Eight Years in, State Still Neglecting Kids
The foster home was not a haven for the little girl no one cared about. One of the people living in the home was a convicted rapist.

As If We Lost the Saints
A tornado touched down in the New Orleans suburb of Arabi the evening of May 23. It was a busy Wednesday night in The Times-Picayune newsroom. The paper's website, NOLA.com, posted reports of heavy wind damage in Arabi, then later the news of a possible tornado striking. Staffers were busy collecting the information and reporting it promptly. But the tornado is not the only thing that kept New Orleans' journalists up all that night.

Conducting a Festival
Four smiling mop-topped men with skinny ties strum guitars to a familiar backbeat. "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah," they confirm in unison as if they really know something. Paul's big eyes and John's long chin move with the rhythm. It's the present, 2012, but the 1960s have returned. The four men in skinny suits not only sound like the Beatles, each member of this tribute performance resembles one of the Fab Four.

Gulf Coast Arts
Silvery, coppery structures twist among old live oak trees near the shore of the Mississippi Sound, close to where the Biloxi Schooner docks. This is the site of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum, a complex of buildings that includes four metallic pods that torque like ancient, hurricane-battered trees. It also serves as a welcome center to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Art on the Gulf
Silvery, coppery structures twist among old live oak trees near the shore of the Mississippi Sound, close to where the Biloxi Schooner docks. This is the site of the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum, a complex of buildings that includes four metallic pods that torque like ancient, hurricane-battered trees. It also serves as a welcome center to the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Curious Louise
Louise Borden was looking through a copy of Publisher's Weekly in 1995 when she learned a curious fact. A short article mentioned that children's authors H.A. Rey and Margret Rey had escaped the Nazi occupation of France on bicycle carrying the first manuscripts of what would be "Curious George."
Small Mementos
The Old Capitol Museum (100 S. State St., 601-576-6920) highlights three powerful Mississippi women in a new exhibit that continues through the end of June.

Free State of Jones
Jones County is a study in duality. It has two courthouses in two county seats: Ellisville and Laurel. During the Civil War, the county supposedly seceded from the state of Mississippi and the Confederacy, a contested historical legend. Howard Industries boosted economic development in the county but, in 2008, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested almost 600 undocumented immigrants who worked there. It was the largest ICE raid ever.
Under Pressure: Fighting to Keep ‘Choice' In State
Shelley Abrams is fighting the state of Virginia's attack on abortion rights. She oversees several clinics that provide legal abortion services, including one in Virginia and several other southern states. Abrams is also executive director of Jackson Women's Health Organization, the only abortion facility in the state.
Search for Child Stars
A massive group of children caught Elaina Jackson's attention at a hotel in Houston, Texas, last year. Jackson is the director of development and marketing at the Mississippi Children's Museum, and she and her coworkers were attending a museum conference.
Shaping Notions of Art
Whitney Grant looked down the narrow path between two long lines of people. Blocking her view were wide-open palms gently waving and waiting for her. She ran down the high-five gauntlet, slapping hands, getting and giving high-fives and connecting with other participants at last year's FIGMENT Jackson, an arts event heavy on participation. It was exhilarating. "I think I went through twice," Grant said.
Unfurling Kale
A super food packed with antioxidants and vitamins that's low in calories can sound boring and pious. Kale, much like many super foods, is not so arrogant, though. Its deep green leaves just need washing before chopping up into a salad or a wrap.

The Pejorative Report
When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut, it was clear he was using a pejorative term. He meant to belittle Fluke, a law student at Georgetown University who spoke before U.S. House Democrats in support of birth control. Limbaugh is a showman, not a journalist, yet his language created a backlash for the outspoken conservative radio personality.
Home, Brain, Home
How Local Businesses Lure Best, Brightest
Strengthening the local business community is no small part of building a better Jackson.

