All results / Stories / Arielle Dreher

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‘Great State’ Campaign Finance

Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, made waves last week when he told a Mississippi resident that he "could care less" about her concerns about budget cuts, suggesting she leave Mississippi, in a response to an email she sent to all representatives in the House.

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Politicians for Sale? The Funders of the House Leadership’s 2015 Campaigns

The Republican supermajority in the House has changed its dynamics this term, and the Democrats chose Rep. David Baria, D-Bay St. Louis, to be their minority whip leader.

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The JFP Quick Take: Election 2015

If you woke up this morning feeling like today was just another day, it's because voters largely voted to preserve the status quo on Election Day.

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Agreement Aims to Stymie School-to-Prison Pipeline

The Justice Department said Friday it has reached a settlement with the city of Meridian over policies that had allowed students to be detained without probable cause or legal representation—policies that mainly affect black and disabled children.

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Mississippi Governor: State Flag Not Likely to Change

A top Mississippi lawmaker said Monday that the Confederate battle emblem is offensive and needs to be removed from the state flag.

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Mississippi Locals Celebrate SCOTUS Decision but Wait for Marriage Licenses

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in a 5-4 ruling on Friday. In Mississippi, small celebrations broke out on the steps of Hinds County Courthouse, as other couples went to the basement to try to get their marriage licenses.

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UPDATED: State Rep. Karl Oliver Calls for Lynching Over Statues, Later Apologizes

Rep. Karl Oliver posted on Facebook that those taking down Confederate statues "should be LYNCHED!" He later apologized, but many are calling for his resignation.

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State Sneaks Special Judicial District Into Capitol Improvement Bill At Last Hour, Helping Kill It

Jackson has lost more than it has gained this legislative session, as the Capitol Complex Improvement District bill died yesterday. Its death ensured that the capital city will not receive the benefit of deferred sales tax dollars to renovate the infrastructure in the heart of the city.

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Black Leaders Boycott over State Flag, as Outrage at Karl Oliver Lingers

Most Republican leaders have distanced themselves from Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, who made national headlines for a Facebook post that called for the lynching of leaders in Louisiana who support the removal of Confederate monuments, but the fight to change the state flag continues.

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Airport ‘Takeover’: An Ethical Minefield

The opposition to the Jackson airport "takeover" bill strengthened this week even as a Senate committee passed it to the floor Tuesday despite warnings from state airport leaders that the effort could run afoul of state ethics laws.

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Legislature Moves to Control All Sales of Jackson Airport Land

The Mississippi Legislature would control the sale of all Jackson airport land under changes the Senate approved today.

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UPDATED: Airport Bill Passes Senate, Called ‘Hostile Eminent-Domain Takeover'

More than two hours of debate and six failed amendments later, the Jackson airport “takeover” bill passed the Senate by a vote of 29-18 today, leading critics to slam it as a "hostile eminent-domain taskeover.

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UPDATED: Hinds DA Out on Bond for Domestic Violence, Stalking, Robbery Charges

Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith is facing two domestic-violence misdemeanor charges and two felony charges: one for aggravated stalking and another for robbery.

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‘Not a Dungeon’: The Evolving Approach to Juvenile Detention

Across the pod, from inside the darkness of a cell, two shining circles stared out: the still and steady eyes of a black boy, locked up before he is even a man.

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Mississippi Charter Law One Step Closer to Changing

Tuesday's Senate session rang with reprobation from Sen. Hob Bryan, D-Amory, who spoke bitterly about Mississippi First, a group that he says acts as a front group for charter schools.

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‘Victory Is Mine’: Lumumba Landslide Win Defies Conventional Wisdom, Polls

Chokwe Antar Lumumba likely claimed the Jackson mayor’s seat, winning the Democratic primary by a landslide against other candidates, drawing more than twice the votes as the second-place candidate.
