrd, 54, is not the kind of guy who bases his self-assessments on the opinions of others. "One of the great downfalls of black America and Mississippi is that the black community, for historic reasons, has been externally driven by what other people think and do. It's important to be aware of things, but don't let others dictate what you are," Byrd says.
10 U.S. Soldiers Die in Iraq Today; 69 This Month
The New York Times is reporting:
WashPost: ‘What Democrats Would Do'
The news this election cycle seems to be primarily about what Republicans in Congress and the WH are doing wrong...and it keeps cycling against them, from Iraq (10 US troops killed yesterday) to sex scandals to lobbying scandals to military contract scandals. So, a lot of Democrats are doing the smart thing in their races -- buying ads to raise their own name recognition while tying their opponents to Bush and otherwise staying out of their opponent's way if he's got enough scandals already.
Recess + Playing Tag = Lawsuit?
Playing tag, chase, and other unsupervised contact sports has been banned at a Massachusetts elementary school. I guess the next move will be to pad the world with foam rubber.
Tuesday, October 17
Republicans Hurtin' in ... Texas!?!
The Associated Press is reporting that the GOPmay even be in trouble in Texas in this year's around of elections. Let's just say that Delay country has done an about-face.
U.S. AG's Crime Fighting Solution: Study It
According to the AP, U.S. Attorney General Roberto Gonzalez announced that he plans to study an apparent rise in violent crime reported in 2005 over 2004, which itself saw a spike. The study will focus on larger urban areas, although the mayors and police chiefs in his audience -- who have been called upon to implement various homeland security measures in addition to crime fighting responsibilities -- have asked for financial help as well.
Cuddle Lifeguard On Duty!
D.C. might have found the answer to world peace, the desire for more intimacy and the Hug for Frank's Monkey.
Monday, October 16
To Be Married Means to Be Outnumbered
The New York Times has a feature story about how married couples are now a minority in the U.S.:
JackBlog Goes Live
After a weekend of database spelunking, we've gotten JackBlog up and running...old hands around here will note that the names and faces of the innocent haven't been changed...this is simply a reorganization of our staff writers and regular bloggers. JackBlog serves as a landing spot for all our regular bloggers (Ali, Tom, L.W., Donna, me, Cyrus, etc.), so that you can head to a single page or grab a feed to see what folks are blogging about. It will also serve as a central blog for "promoting" items from the Forums that Donna or other editors think deserve special attention. Let me know what you think...I've also moved The Amazing Sportsblog to a top-level tab and reorg'ed some of that stuff...as you can see from the huge banner ads, we've got the JFP Fall 2006 Menu Guide up online as well. Criticism and/or praise is welcome!
Sunday, October 15
A Correction Forthcoming, Mr. Agnew?
In his "we do community journalism, too; really, we do" column today, Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Ronnie Agnew makes an interesting statement about his paper's Web site that we believe deserves a bit of a factcheck. When discussing his paper's stories about the state's health department, he states: "Some 60,000 of you have have used our online forums, now called StoryChat, to offer comments on that investigative series."
College Football: Instant Replay, Oct. 14
Here's how Mississippi schools did on Saturday:
Southern Miss 31, Houston 27: The Golden Eagles take a big step toward winning the CUSA East.
Fun For The Whole Family
This guy has way too much time on his hands.
Opposition to Iraq War Grows in South
A new poll of the region hit hardest by the war in Iraq finds that the South is steadily losing patience with the war in Iraq:
Saturday, October 14
[Lott] Made In Mississippi
Unlike some states, Mississippi is creating manufacturing jobs, and we're doing it in the high-tech sector where a wide array of complex products are now made in Mississippi. The latest example is Raytheon's plant in Forest. I was delighted to be there on October 11 for groundbreaking on a 90,000 square-foot expansion of its facility which will create 100 jobs. Once completed, it will produce the latest radar for our F/A-18 Navy fighter aircraft – units so good they're designed to outlast the aircraft itself.
