Friday, October 31
Voter Coalition Debut Massive Voter Watch; Criticizes Hosemann
Mississippi's NAACP President Derrick Johnson today accused Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann of "fear-mongering" and of failing to give adequate instructions to help ensure a smooth vote as he announced Friday that at least 250 attorneys have volunteered to protect the vote in the state on Election Day. "We will have at least two attorneys in every county and a panel of legal experts to resolve legal questions that may arise as people go to the polls," Johnson said, criticizing the priorities of Hosemann. "Unfortunately we're at a time when our elected officials are fear-mongering and chasing discredited allegations of widespread election fraud instead of educating local election workers on how to carry out an effective election. Because of that gap in leadership we have to be there to help the voters.
The. Best. Photo. Ever.
No kidding:

Polka Dot Pumpkins & Other Ways to Re-Purpose Jack-O-Lanterns
All the trick-or-treaters have come and gone, the bowl of leftover mini Mars Bars have been devoured, and the genius costume you painstakingly created is now stained and smelling of day old cigarettes. Halloween's over! And now you've got hordes of squash on your porch. What would a [FLY] Girl do? Why, re-purpose them, of course!
10/31 Markets End Up for the Week
The Dow ended up again on Friday, the first time it's been up for two days in a row in the month of October. CNNMoney headlined their story Strong End to a Brutal Month, leading with: "Stocks rallied Friday, capping off a strong week at the end of one of the worst months in Wall Street history." The Dow began October at 10,831 and ended at 9325, according to CNN.
It's three days until the election. (In my need to get it over with, I don't count the current day or Election Day. That makes it come sooner.) It is so stressful waiting to see which way America will turn on Nov. 4; will we choose hope and progress, or fear and regression? Will enough Americans buy Sarah Palin's hate-soaked tirades and give her the opportunity to further divide our nation, or John McCain the chance to fall apart on a national stage?
Reagan Chief of Staff Endorses Obama
The Obamacans keep coming. Per CNN:
Obama, Wicker Win Mississippi ‘Early Voting'
Sen. Barack Obama is the presidential choice of a majority53 percentof Mississippi public and private school students who voted in the 2008 Mock Election. "This year, 514 schools are signed up to participate in our Promote the Vote program," said Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann in a statement. "Of those 514 schools, 328 submitted their results for the Mock Election portion of Promote the Vote. This is a tremendous turnout for our students and a great way to get them started in the democratic process." Vote program.
Is Palin Kidding!?!
I've about stopped posted absurd statements by Sarah Palin, but this one strikes at the very core of our American birthright. She actually thinks that being criticized for being too "negative" in her statements about Obama is, somehow, a violation of her First Amendment rights. One of the most dangerous things a politician (demagogue?) can promote is that Americans do not have the right to *respond* to speech they don't like. Speech, dear Palin heart, flows to directions, not only out of your mouth. ABC News:
Gallup Poll Not ‘Tightening' on National Vote
The assumption is that four days out from a Presidential election, the national polls would show continued tightening in the race between the two major party candidates. And, while these polls are only broad indicators of the candidates' chances (since it's the Electoral College that ultimately matters), it's interesting to see today that Gallups three models -- registered voters, traditional likely voters and expanded likely voters -- all showed increases for Obama in Friday's three-day rolling poll. One-third of the poll was conducted after the Obama infomercial and joint rally with Bill Clinton on Thursday.
Thursday, October 30
Feds Allege Melton's Past 'Crimes,' Including Bribery
See U.S. v. Melton filings here.
Palin-McCain Camp Disses Penn State President
So much for reaching across the aisle, eh? The Chronicle of Higher Education reports:
Business Owners of Both Parties Supporting Obama
USA Today is reporting the surprising trend of Republican business owners supporting Barack Obama for president, ending with this quote from one: ""I would rather pay a little higher tax on a higher profit than a lower tax rate on lower profits." Here's some more:
Ron Howard's Endorsement
This video with Andy Griffith and Henry Winkler is a real blast from the past:
ALERT: Young Voters, African Americans Getting Phony Calls
From the Mississippi Democratic Party/pass the word and let us know if you get any of these calls. Better yet, record them and send us the file:
McCain Advisers Turning on Palin the ‘Whack Job'
And Roger Simon at Politico says McCain has no one to blame but himself for the vice-presidential calamity:
Wednesday, October 29

ON THE ISSUES: Military And Veteran's Needs
In a recent Army Times poll of active-duty National Guard and reserve personnel, Republican presidential contender John McCain outpaced Democrat Barack Obama nearly three to one, with McCain garnering 68 percent of the respondents, while 23 percent said they would vote for Obama.

God's Tool
"I'm a tool," rapper Skipp Coon says, laughing, while gushing over his debut album, "Women Revolution Tennis Shoes" which he completed alongside producer Mr. Nick. No, this is not your stereotypical rapper posturing.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
MLB baseball, World Series, Philadelphia at Tampa Bay (7:30 p.m., Ch. 40/1240 AM): If the Rays stay alive and the weather cooperates, Game 7 might be played tonight.

Court Showdown: Chamber v. Plaintiffs
The Mississippi Supreme Court races are a step apart from the other campaign fights this November. Unlike the contentious elections between Senate nominees Roger Wicker and Ronnie Musgrove or the campaigns of presidential nominees Barack Obama and John McCain, the Supreme Court races revolve around one single power struggle: the battle between plaintiffs and defendants.

Congressional Overview
Bennie Thompson (Democrat) Bennie Thompson has represented Mississippi's Second Congressional District since 1993. Thanks to the recent Democratic majority in the House, Thompson serves as chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
Reasons to Vote, From A to Z
If you have been living under a rock and somehow managed to avoid the election that seems to have been going on for my entire life, here is a quick A-Z guide of the issues, talking points, jokes and other ridiculous election nonsense you should know before you vote on Nov. 4. You are planning to vote, right?

Rob Hill
Framed pictures of friends, family and spiritual figures line the walls and desk of Rob Hill's dimly lit church office in Jackson. The 33-year-old pastor is enthusiastic yet soft-spoken as he speaks of his congregation at Broadmeadow United Methodist Church, marathon running and his love for preaching.
Come Together
After a much-needed Waffle House run last Sunday, my fiancé and I hopped into the car and headed home. Like most times we're in the car, he soon turned the radio dial to our favorite news station, and turned up the volume.
Don't Be Intimidated: Vote Tuesday
Let's be clear: Someone may try to intimidate you out of voting on Tuesday, Nov. 4, but you must not be stopped. No matter what games you face at the precinct, do not leave the polls without casting at least a "provisional" ballot. Memorize that word.
[Sue Doh Nem] Voting Time
Sue Doh Nem
Boneqweesha Jones: "Live from the Ghetto News Network studios, it's the Situation Room. The GNN team is on the scene like a record machine covering the early vote drive at Clubb Chicken Wing's Multi-Purpose Complex."

Vol. 7, No. 5
<b><em>How Much is Enough?</b></em>
How Much is Enough? What is going to help people survive the crisis we are in is prayer and good common sense. I've had to live on the money I had and not use a lot of credit. The financial institutions need to offer high interest rates. Then people will put more into savings. Then they can lend to people who use a lot of credit and pay it back.
[Hutchinson] Suppressing Minority VotesLegally
News reports of state officials in crucial battleground states illegally purging thousands from voter rolls drew a flurry of media and public attention.

Thou Shalt Not Steal: Is Voter Suppression the Real Issue?
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has gone out of his way to excite the historically indifferent youth vote, but the biggest question with young voters may not be keeping their attention long enough to get them to the polls.

To help with your decision with whom to vote for, here is a quick listing of issues of your candidates' viewpoints.

[Herman's Picks] Vol. 7, No. 7
Election Day is next week. Get ready to call a personal moratorium on watching those wrenching Musgrove/Wicker ads, and then get thyself to loud music and hard liquor.

[Pass The Mic] Old Guys and First Loves
"Just thought I'd call and see if you wanted to get tickets to see your favorite band; they're playing in New Orleans in October!" My best friend told me recently. She is overly enthusiastic, and I knew that she was also joking.
Alaska Ethics Complaint Filed Against Palin for Kids' Travel
CBS News is reporting that Gov. Sarah Palin has more ethical problems back home:

Popeye and Pesto
You always hear great words of wisdom from your parents: "Look both ways before crossing the street;" "Don't run with scissors;" "Eat your spinach."

‘Blue Dixie': Anecdotes and Assertions
A couple of years ago, Thomas Schaller wrote a book, "Whistling Past Dixie," that got a lot of people up in arms. The book's thesis was nicely summed up by its subtitle: "How Democrats Can Win Without the South.

Grass Isn't Always Greener
With the arrival of fall, I am ready to spend more time outside after months of avoiding the summer heat. Mississippi doesn't have quite the autumn splendor of my home state of Virginia, but my husband is slowly trying to add more fall color to our yard with trees such as blackgum, red maple and silverbell.

DJP Proposes New Jackson Arena
Downtown Jackson Partner President Ben Allen is pushing the idea of a new arena in Jackson and wants to invest about $100,000 in a feasibility study to vet the endeavor.

Deuce Faces Drug Suspension
New Orleans Saints running back and Jackson businessman Deuce McAllister faces a possible four-game suspension for testing positive for Bumetanide, a drug on the NFL's list of banned substances. The drug is a powerful diuretic that professional athletes sometimes use to lose weight, but it can also be used to mask the presence of steroids and other drugs.

