Monday, October 31
City Receives Funds to Counter Recidivism
Ex-offenders will be able to get more help finding jobs due to a $50,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice that will help the city strengthen its Fresh Start program, Jackson Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. said today.
Groups Make Final Pleas for Votes
A little more than a week before Election Day, various political and advocacy groups are lobbying voters in hopes of swaying their votes on three ballot initiatives.
Monster of the Day: The Wolfman
The Wolfman makes a Halloween appearance in Jackson tonight. He'll be howling in Belhaven for the last performance of "The Monster Monologues." He has a few things he needs to get off his chest, such as recalling what he did the night before. It's complicated having two lives inside one body.
Community Events and Public Meetings
6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting, at River Hills Country Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Members of the athletic organization meet weekly at 6 p.m. during the football season. This week's speaker is former JSU coach Joe Gilliam Sr. $280 individual membership, $1200 corporate membership; call 601-506-3186.
Voter Forum Tomorrow Night
Mount Helm Baptist Church will host a community education forum Tuesday night to inform voters about three voter initiatives that will appear on the Nov. 8 ballot.
Friday, October 28
Power APAC Receives Kennedy Center Award
A Jackson public school has received national recognition for its part in making the fine arts a component of students' education. The school also received a grant to support its arts program.
Economic Blueprint for Success
Early childhood education, the creative economy and interracial cooperation are crucial to Mississippi's economic development, state business leaders say.
Todd Logan
Todd Logan was working on a play at his Evanston, Ill., home in 2009 when he heard Attorney General Eric Holder say in spite of Obama's election there continues to be serious racial divide in America. The play he was writing was about that very subject.
It's the Weekend!
This week you'll be in for a fun and frightful Halloween weekend with spooky events taking place all over Jackson and surrounding areas. The "A Time for Sharing" exhibit at the Mississippi Library Commission (3881 Eastwood Drive) ends today. The event is free; call 601-432-4056. Tonight, the Delta Mountain Boys play at the High Note Jam at 5:30 p.m. at the Mississippi Museum of Art's Art Garden (380 S. Lamar St.). Admission is free, and there will be food for sale; call 601-960-1515. Vine-yl Night is at 5:30 p.m. at North Midtown Arts Center. Admission is free; call 601-376-9404. Also, Dreamz JXN hosts the Halloween Costume Ball featuring DJ Jonasty. Finally, Jazz Night Live is at 7 p.m. at circa. Urban Artisan Living (2771 Old Canton Road). Normal admission is $12, and $16 for reserved seating; call 601-362-8484. Need more options? See our Best Bets
Medical Professionals Speak Out Against Initiative 26
More than 20 medical professionals held a press conference at the state Capitol yesterday to speak out against a ballot initiative that would redefine the word "person" or "persons" in the state Constitution to "include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof."
Thursday, October 27
JRA Mulls Tax District for Old Capitol Green
The Jackson Redevelopment Authority is considering establishing a special tax district to helping finance a $27-million parking garage and adjoining commercial space in the Old Capitol Green development.
Eminent Domain a Job Killer?
Limiting eminent domain to public projects only is a "job killer," Bishop Ronnie Crudup, senior pastor of New Horizon Church International, said yesterday.
Kate Medley
A photojournalist who worked on some of the most important civil-rights stories the Jackson Free Press published opens a new exhibit tonight in Oxford. Kate Medley exhibits her work in the show "Roadside Fare," hanging at the University of Mississippi now through Jan. 16.
[Column] Invest in the 7 Billion as Human Capital
On Oct. 31, the world's population is projected to reach 7 billion.
Wednesday, October 26
Wooden Finger Releases New CD
The members of Wooden Finger all have different ideas of how certain songs are going to sound when they come together to make music. They begin playing, and the creative process evolves the songs into something better than any of them had imagined.
Bulldog Bash Winner
Rocktwang is one way Jackson native Jason Turner describes his music. Southern rock, alt-country, Americana-whatever you call it, it's a genre that is versatile enough to appeal to many tastes. As evidence, The Jason Turner Band won the 2011 Bulldog Bash contest, C Spire Wireless announced in September.
Rockin' Halloween
I am so ready for Halloween this year. You may have had a hard time keeping up with all the ghoulish good times lined up for this weekend, so I've compiled all the haunting Halloween concerts and shows we have going on here in the Capital City for you.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
For the second week this season, we have football every day of the week.
The Zombie Game Plan
This week is Halloween, and I feel the need to shed light on a potential danger that our government is not discussing. Of all the great things President Barack Obama has done, he has yet to address the potential danger of the coming Zombie Apocalypse.
Bulldogs Need Some Bite
In the preseason, I picked UM to go 5-7, but five wins might be hard to reach at this point. With a season record of 2-5 and games to play against Auburn and LSU, it seems unlikely Ole Miss will make a bowl game. They are still alive, but they can only afford to lose to LSU and have a postseason chance.
JFP Top 25: Week 9
Last week, two previously undefeated teams went down. Wisconsin was at the wrong end of a 44-yard Hail Mary completion in a loss to Michigan State. Replay helped get the call right and gave an upset to the Spartans.