Thursday, October 12
Palm Details Treo 680
Palm has unveiled the Treo 680, the latest Palm OS-based version of the Treo designed specifically to appeal to a more consumer-focused audience. Available in multiple colors, the Treo 680 offers e-mail, messaging, web access and access to tons of Palm OS applications, along with a VGA camera capable of video capture. It supports MMD and SD expansion cards for up to a few gigs worth of storage, and the PocketTunes interface for MP3 playback.
The Next Americans
Last week, President George W. Bush signed The Secure Fence Act, which adds 700 miles to the 83 miles of fence on our border with Mexico. Along with the fence, which will cost at least $6 billion, Congress approved billions of dollars for more border patrol officers, more prison space for illegal immigrants and more raids on employers.
Wednesday, October 11
The Problem with ‘Straight Talk' ...
... is that sometimes it isn't true. Read what a political science professor has to say about Frank Melton's antics on his blog:
Melton's Mixed Messages in 'Heinous' Case
Mayor Frank Melton doesn't have to write a check to two former Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics employees. Just yet.
[Parks] Unity, Mississippi Style
In the mall, Columbia, Mo.: My girlfriend and I giggled over Dippin' Dots ice cream. We held hands. We looked at the table next to us, where a young girl and guy were holding hands, too. The guy stood up, and his girlfriend jerked on his baggy jean shorts a little. She pulled too hard, though, and his genitals flopped out.
<b>Thursday, Oct. 12</b>
Enjoy an incredible menu and great drinks. The perfect opportunity to meet others in the community in a friendly and social setting. Free hors d'oeuvres and drinks specials in the plaza connected to Julep.
‘Beauty, Sadness, Happiness, and Pain'
Garrison Starr, country western singer-songwriter and Hernando, Miss., native, hasn't been to Jackson in a while. But she's excited to be heading back to her home state to play for OUToberfest Saturday, Oct. 14 at Hal & Mal's.
In The Nature of Things
"After I came out, I found out that my father is bisexual. My brother is gay. There's five of us that are gay in my extended family. How could that not be genetic?" asks Jayme Allen.
Lesbian Grandmothers From Mars
When I first heard about the Lesbian Grandmothers from Mars, I thought I'd been missing out on a wonderful D-grade horror film. Little did I know these two women were much, much cooler (and there ain't a lot in my world better than bad horror). The Lesbian Grandmothers from Mars consist of two women, Carrie Ross-Stone and Elisia Ross-Stone. Together they make up Rainbow Law, a firm dedicated to providing advocacy, information and educational services to the gay community.
Downtown Development Gets Boost
Watkins, Ludlum, Winter & Stennis are moving their offices from State Street to a planned building at Jackson Place, effectively replacing the firm originally slated to serve as anchor to the development. The move puts the development tentatively known as "2 Jackson Place" back in production and sets the ribbon-cutting for 2009.
City Plan Short On Details, Costs
Fifteen months after Frank Melton took the mayoral oath, Jackson Human and Cultural Services Department consultant Jayne Sargent submitted a city plan to council members last week that read more like a day-in-day-out to-do list than a comprehensive plan for progress.
CityBuzz [10.11.06]
Lott Calls for Bruce Stamp
Sen. Trent Lott has asked the U.S. Senate to issue a postage stamp commemorating the life of Sen. Blanche Kelso Bruce, who was the first African American to serve a full term in the Senate. Bruce was elected to the Senate in 1874, where he served from 1875-1881. Bruce was born into slavery in Virginia in 1841. When the Civil War began, he volunteered for the Union Army but was rejected because of his race. In 1869, he moved to Mississippi, where he quickly made a name for himself as a Republican politician. Bruce died in 1898.