Charging for Inexperience
As a dozen experienced journalists at The Clarion-Ledger weigh the pros and cons of taking an early retirement, the daily newspaper's parent company wants to start charging for online content.
[10 Things About] St. Patrick
Do you know your facts about Saint Patrick? What about his myths? Test your knowledge and read on.
Reforms Coming to Henley-Young
Children entering Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center will now get a mental-health evaluation and counseling at the beginning of their stay, a significant change from recent practices. Youth incarcerated at the Hinds County detention facility will also have better rehabilitation options, input from family and advocates, and more time outside their cells.
‘I Was There'
Turning 12 is hard enough for a girl. Old friends start acting weird, especially the slightly older ones starting high school. You can try to hold on to the magic of childhood during a carefree summer, but reality might have other plans. To turn 12 in the 1960s in segregated Mississippi only could have added to the confusion of adolescence.
Romance and Angst
A true rags-to-riches story, "Cinderella" has all the romance and angst perfect for ballet. The Mississippi Metropolitan Ballet presents its performance of a classic story March 3 at Jackson Academy's Performing Arts Center, 4908 Ridgewood Road.
Mitchell Staying at Clarion-Ledger
Award-winning journalist Jerry Mitchell is not among a dozen Clarion-Ledger employees facing an early retirement buyout choice. Speaking at this morning's Friday Forum at Koinonia Coffee House, Mitchell addressed the future of the Gannett-owned daily newspaper.

Truth Troops
Some people—including some journalists I've worked with over the years—assume Stars and Stripes is a propaganda arm of the Department of Defense. It's not. It's an all-American institution that is in danger.
Clarion-Ledger Losing Experienced Staffers
Twelve employees at The Clarion-Ledger are considering early retirement buyouts. The Gannett-owned daily newspaper continues to shrink as it loses its most experienced staffers.
Fillingane Introduces Anti-Abortion Resolution
Within the last couple of hours, Sen. Joey Fillingane introduced a resolution to amend the state constitution "to protect the life of every unborn child from conception to birth."
City Supports Several Bills
The city of Jackson will support several bills in the Legislature this session. Roosevelt Daniels, city policy director, is expected to present the following items this morning at a City Council Legislative Committee meeting.
Metrocenter Moving Forward
A city councilman who used to be a lawyer and lobbyist for David Watkins and some of his firms made a motion Tuesday to allow the mayor to negotiate payments with the Watkins' firm Retro Metro for needed computer cabling in new city offices at Metrocenter Mall. Councilman Quentin Whitwell, Ward 1, says he no longer represents Watkins and denied that he had any conflict of interest in the Metrocenter project.
Ward 3 Candidates Speak
Change, moderator Othor Cain said, was the theme of a Feb. 7 forum at the Jackson Medical Mall. Nine candidates vying to represent Ward 3 on the Jackson City Council discussed crime, street improvement and economic development.
Thomas G. Harris
One Sunday before Christmas, a packed bus from an out-of-town Missionary Baptist Church pulled into the parking lot of Romantic Adventures on U.S. Highway 80. The traveling Sunday school disembarked to buy dirty Santa gifts. This isn't the oddest thing owner Thomas G. Harris has seen.
Metrocenter Cabling on Agenda Today
At a special meeting yesterday, Councilman Quentin Whitwell made an emergency motion for the city to get a supplemental lease at the Metrocenter Mall, an idea he shared with the Jackson Free Press last week. His motion died, but it comes before the council later today.
City Tech Wiring Overlooked
City Council members want to know why the city waited so long to notice that developer Retro Metro wasn't providing computer and telephone wiring at the city's new Metrocenter Mall offices. The cost of a change order to make it happen now is $250,000, with developer Retro Metro finishing the work in the old Belk store. The project already exceeds $2.5 million.
Arena Back on the Table
City leaders fear that one day, the USA International Ballet Competition could leave Jackson because Thalia Mara Hall needs about $9 million in repairs.
The Week in Business
The Jackson Redevelopment Authority has begun the process of preparing a new request for proposals for a convention center hotel. The new RFP will have rigid specifications, JRA board members said at the Jan. 25 regular meeting.
Communication is Key
Zachery Williams does not want to discuss his age. He doesn't understand why people keep asking him something that to him just doesn't matter. Williams is one of 11 candidates in the Feb. 14 election to replace Kenneth Stokes as Ward 3 councilman.
Take a Load Off the Elderly
This is not the first time Harrison Michael II has run for City Council. The last time he ran in 2009, he only faced two other opponents, Albert Wilson and the incumbent at the time, Kenneth Stokes. Now that Stokes has vacated his City Council seat to become a Hinds County supervisor, Michael is trying again to represent Ward 3.
JRA: No Free Passes
Don't pop in on the Jackson Redevelopment Authority asking board members to buy your property or hire you on the spot because you have a passion for a particular downtown project. From now on, expect them to vet you thoroughly first.
Arena Study to Include Thalia Mara
City leaders fear that one day the USA International Ballet Competition could leave Jackson due to Thalia Mara Hall needing repairs that cost about $9 million. Only four cities in the world hold the elite dance event, and Jackson is the only one in the United States.
Beneta Burt: Proof in Experience
Beneta Burt stays so busy as executive director of the Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project that she didn't think she would have time to run for City Council. After several phone calls from supporters in Ward 3, however, she considered it seriously.
Beneta Burt: Proof in Experience
Beneta Burt stays so busy as executive director of the Jackson Roadmap to Health Equity Project that she didn't think she would have time to run for City Council. After several phone calls from supporters in Ward 3, however, she considered it seriously.
City Settles With Cedric Willis
The Jackson City Council voted tonight to settle Cedric Willis' case against the city for his wrongful arrest for murder and rape.
Zero Tolerance for Children
Nsombi Lambright, executive director of ACLU Mississippi, doesn't bother going to her son's school anymore for lunch. She tried it as a way to connect with him, offer support for the school and show other students that adults care. But something wasn't right.
MSU Seeks Diversity
Mississippi State University wants to increase diversity in its faculty, students and alumni. While the school has added more blacks and more women leaders, at least one administrator recognizes that the university has room for more.
Personhood: No Means No
Lysistrata had a plan to end the 20-year Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. In the year 411 B.C., she gathered women in the warring region together for an important meeting. Then she told them her simple plan for a peace treaty: The women would withhold sex until the men decided to end the war.