Bringing the Real Treats Back
Cyndi Lauper and a punk rocker. Those were the costumes my best friend and I wore the last Halloween I went trick-or-treating in the mid-1980s. We always went in her neighborhood because that's where the good treats were passed out—whole candy bars, popcorn balls, caramel apples, and the one household that apparently forgot each year and decided to just hand out money.
Go Fruity
I can definitely see the appeal of being a fruitarian. Not only are fruit beautiful in color and texture, they taste great and are light and refreshing. They also provide us with nutrients we need to stay healthy and live longer. But why limit yourself to apples and oranges?
The Zombies Are Coming
The zombies are set to invade Fondren this Thursday, Oct. 27, for the first ever Zombie Charity Crawl, which will benefit the Mississippi Optometric Foundation.
Finding What's Right
It's easy to criticize. I know this intimately. In fact, I'm considering hiring a private detective to search for that half-full glass.
Farish: Must ‘Make a Profit'
Jackson developer David Watkins seemed to quell concerns when he presented a list of tenants for the long-awaited $100 million Farish Street Entertainment District project during a public presentation last week. The developer still needs approximately $13 million to complete construction, however, for businesses to actually open.
Convention Hotel: Linchpin or Boondoggle?
A convention center and accompanying hotel may seem like a foolproof economic tool for many cities trying to boost tax revenue by bringing visitors to their downtown area. The idea is that if you build it, tourists will simply come to the city eager to spend their disposable income.
Undocumented v. Illegal
The Society of Professional Journalists is urging reporters and editors to stop using the phrases "illegal immigrant" and "illegal alien." At its annual convention in New Orleans last month, SPJ delegates passed a resolution to ask journalists to apply the organization's code of ethics when writing about undocumented workers.
The Dems' Missed Chances
We've said it before: It's tough to be even marginally progressive in Mississippi. It's as if the DNA of old habits has gotten into our water, and it won't work itself out. Politicians in our state, right and (so-called) left, think the only way to win elections here is to play to the ridiculous-right on about every issue, the rest of us be damned.
[Stiggers] Breaking Bread
So, if you're affected by the recession, come and break bread with your friends from the Ghetto Science Team Hunger Task Force.
[Kamikaze] Good Food for Good Work
There's not much going on in Jackson that I don't know about. I try to stay up to speed on all of the good things that the city has to offer, but occasionally, I'll run across something that really sparks my interest. It might be something that I never knew about at all. And of course, when I'm turned on to great things, I want to pass that good news on.
[Blom] What Revolution Looks Like
Wednesday, Oct. 26, marks the 40th day. The Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have been playing tug-of-war for control of New York City's streets. And the wave has washed over the entire globe. That's right, even to Antarctica and right here in Jackson.

DuPree Campaigns Against the Tide
A decade ago, Johnny DuPree, while running for re-election to the Forrest County Board of Supervisors, answered a phone call from then-Lt. Gov. Ronnie Musgrove asking for help with his campaign for governor.
DIY: Healthy, Green Halloween
Hosting a healthy Halloween party for kids is a great way to have fun without inviting cavities, obesity and other health problems. TOPS Club Inc., a nonprofit weight-loss support organization, suggests limiting candy consumption by eating a nutritious meal before the treats and substituting fruit and nuts for sugary snacks.
Scarticia of Jackson
"Greetings, animals." A gaunt witch stared through the television screen at late-night viewers in Jackson, taunting them for several years in the early 1970s.
Zombies Take Fondren
Fondren's first Zombie Charity Crawl and Zombie Prom is Thursday, Oct. 27. The Miss-issippi Optometric Foundation, Fondren Association of Businesses and Fondren Renaissance Foundation present the event with an aim to raise awareness about children's vision issues. All proceeds go to the Mississippi Optometric Foundation.
No Sparkle, No Twang: Just Bite
Vampires these days, quite frankly, are dreadful. Between the ersatz southern drawls on "True Blood" to the sparkly emo-ness of "Twilight," vampires have become annoyingly overused.
The Dummy Mummy Returns
Picture this: An intrepid medical student from a local university gets permission to examine the most prized artifact in the state's history museum: a centuries-old Egyptian mummy. The student, simply taking part in an adventurous exercise to further his medical studies, makes a startling discovery that shocks the city and the antiquities community.
Defamation Jury
Arthur Golden, a Jewish real-estate developer from Chicago's north side, found his watch missing. He accused Regina Wade, an African American graphic designer from Chicago's south side, of stealing it. Because of the accusation—which she says is false—Wade lost a major business account. She takes him to court in the play "Defamation" where the audience is the jury in a mock civil trial.
Moran Pledges Smart Development
Connie Moran was six weeks into her first public-office position as the mayor of Ocean Springs when her world turned upside down. Hurricane Katrina nearly destroyed her coastal town, displacing residents and razing homes. Leading residents through the disaster and using it as an opportunity to reinvent her town are just a few of the experiences Moran, a Democrat, likes to talk about when she lists her qualifications to hold the office of state treasurer.
Census Snapshot: Multiracial Nation
The 2010 Census found that more Americans are identifying as multi-racial than ever before. More than twice as many people reported their race as both black and white in 2010 than did in 2000.
Cesar Vazquez
Growing up in Guadalajara, Mexico, Cesar Vazquez never thought he'd be working in the United States. The 25-year-old traveled a lot as a child, living for short amounts of time in Esfahan, Iran and Frankfurt, Germany. Vazquez has always liked to travel and experience different cultures, and that interest brought him to Mississippi two years ago.