[Stiggers] Booty Calls On The Internet(s)
Boneqweesha Jones: "I'm back on the scene, like detectives on 'Law and Order,' with the low-down on the Internet scandal in D.C. This segment of the 'Boneqweesha Live News Hour' is titled: 'Oh, no, they didn't: Touching Moments in American Politics.'
no. 04 October 11 - October 18
<b>Another Happy Addict</b>
Thank you, Ms. Donna Ladd for the Jackson Free Press. Thank you and your staff for keeping the citizens of Jackson thoroughly informed. Thank you for pulling the covers off and revealing the truth about what goes on in this city no matter who is exposed. It is hard to get away with doing wrong when somebody keeps shining the light on you, and the JFP keeps the light on without regard for status, race or class. I am so happy to see a newspaper that is available to all people that deals with the truth. I was first attracted to your editorial page that nearly always nailed the issues on the head, and they were issues that most people refuse to speak about. Then I started reading the articles by Brian Johnson and Adam Lynch—now I am really hooked.
Want Soup?
We can tell fall is in the air from three things: falling gas prices, double-digit temperatures and the internal urges to consume hot soup. OK, maybe the last one is my personal indication of the changing seasons, but I know that everyone, at one time or another, enjoys a steaming bowl of soup.
[Drink] Check Out Chile
I'm sure we've all ventured down the import isle at our favorite retailer and perused the South American selections. The first thing you'll notice about these wines is that most of them are really, really cheap, which may lead one to believe that they also really, really suck. Fortunately for the "light-in-the-pocket" wine enthusiast, this is not the case.
Zombie Marlon Brando!
All right, I lied. While Don Vito doesn't actually make his undead debut in this game adaptation of the classic movie, the depth and fun presented by "The Godfather" is a sure winner. In this version, the series, the player creates and controls a young Italian boy, gives him a name and then lets him loose in the world of 1950s New York. In the beginning of the game, the boy's father is brutally murdered by Don Barzini and his thugs. Confronted by Don Corleone, he is told to "save his anger," and then runs off in confusion. Years later, his mother shows up at the wedding party seen in the beginning of the first movie claiming she needs help.
[Music] Telling It Like It Is
God-des and She are a two-woman hip-hop team who combine hard-hitting rap lyrics with soulful back-up to create a sound that is as entertaining as it is rare. Currently, they are performing shows around the country and will make a stop in Jackson to perform at OUToberfest this weekend. I had a chance to call and speak with them about this event last week.
[Music] New Music, Old Soul
When one of my friends called and said Jaguar Wright was coming to Jackson, he had difficulty finding words to describe her voice. Wright's singing transports you from reality to another world where melodies float freely and you can rest easily. When the vocalist couldn't recollect the title of one of her favorite songs from fellow Philadelphian Bilal's album "First Born Second," she sang most of it to me. Her sound did more for the lyrics than any song title could have. If you appreciate music—real music—you already appreciate Jaguar Wright.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
College football, Valdosta State at Delta State (7 p.m., Cleveland, CSS/930 AM): QB Scott Eyster is about to become the NCAA all-time passing leader. … Southwest at Hinds (7 p.m., Raymond): The Eagles celebrate homecoming.
Ferrell Tadlock
Ferrell Tadlock, an attorney who works for the Mississippi Court of Appeals, isn't known by most for his day job. He's known for his heavy involvement in the arts. As one of the founders of the Crossroads Film Festival, Tadlock knows a thing or two about films. Before helping to get Crossroads off the ground, he helped Ed Inman sponsor movie nights on Mondays at New Stage Theatre.
Predatory Mortgage Lending to Minority Homebuyers
Let's say you want a better life for yourself and your children if you have any. Even though you work two or three jobs to pay the bills and have a strict budget, you are currently living in deplorable conditions and want to move ASAP. You want to own a home, but you cannot afford a $650,000 home in the 'burbs and you don't have enough saved to make a large down payment. You go house hunting anyway, hoping for a miracle. You run across a quaint little 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom home near schools that you like. The sign in the yard says, "Just $500 down!" It's just what you were hoping for, right? Well, maybe - or maybe not if you're dealing with a shady lender.