Prosecutors Provide Court Info on Cold Cases
Responding to an Oct. 16 request from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the case of James Ford Seale, federal prosecutor Tovah Calderon wrote that the Federal Bureau of Investigations "currently is reviewing 22 civil rights related 'cold casesҔ under that Court's jurisdiction, with seven cases being "particularly promising."
Obama-the-Communist: ‘I Shared My Toys in Kindergarten'
Boo! Alert the media! Obama is a communist because he shared his peanut butter sandwich and his toys in kindergarten! Watch Obama make fun of McCain and Palin's stupid red-baiting today:

Whiskey River Take Me Home
Lawyers for the U.S. Department of Justice are having no part of Mayor Frank Melton's attempt to defend his attack on a Ridgeway Street duplex by claiming that the building itself had a history of drug sales. It seems that the law still requires a warrant. There was no lawful basis for the destruction of the home at 1305 Ridgeway Street; a point which is essentially conceded by Melton in his public statements and in his public failure to make even a token effort to rebut the arguments in the government's Motion," the prosecution wrote in an Oct. 20, 2008, motion in U.S. District Court.
JFP Update: Goin' Live with the Tabs
As you can see, I've put the "tabs" into play from our Beta page. They're now the default look on the home page of the JFP. Let me know if you have trouble with it -- there's a known issue with Safari 2 that is fixed by updating to Safari 3.
Gannett To Cut Another 10 Percent in December
On Tuesday, Gannett Company, the corporate parent of the Clarion-Ledger, announced sharply lower earnings and their intention to lay off another 10 percent of their Newspaper division workforce in early December. The layoffs come just months after another round of layoffs affected 3 percent of employees in August.
10/29 Ching, Ching, Ching…Market Rollercoaster Climbs High
The Dow and other indicators took an extraordinary leap up on Tuesday, with the Dow climbing nearly 10 percent to close up 889 points, the second highest point gain ever, representing a 10.9 percent gain. The NASDAQ gained 9.5 percent and the S&P 500 10.8 percent.
Tuesday, October 28
FOX News Skewers Joe-the-Plumber's ‘Israel' Remarks
Really. It's remarkable that the McCain campaign has set this guy up to make a fool a fool of himself to try to spread their hateful lies about Obama and Israel. Watch this:
McCain Camp Suddenly Upset About Professor He Helped Fund
The absurdity du jour is that the desperate McCain campaign and right-wing media are suddenly demanding the release of a video of a party Obama attending with Palestinian studies expert and Columbia University professor Khalid Rashid Khalidiwhose group to study Palestinian issues was funded by none other than ... get ready for it ... John McCain!
Wicker Leading Musgrove By 11 In New Poll
The latest Rasmussen poll doesn't look good for Ronnie Musgrove. Rasmussen has him trailing Roger Wicker by only two points, 47 to 49 percent, in early October. Now they're putting Wicker ahead 54 to 43, a week before the election. Most surprising is that Musgrove's support among African-Americans seems to have slipped this month, from 96% to 87%.
VoteVets Fight Back ...
... against the people who sent them to war, but wouldn't vote to give them adequate safety equipment. Watch:
Politico On Horse-race Coverage
This is an interesting piece over at Politico talking about media bias (and/or the lack thereof) in the coverage of the McCain and Obama campaigns. Politico is talking about its own coverage, which was not included in a Pew study that pointed to twice as many positive stories for Obama vs. McCain in the mainstream media.
Problems with Voting/Registration in Jackson/Mississippi?
If so, please post below, and we can get you help. You can also call the JFP at 601.362.6121 ext. 5 through Election Day to alert a reporter. Also visit the new 601 voter blog at for all sorts of must-know voter information. Do not allow your vote to be suppressed or intimidated! It's your right.
UPDATED: Voter Suppression Growing Nationwide
CNN is reporting:
The voter-purge machine is kicking into overdrive this week. Down below, and in the comments, we will keep you apprised of stunts being pulled, so we can watch for them here on the homefront. Please add to the list as you see examples.
Nooses Are NEVER Okay
A man in West Hollywood has a sickening Halloween display outside of his home: Sarah Palin hung in effigy and McCain on fire. The homeowner's response?
No Complacency: It Ain't Over ‘Til It's Over!
OK, folks, it's one week until the election. Change is in the air: Even on my neighborhood walk route, Obama yard signs outnumber McCain signs 14-to-1. No, that's not scientific, but this is Mississippi, and that could be different. The main thing now is to not get complacent. Every person must vote and do everything in your power to get friends and family out to vote. Unlike, say, the leaders of the Republican Party, I have long believed that the more people vote, the more the people's will is done. So please, please do everything in your power this week to get involved. Vote, drive people to the polls, volunteer, educate yourself and others on how to prevent voter intimidationanything you can do to bring change to this great nation next week. This election is not over, and it's up to you to bring it on home. And to get at least five people to the polls. ;-)
Monday, October 27
Drudge, FOX News Distorts Obama ‘Redistribution' Comment
Media Matters is warning:
On-screen text on Fox News echoed the Drudge Report in falsely claiming that Sen. Barack Obama said it is a "tragedy" that the Supreme Court has not addressed wealth redistribution. In fact, the "tragedy" Obama identified during the interview was in what he said was the civil rights movement's overreliance on the courts to pursue political and economic justice.
Ted Stevens ‘Rocks GOP'; Cochran to Take Spot
Politico is reporting that Sen. Thad Cochran will take the seat of Sen. Ted Stevens on the Appropriations Committee as Republicans decide what to do with him since his indictment for corruption today:
FOX ‘News' Chick Makes Ass of Herself
I fully realize this probably happens over at FOX News every day, but this video is unbelievable. She is so outclassed by Bill Burton of the Obama campaign:
Protect the Vote
The ACLU of Mississippi is announcing a new non-partisan coalition called Protect the Vote 2008, launched to educate and protect voters in the state.
Grisham in Jackson
Author John Grisham will be in town tomorrow night at a catfish dinner honoring former-Gov. Ronnie Musgrove.
Hilarious: Texas Man Thwarts the Obama Sign-Stealers
Stealing Obama signs has become high sport in recent weeks. One Texas man found a way around it, though: He just painted his damn lawn.
AP: Feds Disrupt Plot to Assassinate Obama
Just in from the Associated Press:
Which Is Worse: the Race-Baiting or the Red-Baiting?
OK, you don't have to pick. Every trick-o'-the-hour the Republican Party is coming up with to try to turn the election is sleazy at this point. For instance, here's race-baiting in Wisconsin and here's more red-baiting nationally. American to McCain: If you want votes, you're going to have to stop waging bigoted attacks and tell the American people what is so great about you and Sarah Palin, and how you're going to help Main Street. You have not done that, yet, while you're bending over backward to defend George Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy. You're not fooling us.
NASCAR's Junior Johnson Endorses Obama (!)
The support of Junior Johnson may be Obama's biggest endorsement, yet. Here it is, as posted on Sean Hannity's forum. (Tee, hee.)
Why Republican Chuck Hagel Doesn't Support Friend McCain
The New Yorker has a good piece on why Sen. Chuck Hagel isn't supporting John McCain, one of his closest friends:
Prayers for Jennifer Hudson
Darnell Donerson and Jason Hudson, R.I.P.
Jennifer Hudson, former American Idol contestant and "Dreamgirls" star, is dealing with the murders of her mother and brother as well as the abduction of her 7-year-old nephew. I wouldn't wish what she is going through on my worst enemy. I can in no way say that I understand her situation since I've never through anything close to this, but my heart goes out to Hudson and her sister, Julia Balfour. I pray that they will find peace in their time of sadness, and I pray that little Julian King will be found safe and sound and returned to his mother.
CNN: Palin-the-‘Diva' Is ‘Going Rogue' on McCain
I don't want to say "I told you so," but Sarah Palin had drama queenor small-town "diva"written all over her since the day she was appointed. (The tanning bed in the governor's mansion was a very good clue.) But don't listen to me: Listen to John McCain's campaign staff, who are accusing her of being a "diva" and "going rogue" on the campaign. CNN is reporting:
TV Anchor Dies From Injuries After Attack
Anne Pressly was only 26. From CNN:
Sunday, October 26
Anchorage Daily News Endorses Obama
Up in Alaska, the Anchorage Daily News published a ringing endorsement of Barack Obama today, says neither John McCain or Sarah Palin are ready to be president:
Saturday, October 25
Palin's Pipeline Problem
The Associated Press just published a long investigative piece on Sarah Palin's vaunted pipeline successand the parts she's not talking about. It starts:
Friday, October 24
Update II: McCain Camp, Young Republicans Pushed Mutilation Story
KDKA in Pittsburgh is reporting that Ashley Toddthe Susan Smith of 2008?made up the story that she was attacked by a large black man at an ATM because she was a McCain supporter:
L.A. Times: Palin's Patronage Problem
A Los Angeles Times investigation found:
McCain's $500-Welfare Rumor Is False
The Associated Press allowed Sen. John McCain to start a false rumor asserting "welfare" based on flatly false information, and that rumor is swirling. Per Media Matters:
Wall Street Journal Compiling ‘Obamacan' List
The Wall Street Journal has started a list of prominent Republicans who have endorsed Obama. Fascinating.