JPS Hosts Event for Parents of Disabled Students
The Jackson Public Schools District hosts a night out for parents of students with disabilities tonight.
Tuesday, October 25
Ben Stein Makes Sense: ‘Raise Taxes'
And it was there that I saw something I least expected: common sense.
An exchange here on the site lead me to do something I don't any more often than I absolutely have to... I launched, the swelteringly conservative website and magazine based in South Florida.
Moran Tackles PERS, Eminent Domain
Connie Moran, Democratic candidate for treasurer, promised to keep the Public Employees Retirement System intact if she is elected.
Baptist Ranked in Top 100 Hospitals
HealthGrades, an independent reviewer of physician information and hospital quality outcomes, named Mississippi Baptist Medical Center among the best 100 hospitals in the nation for orthopedic surgery, joint replacement, general surgery and prostatectomy.
Sandra Beasley
Birthdays, holidays and school functions were a bit of a challenge for Sandra Beasley, whose food allergies transformed her childhood into a series of near-death experiences.
Tougaloo Building Nabs Design Awards
The American Institute of Architects Mississippi and the Brick Industry Southeast Region will present awards to Tougaloo College for the design of the school's recently completed Bennie G. Thompson Academic and Civil Rights Research Center. The presentation is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 in the building's lecture hall.
Monday, October 24
Barksdale Pledges Funds for Superintendent
Jim Barksdale, former president and CEO of Netscape and a Jackson native, has offered funds to help Jackson Public Schools find and hire a new superintendent.
Just How Much Can the State Restrict a Peaceful Protest?
As protests supporting Occupy Wall Street have swelled in recent weeks, hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested across the U.S. This weekend, nearly 100 people were arrested in New York [1] and 175 in Chicago [2]. More than 100 protesters [3] were arrested in Boston last week; a few weeks ago, 700 were arrested [4] on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Dr. Steve Blakemore
Wesley Chapel Pastor Dr. Steve Blakemore is planning a festival that he hopes will bring together a North Jackson neighborhood.
Community Events and Public Meetings
6 p.m., Power of Pink Balloon Release, at Highland Village (4500 Interstate 55 N.). The event is in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pick up balloons from A Daisy a Day from noon-5 p.m. for the ceremony. Free; call 601-948-6262 or 800-948-6262.
Tornado Awareness Week
<i>Verbatim from Mississippi Emergency Management Agency</i>
Gov. Haley Barbour has proclaimed the week of Oct. 24-28 as Tornado Awareness Week in Mississippi.
Friday, October 21
Conference Addresses State Revenue Solutions
Closing corporate tax loopholes, changing income-tax structures and increasing human capital are a few recommendations policy leaders made this morning to improve Mississippi's economic future.
Jim Rosenblatt
Downtown Jackson is an ideal place for a law school, Jim Rosenblatt told attendees at Friday Forum at Koinonia Coffee House this morning. The capital city provides aspiring lawyers with opportunities to test their skills and help low-income families at the same time.
Thursday, October 20
Farish Street Seeks Investors
After more than two decades of planning, the Farish Street Entertainment District is close to fruition, but developers still need $13 million to complete the interiors of the historical buildings in the district's first block.
Absentee Ballots Cause Ruckus
Some Mississippi voters received incomplete absentee ballot packets in the mail. An error in preparing the packets left out information about the fiscal impact of the three initiatives on the ballot.
Rims Barber
An early birthday party Friday night for Rims Barber, who turns 75 in November, will also recognize his civil-rights activism and how he and his wife Judy "speak truth to power." Tonight, however, he is speaking at Jackson State University about poverty. He intends to motivate some students into action.
Council Votes to Rename Airport
The Jackson-Evers International Airport will now be called the Jackson Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport after Jackson City Council members voted to rename the airport this week.
Why They Kill
Despite popular belief, violent criminals aren't born with a moral screw loose. They're not even turned into criminals because they grow up in single-parent homes (although having two good parents certainly helps kids) or from living in a crime-ridden neighborhood (although it contributes).
Deterrence: Not What You Think
Once a person has committed a crime and is in the prison system, what works and what doesn't to deter ongoing criminality?
Wednesday, October 19
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Basketball season starts soon for football fans whose team is already done for the season.
Real Men Wear Pink
"Black Out" games look awesome at night when fans wear black. "White Out" games are better in the day as fans wear white. Before last Friday, though, I had never had a seen a "Pink Out" game. That is what I found as Callaway High School took on Ridgeland High School.
Who's Going to Bowl?
The annual rite of fall has begun. Sunday, Oct. 16, the first BCS—Bowl Championship Series—standings were released.
JFP Top 25: Week 8
The first BCS standings came out this week. While the rankings might not be the same as the top 10 of the JFP Top 25 poll, they are close. Clemson is getting a lot of love from the BCS but not from me. South Carolina replaces Clemson in my top 10. The other nine teams are the same but not in the same order.
Everything's Better On a Stick
What is it about the simple act of putting something on a stick that just makes it irresistible? Is it the convenience of having an easy way to transport food from plate to mouth? Is it some childhood remembrance of popsicles long past?