Tuesday, October 10
JFP Cyberstalkers/Hackers At It Again
All, after receiving an expletive-filled e-mail from one of our bloggers last week, we have determined that he did not send it. Once again, one of our small group of JFP-haters is stupidly playing games, pretending they are someone else to try to, well, be stupid. And stupid he is—in part of this particular game, he is using a screen name he used years back on this site, which indicates that it's the same person. If you get an odd e-mail, or see something posted on a blog that indicates that the stalker(s) is up to no good, please forward all the information, including IP headers where possible, to us here. We're collecting it all to hand over to the authorities; I believe our harassers will find that this kind of thing is taken more seriously than they might think.
Monday, October 9
North Korea Goes Nuclear
Last night, North Korea tested a 5-15 kiloton nuclear weapon in an underground test, according to the government there.
Sunday, October 8
Gettin' Older in San Fran
Todd bought me a new little digital camera for my birthday but, so far, I'm not sure it's really for me. What y'all think?
[Halloween Special] Smell My Feet
Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.
OK, rule one: Never, ever teach this chant to a school-age boy, especially of the Monkey persuasion. Yeah, it makes you feel like "cool mom" for a moment, but repetition soon makes one feel like "I'm-going-to-take-that-whole-bag-of-sugar-and-stick-it-in-your-pumpkin-if-you-don't-stop-it-nowmom." Being the cool—while somewhat neurotic—mother that I am, I decided to take advantage of the "No Halloween on a Melton School Night" decree and allow the Monkey the chance to trick-or-treat on a Saturday night.
The Coach O Song
HOLY GUACAMOLE!!! The Coach O song video has to be seen to be believed. This is the funniest thing Doctor S has seen since his last job review. This also links up with other good stuff like the recut Coach O Hummer ad.
Saturday, October 7
College Football: Instant Replay, Oct. 7
It was a day of firsts for Ole Miss, Belhaven and Millsaps. How Mississippi's teams did on Saturday:
Ole Miss 17, Vanderbilt 10: The Rebels earn their first SEC win of the season.
Blue Angels (and Atheists) By the Bay
Whoa. I'm on a short break from this Web conference we're attending in San Francisco. (BTW, all, the iTodd did an excellent presentation and wowed them this a.m. Be proud. Very proud.) Anyway, I'm back up in our room (which turned out to be a suite on the 26th/top floor; Todd must present more often!) looking out on half of the city and the Bay through a 40-foot-wide or so window. It's gorgeous.
Friday, October 6
Melton Under Oath; Mistrial Declared
UPDATE: Judge Bailey declared a mistrial because the jury couldn't agree on damages Friday. Check back here Monday for more details and explanations of what happens next.
No Resolution on Ridgeway Injunction
The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Tomie Green has directed attorneys for the city and for Jennifer Sutton, owner of the duplex on Ridgeway Street that Mayor Frank Melton and associates allegedly demolished, to come to an agreement on how city officials may refer to the property.
Special Delivery!
A postal worker is in trouble for more than just speeding. During the traffic stop, the police found cocaine and stolen mail in his truck, including credit cards.
Thursday, October 5
EXIT THE STREET - rock band from Ireland makes first US appearance in Memphis on Sunday October 8th. Voted best band in Ireland, this Cork band brings their melodic, hard-hitting alternative sound to DanMcGuinness pub Sunday night (Peabody PLACE) Show starts at 9pm. Visit www.exitthestreet.com for music samples and more information. Not a show to miss!
Mississippi's Best Awards Polls Open thru October 10, 2006
Among the nomineees are Jackson Free Press columnist Kamikaze and editor Donna Ladd.
The Mississippi's Best Awards polls which celebrates the best that the state has to offer in over 40 categories are now open.
Wednesday, October 4
Baby, I Love You, Suzy Q
Ever had a Suzy Q? The moist, chocolate cream-filled, cellophane-wrapped confection? Seen one lately? I haven't. And I've looked.
[Drink] The Champagne of Whiskeys
As we turned around, the liquor-store attendant approached us from behind the counter and reached to the bottom shelf to grab a bottle of whiskey. My friends and I were in Gulf Shores, Ala., for a weekend at the beach. Naturally, we needed some booze.