Judge Blocks Entergy's Efforts To Conceal Records
[Verbatim From AG's Office, Oct. 23, 2008] Jackson, MS--Today, United States District Judge William H. Barbour denied Entergy's attempt to stop Attorney General Hood from seeking to obtain records of their energy purchases, clearing the way for the Attorney General's Office to demand their release before a state court on Monday.
Thursday, October 23
10/23 Dow Ends Up 172; NASDAQ Stays Down
Although the Dow got as low as 275 it rallied back by the time the bell rang to go up 2 percent after two straight days of sliding, including a massive point drop yesterday. Some of the stocks that bounced back included oil and transportation stocks.
Who's the Better Dancer: Barack or Michelle?
Watch a very fun clip from the Ellen show; hat/tip Folo:
10/22 Stocks Hit Again Over Earnings Woes
The Dow dropped more than 500 points today settling a little over 8500 as weak earnings and a continued drop in oil prices drove recession woes. Intra-day the Dow was down nearly 700 points; the 500 point drop today (which would have been called "Black Something-Day" if it'd happened 12 months ago -- it was the Dow's 7th worst point drop) represents nearly 6% of the index's total.
189,817 New Mississippi Voters Since Jan. 1
New Voter Registrations from January 01, 2008 – October 4, 2008:
Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's office has released the following update on the number of new registrations. Note that he advises you to check your registration with the Circuit Clerk's office if you registered when you got your license. We're not sure why.
Wednesday, October 22

The Millennials' First Recession
The financial crisis is blowing toward Jackson, and the Millennial generationpeople ages 18 through 29is taking notice.
[Mott] Elite Confessions
I confess. I am a liberal elitist. Not only that, I'm a white, bleeding-heart Democrat, pro-choice, anti-death penalty, pro-government regulation, MasterCard-carrying liberal elitist.

Senate Candidates on the Economy
Ronnie Musgrove As governor, Democrat Ronnie Musgrove was exceptionally tight-fisted. His opponent, interim Sen. Roger Wicker, has frequently charged that he squandered a budget surplus during his administration.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
High school football, Provine at Murrah (7 p.m., Newell Field, Jackson): The JPS rivals meet in a Region 2-5A showdown. Come early and enjoy the hate.

Soulforce Does MC, Again
Lined up side-by-side, about 20 people stood on a sidewalk covered in chalk peace signs and messages like "God loves all."

ON THE ISSUES: Special Needs: Left Behind?
During the final presidential debate Oct. 15, moderator Bob Schieffer asked the candidates: "Why would the country be better off if your running mate became president rather than his running mate?"

Virginia Sen. Webb Stumps For Musgrove
An indication of the national attention on Mississippi's Senate race, Virginia Sen. Jim Webb appeared with former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove on Monday to speak in support of Musgrove on veterans' issues.
Factchecking McCain on Small Biz
In all of Sen. John McCain's hand-wringing recently over Sen. Barack Obama's tax plan, there's something I have never seen said plainly enough that I'd like to state for the record here:
[Sue Doh Nem] Rufus The Plumber
Smokey Robinson McBride: "While the presidential candidates garner votes by using common folk as metaphors to make a political statement, I want to introduce to the public an invisible man from the funky ghetto named Rufus Hardaway, the lowly, licensed master plumber and Summa Cum Laude graduate of the Cootie Creek Vocational School.
[Kamikaze] Running The Marathon
Today is my birthday. For the first time in many years, I'm excited. Not because of my "here and now" but because of the anticipation of my future.

Vince Gordon
"Fast cars, fast motorcycles, fast women." That's how Vince Gordon describes his former lifestyle as a military policeman in Yokosuka, Japan.

Fear Of A Broke Planet: Their Plans For Your Money
Class warfare began anew outside Toledo, Ohio, one recent Sunday.

[Art Buzz] Vol. 7, No. 6
On stage: Rocky Horror Show, To Kill a Mockingbird; in theaters: "W"; opening: "New Traditions" at Sanaa Gallery.

'Recycling Is Not Ugly'
Despite having a joint art exhibit in the ARTichoke gallery, Jo Patterson, 46, and Alissa DiAmonti, 41, only recently met for the first time. The women's show consists of works made almost completely from found and recycled objects. "We want to show people that recycling is not ugly," DiAmonti says.

Family Ties
The Dillons are a musical family in the purest sense. As daughter Anna Lee puts it, her father Sherman Lee Dillon, 57, has raised seven kids on music, not only through his work as a musician and instrument craftsman, but also by imbuing in them a love for making music.

