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UPDATED: Abortion Clinic 'Buffer Zone' Draws Ag Commish, Protesters to City Hall

The City is set to vote on a proposal to limit protest activities outside the state's only abortion clinic.

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UPDATE: Jackson's $7 Million Water Bill Fix Passes; Zoo Closure Ends Worker Benefits

At a special meeting late last week, the Jackson City Council blocked a $7-million emergency loan to fix its water-sewer system, which has been plagued with problems since the City signed a $90-million contract with Siemens Inc. for a new meter and billing system.

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'Sprawling Conspiracy' Ensnares Voucher Beneficiaries, Republican Donors

At least two people who donated significant sums to Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves' campaign allegedly engaged in what the state's top elected official calls a "disgusting abuse of power."

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Hosemann Talks River Floods, Jackson Water, Yearly Teacher Pay Raises

Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann expounded Monday on a lawsuit against the federal government over flooding along the Mississippi River, but said his office would not "wade into" issues concerning Jackson's water quality.

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The Pink House Deals With ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Fallout

"Jesus loves you, mommy. Mommy, please don't kill me," a child's voice pleads from a large speaker system outside Mississippi's last abortion clinic, which is known among its defenders as "The Pink House."

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Lumumba on Defense: JPD Rape Claims, Suicide a 'Human Tragedy'

Jackson Police Chief James Davis was four words into answering a press question about whether he had any regrets for his handling of sexual-assault allegations against an officer when Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba stopped him.

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Sherman Alleges Dirty Politics, As Baria Claims Solid Victory in Senate Bid

With his family by his side, Rep. David Baria, leader of the Mississippi House Democratic Caucus, declared victory in his bid for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, at Murky Waters in Gulfport, on Tuesday night after the announcement of the results of the primary run-off.

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Espy, Hyde-Smith Head to Nov. 27 Runoff with McDaniel Out

In a historic contest, Democrat Mike Espy will face incumbent Republican U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith in a runoff on Nov. 27 after the two candidates snagged the top two positions in Tuesday's election.

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Hyde-Smith Demanded No Audience, No Press for Tonight’s Debate

U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith demanded there be no audience or outside press allowed at tonight’s U.S. Senate debate and requested other restrictions, a source familiar with the debate negotiations told the Jackson Free Press Tuesday morning.

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End Near for Racist Politics in Mississippi?

Wearing a long coat, she stood in front of a statue of Elvis Presley when she told the crowd that if her friend Colin Hutchinson "invited me to a public hanging, I would be on the front row."

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Mississippi Leaders Still 'Honoring' Racists, After All These Years

The head of the Mississippi state agency that sent out a tweet this week honoring Confederate General Robert E. Lee once attended a rally of a racist organization that refers to black people as a "retrograde species of humanity."

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‘To Rule History With God’: The Christian Dominionist War On Abortion, Part I

In hopes of triggering a U.S. Supreme Court case, the Alliance Defending Freedom drafted the 15-week abortion ban that the Mississippi Legislature passed in 2018.

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‘God Selected This Case’: The Christian Dominionist War On Abortion, Part II

Days before the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump celebrated the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, achieving a top priority of many Christian dominionist leaders who supported him.

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Mississippi Senate Passes Income Tax Cut Slashing $446 Million in Revenue

The Mississippi Senate approved legislation to reduce the state income tax by hundreds of millions of dollars Wednesday, despite caution from opponents who questioned the wisdom of doing so while education, roads and other public infrastructure remain critically underfunded.

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Republicans Approve ‘CRT’ Bill Despite Opposition From All Black House Members

For six hours on Thursday, Black Mississippi House representatives argued against a bill that would set limits on discussions of race in classrooms. Once their arguments wrapped up, though, the chamber approved the bill in a 75-43 vote, sending it to the governor’s desk with only white Republicans voting in favor.

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Gov. Reeves Signs $524-Million Tax Cut As Education, Infrastructure Funding Woes Remain

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves signed an income-tax cut Tuesday afternoon that will eliminate $524 million from state revenues.

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Gunn, Reeves Vow To Ban Critical Race Theory In Schools: ‘Can’t Take A Chance’

Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn promised attendees at the Neshoba County Fair yesterday that he will back legislation next year to ban “critical race theory” in Mississippi’s K-12 classrooms—despite the fact that it is not taught in K-12 classrooms.

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Mississippi’s Hospital System Could ‘Fail’ In 10 Days, UMMC Warns As Feds Rush In

With COVID-19 patients overflowing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, including in its pediatric center, hospital leaders are warning that the medical system statewide could be on the verge of failing without drastic intervention.

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Mississippi Quarantines 20,000 With 5,993 Students Positive For COVID; Teen Deaths Rise

School districts statewide have responded to mounting COVID-19 cases and outbreaks with a patchwork of remedies, with many reimplementing mask mandates or moving to all-virtual instruction.

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Person Hospitalized After Taking Livestock Ivermectin From Feed Store To Treat COVID-19

At least one individual has been hospitalized in Mississippi after ingesting a drug intended for treating worms in livestock, the Mississippi State Department of Health revealed today. The medicine, ivermectin, is not approved for treating COVID-19.