Benefits of Inmate Labor
When I met Haley Barbour he was running for governor for the first time in 2003. It was at the Black Hawk political rally here in Carroll County. I have to give him credit: He is good at the one-on-one politics required at settings like the one here. I believe that he is as much at ease whether at a rural political rally or a corporate boardroom. A year ago, I figured he would be making national headlines when 2012 came around.
Relationships, Not Gates
I would like to claim that Broadmeadow United Methodist Church first reached out to the neighborhood, but the truth is that the neighborhood reached out first to Broadmeadow.
Light a Candle
The killing of Mr. James Craig Anderson in Jackson in June seems to have precipitated a number of questions that can, in my opinion, be answered by revisiting our state's history.

Students Deserve Better Than a Quick Fix
In an election year where the question of our nation's fiscal future is front and center, we cannot forget that the educational progress of our nation's children is pivotal for renewing U.S. prosperity.
[My Turn] One Life-Changing Day
In Mississippi, the movement to organize undocumented immigrant youth is a fairly recent one. It formally began after five youth attended the national United We DREAM conference in Dallas, Texas, in November 2011. A month later, they decided to form Youth Organizers United in Jackson.
[My Turn] Cole a Good Choice
Rickey L. Cole is the new chairman of the Mississippi Democratic Party.

Rubio and Ryan Leading GOP VP Picks
In 2008, the Mississippi ballot offered seven presidential candidates and their running mates. Along with the Republican and Democratic nominees, we had third-party candidates ranging from the Green Party to Reform Party, independents and Libertarian candidates.

Medicaid Expansion Pays
There has been a lot of loose talk about the cost of Medicaid expansion, generally in an attempt to scare people. We need to look at it more realistically.

'Parent-Trigger Law' Important
In their push for a more expansive charter-school law in Mississippi, charter proponents have attempted to repeal our existing charter-school law.