Tame That Money Monkey
The other morning driving to work, I tuned my car radio to NPR to catch the latest news. It was grim: Russia and Brazil suspended trading on their stock markets. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke wanted to cut the interest rate again. The $700 billion bailout was looking to be closer to $1 trillion.
The Count's Negronis & Other Autumn-Inspired Cocktails
Roll the delightfully bitter and spicy beverages of holidays yore--perfect for sipping whilst reading a good book in front of the fireplace.
McCain Camp Bummed at Lack of Third-Party Smear Money
Politico is reporting that third-party smear groups, such as the Swiftboat crowd, aren't likely to step forward to fill in McCain's money gap with ugly adsand resurrect Rev. Wright so McCain doesn't have toin the next two weeks:
Who Authorized Palin's $150,000 Makeover?
According to Marc Ambinder at Time, John McCain's campaign folks are squirming and defensive, now that Politico has broken the news (wonder how much that red leather jacket cost?) that the campaign spent more than $150,000 on Sarah Palin's clothes, makeup and hairin a time when the country could be facing a depression. Even Republicans are disgusted, Ambinder says. And we can be pretty sure that trying to blame the "liberal media" won't work this time. (Betcha lot of those Saks and Bloomingdale designer duds are made in China, to boot.)
Poll Watchers Needed
Rosalind Rawls, executive director of the Mississippi Democratic Party has put out the call for volunteer poll watchers to help guarantee the rights of Mississippi voters on Election Day. I urge you to read on regardless of your party affiliation. Here's her e-mail:
Tuesday, October 21
Apple Posts Strong Quarter; Yahoo! Cuts Jobs
The NASDAQ eagerly awaited reports from two stalwart tech stocks after the bell rang today. Apple offered up one of its best quarters in its history, but with unsteady guidance for fiscal Q1 2009. (Apple's first fiscal quarter of each year corresponds with the holiday quarter, calendar Q4 2008.) Apple posted revenue of $7.9 billion and a profit of $1.14 billion, compared to $6.22 billion and net quarterly profit of $904 million in the year ago quarter.
Big AP Investigation Skewers Palin-the-"Reformer"
So much for all the mavericky "reformer" talk: the Associated Press is showing just how Gov. Sarah Palin has been bilking her own state for thousands of dollars. Lucky for Alaska that John McCain picked her; otherwise, they might not know just how un-reformish their governor really is. Gotta love the luxury hotel in New York for Bristol part. The long piece begins:
Palin: Vice President "In Charge of" the Senate (!?!)
Q: Brandon Garcia wants to know, "What does the Vice President do?"
Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has now erroneously stated, twice, that the role of the vice president is to be "in charge of" the Senate. Watch the latest example here. Here's what she said:
PDFs of Documents Filed in U.S. v. Melton
Most recent filings are listed at the bottom.
10/21 Markets ‘Sell' on Recession Fears
The DOW stayed above 9000 today, but still dove over 230 points, down 2.5 percent, with the market focused on some tough earnings reports from banks and financials. Deep into earnings season, fears have turned to recession, even as credit markets appear to be loosening somewhat.
Melton's Boys Come to His Defense
Additional reporting by Ward Schaefer
Three of Mayor Frank Melton's previous mentees, and the mother of another who died more than a decade ago, have filed affidavits in support of their mentor's efforts in what the U.S. Department of Justice believes was a drunken Aug. 26, 2006, double attack on a duplex at 1305 Ridgeway St. One of those affidavits, if true, indicates that federal agents have investigated the long-time rumors that Melton is involved in the city's drug trade, and had asked at least one of the young men to turn evidence on him.
DSCC Ad Attacks Wicker on Health Care, Wages
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is running a new ad that criticizes Roger Wicker for voting repeatedly against expanding children's health insurance, raising the minimum wage and increasing Medicare funding. An accompanying press release details the claims about Wicker's voting record.
Sr. Thea Bowmen School welcomes Bowmen's oldest living relative
It looks like the students at Thea Bowman Catholic School recently got a very special visit. Here's the press release from the school:
Muslim McCain Supporters Take On Bigots
It's a relief to see at least one instance of McCain supporters confronting the anti-Muslim sentiment outside GOP rallies. Let's hope there's more of it.
ACORN: The Real Story, and McCain's Past Support
Updated with a good video below with the real ACORN story, and why false rumors are being spread.
Voter Fraud in California, Across the Country
The Los Angeles Times reported over the weekend that a Republican firm hired in many states to register voters is in big trouble:
Monday, October 20
Listen to McCain's Despicable ‘Robocall' to Voters
After acting at the last debate as if Bill Ayers didn't matter all that much, John McCain launched the following "robocall" (recorded message) to voters in many states today, creating yet another firestorm about his vicious and misleading campaign tactics. Take a listen.
How to Steal Back the Vote
A video message from Robert Kennedy Jr.:
Thousands of Manufacturing Jobs Cut in Mississippi
The Associated Press is reporting bad economic news for the state:
Barbour, Voter Intimidation Is Wrong, Cowardly
Gov. Haley Barbour is the latest Republican official to climb aboard the anti-voting sleaze machine and needs to climb off post-haste and do everything possible to ensure that every eligible Mississippi gets the opportunity to vote. This is no timethere is never a time, in factfor the governor of a state to play partisan politics with the electorate, but it seems that is exactly what our esteemed governor is doing.
Tuesday Conference Call & Webinar for Miss. Obama Volunteers
Verbatim from the Obama-Mississippi site:
Miss. Supreme Court Race Goes On
The Sun-Herald []is reporting that Bubba Pierce, the choice of the big business lobby, is far outpacing incumbent Oliver Diaz Jr. in fund-raising:
Yet Another Reason to Vote for Barack Obama
Do it for her:
Va. Sen. Jim Webb Stumping for Musgrove Today in Jackson
Just saw this on Folo:
Sen. Jim Webb is visiting Jackson, MS, today to do a fundraiser for Ronnie Musgrove and have a press conference in front of the War Memorial at 2 PM? They've issued a special invite to veterans ....
Sunday, October 19
Levi Stubbs (Four Tops), 1936-2008
Stubbs was 72. From AP:
Ohio Resident Hangs Obama in Effigy
Mike Lunsford says he did it because Obama is black, but he says it off-camera. I wonder why.
Saturday, October 18
Help High School Journalism in Jackson
A high-school journalism revolution is coming in Jackson! Please click here to donate to the Jim Hill High School journalism program; they need $936 to buy basic supplies to get started. Also, please consider donating supplies (especially white paper, dry-erase markers and jump drives) to JAHSPA, the new Jackson Area High School Press Association. The Jackson Free Press is gathering the donations.
Unbelievable: McCain Calls Middle-Class Tax Cuts 'Welfare'
Mr. Keep-Trickling-Down-From-the-Rich McCain is calling middle-class tax cuts "welfare"! Does he truly think that the only real "tax cuts" are those for the very wealthy?!? Dallas Morning News:
The Story of Cindy McCain
It was heartbreaking that she had to go through several miscarriages alone because they lived apart.
There is a fascinating profile of Cindy McCain in the New York Times today, which includes details about her drug abuse and her role in Keating Five. Also, Rick Davis is *her* idea. Definitely worth a read.
Mississippi Senate Candidates On Health Care
With concerns on the issue with health, Ronnie Musgrove, Roger Wicker, Thad Cochran, and Erik Fleming offer their views.
Friday, October 17
Obama Endorsements
The New York Times is reporting that The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times (which last endorsed in 1972) and The Chicago Tribune (in its first-ever Democratic endorsement) have or will be endorsing Barack Obama for President.
Obama and McCain Roast Each Other
I watched the roast on television last night, and both of them were pretty funny. It was a nice break from all the craziness of the campaign. From CNN:
A friendly tutorial on taxes
There has been quite a debate over issues of tax cuts, class warfare, and shared prosperity ('spreading the wealth around'). I want to present a little tutorial on income and taxes for my friends who bemoan the idea of taxation - or, rather, higher taxation.
Letterman Nails McCain on Friend G. Gordon Liddy
A must-watch: David Letterman put it to John McCain tonight not just on Sarah Palin, but on why McCain's friendship with terrorist G. Gordon Liddy is different from the Bill Ayers scare his campaign has whipped up. (And note McCain's cheap shot at ACORN again. Pathetic.) Watch:
Thursday, October 16
Obama Depicted on a Food Stamp
Yes, on a food stamp, with his head attached to a donkey's body and surrounded by fried chicken, watermelon, ribs and Kool-Aid. See for yourself:
10/16 And, Dow Back Up Again…But Recession Fears Still Loom
The Dow was down as much as 360 points today in intra-day trading but ended up 400 points or nearly 4.7 percent. Some of the rally seemed to be a result of oil prices that have dropped to almost half of their record high earlier in the year; those numbers withdrew some short-term inflationary fears and helped send airline stocks up.
A Rape Victim Speaks to Palin and McCain
This powerful ad is sweeping the Internet today, dedicated to Sarah Palin, who believes that rape victims are not entitled to a safe and legal abortion, should the crime leave her pregnant by the rapist. It ran on MSNBC last night after the debate. Please watch:
McCain Fund-Raiser Under Investigation for Iraq Contracts
New York Times:
New ‘Beta' Home Page for JFP
All: I'm playing with a new look for the JFP home page -- not a radical change, but a few new navigation features that might make regularly checking in on our content a little easier. To access the page, see:
Another Vetting Problem: ‘Uncommitted' Joe-the-Plumber A Registered Republican
Update: Turns out that "Joe" is actually "Samuel Joseph" and is a registered Republican (but says he's in the Natural Law Party); see comments for more weirdness.
Diarrhea of the Mouth
Dr. James David Manning, pastor of ATLAH World Ministries, posted a video clip that was supposed to defend Bristol Palin's pregnancy, but he turned it into a spewfest where he called Barack Obama's mother "trash" and "dirt" and accused certain reporters' children of committing bestiality. Did he miss the whole "do unto others" and "thou shalt not bear false witness" stuff in the Bible?
Wednesday, October 15
Voters: Obama Wins Debate 53-22 (CBS); 58-31 (CNN)
Well, that's done. Well done, Obama. Well done.

Freedom Van!
The JFP's fourth annual Chick Ball raised $13,000 for CVP, and in September, it was able to purchase a much-needed van to transport women and children.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Junior college football, Gulf Coast at Hinds (7 p.m., Raymond): Another heavyweight calls on the Eagles.

John Currence: ‘King of American Seafood'
John Currence was wiped out for days during the fifth annual Great American Seafood Cook-Off held in early August in New Orleans.
Wash Post: The Reformer and his Free Cell-Phone Towers
The Washington Post is reporting that John McCain has a fresh ethics problem on his hands, even as he presents himself as a "reformer" of rampant ethics problems in Washington:
Swimming In The Toilet
"Kill him!" "He's a terrorist!" "Off with his head!" "Traitor!" "He's an Arab." We all know that the first African American president will not be elected without ugly racist by-products left in the ditch.
Fourth Man Exonerated, Registers to Vote
Arthur Johnson, 48, registered to vote this month, after nearly 16 years in prison for a rape he did not commit, and another eight months waiting for Mississippi to officially exonerate him.
[Gregory] Beyond the Palin
Last week I drove out to Rankin County to get my nails done. I don't normally spend a lot of time in Rankin County and only went this time because I had a gift certificate for a pedicure.

MDOT Mulls Fortification Project
The Mississippi Department of Transportation will vote on whether or not to approve the city of Jackson's proposal to narrow Fortification Street and widen its sidewalks to make the road more pedestrian-friendly.

ON THE ISSUES: What's In A Health-Care Plan?
For many Mississippians, the issue of health-care costs are central to the question of health-care availabilityor, more specifically, the lack of it.

Health Care: Access or Reform?
Perhaps one of the more effective openings that Sen. Barack Obama has had for criticizing his opponent, Sen. John McCain, has been in the contrast of their health-care policies.
[Sue Doh Nem] Politics Rising
Boneqweesha Jones: "You're watching Ghetto Science Television's popular morning show 'Good Morning Ghetto.' The GMG news team and I have another controversial show for you.
10/15 Dow Registers Second Largest Point Loss Ever
With the analysts chalking it up to new concerns that we're in a recession, the Dow experienced is second greatest point drop ever today with relatively little fanfare, dropping 733 points. The NASDAQ was off 8.5 percent and the S&P 500 lost 9 percent of its value. It goes without saying that this extraordinary volatility continues with the market see-sawing between massive losses and record-setting gains.

Issue 7, No. 4
<b><em>Double Standard?</b></em>
Double Standard? I'm curious if anyone else thinks that Sarah Palin is benefiting from a double standard; that it's somehow taboo or verboten to criticize a woman in politics? In particular, I wonder if it's not more of a southern phenomenon, a by-product of our conservative culture and evangelical communities.

The Orange Peel
Kristin Tubb was fed up with retail prices and her job as an optician when she got the idea to open a consignment store in 2005. Since then, she has seen her idea become one of Fondren's hippest shops.

Young and Popular
Playing 220 shows over the course of a year is something lots of bands do. Touring in New Zealand is what some bands do. But signing on with the largest deal a label has ever offered to a new artist is rare.

[Herman's Picks] Vol. 7, No. 5
If you rush for your weekly JFP on Wednesdays when it hits the stands, tonight is your last chance to see the Broadway percussion performance "Stomp!" at Thalia Mara Hall.

