All results / Stories / Micah Smith

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A Time to Read

When political consultant and author Jere Nash met his friend Leila Salisbury, director of the University Press of Mississippi, for lunch at Hal & Mal's in the spring of 2013, he didn't see himself walking out of the restaurant with a two-year mission.

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Eddie Cusic

Mississippi guitarist Eddie Cusic, a man whose contributions to the blues music scene far outweigh his own recognition, died Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 89 years old.

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Ani-make a Connection

The second annual Anime Getaway Jackson may be a celebration of entertainment and culture coming to Mississippi by way of Japan, but the convention itself originated in Memphis, Tenn.

Katrina: Words After the Storm

Here are a few great reads that remind us of the struggles and triumphs in the midst of one of America’s costliest storms, Hurricane Katrina.

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MasterChef Meet Cute

Jackson is on the menu for the next season of FOX's hit program "MasterChef." The network announced its seventh season casting route, which includes a stop in Jackson on Saturday, Oct. 3.

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Chane Unveils The Wonder Lab at Fondren's First Thursday

After nearly $9,000 out of pocket in renovation, Ron Chane is today unveiling The Wonder Lab, a collection of studio spaces that he hopes will be a springboard for Jackson creatives.

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Wonder Lives Here

After nearly $9,000 in renovations, Ron Chane used the Sept. 3 Fondren's First Thursday to unveil The Wonder Lab, a collection of studio spaces that he hopes will be a springboard for Jackson creatives.

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Music Legend Steve Earle: The Mississippi Flag Must Change

Acclaimed singer-songwriter Steve Earle is the latest person to join the flag debate though his voice comes in the form of a good-old-fashioned protest song.

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Spinning on the Same World

The Whirling Dervishes of Rumi, a Sufi Muslim order from Konya, Turkey, perform Wednesday, Sept. 23, at Thalia Mara Hall.

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The Chemistry of Paperclip Scientists

Long before Jackson musicians Joey Plunkett and Vince Johnston launched samba-infused jazz-rock group Paperclip Scientists, they were writing songs while huddled around a four-track recorder.

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Cindy Griffin

For the past 14 years, Cindy Griffin has been a driving force for Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Capital Area, and for the past 11 of those, she has served as the executive director.

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The Sound of WellsFest

Over its 32-year run, WellsFest has become one of the city's most multifaceted events, offering activities for art enthusiasts, 5K fans, green-thumbed gardeners and good-old-fashioned food lovers.

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The State in ‘Little Stories’

As a rule, photo books have a few simple goals. Whether the focus is on nature, architecture or even a specific event, they can either provide deep and poignant reminders of the past or lively, beauty-centered images of present.

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Peter Friedrich

As the assistant professor and chair of the theater department at Millsaps College, Peter Friedrich is working to bring change that goes beyond the college to the national theater culture.

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Lake Street Dive

After more than a decade performing together, the musicians of Boston soul-pop act Lake Street Dive are starting to see their hard work pay off in a big way.

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Jason Daniels: Roots and Reflection

When Jackson singer-songwriter Jason Daniels realized that the time was right for a vinyl re-release of his 2013 debut album, "Dashboard Visions and Rearview Reflections," it wasn't just about sound quality and having a product.

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Richard Grant

In his latest work, "Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta", Richard Grant delves into a region that's foreign but not at all far away.

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Amulet Strange

Before travelling to Jackson earlier this year, Amulet Strange had never stepped foot in Mississippi, and yet she had been preparing most of her life for a job here.

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Pause for Applause

A signature sound is more a product of its surroundings than the artists that fill them, and whether we like to admit that or not, an audience's reaction has an extraordinary impact on those surroundings.

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The Recording Conundrum

Leroy Jones Jr., the owner of recording studio Sonic Signature, has lived in Jackson his whole life and has produced music for a large amount of that time.