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[Stiggers] Po' Folks And Their Spooky Stories

The Ghetto Science Team brings you The Financially Challenged Summer Camp, hosted by Grandma Pookie. It's time for po' folks and their spooky stories by the camp fire under the moon light. Tonight, Grandma Pookie shares with us a scary tale titled "Night of the Living Financially Challenged.

[Stiggers] The Spooks Outside Yo' Door

The following is an excerpt from the script, "The Spooks outside Yo' Door" by Kunta "Rasheed X" Toby:

[Stiggers] You're Doing A Heck Of A Job, Cletus

Dr. Peanut speaks to the G.S.T.E.M.A.'s (Ghetto Science Team's Emergency Management Agency) during their post-catastrophe planning session.

No. 11, December 1-7

<b><u>Give Wal-Mart A Break</b></u>

Y'all should give Wal-Mart a break. I love Wal-Mart on Highway 18. The people who work there are friendly and very helpful. The range of goods is low to moderate. I'm a fan of their housewares section. Now if we all had the income to shop at McRae's, then their stores would not be closing. Overpriced is overpriced. Another set of stores that do compete with Wal-Mart's food is New Deal. The secret to New Deal and Wal-Mart is the working people speak with their feet, their cars or buses. Service is a major reason both stores are successful.

No. 14, December 22-28

<b><u>Boot Camps Won't Work</b></u>

I have to give the mayor credit for identifying a problem and then attempting to deal with it, even if it is in the mode of Don Quixote slaying windmill dragons. Both he and the judge should know by now that two-week boot camps and truant sweeps waste time and money, accomplishing nothing but media hype.

Do Not Take Revenge, My Friends

Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me." But the LORD said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

[Stiggers] Poor Kids' Hoop Dreams

Let's hear a message from the Ghetto Science Team's school superintendent. Grandma Pookie: "Under-funded schools in poor communities anticipate the elimination of athletic programs, which could disable a poor student's ability to advance in today's society. The bulk of America's great athletes rose from poor and working-class communities. Was it not athletics that turned poor kid's hoop dreams into NBA realities? Don't fret! Your superintendent announces the GSTAA (Ghetto Science Team's Athletic Association), an alternative high school athletic program for financially challenged students.

[Stiggers] Hell On Earth

G-SPAN television presents "The Ghetto Science Team's Working Poor People's Economic State of Emergency Summit," with closing remarks by Grandpa Pookie.

[Greggs] All In The Single Girl's Family

In honor of the holidays I was going to write an endearing column listing all the wonderful things in my life for which I have to be thankful. I scrapped that after realizing it would probably end up sounding trite and, well, endearing. So I've decided to write a column traversing the sticky rainforest-like scape of my family's deep-seated personality disorders and their relation to my oft-pointed-out single status. That sounded like a lot more fun, and one way that I might actually get excluded from the family festivities this year.

[Judin] There's A Hole In The Sky

Growing up in Mississippi, I dreamed of living in New York. I watched the "Today" show in the morning and Walter Cronkite in the evening. New York was Times Square, Wall Street, the U.N. and the Empire State Building. Cultural icons inhabited New York.

[Greggs] I Am Mississippi

I love this place. This state, I mean. I love the fact my neighbors showed up the day after Katrina with chainsaws in hand because they noticed a tree blocking my car in the driveway. I love my mamaw, and I love her cooking. I love the orange blossoms that are still blooming outside my friend's apartment in October.

[Stiggers] Meet Self-published Poet Zipp Pitters

From the Ghetto Science Team's bootleg public television studios, it's Pookie Peterz: Live and Direct. Pookie: "My special guest is Zipp Pitters, the front porch poet. He's a prolific author, philosopher and former janitor of the Closed Due to Budget Cuts Elementary School. Tonight, he will discuss his ghetto literary series of self-published chapbooks, now available from Brotha Hustle's mobile bookstore and portable Styrofoam juicy-juice-on-ice drink center. Zipp, I've noticed that your chapbooks have some intriguing titles."

[Stiggers] Battle of The Black Iron Skillet Chefs

Live from the kitchen of Clubb Chicken Wing, it's the premiere of the Ghetto Science Team's Black Iron Skillet Chef cooking competition show with Sista Church Hat.

No. 46 August 11-17

<b><em>Here For Ya</b></em>

I just read the cover story (reprint of JFP's "I Want Justice, Too") in the Colorado Springs Indy and followed links to the JFP. WOW! Great journalism. My heart pours out to the Dees and Moores. Tears rolled from my eyes. I cannot imagine reliving this each day. Thomas, you are a great man. My family would like to help out with a donation for the memorial/headstones. Additionally, Thomas, I live in Colorado Springs, and I am an Army vet. I'm here for ya.

Blowin' In The Wind

Last week Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff, I. "Scooter" Libby, was indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice in an investigation into how the identity of a covert CIA operative was leaked to the press. This scandal comes one year after President Bush was elected to his second term, and it puts us in mind of two things that happened about a year ago this month.

Coming Home

I was always that kid who stuck out in school. With my glasses as thick as ashtrays and my disheveled hair, I was constantly slipping on social banana peels wherever I walked. I was clumsy and silly, but eager to run around barefoot and climb the trees, constantly searching for a place where I felt more at ease with my peculiarities. I often took refuge on our family farm in Hurley, Miss., knowing that the horses didn't care about my awkward inclinations.

You Can Do That

I hadn't planned to write about the death, or the life, of Rosa Parks. I know she was an amazing hero, but I didn't think I had anything else to say that everybody and his brother aren't already falling over each other to say.

[Stiggers] Finding Philmo

It's time to take your mind on an adventure with Readin' Rain-Bro! Join him as he shares with us a Christmas holiday story.

[Mangum] The Life and Death of Hamburger

I keep getting asked why I don't eat red meat. Not to be an Oprah, but I actually do worry about Mad Cow Disease. There's a story, too—the real reason I don't include red meat in my diet.

No. 4, October 13-19

<b><u>Young Creative Class Rising</b></u>

Thanks to the staff at the JFP for energizing the progressive, young adult Jackson population. I never realized until recently the positive impact an alternative newspaper could have on a community. I plan my weekly events around the Lounge List! I moved to Jackson in 2001 and I have seen a huge difference in the way young adults view the city of Jackson. I have truly witnessed a "creative class rising" in just four short years.