Sunny Smith
Dr. Sunny Smith started her career in journalism working with networks such as CBS Sports and Time Warner Inc. Now a mass communications professor at JSU, Smith believes she has found her calling.
Childers-Davis Debate Live Online at 4:30 p.m.
This afternoon, Congressman Travis Childers will debate candidate Greg

Palin: A Woman's Woman?
The lights were low in Hal & Mal's Red Room the night of the vice-presidential debate on Oct. 2. Excited chatter filled the room, along with a big screen set up at the far end.
White Men for Obama?
A long New York Times magazine feature by Matt Bai explores the question on everyone's mind: Can white men bring themselves to vote for Barack Obama in November? This is near the end:
Hey Media: This is Ohio, NOT Mississippi
As disgusted as I've been with the ugly race hatred that Sarah Palin has stirred up around the country, there is one tiny bright spot for me: The country is seeing how hypocritical they are when they pretend that racism is only in the South. Yes, we still have some, but they do, too. Gov. Palin is helping prove it. Here's a video of an Ohio Palin rally broadcast by Al Jazeera:
Don't Miss These Debate-Day Funnies
OK, they are only so funny, considering the serious implications of Sarah Palin (and now John McCain) anywhere near the White House, but enjoy anyway:
Watch McCain "Whip" Obama's "You-Know-What" Tonight at Hal & Mals
The Jackson Free Press is a co-sponsor of the final debate party tonight in the Red Room at Hal & Mals. (Click here for info.) Join us to watch John McCain deliver on his threat to Barack Obama: "After I whip his you-know-what in this debate, we're going to be going out 24/7," the Republican nominee told volunteers at his campaign headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, sparking laughter and applause from the group."
New Wicker Ad Uses Cheap Gay Stereotype
A new ad from Roger Wicker's Senate campaign attempts to tie former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove to such left-wing groups as...the Village People. The ad shows a parade of liberal interest groups--including a man dressed like a cowboy representing "the largest gay-rights group in the country"--all donating money to a "DSCC Musgrove fundraiser."
ACORN Strikes Back at Smear Campaign
And how. Verbatim:
WASHINGTON, DC -- In a press conference at the National Press Club yesterday, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) held a nationally televised press conference to discuss their successful nonpartisan voter registration drive, which helped register over 1.3 million low-income, minority, and young Americans this election year, and to respond to partisan allegations of "voter registration fraud" centering around a relatively small number of faulty or falsified registration applications collected in the nationwide effort. Representatives of ACORN were joined by leaders from the voting rights groups Common Cause and Demos, as well as by actual voters to testify to the importance of voter registration.
Tuesday, October 14
Many New Mississippi Voters, But More Postage Required
The stamp box on your absentee ballot envelope isn't big enough, says Hinds County Circuit Clerk Barbara Dunn, but the NAACP and the U.S. Post Office say they will make sure that your vote will be counted.
About Time: CNN Does "The Palins and the Fringe" Story
Over a month after the JFP story, "Palin and the Fringe," and about 10 days after Sarah Palin launched a vicious "terrorist" smear campaign against Barack Obama, CNN did a long piece today about the Palins' connections to the anti-government patriot movement in Alaska:
Whole Foods: Using Nature's Palate to Inspire Your Pad
"You are what you eat!" If I only had a dollar for every time I heard myself utter that truism over the years, I'd be rich. Or at the very least, never eat a fat slice of chocolate cake again. Don't even get me started on Violet Beauregarde's blueberry pie explosionthe sad Wonka scene would make any child who grew up reading Roald Dahl shudder.
Obama Opens Up 14-Point Lead Due to Palin and Attacks
CBS News just announced the results of its latest poll, which finds that Barack Obama has opened up a 14-point lead over John McCain in one week, and has taken a commanding lead among independent voters. Voters cite the choice of Sarah Palin and the vicious attacks out of the McCain-Palin as primary reasons:
Watch the McCain-Palin Hateful Highlights
Here's a film that gathers many of the dark moments of the last week of McCain-Palin rallies into a documentary short:
So you want to donate to NAMIWalks, but you're afraid to donate online…
Good news! You can mail your donation, and if you include a note saying that it is for The Church Triumphant team, my team will still get credit for it. Make your check or money order payable to NAMI Mississippi, and send it to:
McCain Hearts ACORN
John McCain is attacking Barack Obama by saying it is "bad judgment" to support ACORN. Ahem:
Anchorage Daily: Palin Embarrassing Alaska
Writing in response to Sarah Palin's proclamation that the damning Troopergate report "vindicates" her, the Anchorage Daily News editorial board hands their governor her ass on a platter, and calls her spin on the truth "Orwellian":
UPDATED: New Voters, More Postage
The stamp box on your absentee ballot envelope isn't big enough, says Hinds County Circuit Clerk Barbara Dunn. The size of the envelope and the ballot inside raises the postage to 83 cents, she said, despite the postage box on the exterior of the envelope reading: "Place stamp (singular) here."
Donna Brazile: "Not Going to the Back of the Bus"
"My black skin does not make me inferior, and might I add, being a female does not make me dumb!" Hallelujah.
MSU To Play JSU In Football
Jackson State will play Mississippi State in football in 2009.
Monday, October 13
Andy Taggart Goes McCarthy on Obama
Oh, the times are growing desperate for Republican operatives, present and past. Over on his Ledger blog, Andy Taggart posted one of the most ridiculous, and chilling, things I've ever seen on the Ledger site (and that's saying something). Rather than actually reading and discussing Barack Obama's financial policies (perhaps in contrast with John McCain's for good measure), Taggart takes a comment out of context and does that ole-Mississippi-red-baiting thing that whites used to do all the time to black people (and their supporters) in this state:
Monkey in the Middle
A man brought a stuffed money with an Obama sticker on it to a McCain-Palin rally. When he saw that he was being videotaped, he tore the sticker off the doll and stuck it in his pocket. Then, he gives the doll to a child who just happened to be nearby:
Six Flags Over Wall Street: Market Climbs 11 Percent
In an amazing recovery after weeks of selling, the Dow industrials gained 11 percent and the NASDAQ nearly 12 percent. The Dow gains represent the most points ever and match an 11 percent rise in March 1933, according to the Portland Business Journal.
Bloomberg: Obama's New Financial Plan
Per Bloomberg today:
Sen. Cochran: Mississippi ‘Suffers' If Earmarks Cut
The Clarion-Ledger buried the lead on their meeting with Sen. Thad Cochran today, reporting the, er, "news" that Cochran would support a fellow Republican as president and burying the juicy stuff at the bottom of the very shallow piece:
Christopher Hitchens Endorses Obama; Palin ‘National Disgrace'
The always-contrarian Christopher Hitchens writing in Slate the way pretty much only he can:
CQ: McCain Campaign ‘Dead Wrong' About Ayers-Obama
With the state of the nation, it's sad that we all have to spend time factchecking McCain-Palin lies, but here goes, thanks to CQ Politics:
172,787 Voters Registered in Mississippi Since January
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann just released the number of new voters who have registered in Mississippi since the beginning of the year: 172,787, which means that current registered voters here as of today are: 1,873,740. Hosemann said in a statement: "We are pleased with the large turnout of voter registrations for the 2008 General Election," says Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann. "We would like to continue to encourage every eligible voter in Mississippi to make sure you cast your ballot on Tuesday, November 4th in the General Election.
Lose Your Home, Lose Your Vote?
[Verbatim] Today the voting rights group Project Vote sent letters to both major political parties in 10 statesAZ, CO, FL, GA, MO, NC, NM, NV, PA, and VAurging them to "oppose and refrain from" using lists of home foreclosures as the basis for "voter caging" operations. Project Vote also sent letters to secretaries of state in each of these states, outlining existing state and federal legal protections for voters, and urging election officials to "take all lawful steps" to protect foreclosure victims and other Americans from being disenfranchised based solely on returned mail or residency challenges.
Read the article and let me know what you think.
So apparently Vibe Magazine did a poll on the best rapper alive and the winner is - EMINEM!!!! He beat out Jay-Z, Andre 3000 and Lil Wayne. Could it MC.....Slim Shady?????
Todd's Secret Poison Ring, and Other Fashion Statements
Check out the video of Bunny's Fashion Report from The Storyteller's Ball, in which I demonstrate how Todd's secret poison James Bond ring works. Tee, hee. (More Bunny reports here.)
Please Help Debunk the CRA Lies
In a campaign increasingly filled with ugliness, the worst thing I've seen happen is the false and racist campaign to blame the current financial crisis on poor people of colorthrough lies spread about the Community Redevelopment Act. We've been on this one for weeks now, starting with threads on the site, then this editorial, then Adam's story, A New Blame in Town. (We were glad to see that The Clarion-Ledger joined us yesterday in a good editorial, but I can't find the link on that awful site of theirs.) Now McClatchy has a news story out debunking the myths (quotes after the jump below).
The Man Who Started the False Obama ‘Muslim' Rumors
The New York Times has a story about the guy who started the false rumors that Barack Obama is a Muslim:
Sunday, October 12
Batman vs. the Penguin: The Debate
Something is eerily familiar about this YouTube clip.
We're Going For A Record This Wednesday @ Peaches 11:30-1:30pm
Loyal Readers. Loyal Posters. Loyal Lunch-Goers
Wednesday Lunch @ Peaches on Farish is ON again this week 10/15. The response has been overwhelming and its become the new Lunch spot on Wednesdays. THIS WEDNESDAY WE'RE GOING FOR A RECORD!!! We're shooting for 100 people to come through for lunch between the hours of 11:30am and 1:30pm. ITs great food and even greater networking. We're bringing life back to Farish. One lunch at a time. And Vegetarians..There IS a veggie plate for yo thats delicious. You've got no excuses. Make plans to be a part of history! Be one of the 100 folks that get lunch this Wednesday!
Testing Another Feature…‘Flip' Version
Scroll to the bottom of the JFP site and you'll see an image of this week's cover...up until now, clicking that image has taken you to the cover story or package. But I thought we'd try something else with that now links to a "flippable" version of the JFP, complete with images and the original design. This is something of a "home-grown" version of this feature (right now I can't embed links on pages and that like) but we're testing it to see how interesting it is. Take a look and see what you think -- feel free to leave comments here.
Crisis doubters should look to Canton
Still think the global economic crisis is a Wall Street problem? WJTV is reporting starting this week, management at the Nissan plant in Canton plans on cutting back its work week to four days a week for car line technicians for the rest of October. With the gloomy outlook for the global auto industry, this may not be the only time the crisis knocks at the doors of Mississippi's two major car manufacturing plants.
Saturday, October 11
St. Louis Daily Endorses Obama ... with Style
Perhaps egged on by the hate week that John McCain and Sarah Palin just put the country through, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch decided not to wait to publish its endorsement of Barack Obama. It's beautifully and thoughtfully written:
Friday, October 10
Please, McCain, Attack the 'Arab'
Since Gov. Sarah Palin started scaremongering against Barack Obama last weekend, John McCain's rallies are turning into surreal displays of bigotry. Today in Minnesota, finally, he tried to tamp down the hate somebefore contining his attempt to associate Obama with Bill Ayers in the same gathering. Following is a video of his exchanges with angry supporters, including a disraught woman who tells McCain she is scared of Obama because he is an "Arab."
BREAKING: ‘Troopergate' Report Finds Palin Abused Power
The Anchorage Daily News just posted a PDF of the full report on Gov. Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" investigation. Read it here. The report says that the investigation found that Palin "abused her power" by engaging in "unethical conduct" (see page 48 of report for reasoning). The investigator also found that she fired Walt Monegan under her authority, although his refusal to fire Mike Wooten was likely part of the reason she fired him. On page 67, the investigator concludes that her claims of fear of Wooten were "not bona fide."
Millsaps Scholar-Athletes Have Highest 5-Year Graduation Rate
[Verbatim] JACKSON, Miss.Millsaps scholar-athletes have once again proved they have what it takes to win both on the field and in the classroom. Millsaps College recently won the David M. Halbrook Award for having the highest percentage of graduating athletes for the five-year period, 2003-04 to 2007-08, with a 98 percent graduation rate in the Independent College Division. The award was presented during the 75th Annual Mississippi Association of Colleges and Universities Conference.
Barack the Vote on Facebook
This week we launched our innovative Get Out The Vote campaign which focuses on each of us getting the people we know to vote for Obama by Election Day. Today, we're making it even easier to reach out to friends using the nation's most popular social networking site: Facebook.
Who Are ‘Generation We'?
Well, it's the "millennials," and this new book and Web site will tell you about it:
10/10 DOW down ‘Only' 128 Points. Are We in a ‘Panic'?
Intraday, the Dow was off over 700 points in early trading, spending part of the day below 7900 for the first time since April of 2003. Businessweek makes the case that these past two weeks might well be called the "Panic of 2008," reviving a term from years past that might just fit the way the market is behaving.
Obama ‘Pulling Away'; Leads Men, Women, Every Age Group, Even Over-65
Newsweek's new numbers are in, and show why the McCain campaign is acting so erratic and desperate:
Barbour Calls for ‘Conservative Spending' Due to Crisis
[Verbatim statement] (JACKSON, Mississippi) Governor Haley Barbour asked legislators and state agency directors to find ways to cut spending this year and in Fiscal Year 2010 as a result of lower tax collections during the current economic crisis. "Just as Mississippi families and businesses are revising their budgets and looking for ways to save money, we in state government must tighten our belts, too," Governor Haley Barbour said. "High fuel costs and lower-than-expected tax collections mean we must further control our spending.
Connecticut High Court Throws Out Gay Marriage Ban
In a 4-3 opinion, the Connecticut Supreme Court threw out that state's gay marriage ban today, making Connecticut the third state in the country that will recognize same-sex marriages. Connecticut already had a same-sex civil unions law, but the state's Supreme Court today ruled that the state could not show sufficient evidence why all marriage rights shouldn't be conferred on same-sex couples.
Palin-McCain Spreading Hate in the Lower 48
And they need to reel it in. Fast. This is ugly, and dangerous. Watch this one, as Palin encourages more.
Thursday, October 9
Man in London shot for wearing Obama shirt
From Evening Standard:
Gen. Petraeus: ‘You Have to Talk to Enemies'
Gen. Petraeus agrees with Barack Obama:
Bobby Kennedy Jr.: Media Must Cover Palin's Radical Ties
Kennedy complained today that the media, such as The New York Times, have not done front-page stories on Sarah Palin's close ties to the un-American Alaska Independence Party in the same way that they are covering Barack Obama's acquaintance, Bill Ayers:
Hey McCain: Don't Insult a Man with a Facebook Page
Oliver Clark, the African American man that McCain insulted during the second debate, is striking back on his Facebook page, per MSNBC:
DOW Plunges 700 Points, Again
More bad news:
Stocks plunged in the final minutes of trading Thursday, sending the Dow Jones industrials down more than 675 points, or more than 7 percent, to their lowest level in five years after a major credit ratings agency said it was considering cutting its rating on General Motors Corp. (GM) The Standard & Poor's 500 index also fell more than 7 percent. The sell-off came as Standard & Poor's Ratings Services put GM and its finance affiliate GMAC LLC (GOM) under review to see if its rating should be cut. GM has been struggling with weak car sales in North America.
10/9: Markets Down 7 Percent…Again
The Dow lost 678 points to close down 7.33 percent and under 8,600, while the NASDAQ lost 5.47 percent and ended down below 1,650. The markets experienced their seventh straight day of losses, closing at their lowest levels since 2003. While the Bush administration announced that it may take over some banks to stem the crisis and open up credit markets, the move didn't appear to change attitudes on Wall Street.

