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Parveen Kapoor

An Indian man with a medium build, dressed in a mauve polo shirt, khaki pants and a black apron, carries white napkins and silverware while he serves five customers in his restaurant. His soft brown eyes wear a warm smile. Parveen Kapoor, a native of Delhi, India, owns Bombay Bistro, which opened in December in Jackson.

Mini-Floats for Fondren

The Zippity Doo Dah parade is a special opportunity for the Jackson community to come together and raise money for the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. For the first time, the Sweet Potato Queens are setting themselves apart from Jackson's annual Mal's St. Paddy's Parade to have a parade of their own, which promises to differ greatly from what the city has seen in years past.

Darrell "Doc" Cousins

Darrell "Doc" Cousins doesn't care about making a few extra dollars. All he sees is a pair of brown leather boots in need of some polish. "Care for a shine?" he asks in the middle of our interview. With the motto, "When you look good, you feel good," Cousins opened The Shoe Shine Doctor and Company in Jackson about a year ago.

Hungry for Love

If your family is like mine, the economy has caused you to tighten your purse strings. Add a new baby to the mix, and well, going out on Valentine's Day just isn't in the cards. That doesn't mean you are doomed to spend an unromantic evening with your significant other eating frozen pizza and watching reality TV. An elegant, restaurant-quality meal prepared at home doesn't have to break the bank.

Just the Flax, Ma'am

I have never been one for modern medicine. I do not enjoy doctor visits or prescription medication. When I get a cold, I eat chicken soup. When I have a cough, a tablespoon of honey cures it every time. When I burn myself, I always turn to my aloe vera plant.

Tease photo

The JFP Interview With Dave Dennis

In 1995, then-Mississippi Gov. Kirk Fordice announced his re-election campaign from the Gulfport home of Dave Dennis. Dennis had a lot in common with the governor. Both made their fortunes in the construction industry, and Dennis was an active Republican fundraiser who embraced Fordice's brand of business-friendly conservatism. Dennis, now 58, hopes to follow in Fordice's shoes.

Jayne Sargent

Last night, the Jackson Public School Board voted to name Jayne Sargent the district's interim superintendent.

Lawmakers: Stop the Foolishness

The political dramas that are playing out in Washington, D.C., these days are so far removed from reality back here in Mississippi that it's shameful. In particular, the Tea Party's ability to get the Republican Party to (at least pretend to) swing even farther to the right has raised the level of gamesmanship to what is perhaps an all-time high.

Mindful Spirit Expo

Intuitive Encounters, an organization whose motto is, "loving your whole self," will host the Mindful Spirit Expo in Jackson June 25.

Speaking in Laughter

Everyone loves to laugh. Like many things, though, we completely take it for granted. If you really think about it, laughing is, well, weird. What biological function does laughing serve?

Crisler Would Expand Highway 61

Former Jackson City Councilman Marshand Crisler thinks he will have an advantage as a Mississippi Department of Transportation Commissioner for the Central District. Crisler, who is a district director for Hinds Community College's adult education program, said the priorities of the commission become obvious when viewed from the vantage point of a city leader.

[Kamikaze] Taking a Stand

I've always said if change were going to come in Jackson, it wouldn't come easy. I've known for years that some folks would have be dragged kicking and screaming into the new millennium. A "rebirth" isn't going to be pleasant. In fact, it's going to be painful for some.

[Balko] How Bin Laden Won

In "The Looming Tower," the Pulitzer Prize-winning history of al-Qaeda and the road to Sept. 11, author Lawrence Wright lays out how Osama bin Laden's motivation for the attacks that he planned in the 1990s, and then the Sept. 11 attacks, was to draw the United States and the West into a prolonged war--an actual war in Afghanistan, and a broader global war with Islam.

Bridal 2011: The Trends

Fashion is an organic entity that changes from season to season and, sometimes, moment to moment. Bridal trends for 2011 will see lots of interesting and unique features. Here are the top looks you'll see.

Good Ideas

Families are at the heart of everything we do. They serve as a witness to our lives, support us when we fail and remind us of where we came from. Even if you have a nontraditional family, a strong family unit is essential to a vibrant community. In this Good Ideas issue, we focus on ways to build a family-friendly community, how to raise a genius child, alternatives to traditional families and styles of parenting.

The Whole Person Matters

"The side effects of this medication may be difficulty sleeping, dry mouth, constipation..."

Jackson Jewish Film Festival: A Multicultural Celebration

Like most art forms, there's something about a film that brings people together. Lessons about love, life and relationship always strike a chord, no matter your religious, familial or ethnic background. Some things are just universal.

Beware the Big C

One of the best things a man can do for his family is to care for his health.

Science Museum Launches Early Childhood Initiative

The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science will implement a new early child initiative over the next three years, the museum announced last week.

State Needs Real Transparency

Mississippi, we have a problem. Governmental bodies and agencies from right here in Jackson (city, JPS and JPD) all the way up through state (secretary of state's office) have a really bad habit of trying to hide public information from you the taxpayer, or at least delaying it.