[Chickdom] The Gift That Keeps On Giving
We Southern women are quite particular about love and marriage, particularly weddings. As little girls, we have our china patterns chosen, as well as the dress, church, colors and cake. It is the realization of all our dreams, and yet amidst all the formalities, our bridal announcements do not include fill-in-the-blanks for that one rite of passage that rebukes all previous Victorian decorum. I'm talking about the part of the celebration where the virginal, blushing bride gets a vibrator.
[Music] The Poet of Rap
Zachery Jhontel Esters is not only a rapper but also a musician, artist and honor roll student. Esters, better known to his fans and the hip-hop world as Z-Flo, is a new recording artist, who has been given the title "Prince of the Muddy South." His debut single, "Sholl'iz" is playing on radio stations all over Mississippi—including Jackson's WJMI. The song has a catchy beat, and its hook has already made thousands of fans addicts.
Judge Lays Down Law
Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green threatened attorneys with $2,500 fines in the Ridgeway case involving Mayor Frank Melton and Jackson Police Department detectives Michael Recio and Marcus Wright on Monday. All three men face a number of felony counts for their involvement in the demolition of a Ridgeway Street duplex on Aug. 26.
State Medicaid Drops 55,000 Children
A new program requiring face-to-face meetings for Medicaid recipients has contributed to over 55,000 children being dropped from state rolls. At a meeting of the Legislative Budget Committee last Thursday, Bob Robinson, executive director of the state's division of Medicaid, presented the agency's proposed budget to legislators and lauded the reduction in rolls for the money it had saved the state.
CityBuzz [10.4.06]
'Allen and His Loony Squad'
Former JFD Assistant Chief Tony Davis got free rein at the Jackson Advocate two weeks ago in a vitriolic column describing Council President Ben Allen's "hidden agenda for the city of Jackson." In the column, Davis called Allen a "pick-pocket racist," who hates other races but still wants their support. Davis recently resigned after he demanded written substantiation of firefighter complaints made to the JFP. The fire department suspended five firefighters for failing to comply, but Mayor Frank Melton soon returned them to duty. It was Davis who got the boot.
Pay Now, or Pay Later
Jackson Public School Superintendent Earl Watkins and JPS School Board President H. Ann Jones held an editorial board meeting with the Jackson Free Press last week, arguing for a $150 million bond proposal, which will be put to a vote by Jackson voters this November. Both Jones and Watkins believe it's necessary in a district facing overcrowding. Over the last two decades, the district has built low-quality aluminum portables to house a surge of students, constituting about 300 potential tornado-hazards throughout Jackson.
‘Kaze Goes Kanye At Millsaps
During a concert on the campus of Millsaps College, Kamikaze, local hip-hop artist and JFP columnist, gave social and political commentary about President George W. Bush Thursday, Sept. 28.
Media Fell Down on Melton Beat
The other night at Symphony at Sunset in Fondren, I was talking to a local newspaperman who told me about a lie Mayor Frank Melton had told publicly during his campaign—basically an item on his resume that was an outright fabrication.
[Greggs] Why Are We So Sad?
Two weeks ago, I was swimming in a pool and decided to halt my forward crawl by using my face against the concrete side. As some older Southern people say, I "knocked a big-ass goose egg on my head." After this unfortunate accident—which will most assuredly ruin my future career as a nose model for the Home Shopping Network—I immediately headed to my mother's house for pharmaceutical consolation. I do this because any woman over 50 seems to have a prescription for some sort of pain killer and usually an anti-depressant.
[Stiggers] Drop It Like It's Hot For Jesus
Bruh. Sylvester: "Welcome to my art exhibit titled 'Talkin' 'Bout the Ghetto and Other Stuff,' sponsored by the Ghetto Science Team's Museum of Natural History, Science, Art, Urban Mythology and Culture. Although I'm known for my seasonal creations of 'Christmas Missing-Toe Art,' I want to share with the arts community four of my latest works.