UPDATED: Melton Denies Former Bodyguard's Allegations
Jackson Mayor Frank Melton addressed reporters Thursday morning condemning the testimony of his former bodyguard Marcus Wright. Melton's statement prompted Judge Daniel Jordan to issue a gag order on the mayor's upcoming civil rights trial. Wright pled guilty to misdemeanor conspiracy in U.S. District Court Tuesday, but further implicated Melton with his statements. Witnesses say Melton, Wright and Melton's other bodyguard, Michael Recio, participated in the illegal demolition of a duplex on Ridgeway Street in August 2006.

Busing Bush's Legacy
The National Legacy Bus Tour came to Jackson Wednesday, sarcastically touting what it considered President George Bush's stellar record on economic and environmental issues, the war in Iraq and other hot topics.
Millsaps Named a 'College of Distinction'
[verbatim release] JACKSON, Miss.Millsaps College is the only college or university in the state named to the 2008-2009 Colleges of Distinction guidebook based on the college's dedication to four key areasengaged students both outside and inside the classroom, great teaching by expert professors, a vibrant community both on and off campus and successful, productive graduates.
Wednesday, October 8
Attacking ACORN: A New Blame in Town
Conservatives have a new scapegoat to take the blame for the economic meltdown over the last few weeks. Syndicated columnist and supply-side advocate Lawrence Kudrow summed it up during a Sept. 18 morning news talk show.
Screw Friendship Bracelets
It's hard to believe that the Media Literacy Project came from a day at the zoo. The Civil Rights Civil Liberties Club, a Jim Hill High School-based group, held a retreat for its members at the Jackson Zoo in mid-May to gain momentum for the next school year.
Media Literacy Project: Editors Speak Up
With the conclusion of the research from the Media Literacy Project, editors from the Jackson Advocate, Northside Sun, and Madison County Journal respond.
Media Literacy Project: ‘Yes, We Can'
Hearts racing and full of energy, 15 Jim Hill students yelled at two teachers, and the teachers yelled at the students. But no one received detention in Room 213.
Media Literacy Project: The Mouth Of Babes
"Idle hands are the tools of the devil." At least, that's what city officials like Mayor Frank Melton and Ward 3 City Councilman Kenneth Stokes seem to think about Jackson youth.
Media Literacy Project: Intentional Bias
Earlier this year, in a span of less than two weeks, two tragedies rocked the communities of Jackson, Madison and Canton.
Media Literacy Project: Now What?
After months of planning and research, along with three hour-long interviews with editors from the Northside Sun, The Jackson Advocate and the Madison County Journal, The Jackson Media Literacy Project associates have compiled a list of suggestions for the local papers and the community they serve.
Be Deliberate on Youth Coverage
There is no better time to pause and look at the media's (poor, unfair, incomplete) coverage of the young people of Jackson and America than in the middle of this nasty presidential campaign.
Lessons Learned
I remember walking through the door of David Molina's office in May, confidently strolling up to his desk and handing him a packet of papers that read "Jackson Media Literacy Project" across the front.
Keeping The Gloves Off
In their first and only debate, Senate candidates Roger Wicker and Ronnie Musgrove maintained in person the negative tone that has characterized much of the advertising for both of their campaigns.
Oakley Still Hurting Children
Students may no longer have to eat their own vomit at Oakley Training School, but the Department of Justice's eighth quarterly monitors' report shows that the school still has a very long way to go.
Dianne Alford: Auctions, Babies, And Bread Pudding
After a busy lunch, traffic through Two Sisters Kitchen had slowed down by mid-afternoon last Friday when I met owner Dianne Alford. The restaurant, which has been a Jackson institution for almost 20 years, boasts Jackson's best fried chicken (as voted by Jackson Free Press readers repeatedly) and other trademark southern dishes.
On The Issues: Educating The Candidates
The economy, the war in Iraq and personal attacks have succeeded in slapping attention away from the nation's education issuenot an easy feat considering how highly communities generally rate education in political importance in polls.
[Sue Doh Nem] 'Everything is Everything
Miss Doodle Mae: "Greetings customers! I've been assigned a new responsibility as spokeswoman and public relations director for Jojo's Discount Dollar Store.
[Kamikaze] Main Street or Backstreet?
This presidential election has introduced America to a lot of new and interesting concepts. Never has a race captivated the minds of voters so much that it seeps into popular culture.
[Queen] A New Underground Railroad
I was 5 years old when I first learned about Harriett Tubman and the Underground Railroad. I felt an immediate connection to her, and I've carried it with me all my years.
A Classic Country Tale
At 38, country singer Jeffrey Maddox is in no rush to get to Nashville. He still lives in Pearl with his wife and two sons.
[Rob In Stereo] What's In A Name?
Ever notice how you can pretty accurately tag the genre of an artist solely by their name? With few exceptions, you can look at an artist's name and figure out their sound.
Ayurveda: 5,000 Years Of Balance
The world in which we live can get intense: Over-consumption of processed and packaged foods infect our systems; technology bombards our every move; and an excessive amount of activities pull us in multiple directions. Sometimes, it's all we can do to keep ourselves from spinning completely out of control.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
MLB baseball, Los Angeles Dodgers at Philadelphia in NL Championship Series, 7 p.m., Ch. 40: The Dodgers and the Phillies begin the best-of-seven battle to decide who will represent the National League in the World Series.
Senate Candidates on Education
With concerns on the issue with education, Ronnie Musgrove, Roger Wicker, Thad Cochran, and Erik Fleming offer their views.
Ruby Dixon
A typical conversation with Ruby Dixon in the halls of Lanier high school might go something like this: "Hey Ruby! Coming to choir practice today?"