Salad Bowl Diversity
A good salad can go far beyond the traditional iceberg-lettuce blend. You can mix together almost anything you have in your fridge and end up with a treat. Sometimes, however, unhealthy, fatty dressings and toppings can find its way into a bowl. Here are a few ingredients to keep your salad healthy but interesting.
Kill Devil Hill
Jacksonian Rex Brown brings some friends home with him Oct. 21 when Kill Devil Hill plays at Club Fire (209 Commerce St., 601-592-1000). The hometown boy, who has worked in Los Angeles for the past 15 years, is lead singer for this new heavy-metal band with some serious heritage.
Salute to Indies Day
On Sunday, Oct. 23, Dreamz JXN (426 Capitol St.) hosts the one-year anniversary of its showcase concerts for independent hip-hop artists. The "Salute to Indies Day" will feature a number of artists and groups who have participated in the bi-monthly concerts since they began.
Garrad's Political Playlist
Politics is on the minds and tongues of everyone these days. We have elections coming up Nov. 8, when Mississippians will vote on two hot-button topics: personhood and voter ID. Nationally, the Occupy Wall Street movement has spread all over the country.
The Best Defense
When it comes to supporting breast-cancer research, even professional football players are getting in on the act. If you're a fan, no doubt you've seen all the pink out there on the field.
Sequins and Livestock
It's really no secret that I love shiny things and a good show. My childhood included playing dress up, thanks to an extensive wardrobe of old dance-recital costumes and treasures from the Junior Auxiliary's thrift store. Then the general rule was the more sequins, the better.
Citizen Policewoman
I'm going to be completely honest: I'd never held a gun before. I always thought guns were for thugs and hunters. I simply didn't need one. So it may surprise you that on Saturday, Oct. 8, I spent the better part of the day at the Jackson Police Department rifle range working on my target practice.
The Poverty-Crime Connection
If you struggle to pay your bills and don't know where your next meal is coming from, studies show you are more likely to be incarcerated. Once you fall into that cycle, it's difficult to break out. When people get out of jail, they usually have no money or a stable home to return to.
Ways to Prevent Juvenile Crime
Grown folks with responsibilities don't have time to be running the streets. At least that's the thinking behind programs designed to keep kids out of trouble by putting them to work.
‘Eyes on the Street': A Case Study
'The revival of Jackson is not going to be made on single-family housing.'
The Dropout-Crime Connection
What if there was a way to stop people from committing crimes before they started? Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a nonprofit organization that advocates for quality education and after-school programs as the best way to prevent crime and violence.
Doing it For Jackson
In spring 2010, Grady Griffin received an urgent phone call from Craig Noone. A large oak tree had fallen in Greenwood Cemetery, close to Eudora Welty's grave.
Who's In a Gang? Who Uses Crack?
State and local jurisdictions develop their own definitions of "gangs," which can lead to confusion and ill-defined fears of gang violence. The Jackson Police Department does not have an official definition of a gang, but the Mississippi Street Gang Act says that a gang is a group of three or more people with an established hierarchy that engages in felonious criminal activity.
Bryant, DuPree Play Nice
The two candidates for governor in Mississippi talked up bipartisan cooperation and downplayed their differences at a debate Oct. 14.
Guns for Safety?
Also see: JFP Crime Blog
It so happens that in the past few weeks, a number of people with ties to the Jackson Free Press—staff and former staff—have encountered the same piece of advice from Jackson Police Department officers. The advice: Buy a gun.
Relationships, Not Gates
I would like to claim that Broadmeadow United Methodist Church first reached out to the neighborhood, but the truth is that the neighborhood reached out first to Broadmeadow.
[Stiggers] Quell the Anxiety
As you know, many in our community and around this nation struggle with economic imbalance. Many people suffer at the hands of some insensitive, uncaring and greedy individuals. Therefore, your non-judgmental solidarity with the poor, middle class and common folk reflects the proverb that says, 'Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.'
[Oppenheim] Time to Listen
On Oct. 22, youth from all over Mississippi, but mostly Jackson, will gather at Metrocenter Mall for a special event: the first Art, Poetry and Justice SLAM. The event is part of National Youth Justice Awareness Month and brings together the Southern Regional Office of the Children's Defense Fund, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU of Mississippi, the NAACP of Mississippi, The Young People's Project and F.A.I.T.H. Inc.
How to Be Safe
When I lived in the Washington, D.C., area, I knew a woman who was repeatedly on the receiving end of crime. She was mugged in the subway, had her purse snatched at a bar, was attacked and raped walking home. I didn't know her well; however, it was hard not to feel badly for her.
Preventing Auto Theft
Auto thefts are usually crimes of opportunity, according to the University of Oakland Police Department's website. They can happen within seconds and are primarily a result of not being cautious and cognizant of the environment. You can decrease your chances of your car being burglarized or stolen by following these tips.
Many Ways to Prevent Crime
The best way to stop crime is to put children on a good path early, help strengthen their families and intervene as needed. These groups do just that in many ways.
The JFP's Crime-Fighting Manifesto
"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." - Edmund Burke.
MIFF: A Cinematic Extravaganza
Edward Saint Pe and his team of organizers and volunteers commandeer the indie-film scene from Friday through Saturday with the 2011 Mississippi International Film Festival. "We're showing 50 films all day Friday and Saturday at the Russell C. Davis Planetarium in downtown Jackson," Saint Pe says.
