All results / Stories / Lacey McLaughlin

Peter Squires

Peter Squires may have had his heart broken, but you'd never know it from the quirky and fun lyrics that comprise the majority of his songs.

Chaney Nichols

For Chaney Nichols, there is no better place to have a rock showcase than a hollowed out 1939 theater in the heart of Jackson.

David Rae Morris

When photojournalist David Rae Morris began to document the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, he thought he could emotionally detach himself from the destruction, but instead his photographs captured his personal reaction to the storm. "The scope of the destruction was such in a way that you couldn't help but be affected," he says.

Marianne Hill

Dr. Marianne Hill, senior economist at the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, wants to see the status of women improve in Mississippi.

Bryan Fedrick

Despite the fact that snakes have bitten Bryan Fedrick more than 100 times, he says he loves the slithering reptiles and wants to educate others about them.

Dr. Alan Bean

By using narrative and story telling, Dr. Alan Bean hopes that others will start to evaluate the criminal-justice system and seek the truth.

Dr. Clay Hays

As the grand marshal for the city of Jackson's annual holiday parade, Dr. Clay Hays is using his time in the limelight to promote healthier living in the city.

Garrison Starr

Folk rock/ indie artist and Hernando native Garrison Starr demonstrates her Southern roots through songs that tell rich stories of love and overcoming adversity.

Sean Sullivan

Sean Sullivan hopes to change federal border and trade policies by organizing a photography exhibit on the harmful environmental affects and habit disruptions from a newly constructed U.S.-Mexico border wall.

Madison Plans For Residents-Only Festival

Officials from Franklin, Tenn., a city Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler cited last week as a model for keeping outsiders from attending a Madison festival, claim their city has never followed such a practice.

Wade Overstreet

Wade Overstreet is passionate about improving the quality of life for children and families in Jackson. As the new development director for Operation Shoestring, Overstreet, 36, is in charge of raising funds and communicating the mission of the organization, a non-profit providing services for the inner-city community including after-school programs, parenting classes, summer camps and a food pantry.

Allison Goldman

The story of Judy Frieze Wright, a Jewish Freedom Rider who was arrested in Jackson in 1961, inspired Allison Goldman to educate others about the role of Jews during the Civil Rights Movement.

MPB Director Resigns

Mississippi Public Broadcasting Executive Director Judy Lewis has resigned, Mississippi Authority for Educational Television Chairman Bob Sawyer said today in a press statement.

This Weekend in Jackson

Take advantage of the cool weather and head to the Jackson Zoological Park this evening for "Feast with the Beasts" at 5:30 p.m. Enjoy food and beverages while zookeepers talk about the animals. You may even get to see some exotic animals up close, and it's all free for zoo members. Afterward head over to the 930 Blues Cafe to see some of the Mississippi's most talented jazz and blues musicians at the first annual Autumn 'n' Blues Festival. Tonight's line up includes Jackie Bell, Bobby Rush, and Michael Burks, and admission is $25. If you can't make it tonight, the festival continues tomorrow. Find more happenings on the JFP Events page.

Amber Boardman

A distorted picture of Amber Boardman appears on the screen as the sound of distant voices accompany a melody of instruments. In her video "I Wish I Could See You," the voices, longing and nostalgic, are voicemails from friends and family that she has transformed into a work of art.

Roderick Holmes

When Jackson Police Department Officer Roderick Holmes responded to an alarm call at Calvary Baptist Church in January, his training and skills came into play in apprehending a man who had broken into the church. As the intruder tried to flee the property, Holmes called for backup and with the help of other officers, he apprehended the suspect in a wooded area behind the church.

Linda St. Martin

Linda St. Martin got Gov. Haley Barbour's attention Tuesday when she stood up at the inaugural Gulf of Mexico Commission meeting. She soundly criticized the governor for failing to include commercial fisherman and shrimpers on his hand-picked panel addressing recovery on the Coast from the BP oil disaster.

Chris Roebuck

When a friend dared Chris Roebuck to audition for "Fiddler on the Roof," while he was a student at Mississippi College, he never expected that experience would lead to a career in theater.

Clancy Walker

When doctor's diagnosed Clancy Walker's 3-year-old son, Grayson, with juvenile diabetes a few months ago, it ignited her desire to raise money and awareness about the disease.

Kathy Nester