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Fruits of Education

For most college students, graduation is the capstone of their last four years and a marker of achievement. However, diplomas don't mean as much as they used to, and graduation isn't always the proof of success that it should be.

City to Settle Willis Case

The City of Jackson is closer to settling the Cedric Willis case. The City Council could vote as soon as Jan. 24 to give Willis $195,000 for his wrongful arrest for murder and rape.

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Charging for Inexperience

As a dozen experienced journalists at The Clarion-Ledger weigh the pros and cons of taking an early retirement, the daily newspaper's parent company wants to start charging for online content.

Andrea Lynn Phillips

Dr. Andrea Lynn Phillips does a lot with a little at her practice, Phillips Medical Services. She and her staff of seven provide medical care to mostly uninsured patients at a discounted price at the Westland Plaza Clinic (909 Ellis Ave., 601-948-8501).

Running for Their Lives

With his first book, Mississippian Bobby Cole delivers a fast-paced thriller that pits a man and his daughter against a group of truly sadistic thugs in a night-long wilderness chase.

Oh, Yeah

Three actors have brought the character of St. Patrick to film.

Who would make the best St. Patrick in a new production?

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To Jump or Not?

If you haven't seen the movie, you've probably heard of it. Tyler Perry's comedy, "Jumping the Broom," tells of two families of different social and economic backgrounds united for a wedding.

Oxford Film Festival 2012

The Oxford Film Festival follows closely on the heels of the Sundance Film Festival, which, in my book, officially launched the 2012 independent film season.

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Does one make a list for the Easter Bunny? Or is that just Santa? Regardless, the bunny is on his way, and this year I decided to put together a guide for him. I'd be happy if he blesses my basket with any of these great gifts that I've seen around town.

I Believe in Love

Valentine's Day often gets a bad rap. Some think it's too sappy, and others think it should be called "Singles Appreciation Day." Regardless of whether you're in a relationship, I believe Valentine's Day is a day to acknowledge love—love for yourself, love for your family and friends, love for your significant other and love for life! Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.

The Rest of the Story

A good stylist always has options. We show up to a shoot with more clothes than we need, just in case. That means we always have pieces or looks that we love but just couldn't work into the current assignment. Here are a few of my favorites that didn't make the spring fashion shoot (see page 20) but could well be in your wardrobe for the upcoming season.

JPS Selects Superintendent Candidates

The Jackson Public Schools board has narrowed the field in its search for a new superintendent. Two finalists—Dr. Dennis L. Carpenter and Dr. Cedrick Gray—will be in Jackson April 11 for additional interviews and community meetings.

Fondren Plans Back on the Table

After nearly a year of dormancy, Watkins Development's plans for the Fondren strip on North State Street are back in action. Jason Watkins, a partner in Watkins Development, is negotiating a contract to purchase the Pix/Capri Theatre from owner Logan Young.

Shut ‘Em Down

In announcing his long-awaited committee appointments, House Speak Philip Gunn, R-Clinton, likened himself to a high-school football coach.

Persons of the Day: JPS Superintendent Candidates

Following a search that has lasted almost a year, Jackson Public Schools has narrowed down the field of possible superintendents to two men. From 71 applicants, the board selected Dennis L. Carpenter and Cedrick Gray as finalists for the position.

Chief, I Crushed the Car

Recycling is great for the Earth, but a potential nightmare if you're the victim of auto theft in Jackson.

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Brennan Stanford

Brennan Stanford was born with only one kidney. Before he was 2 years old, his father donated another. Now, at 15, the Pearl High School freshman's kidneys are failing, and he needs a transplant.

A Golden Standard

"Are you ready for some football?" A voice in the dark asks before the start of New Stage Theatre's production of "Lombardi."

Enviros Challenge MDA on Drilling

Environmental groups want more time to study the effects of opening the Mississippi Sound to oil and gas drilling.

Dedmon Pleads Guilty to Murder

Deryl Dedmon stood by silently, his face expressionless as Hinds County Assistant District Attorney Scott Rogillio read aloud an account of the murder prosecutors say Dedmon committed last year when he was 18 years old.