Eyes On The Machine: Jackson Teens Cover The Media
At the Media Literacy Project's June 7 orientation, project associates began discussing what would be their research.
Testing New JFP Feature: Restaurant Listings and Ratings
Hey all -- Vince has been working hard in the background on a new feature here on -- Restaurant listings and user reviews! It's ready to roll in "beta" format now, so please visit:
Tuesday, October 7
CNN: Obama Wins Debate 56-30 Over McCain
With three debates down, it would seem that Barack Oback and Joe Biden are working on a sweep. In addition, the CNN polls showed 59 percenet said Obama would handle the economy better over 37 percent for McCain. And Obama has passed McCain on both likeability and leadership polls.
Markets Tumble Another 5 Percent
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke signaled an interest rate cut and acknowledged long-term challenges to the state of the economy, but it couldn't keep the Dow from losing another 5 percent, the NASDAQ nearly 6 percent and many bank stocks from taking a huge hit. The markets have experienced their worst five-day point drop ever, with the Dow losing nearly 12 percent of its value.
Second Presidential Debate - Open Thread
Talk among yourselves.
Who Will Be Jackson's Next Mayor?
As national politics swirl, and the news that one of Frank Melton's bodyguards is turning on him comes in, thoughts are turning to the mayoral race ahead in Jackson. What are your thoughts? Who do you want? Go for it.
UPDATED: Melton Bodyguard Wright Pleads Guilty, Resigns
Read: Adam Lynch's breaking Ridgeway coverage
OK, Class, What's Wrong With This Story?
This is the lead paragraph from a story in the Anchorage Daily News today about a state ethics investigation:
Council Refuses To Foot Melton's Legal Bill
The Jackson City Council voted down this morning an order authorizing payment of Mayor Frank Melton's attorney fees incurred in his recent defense of federal charges stemming from the 2006 Ridgeway Street demolition. In a 3-3 vote, council members Charles Tillman, Frank Bluntson and Kenneth Stokes voted in favor of the order, while council members Marshand Crisler, Jeff Weill and Council President Leslie McLemore opposed. Councilwoman Margaret Barrett-Simon was absent.
Debate Time: No Red Room Party Tonight; Next One, Though
Due to the schedule at Hal & Mal's tonight, we are not holding a debate party there, so you get to watch this one at home! We will have a party for the last debate, as well as election night, in the Red Room, though. So make plans now!
McCain Attacks Open His and Palin's Closets to Scrutiny
The McCain-Palin campaign opened the floodgates when they told the media this weekend that they were about to start launching personal attacks against Barack Obama in order to "change the subject" away from the economy. In response to their (and especially Palin's) "terrorist" jabs (because Obama knows William Ayers, formerly of the Weathermen, when Obama was 8), media from national to local newspapers in Nevada are opening the doors of McCain and Palin's closets, revealing plenty. A sampling since yesterday:
Monday, October 6
Unbelievable: Press Can't Interview Palin Supporters
Press kept under a watchful eye
The St. Petersburg Times in Florida reports:
GOP Senator's Wife and Ike's Granddaughter to Endorse Obama Tuesday
Nice. You start playing the race/terrorist card and look what happens. Associated Press:
ARTICLE: Who You Callin' a Maverick?
We've heard the word "maverick" quite a bit during this election cycle. The question is this: Do we really know what we're talking about when we use that word? Check this out:
Straight to the Source: Apples & Pumpkins Ripe for the Pickin'
Corn mazes, hay rides, fresh pressed cider and pumpkins galore! It's that time of the year y'all; fall, is here. What better way to quench your thirst for all things apple, than going straight to the source? There's no place like an orchard or pumpkin patch to get you in the mood for autumn, and there's nothing that compares to the fruit you'll find there. Don't even think about grabbing a bunch from the supermarket for your next pie, cobbler or crisp; their dull and mealy flesh have nothing on the firm and sweet varieties you can find on the farm. There you'll come across heirlooms and others you may never get the chance to sample elsewhere: Honeycrisp, Jonagold, Cortland, Idareds and many, many more. Now that's what I call Slow Food.
Will New Palin ‘Racially Tinged' Attacks Backfire on McCain?
Bizarrely, the McCain campaign announced to media over the weekend that it was going to launch personal attacks on Barack Obama to try to turn attention away from the economy, which is helping drive national and battleground state polls way up for Obama. Sarah Palin is already on the campaign trail trying to tie Obama to terrorists, prompting the Associated Press to warn that McCain may pay deeply for this tactic:
Biden's Mother-In-Law Passed Away
From CBS News:
Sunday, October 5
Mental Illness Awareness Week, October 5-11, 2008: I Have a Challenge For You
This week's theme is, "Building Community, Taking Action," which includes Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day on Thursday, October 9. From NAMI:
Wall Street ‘Sells the Rally', Ends Worst Week in 7 Years
On the week, the Dow Industrials average was down about 7.5 percent and the NASDAQ down almost 11 percent, in part because traders "sold the rally," resulting in a down day on Friday despite the passage (and signing) of a $700 billion bailout package by the House and President Bush.
Saturday, October 4
O.J. Simpson Found Guilty of Kidnapping and Armed Robbery
The verdict came down late last night. From CNN:
Friday, October 3
Court Casting Wide Net for Jurors In Melton Trial
Citing exhaustive coverage of Frank Melton in local media, U.S. District Court Judge Daniel Jordan said at a hearing today that juror selection for the Jackson mayor's federal trial will pull from as far away as Pascagoula. Jordan said that it will be difficult to find jurors in the Jackson metropolitan area not "potentially tainted by the exposure of this case."
Oops, Another Fake McCain-Palin Debate Ad Slips Through
It's hilarious, though.
OK, this is wacky. For two debates in a row, the McCain campaign has let an ad praising first McCain and and now Palin prematurely appear on a major news outlet, either before the debate happened (McCain) or showing that they were putting praise ("She killed. ... She was the star") in someone else's mouth (Palin ad). How can they be so sloppy?
Libertarian Attacks Palin for Wanting to Expand Veep Role
[Verbatim from Libertarian candidate Bob Barr]
McCain Ticket Assumes Expanded Presidential Powers: Governor Palin looks forward to greater legislative power as Vice President
What Women Wish Gwen Ifill Could Have Asked
Ellen Bravo, former Director of 9to5 (National Association of Working Women) and Coordinator, Multi-State Working Families Consortium (a network of 11 state coalitions representing nearly a million members of a wide range of organizations), released the following statement [verbatim] about last night's vice presidential debate:
A Maverick of a Hangover
Last night, in a fearful fit in the middle of the Palin/Biden debate, I sent a desperate text message to two of my best friends from my alma mater, the University of Mississippi (Hotty Toddy!, Ole Miss Debate '08! Chomp, Chomp, Florida Gators!, etc.)
Project Vote Blasts GOP Attack on Montana Voters
[Verbatim statement]As reported yesterday in the online news outlet The Missoulian, the Republican Party of Montana is challenging the eligibility to vote of at least 6,000 residents of that statemostly in key Democratic strongholdsbased solely on the fact that the residents have filed change-of-address cards with the U.S. Postal Service. While state GOP Executive Director Jacob Eaton claims the challenges are an attempt to protect "the integrity of the voting process," such massive challenges at this late date threaten to overwhelm election officials, suppress turnout of eligible voters, and create chaos at the polls.
JUST IN: House Passes Bailout Plan 263-171; Stocks Rally, Then Fall
See: JFP Business Blog
The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the Senate's bailout plan on the second try. Mississippi congressmen voted the same as they did Mondaywith the three Democrats opposing the bailout and the lone Republican, Rep. Chip Pickering, voting for it. Roll call vote here.
McCain Damage Control on Palin Bankruptcy Gaffe
ABC News is reporting that the campaign is frantically backtracking on her misstatement of the campaign's position on some protections for homeowners under foreclosuregiving them too much:
The ‘Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere'
In the veep debate, Gov. Sarah Palin dramatically mischaracterized John McCain's health-care plan, saying among other things that is "revenue-neutral." She set up one of Joe Biden's best moments in a night of many. Here's the Obama campaign's ad response to her health-care gaffe:
Register to Vote TODAY
Now is the time to double-check your registration, or, for procrastinators, it's time to register to vote. The deadline for the presidential election is Saturday, Oct. 4, if your county has an office open on Saturday. Otherwise, it's Friday, Oct. 3.
More Bad Economic NewsHuge Job Losses in September
The New York Times is reporting:
Thursday, October 2
‘Social Security' E-mail Debunked By Snopes
I was just forwarded an interesting e-mail about 'Social Security Changes' that you might want to be aware of if you happen to be on the receiving end of an occasional chain e-mail. This one begins pretty benignly, but it gets pretty worked up by the end:
Dow Down 350, Unemployment Highest Since Sept ‘01
Stocks were down again on Thursday despite news that the Senate had passed a $700 billion Wall Street bailout package amid reports that credit was tight, and today's unemployment report indicated a continued slow-down in the economy. The Dow lost nearly 350 points, closing further down than it had after its precipitous drop on Monday. While it appeared that Congress might act on the bailout bill before the week ends, other economic news kept stocks from rebounding:
BAM! The JFP Biden-Palin Drinking Game
1. Biden looks at Palin like she's stupid.
In honor of the vice presidential debate tonight, the JFP staff put our heads together to create a drinking game. So print this out, study it a bit (debate practice?), then drink every time ...
Odds of V.P. Palin Becoming President
I just saw a report that 30 percent of vice presidents have become president. Gulp. This is what Roger Cohen of the New York Times says about the odds:
It's P-Day! Debate Party in the Red Room!
Here at the office, I'm referring to today as P-Day. Take that as you will. To celebrate it, we are gathering tonight to watch the vice presidential debate in the Red Room, along with Lawyers for Obama and local Democratic folks. Now, you are welcome as long as you do not mind a room tilted toward Obama. It doesn't matter what party you are (I'm an Independent for Obama, for instance); you are welcome. Word is that the bartenders will look suspiciously like Sarah Palin, and that beehives and glasses will rule the evening. So come on out if you dare. ;-)
The Palins: What They Earn and Own
The Anchorage Daily News today reports on financial information about Sarah and Todd Palin that hasn't previously been disclosed, and prior to her federal tax records, which she has not yet released. Love those socialistic oil royalties:
Veep Debate: Possible Pitfalls for Both Sides
Interesting preview on the New York Times' Caucus blog. In part:
McCain Gives Up on Michigan
Politico just broke the news that John McCain is giving up on Michigan:
Wednesday, October 1
DNA Exonerates Sunflower County Man After 16 Years
[Verbatim from Innocence Project] Sixteen years after his arrest, all charges were dropped against Arthur Johnson today when it was revealed that the DNA testing that led to his release in February pointed directly to another man who is in prison for sexual assault. Arthur Johnson is the fourth man to be exonerated in Mississippi since 2006. Kennedy Brewer and Levon Brooks were exonerated in January due to post conviction DNA testing. Cedric Willis was also exonerated in Jackson in 2006, but DNA testing in that case was completed before trial. As in this case, in the Brewer and Brooks cases, the DNA tests that exonerated them led to the identification of the real perpetrator.
Senate Passes Bailout Plan 74-25; Wicker and Cochran Oppose
In start contrast to the House of Representatives Monday, a bipartisan majority of senators voted for a bailout plan tonight. Mississippi Sens. Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker were among the small number of senators who voted against the plan.Read more.