Fashion For a Cause
The Tougaloo Fashion For a Cause show starts at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 at Holmes Hall.
Don't Be a Victim
Everyone needs a reminder to review safety rules. But every now and again those rules need to be updated.
Protesters Occupy Smith Park
A demonstration that began Saturday at Smith Park continued through the weekend, and supporters of Occupy Mississippi say they do not plan to leave any time soon.
Stevenson: Raising the Bar
The qualifications to run for justice court judge are pretty simple: a high-school diploma and $10 to pay the county circuit clerk to file your paperwork. You also must be a resident of the county you wish to run in for two years before the election and take a training course within six months of beginning your term in office. Perhaps this is why the race has been somewhat an unknown quantity this election season.
Jason Meeks
For a locksmith like Jason Meeks, security is everything. His work's purpose is to keep people, their belongings and their property safe.
Craig Noone, Crime Fighter
A few weeks ago, Jackson State University professor Noel Didla was sitting outside Parlor Market in downtown Jackson waiting for friends. Suddenly, Craig Noone, the young visionary and chef who created the restaurant, saw her and came outside to talk to Noel. He mentioned the current issue of BOOM Jackson magazine in which Noel was photographed at her desk for a small "At Work" feature. Craig asked Noel to autograph his copy and told her how much he liked the small piece.
Farish Street Presentation Today
Watkins Development will update city of Jackson officials this morning on the progress of the Farish Street Entertainment district.
Tuesday, October 18
Study: Mississippians Lack Economic Security
Read the study here.
Eclectic Food; Restaurant Charity
A restaurant that closed downtown almost 20 years ago has now reopened on Woodrow Wilson Avenue, where it offers an eclectic mix of food.
Randy Bell
"It's where people come to help," a calm radio voice explains. "It's an assortment of tents and trailers in a parking lot right in the middle of some of the worst destruction from last week's monster tornado in Yazoo City."
State Receives Last Payment in Microsoft Settlement
Microsoft Corp. has paid the state its final payment of $5 million in a anti-trust settlement the company and state reached in 2009, Attorney General Jim Hood announced yesterday.
Monday, October 17
Candidates Put Politeness Above Policy
Mississippi's two candidates for governor stayed polite and avoided any appearance of negative attacks at a debate Friday night. Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant and Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree invoked friendship, bipartisanship and a new way of politicking in Mississippi. Perhaps that explains why they did not emphasize many major differences between them, even on contentious issues such as ballot initiatives and how to reduce the number of teen pregnancies in the state.
Baptist Expansion to Include Skybridge
Baptist Health Systems' plan for expansion includes a pedestrian bridge at the intersection of North State Street and Poplar Boulevard.
Nina Parikh
Nina Parikh will enjoy dinner and a movie tonight to view an international film with a universal message outside at the Art Garden at the Mississippi Museum of Art.
Community Events and Public Meetings
• L.E.A.D. Conference Oct 17-20. Four one-day conferences teach youth the importance of preventing tobacco use in their communities. Shaun Derik is the keynote speaker. Sessions are from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Venues include Lake Terrace Convention Center (1 Convention Center Plaza, Hattiesburg) Oct. 17, Washington County Convention Center (1040 S. Raceway Road, Greenville) Oct. 18, Oxford Conference Center (102 Ed Perry Blvd., Oxford) Oct. 19 and the Mississippi Trade Mart (1200 Mississippi St.) Oct. 20. Free; call 601-420-2414.
Jackson Named A Top Community for Youth
Jackson's focus on youth has earned the city a spot in America's Promise Alliance's "100 Best Communities for Young People" competition.
Friday, October 14
Jackson Mourns Chef's Death
Craig Noone's ability to treat customers like family, foster downtown revitalization and inspire Jackson's palate will likely be a few of the qualities Jacksonians will remember about the 32-year-old restaurant owner who died early this morning in a car accident.
Occupy Mississippi Demonstration Tomorrow
More than 20 people gathered in Jackson's Smith Park yesterday to plan and discuss getting people involved in the local Occupy Mississippi movement.
Donovan Childress
By the time he reached 30 this year, Donovan Childress says he had never spent a day in the hospital. In fact, he can't remember any serious illnesses at all. He was the one who would stay healthy at work, even as one-by-one, his coworkers succumbed to whatever kind of yuck that was going around.
Parlor Market Owner Dies
Parlor Market owner Craig Noone was killed early this morning in a car accident.
Noone, who opened Parlor Market on Capitol Street a little over a year ago, was driving his Chevy Tahoe when he collided with a Ford Taurus at the intersection of West and Capitol streets at 1 a.m.,
Thursday, October 13
Hotel Study Not Public, Yet
The public can't see a recently commissioned study on the proposed convention center hotel yet because the figures need revisions, the Jackson Redevelopment Authority Board Project Committee determined yesterday.
Racing to Fund Pre-K
Mississippi is one of only 10 states without public, statewide early childhood education, leaving a hodgepodge of agencies and organizations to help children prepare for kindergarten. Now, the state is applying for $50 million in federal grant money to help the state better coordinate those organizations' efforts.
Sonia Fogal
Sonia Fogal, a self-professed adrenaline junkie and accomplished wheelchair fencer, is working hard to encourage health and physical fitness in the disability community.