[Kamikaze] Death By Anchor?
There's been a lot said recently about the Fourth Estate and its responsibilities to the public. I can say that I was once a proud member of that "estate" and to some degree, through this column, still am. It's a little known fact that before I changed professions, I had stints at nearly every print job in the city. You name it: the Associated Press, Jackson Advocate, Mississippi Link and even the Mississippi Business Journal took a chance on a young journalism graduate. I even ran a teleprompter at WAPT. I guess you could say my first few post-college years were spent devoted to the media.

The High Cost of Frank Melton
Monday, Oct. 2, was one of those days when Mayor Frank Melton needed to be two places at once. Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green had called him, his bodyguards, and their attorneys to her courtroom in downtown Jackson to threaten them with contempt if they violated a gag order in their trial for allegedly demolishing a private home on Ridgeway Street, and instructing at least one minor to help them to do it.
Melton's MBN Lawsuit: A Timeline
Dec. 4, 2002Gov. Ronnie Musgrove appoints former WLBT executive Frank Melton head of Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
College football, Alcorn State at Prairie View A&M (7 p.m., Prairie View, Texas, ESPU/90.1 FM): The Braves go on the road in search of their first SWAC victory.
Roxanne Rogers
There is nothing average about Roxanne Rogers, 27. This self-avowed "Pearl girl" is unique, from her Southern drawl to her gorgeous, funky hair. From the moment you enter Rogers' salon Stella, one glance at the suit of armor by the door, the artwork on the walls and the chairs that spin around in stomach-twisting circles make it clear that this is not your mama's salon.
Tuesday, October 3
Kinda Reminds Me Why I Helped Start a Newspaper
Keith Olbermann takes POTUS to task for a phrase uttered in anger (and a strawman argument made in the process) when Bush was confronted with a quote by Colin Powell at his recent Rose Garden press conference. (I haven't seen the whole press conference...it must have been a doozie.) This is important stuff:
Monday, October 2
Brunini, Watkins Ludlam to Anchor ‘Two Jackson Place'
Just in from David Watkins:
The Brunini law firm yesterday signed on with Parkway to be one of the anchor tenants in the new "Two Jackson Place" office tower to be built in downtown Jackson. The other anchor tenant is Watkins Ludlam.
Barbour Calls Special Session on Coast Housing
[verbatim statement] (JACKSON, Mississippi) * Governor Haley Barbour announced today he has called a Special Session of the Mississippi Legislature for Thursday to ask legislators to reduce the cost of construction of new homes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Judge Green Warns Attorneys on Gag Order
Hinds County Circuit Judge Tomie Green held a hearing today at 11 a.m. to weigh sanctions against attorneys in the Ridgeway case for violating a gag order she issued last Thursday, threatening attorneys with $2,500 fines for further violations. The hearing comes after Green sealed a motion filed last Thursday by attorney Robert Smith, who represents Marcus Wright. Wright, along with JPD Detective Michael Recio and Mayor Frank Melton, faces a number of felony counts for his involvement in the demolition of a duplex on Ridgeway Street on Aug. 26.
AG Forms New Domestic Violence Unit
[verbatim] Jackson, MS*Attorney General Jim Hood kicked off National Domestic Violence Awareness month (October) today with the announcement of a newly established unit to combat Domestic Violence in Mississippi. The Domestic Violence Division of the Office of Attorney General is being funded by a two year, $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
Atlanta's The Close To Release New Album That Packs So Much Southern Heat, It'll Give You A Sun, Bur
Imagine if Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon had married Built To Spill's Doug Martsch instead of Thurston Moore. Now, imagine if Doug and Kim had kids, and those kids started a band. That band would inarguably sound like Atlanta rockers, The Close. All fictional marriages and rock star spawn aside, The Close boasts its very own brand new full length album Sun, Burn (featuring a guest appearance by Ivan Howard of Merge Records' The Rosebuds) to be released this fall on Atlanta label Goodnight Records.