Roads, Bridges, Elections, Oh My
The 1950s and 1960s were a golden age for America's highways. Rolling in money, the nation dumped fresh concrete from coast to coast, and put a gas station on every block to keep cars on that concrete.
St. Pete Times: ‘Obama Effect' Could Elect Musgrove
A story in the St. Petersburg Times highlights the enthusiasm they say many African-American voters are bringing to this year's presidential election in support of Barack Obama. This enthusiasm is expected to help both Obama and down-ticket races in many Southern states.
A Candid Candidacy
After Sen. John McCain announced he would not attend the presidential debate last week until a bailout deal was reached, many people, including the two nominees, began throwing around the phrase "The next president of the United States will have to" more and more frequently.

Max Contemporary Furnishings
While the retail landscape is changing all over the metro, the real renaissance has been happening in Fondren for years. There couldn't be a more apt benchmark to measure its success than Max Contemporary Furnishings in the Fondren Corner building.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
College football, Delta State at Valdosta State (7 p.m., Valdosta, Ga., CSS/930 AM): Valdosta won the D-II national title last year, and these two are among the favorites to win it all this year.
Senate Passes Emmett Till Act
If there is any doubt that the wheels of power grind slowly, the U.S. Senate proved the point this week, when, after more than three years of delays, it unanimously passed the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act, which will strengthen federal and local agencies' abilities to investigate and prosecute unsolved civil rights era murders.
Bringing Traditions Together
Dr. Beverly Lanzetta isn't afraid of life's Big Questions. The New Mexico author, ordained interfaith minister and monastic is the founder of the Desert Interfaith Church and the Interfaith Theological Seminary. She has written and edited six books on spiritual contemplation and contemporary religious thought.
Madeleine Albright Weighs In
Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright took questions from reporters, including the Jackson Free Press, after Friday's presidential debate. Here's what she had to say.
'One Foot In the Grave'
Florida-based author Charles Martin has continued his run of heart string-tugging stories with his new novel, "Where the River Ends" (Broadway Books, 2008, $19.95).
[Sue Doh Nem] Fighting For Gas and Their Lives
Mr. Announcement: "In the ghetto criminal justice system, the people are represented mostly by two members of the McBride family: Dudley 'Do-Right' McBride, police officer and part-time security guard at the Funky Ghetto Mall, and attorney Cootie McBride of the law firm McBride, myself and I. This is their story."
'Hands Off' Music from the Ether
Every Saturday afternoon, unusual music fills Fondren Guitars. In addition to the sounds of people trying out guitars, there's a distinctive electronic melody reverberating through the store.

[Herman's Picks] Vol. 7, No. 3
If you're picking up this issue hot off the press on Wednesday, check out '60s jam icons The New Riders of the Purple Sage tonight at Martin's, 10 p.m. This is the same country psych-rock Dead spin-off band that Jerry Garcia performed with in the '60s that produced the hit song "Panama Red.

Vol. 7, No. 3
<em><b>Ignoring Serious Questions</b></em>
Ignoring Serious Questions Ms. Ladd's and Ms. Mott's recent columns notwithstanding, can we all be honest and admit that Sarah Palin and her family, just a generation ago, would have been considered a picture of American normalcy?
[Jones] Time to Think, and Hire, Local
Calls coming last week from Oxford, my hometown, suggested that the mood of local residents was shifting toward disgruntlement as they waited to hear if John McCain would show up for the presidential debate.

Gretchen Cook
Gretchen Cook was something of a child prodigy, spending her days reading instead of going to the beach near her home in Pensacola, Fla.
AG Hood Warns Against Misleading Voter Registration Info
[Verbatim from AG Hood] Jackson, MS -- Phone calls to the Attorney General's Office suggest some mis-information may be circulating about the upcoming election and designated deadlines. Attorney General Jim Hood would like to clarify what Mississippi law mandates for Mississippi voters. Per state statute, the deadline for voter registration in Mississippi is Saturday, October 4 at NOON. "The Secretary of State's Office has done a good job in letting Mississippians know the deadline to register to vote is October 4 for those counties that will be open on that day," said Attorney General Hood. "However, it is important to note, that the law specifically says NOON on October 4. Calls in to our office suggest that some people may think they have the entire day, when in fact they do not."

Round 1: Obama Wins Oxford Debate, Polls Say
Jean Tripp, 34, of Alabama, expected nothing short of "fire and brimstone" when she came to Oxford.
Does Sarah Palin Know What Hamas Is?
I'd read the transcript of her answer to Katie Couric's Hamas question, but I hadn't seen the video. This is really disturbing. Watch for yourself.
Is Palin Causing McCain's Dramatic Poll Drops?
Marc Ambinder at The Atlantic says that's what the latest polls show:
Daily Journal: ‘Childers, Musgrove, Davis Talk About Crisis'
Patsy Brumfield of the Daily Journal talks to several of the state's congressionals and candidates for Congress about the financial crisis. (Interestingly, the paper's headline leaves out the name of senatorial candidate Erik Fleming of Jackson, who is also quoted in the piece. OK, we will refrain from pointing out that they left out the black candidate because we're sure it was on oversight.) Anyway:
Coca-Cola Providing Recycling at State Fair
[Verbatim] JACKSON, Oct. 1, 2008- Jackson Coca-Cola Bottling Company, in partnership with the Mississippi State Fair Commission, Hinds Community College and the Hinds County Sheriff's Office, announced today plans to make recycling an option for visitors at this year's Mississippi State Fair. Jackson Coca-Cola Bottling Company employees will place 20 recycling bins, shaped like Coca-Cola bottles, on the state fairground's Midway near concession stands during the State Fair, October 1-12, 2008.