It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid
Great story in the Nation by Thomas Geoghegan, called What Would Keynes Do? outlines a problem in the U.S. economy that not enough people -- either conservatives or liberals or moderates and flip-floppers -- are worrying about right now: the trade deficit.
JPD Receives $3M Grant
The Jackson Police Department received a $3-million grant Tuesday from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Wednesday, October 12
Flower Girl Panic
When Bebo, my younger brother, proposed to his girlfriend Anna, they asked my 4-year-old and my 2-year-old to be flower girls. The girls were as thrilled as I was terrified.
Avoiding Toddler Tragedy
An "adults only" ceremony sounds nice, but for many weddings, it's almost impossible to keep the little people away. So what's a couple-to-be to do? Here are a few tips to prevent a toddler tragedy on your wedding day.
Gold and Orange and Red, Oh My!
When it comes to color, I'm usually an equal opportunist. But since fall officially arrived and the temperatures are changing, I seem to only be able to focus on one side of the color wheel.
Rocket Girl
Sparse, ethereal voices bleed through the speakers, discordantly proclaiming, "Oh, the things you can discover when you let yourself go under." The short, a capella piece, "Siren," sets the mood and theme for pianist and vocalist Caroline Crawford's debut album "Delphian," a work that wades through such weighty topics as depression and rape.
Looking Back
Happy belated 9th birthday, JFP! I remember reading the very first Jackson Free Press when it came out in 2002 and falling in love with the music listings, the music articles and the all-too-accurate astrology section.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
The NFL is full of surprises. Who had the 49ers, Bills and Lions as good teams? Or the Eagles, Jets and Colts as bad ones?
Tackling Adversity
"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity." —Lou Holtz
Al Davis, RIP
I have always heard deaths come in threes. Once Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away, I started watching for the other two. Saturday morning, news broke that Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis had passed away at age 82.
JFP Top 25: Week 7
Not much shake-up at the top of the JFP Top 25 Poll this week. There are 10 to 15 teams fighting for the national championship. re themselves no bowl, and which team wins first.
Livin' Easy
I am a devoted procrastinator. That admission not withstanding, I have come upon the best weekly habit to make my life so much easier: prepping in advance for the week's meals.
Brent's Drugs Turns 65
When you step through the glass double doors of Brent's Drugs (655 Duling Ave., 601-366-3427), you walk into history. The tinkle of a doorbell announces your entrance into the oldest soda fountain in Mississippi. Located in the historic Fondren District, in the shopping strip known today as Woodland Hills Shopping Center, Brent's recently celebrated its 65th birthday.
Safe Social Networking
Renee Walker came to the Facebook Roadshow at Clinton High School Oct. 6 to find out what to do when one person impersonates another on the popular social-networking website.
No Tea Party of the Left, Please
The pent-up frustration caused by not speaking out in a clear voice finds a venue this Saturday when some Jacksonians will gather in Smith Park for Occupy Mississippi, a localized version of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement that spread to other U.S. cities in recent weeks. We fear, though, that many of the frustrated protesters could lack focus and are venting.
[Stiggers] Double-Dutch Convoy
The church buses are ready roll to take the people where they need to go. It's time to let the establishment know that we won't take it any more. Let's join in solidarity with the 99 percent.
[Spiehler] Where Is the Line?
"What about life-saving abortions?"
Diet Soda for Dudes
I can just imagine the creative thought process that spawned this campaign.
Dr. Pepper has a new ad campaign to convince "manly men" to drink more diet soda.

The JFP Interview with Jim Hood
Attorney General Jim Hood appears to be a natural prosecutor, although it was a career path he initially resisted. His father was a Chickasaw County attorney and prosecutor. In 2003, Hood began his first term as Mississippi's attorney general, and he is currently seeking his third term in office, running against former Department of Public Safety Commissioner Steven Simpson.
Ronni Mott Responds to Hood on Hayne
On March 12, 2010, Radley Balko, formerly of Reason Magazine, published an email from Hood to coroners and others urging them to get legislators to vote against H.B. 1456. The bill, signed March 19 by Gov. Haley Barbour, requires that anyone hired by a Mississippi county to do an autopsy be American Board of Pathology certified in forensic pathology.
Reader's Guide : Wickard v. Filburn
In 1942, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government has the right to regulate economic activity in the case of Wickard v. Filburn.
Polk's Perseverance
Mississippi House of Representatives hopeful Gay Polk is determined. Polk lost the Aug. 2 Democratic primary to her opponent Brad Oberhousen by just 90 votes. But after reports surfaced that her name was not on the ballot at Terry's Dry Grove precinct, she spent the next week camped out at the Hinds County Courthouse as she monitored a chaotic and confusing election certification process. She then challenged the Hinds County Democratic Executive Committee's decision to certify Oberhousen as the winner in the District 73 race, arguing that voters had received the wrong ballots at the split precinct.
Hall: Stay on the Highway
Transportation Commissioner Dick Hall posted this on Facebook: "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."
Francine Brookins
Francine Brookins thinks education and salvation are the most important institutions in young lives. Brookins believes that it is important to reach out to youth in increasing religious awareness. "When you are a kid," she says, "you don't think about your relationship with God."
The Crazy Ones
You've no doubt heard about the passing of Steve Jobs, legendary former CEO of Apple Inc. and the architect of that company's return from near obscurity to--depending on the day--literally the most valuable company in the world.