Pushing Kids Out
Feeding the 'Cradle-to-Prison' Pipeline
Drodriquez Williams watched the news that night about the twin towers at the World Trade Center collapsing Sept. 11, 2001. It shocked the 9-year-old boy. Every time he saw the footage of the collapsing skyscrapers in New York City, he felt the need to do something grow deeper.
Jewish Film Fest: Best of the Best
Michael Steiner screened about three dozen films for the upcoming Jewish Cinema Mississippi 2012 film festival. As co-chairman of the January event, he and the other screening committee members narrowed that batch of 30-something movies down to four that they consider to be the best in recent Jewish and Israeli-themed cinema.
Lowest Tax Burden
Mississippi residents have the lowest tax burden in the nation. Mississippi Development Authority was quick to spread this news.
Criminalizing Kids for Being Kids
Just as I'm finishing a story on the harm zero-tolerance policies have done to school children, I hear that Sen. Sampson Jackson II has introduced a bill in the Legislature that would require certain appropriate conduct from public school students.
Noise Pollutes Downtown Residences
Joanie Thompson, a longtime resident of 736 S. President St., can't sleep at night from a throbbing loud bass that rattles her windows. It starts about 10 p.m. most nights and can go until 3 a.m. She knows exactly where the noise is coming from: Club Magoo's, 824 S. State St.
[10 Things About] ‘Spamalot'
Kessler Broadway presents "Monty Python's Spamalot" Jan. 17 and 18 at Thalia Mara Hall (225 E. Pascagoula St.). The show, which tells the tale of King Arthur and the round-table knights, begins at 7:30 p.m. both nights.

Moon Made of Honey
Choosing the setting for your honeymoon is a dreamy affair. If you want to go overseas, make sure you have your passport and bank account ready. Spend time early fantasizing about it, then pinpoint the elements that are most important to you. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Grow Old With Me
The longest day of my life started on a tropical island. It was oh-dark-thirty, so early in the morning that it was still night. I had only taken a short nap following a goodbye party on the beach. The palm trees stirred in the warm sea breeze as I left Guam on my flight. I spent the night in Tokyo, crossed the international date line and landed first in Seattle, then later in Spokane, Wash., all on the same day: Jan. 9, 1986.
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