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Integrating Yazoo: Race and Change in Haley Barbour's Hometown

Gloria Owens froze with fear as a German shepherd barreled toward her at the entrance of Yazoo City Junior High School on a fall morning in 1968. "Get that n*gger," she heard her classmate command his dog. As the dog jumped on her and brought her to the ground, she cried and called out for help.

Consignment and New Eats

After last winter's tornadoes damaged Vacita Jones' consignment shop "I'm Back" in Pearl, she decided to open another shop in Fondren's Duling School.

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After The Flood

Waiting To Recover

News that a flood was headed toward Vicksburg didn't come as a surprise to most residents. In late April, the Mississippi River and its tributaries began to overflow and reach record crests in Missouri. Kentucky, Illinois and Tennessee. What did surprise residents, however, was the historic crest that surged into neighborhoods.

Russ Markle

Even though Russ Markle joked about growing a mustache, he knew it would involve a few challenges. His wife wasn't a fan of facial hair, and he felt he would risk his professional look at work. But when friends offered to pay him to grow a mustache if he donated the money to charity, it was an offer he couldn't refuse.

Lydia Quarles

If Lydia Quarles has her way, Mississippi will no longer rank as the 49th state in the nation for the number of females serving in elected office.

Fusion of Fun

Melvin Priester and Tre Pepper want Jacksonians to get down. This deejay duo, called Hot and Lonely, have joined forces to create "Might Could Real Quick," a Special Passenger Records CD that remixes 10 songs by local musicians Emily Baker, Lizzie Wright, Johnny Bertram and The Bachelorettes.

University Place Thriving; Job Money

Mississippi is restarting a job program that gives businesses subsidies to hire new employees. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds the STEPS 2 program, which stands for Subsidized Transitional Employment Program and Services.

Creating a Space

Jackson musicians Taylor Hildebrand and Jamie Weems have big plans and ideas for Jackson's music scene. They want a bolder and vibrant place for musicians and fans.

Where are They Now?

When musicians leave Jackson to follow their path to new opportunities and sucess, they leave behind a local fan base. Want to know what they're up to now? Here's what.

Obama to Address Nation Tonight

President Barack Obama is expected to release details about a $300 billion jobs package during a televised speech at 6 p.m. tonight.

Jail-to-Streets Conundrum

Kenosha "Giggles" Johnson has become a staple in Fondren. Often with a blanket in tow, Johnson hangs out in front of businesses along State Street and occasionally receives strange looks from people who walk by.

Advocates Unite at CARE Conference

When most of us hear the word "lobbyist," we might conjure up images of back-room dealings with high paid lobbyists and legislators who put big business over people.

Yes on 26 Launches Fake Website

The campaign working in support of the Personhood Amendment has launched a fake website to attack the Political Action Committee working against the ballot measure that would redefine the word person in the state Constitution. "Yes on 26" is using the site to call out Mississippians for Healthy Families' registered officers Nsombi Lambright of the ACLU and Kay Scott of Planned Parenthood. The site attacks the organizations for their position on abortion rights.

A Step Toward Bike Safety

For the past 15 years, Mississippi has averaged about six cyclist deaths per year, which makes it difficult to understand why last session, the state Senate did not receive enough support for a bill that would have guaranteed safer roads for cyclists.

Got An Idea for GOOD?

The JFP's fall GOOD issue is right around the corner, and the success of the our next issue depends on residents on Jackson. We are focusing on neighborhoods and wards and how to improve them.

Barbour Instigating Doubt About Obama's Religion?

Atlanta Constitution Journal columnist Cynthia Tucker wrote an interesting blog post on Sept. 8 about Gov. Haley Barbour's response to a reporter's question regarding the public's growing perception that President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Business News In and Around Jackson

Ida's, a restaurant serving up soul food and blue-plate specials, recently changed locations but will continue serve to South Jackson. Owner James Reed said the business recently moved from 4501 Raymond Road to 4580 N. Siwell Road in an effort to expand business opportunities.

Building Bridges

Gentrification is a term that is often misunderstood, but is an important issue to address as cities go through revitalization.

A Movie Theater in Jackson?

The exodus from Jackson to the suburbs over the last several decades took a heavy toll on movie theaters inside the city limits. As more theaters popped up outside the city limits, several theaters closed in Jackson leaving the city without a place for Jacksonians to catch a flick.

How a Movement Fails

Thomas Linzey, author of "Be the Change: How to Get What you Want in Your Community", understands the disappointment that can come with fighting the good fight. Linzey is an environmental lawyer and co-founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.