All results / Stories / Todd Stauffer

Newspaper Bites Self

Coincidentally, today's Editor & Publisher e-blast featured a story about USA Today's long-standing habit of padding their official "paid" subscriber numbers with the "freebie" newspapers they distribute through hotel chains. (If you've done much business travel, you may have seen a copy outside your door or in the lobby.) They do this by offering a low price to the hotels for those copies, and then convincing the hotels to put a disclaimer in small print, saying that the guest can request a 75 cent refund from the hotel if you don't want the paper. If you don't complain, USA Today interprets that to mean you "bought" the paper and counts it.

Why We Do It

In just the past week or so, I've become a bit obsessed with the question of "Why?"

Mayor Harvey Johnson on ‘JFP on WLEZ' Today

At noon today on WLEZ-FM 100.1, Mayor Harvey Johnson will join JFP editor Donna Ladd and publisher Todd Stauffer for a wide-ranging discussion covering issues currently facing Jackson and its citizens. Topics will likely include questions about "rebranding" Jackson, re-working the budget, issues facing JATRAN and other public services, and some of the development in Jackson that's pushing into the Hwy 80 corridor and midtown. You can listen over the air or live at, or watch for the podcast later in the day at

Ode to Fondren

I moved to Jackson because of Fondren. (I can hear a few of you cursing Fondren now.) More specifically, it was because of Rainbow Whole Foods, which a friend of ours had turned us on to during a dinner in Manhattan.

Common Sense in 2011

Political junkies watched with some surprise as the lame-duck 2010 Congress passed a number of last-minute bills to bring the year to a close. Widely heralded as a week of "wins" for President Obama, the accomplishments are hopefully a bit of a harbinger of things to come.

On Drinking Less and Getting Sleep

For the past few weeks I've been bothered by what I assume are allergies that have caused an interesting reaction -- if I drink even one mug of beer or a single glass of red wine, I will wake up with an excruciating headache around 1 a.m. The headaches seemed to be what people describe as "cluster headaches" -- the type where you consider banging your head against a wall in order to distract yourself from the pain.

Regarding Herman

Herman Snell was driven. I don't know why--or by what, exactly, but it was fascinating to watch. Herman wanted people to know what was going on in the arts, particularly film, and he wanted them to hear good music. And to him, that meant keeping up with the details.

Study: 16,000 Auto Deaths Caused By Cell Phones, Texting

If one definition of "wellness" is "avoiding death," then this story should give some readers pause. Reuter's reports the results of a study at the University of North Texas that determined there were 16,000 automobile fatalities resulting from cell phone use between 2001 and 2006.

Set Do-Able Goals

My main goal on the Road to Wellness has been to turn trips to the gym into a habit -- instead of a chore. That's tough for a guy who has never prided himself on a ton of will power. I do it three ways. First, I tell myself that every trip to the gym can last as long (or as short) as it needs to. Most of the time I get in 45-60 minutes on the elliptical, my cardio of choice, even if I didn't feel like I'd spend that much time when I'm on my way in the gym. But if 30 minutes is all I feel like doing, I'll stop. Something is better than nothing, and lowered the bar just a bit makes it easier to get to the gym. Second, I've convinced myself I don't have to go every day -- but I should "earn" the days I don't go by getting there the next day. If the Saints play Monday Night Football, that means I can skip an after-work session, but only if I double-down the commitment to make it on a Tuesday. That keeps me on track for at least 3 sessions and week, and usually four -- which is pretty good considering I wasn't going at all a few months back, right? Third, I recommend prepping for the next gym session right after your last one. For me, that means refilling my water bottle and sticking it in the fridge, making sure my headphones go right back in my gym bag (I've got a special $2 set just for the gym) and locating a clean towel. That way, when the next gym day comes around, I'm ready to change shoes, walk out the door and get on with it -- without finding an easy excuse for putting it off.

‘Working Together Works'

It happens that in the same week that the JFP is celebrating its eighth anniversary, the Fondren Association of Businesses (FAB) celebrated its own milestone--the second-annual members' meeting, this time in the newly re-monikered Duling Hall.

Eating with a Little Self-Respect

Over the long Labor Day weekend we headed up to the Ozarks to see Donna's brother and sister in law. For decades they've been great eaters -- purposeful, careful eaters who take the job of fueling their bodies pretty seriously. Of course, they have their own organic garden (I'd call it a *farm* given the effort it appears to take) -- and amenities (new bread machine, small tractors, dirt roads, acres and acres of trees) that would make a D-I-Y city dweller drool.

Do You Know What it Means ...?

That Super Bowl journey with the New Orleans Saints last year was such a roller-coaster ride that I'll admit I've been slow to get back into the football-watching rhythm so far this preseason.

Me and My Cardio

I like three things about a workout on the elliptical:

I've developed a strong appreciation for the elliptical machine -- I'd never really used one successfully until this Road to Wellness challenge, and now -- unless they're all taken when I get to the gym -- I'm spending about 45 minutes at least four days a week on one.

Developing a Wellness Habit

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit, and that's been my wellness goal since returning from vacation -- I want to develop the habit of getting to the gym everyday and doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, whatever it is. So far I'm mostly spending time on the elliptical (that's where the TV is, after all) but even that feels like a nice accomplishment -- 3-4 miles of workout that doesn't get me so sore that I'm not up for going back the next day.

Workaholic Needs To Schedule Regular Exercise

For the past few months I've been loving the time spent either on the elliptical at the gym or on the bicycle that I've recently dusted off, adjusted a bit and started riding around the neighborhood. After an hour or so of cardio mixed with hard work for my leg muscles, I'm ready to enjoy a long, quiet evening and a good nights sleep. There's only one problem -- I generally only get that exercise one (sometimes two) nights per week!

Where the Jobs Are in 2010

If we're lucky, we're coming out a deep recession and looking at economic growth that, hopefully, will mean jobs, consumer spending and new business investment nationally. Jackson is poised to take advantage of economic revitalization, but to do it, we'll need to pull together and create opportunities.

Chronicling Jackson's BOOM

It just occurred to me when I sat down to write this that the Saints won the Super Bowl within weeks of the King Edward re-opening--after both had suffered roughly four decades of discontent. I guess the Saints and King Eddie were using the same cold month in hell to make a few "never gonna happen" things ... happen.

Mal's St Paddy's Parade Photo Gallery #2

The second gallery by Kip Caven of the St. Paddy's Parade features nearly 100 photos of fun-loving Jacksonians.

Mal's St Paddy's Parade Photo Gallery #1

Album #1 of photos taken on Saturday March 20, 2010 in downtown Jackson by Kip Caven for

Thinking ‘Locals' First

It's hard to believe Mal's St. Paddy's Parade—and the attendant celebrations both downtown and elsewhere—are already upon us. It doesn't seem like it's been long enough since the Great Snowman Contest of February, even if daylight savings time is here.