Hell in Jackson
Madison Spencer is 13 years old and is in hell. She claims that her death had something to do with marijuana and has a lot to say while sitting in her hell cell. "Are you there, Satan? It's me, Madison," she says at the beginning of each chapter of Chuck Palahniuk's newest book, "Damned" (Doubleday, 2011, $24.95).
Tuesday, October 11
Entergy to Research Future of Electric Car
Entergy is installing three electric vehicle-charging stations in the metro area to prepare for an expected increase in energy-efficient vehicles.
Ethiopian Flavors
Jackson will get to taste a new cuisine with the first Ethiopian restaurant now open in the area.
Patricia Taylor
Patricia Taylor drove a friend to take a postal service exam in 1980. Giving that friend a ride started a career for Taylor when she decided she wanted to take the test, too. A couple of weeks later, she got a phone call and landed a job with the U.S. Postal Service in Jackson.
[Column] Rescuing the Middle Class from Washington's Failed Energy Strategies
As fall approaches, working-class families find themselves struggling with rising energy costs that consume an ever-larger percentage of their disposable income. As the decades roll by, it seems that more and more of our paychecks are required just to keep the lights on, the car running and the house warm in winter.
Monday, October 10
City Makes Adjustments for Raises
Read the city's amended budget (PDF)
Federal Spending, Earmarks Fund Medical Advances
Despite concerns about the federal deficit and vows to cut out "pork-barrel spending," congressional earmarks and other sources of federal money are funding medical research and upgrades at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Aubrey K. Lucas
With his trademark bowtie in place, Aubrey K. Lucas oversaw the evolution of the University of Southern Mississippi. For that and other activities, he is one of 11 Mississippi Medal of Service recipients.
Community Events and Public Meetings
6 p.m., Jackson Touchdown Club Meeting, at River Hills Country Club (3600 Ridgewood Road). Members of the athletic organization meet weekly during the football season. This week's speaker is Southern Miss head football coach Larry Fedora. $280 individual membership, $1200 corporate membership; call 601-506-3186.
City to Host Disability Awareness Day
The city of Jackson will host "Walk in Their Shoes," Wednesday, Oct. 12, to educate the public about residents with disabilities.
Friday, October 7
AG: Keep Teens Safe Online
Teens' online social networking can affect real-life safety and friendships, so parents should talk with their children about staying safe on social media websites panelists said at a Facebook roadshow yesterday.
Doctors Oppose Initiative 26
Dr. Paul Seago finds it absurd that if Initiative 26 passes this November, a carcinoma could have the same rights as his teenage daughter.
Travis Pinkston
Over the past four months, Travis Pinkston has learned that trash can be a creative endeavor that brings a community together.
Thursday, October 6
Influencing Sex-Ed Policies
School advocacy groups and parents are beginning to talk about how they can influence Jackson Public Schools' sex-education policy next year.
JPD Prepares for Busy Weekend
With more than 100,000 people expected to visit Jackson this weekend, Jackson Police Department Assistant Chief Lee Vance asked officers to be on the lookout for criminal activity. Crowds are expected this weekend for the Mississippi State Fair, Jackson State University's homecoming and a walk for breast cancer awareness.
Mary Libby Payne
Justice Mary Libby Payne, 79, of Pearl is one of 11 recipients of the Mississippi Medal of Service for significant contributions to the state.
Facebook Roadshow Tonight
The Mississippi Attorney General's office and the Department of Education will host a Facebook Roadshow tonight at Clinton High School.
Wednesday, October 5
More Than Ready
Ricky Adams used to watch and listen to his cousin, Ray Adams, and then mock everything he did, from making beats to rapping. He was only 8, but Ricky quickly turned into Prep, a rapper who would later become an industry player in Jackson and Mississippi hip-hop circles.
Wilco, ‘The Whole Love'
It should be evident to those of you who read my column that I am not a rock 'n' roll aficionado. I do not dislike the genre; I just need very little to sustain myself. I get all the rock I need from about a dozen bands taken in small doses.
The Best In Sports In 7 Days
Southern Miss Golden Eagles and Mississippi State Bulldogs are on the road this week.
Celebrating JSU's Legacy
JSU has a history of winning its homecoming game, and this year should be no different.
I missed who said the dumbest thing I heard this weekend, or I would be ranting about that idiot. Instead, I must rant about what was said.
JFP Top 25: Week 6
Last week, I opened the JFP Top 25 explaining that October is the month college football's best teams begin to separate themselves from the rest. This is the month when the pretenders turn into pumpkins, and contenders become monsters.
My Big, Fat, Cheap Family
I come from a frugal family. Jan, my stepmother, saves everything that can be re-used—seriously, everything. When Jan and my father moved a few years ago, my father put his foot down and said there was no way he was moving used Ziploc bags or twisty ties across the country.
The Down There Blues
The waiting room at the Hinds Comprehensive Health Center's women's clinic was full. Women of all ages and races sat, some silent and some on the phone, anxious to go back to one of the examination rooms.
Sailing Our Own Race
"There's a feeling in the air ..." So starts a favorite Better than Ezra song that reminds me of fall. Lately, that feeling has made me want to get outside and enjoy the great weather that this time of year brings. But beyond football fields, I found myself drawn to water this fall.
