All results / Stories / Fred Rand

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OPINION: Southern Evangelical: Trump 'Fits the Scriptural Definition of a Fool'

"I can find very little in Trump's deeds as president that promote the message of the Gospel. I am afraid this hypocrisy will set the Evangelical movement back by decades."

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OPINION: I Quit the Republican Party! I Will Now Work Against GOP, Trump

"The Republican Party is now under the complete control of our new national dictator, Donald J. Trump. In the most horrifying display of self-abasement ever seen in the proud history of our country, the United States Senate has proven itself to be spineless cowards."

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Trump’s Dark Shadow Shouldn’t Surprise Anyone

A dark shadow has been cast over the land in the wake of chants of "Make America Great Again" and "America First."

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A Plea to My Fellow Evangelicals: Call Out Trump

After several days of prayerful consideration, I realized that the potential positives of the Trump administration do not justify the many other actions that go against the teachings I hold dear and that God admonishes me to promote.

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Oxford Takes Right Stand on Flag, Deserves Support

Making a change by adopting a new state flag would make it much harder for outsiders to look at Mississippi and see us as the backward haters they mistakenly think we are.

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The State Flag Must Go

As a true son of Mississippi and of the legacy of my Confederate forefathers, I urge you all to support changing the flag.

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OPINION: American Radicalization in the Roaming MAGA Mosque

How did we let it get to this point in our country? When did the loyal opposition become the enemy of the people? Why have hate and grievance drowned out civility and hope?

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OPINION: Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith Lives in a Bubble of White Privilege

"I recognize the advantages my white privilege gave me. It doesn’t define me. It gave me an opportunity to be successful in life that I had to take advantage of and use wisely."