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Will JATRAN Sustain Budget Reduction?

Jackson residents had the opportunity to weigh in on the city's proposed fiscal year 2011 budget during a Sept. 7 public hearing. While the city will not increase property taxes or lay off employees, the city's public transportation system, JATRAN, faces a reduction in routes, and open driver positions will remain vacant.

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City Approves Convention Hotel Financing

See the presentation to city council members (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Not a Ghost Town

As Betty Lyons rode through neighborhoods in west Jackson during a recent tour, she envisioned the boarded-up homes along Grand Avenue and Rose Street occupied with residents and creating a vibrant community.

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The Saga of the Convention Center Hotel

The city council met behind closed doors Tuesday evening to discuss a possible cost-sharing agreement with developers of a $200 million mixed-used development along four blocks of Pascagoula street that would include a convention center hotel. The JFP Daily reported online Tuesday that TCI-MS, the LLC that owns the property, has not paid property taxes for 2009, and is linked to a controversial developer.

Personhood Initiative Heads to Court

The outcome of a lawsuit over a 2011 ballot initiative asking voters to define when life begins will come down to whether the initiative requires modifications to the state Constitution.

Mason: No Plans for Public Input on Merger

As Jackson State University President Ronald Mason Jr. shook hands at a forum last Friday at Koinonia Coffee House in Jackson, he sought to quell concerns about a possible HBCU merger idea he floated to legislators last month. He maintained that his proposal was merely "an idea that was leaked."

Restoring the City's Soul

For Farish Street Baptist Church Senior Pastor Dr. Hickman Johnson, Jackson's Renaissance isn't just about rebuilding homes and businesses, but restoring the city's soul.

City Not Giving Financial Details

Details on financing for the proposed convention center hotel are still under wraps, as the city puts together an official proposal for the Jackson City Council that may include using funds designated for redevelopment of areas affected by Hurricane Katrina.

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Convention Hotel Developers Pay County Taxes

TCI-MS, formed to develop the Capital City Center and a Convention Center hotel on four blocks of Pascagoula Street, paid its overdue property taxes this week.

He said, BP said

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour and Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant's response to the oil spill has been anything but dramatic and has often sent conflicting messages. Bryant criticized the national media during a May 12 press conference for "overreacting" and said the oil spill was not the Exxon Valdez.

John Noblin

As the director of the fourth annual Mississippi Blues Marathon, John Noblin is busy making last-minute arrangements for the two-day event, which includes a fitness expo and outdoor concert. The Jackson native is a longtime marathon runner who got his start organizing races in 1993 with the Tour LeFleur, a professional cycling race in Jackson. Five years ago, he collaborated with local business leaders to bring the Blues Marathon to Jackson, forming a sponsorship with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi. Noblin, 45, lives in Jackson with his wife, Jill, and two daughters Keavy, 16, and Clayton, 13. He discussed this year's race with the JFP:

Business Round Up

Rainbow Whole Foods Inc., which has operated as an agricultural association since opening in 1980, became a consumer cooperative Sept. 1. The new designation allows members to obtain shares of the cooperative's stock. The new shareholder membership requires a one-time purchase of $200 for a stock certificate.

JPD Combats House Burglaries

This morning, the Jackson Police Department reported 95 house burglaries for the week of June 28 through July 4--an increase from 79 in the prior week. Overall, major crimes decreased from 268 to 260, citywide.

Patrick Payton

Patrick Payton made his way to Smith Park this morning in hopes of getting a free haircut, but ended up putting on a parking-attendant vest and directing traffic for this morning's One Stop Service Fair.

Grady Griffin

Grady Griffin has his work cut out for him. As director of education and training for the Mississippi Hospitality and Restaurant Association, Griffin, 39, is the man in charge of providing restaurant owners with support and information during the water crisis this week.

Jackson Named Top 20 U.S. City For Economy

Read the report (PDF, 608 KB)

Barbour to Hire Outside Counsel to Fight Choctaw Casino

Read Barbour's letter to Hood

Kathryn Stockett

The Mississippi Library Association's Authors Award Committee will honor author Kathryn Stockett tonight at a banquet held in the University of Southern Mississippi's Thad Cochran Center.

Jessica Auberney Smith

Jessica Auberney Smith, who writes under J. Auberney, is a self-proclaimed "hopeless romantic." So much so, that she is turning poetry and gift-giving into her livelihood.

It's the Weekend: Bundle Up

It may be cold outside, but that shouldn't stop you from having an eventful weekend.Tonight, put on your mittens and helmets and meet the Jackson Bike Advocates at Rainbow Grocery (2807 Old Canton Road) for their monthly community bike ride. The five-mile ride makes a loop though Belhaven and downtown at a slow, conversational pace. If you're in the mood for some holiday cheer, head to "Carols by Candlelight" at First Baptist Church of Jackson (431 N. State St.) to see the First Baptist Jackson Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra and Drama Department perform. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the performance begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are free, and available until 6:15 p.m. when the doors open to non-ticket holders. For more information, call 601-949-1926. Afterwards, head downtown at 9 p.m. for a screening of the film "Howl" at the Art House Cinema located inside the Davis Planetarium (201 E. Pascagoula St.). Tickets are $9; for more information, visit For more entertainment options, check out the JFP Events Calendar.