Growing Green Jobs
"One of the things that you see is a gradual greening of the economy, both in Mississippi and the U.S. as a whole," Dek Terrell said. "... When I look out over a period of 30 to 40 years, the idea of 'green' is not a fad."
Questions Dog Convention Hotel Deal
'The horse is out of the barn and ... we don't have any answers.' – Margaret Barrett-Simon
Ramirez Missing Two Years
Abraham Jonathan Ramirez went out with friends to El Jardin, a Jackson nightclub off Gallatin Street, a couple of years ago. He was 21 then, had a new pick-up truck and wore cowboy boots. He lived in Pearl and had lived there for at least a couple of years where he worked in construction for his girlfriend's brother.
Melton's Last Laugh
The sudden and extremely belated concern about TCI doing a convention-center hotel deal with the city would be amusing if it weren't so frustrating to realize how little some people pay attention to vital city business.
[Stiggers] A Jobs Plan
The massive hirings will not affect the prices at Jojo's Discount Dollar Store. Jojo hopes that his positive and creative corporate restructuring will inspire hope and confidence in the spirits of today's extremely financially challenged consumers.
[Gregory] One Caring Adult
Before the act of 'murdering,' they act like any other child.
Life on the Mississippi
Eve Beglarian is a modern-day, female version of Huckleberry Finn, but instead of exploring the mighty Mississippi River on a raft, she did it by kayak and bicycle.
Reinventing Charles Frazier
Any discussion of Charles Frazier or his books is inevitably prefaced with a comment such as "You know—the guy who wrote ‘Cold Mountain.'" And while the novel has certainly garnered much acclaim, "Cold Mountain" has also doomed Frazier's future work to a lifetime of disappointed comparisons, sounding something like, "Well, it wasn't as good as ‘Cold Mountain.'"
From Ashes to Art
Since June 1, Travis Pinkston and daniel johnson have explored the Midtown community, picking up bits and pieces along the way. As part of the Midtown Debris Organization, the two collect and organize old bottles, brushes, leaves and cigarette butts. Then they sort what others call trash by aesthetic categories and symbolic association.

Divided We Fall: The Killing of James Craig Anderson
Jordan Richardson was fishing at Cornerstone Lake in Brandon in 2009 when a pickup truck pulled up. Three teenagers got out of their trucks and started walking toward him, and he knew he was in trouble.
More to Graham Investigation?
Charles Carter, president of the National Emergency Communications Institute, says that there is more to state Auditor Stacey Pickering's investigation of Hinds County Supervisor Robert Graham than the state has presented.
Scrapping for Funds
The Mississippi Department of Education says it needs a 13-percent funding increase in 2013, but most of the increase includes funding that the department was legally entitled to in previous years, but did not get.
Andrea Jones
Andrea Jones has always enjoyed teaching. "I've always been some type of educator. I like to gain knowledge then share it," she said.
Hate Is as Hate Does
"So when is the Southern Poverty Law Center going to file a lawsuit against the man who killed Mr. Patel?" This was only one of many comments I've seen since James Anderson died under the wheels of a big truck.
Tuesday, October 4
AG Hood Passes on ‘Mud Fight' with Simpson
Republican Attorney General candidate Steve Simpson's attempts to spar with his opponent, Democratic incumbent Jim Hood, went mostly uncontested during a debate at a John C. Stennis Institute of Government luncheon in Jackson yesterday.
BP and Main Streets
BP may seem like a strange benefactor for Gulf Coast businesses in light of the damaging oil spill still fresh in Mississippi memories, but BP America has announced a partnership with the Mississippi Main Street Association's communities on the Gulf Coast.
Lelon Thompson
Lelon Thompson's passion for singing and the performing arts has taken him from Mississippi to Los Angeles, New York and Japan. Today, Thompson works to nurture the same passion in a younger generation of performers as the creative director of the Mississippi Boychoir.
Judge Rules in Favor of Revote for District 73 Race
A judge has ruled in favor of a revote in Terry's Dry Grove Precinct for the Democratic candidates in the Mississippi House of Representative's District 73 race.
Monday, October 3
Lack of Details about Hotel Frustrates Council
This article is a revision of the story distributed through JFP Daily in order to clarify several points. See a revision explanation below the story.
The Hidden Hands in Redistricting: Corporations and Other Powerful Interests
Their names suggest selfless dedication to democracy. Fair Districts Mass. Protect Your Vote. The Center for a Better New Jersey. And their stated goals are unarguable: In the partisan fight to redraw congressional districts, states should stick to the principle of one person, one vote.
Cornelius "C" Turner
Cornelius "C" Turner adds another honor to his accomplishments. Last week, Gov. Haley Barbour honored Turner and 10 other people with the Mississippi Medal of Service for significant contributions to improve their communities and state.
Community Events and Public Meetings
5 p.m., HeARTS Against AIDS RED Party, at BRAVO! Restaurant (4500 Interstate 55 N., Suite 244). The fundraiser includes a cocktail hour, music and a silent auction. Advance ticket purchase recommended. $40, $75 couple; call 601-259-6768.
Citizens Police Academy Starts Tonight
More than 50 Jackson residents will gain insight into law enforcement tonight during the Jackson Police Department's Citizens Police Academy.