All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

‘My Mama's In the Jackson Free Press'

I just found the coolest posting ever on the blog of our new writer, Tiffany Fitch. The whole thing is delightful—and love her props to Rebekah's cover—but nothing beats this line:

JFP Cyberstalkers/Hackers At It Again

All, after receiving an expletive-filled e-mail from one of our bloggers last week, we have determined that he did not send it. Once again, one of our small group of JFP-haters is stupidly playing games, pretending they are someone else to try to, well, be stupid. And stupid he is—in part of this particular game, he is using a screen name he used years back on this site, which indicates that it's the same person. If you get an odd e-mail, or see something posted on a blog that indicates that the stalker(s) is up to no good, please forward all the information, including IP headers where possible, to us here. We're collecting it all to hand over to the authorities; I believe our harassers will find that this kind of thing is taken more seriously than they might think.

Bob Herbert Blasts Barbour Again, Does Right by JFP Again

I was so busy Friday and through the weekend, tweeting about the storm and drinking champagne (not at the same time), that I didn't notice until today that New York Times columnist Bob Herbert had had written another column about the Scott Sisters and Haley Barbour. Herbert starts out by saying that he had gotten a call on New Year's Eve from one of the sisters, Gladys, "which was a terrific way for 2010 to end."

2011 Chicks We Love Announced: Honor Them at Chick-A-BOOM Reception at JFP Chick Ball!

Every year, the Jackson Free Press honors a slate of fabulous Jackson-area women who are making a difference in our community and who are just plain lovable. Last year, the JFP and BOOM Jackson joined with the Center for Violence Prevention to start honoring them at the JFP Chick Ball every summer. The Chick-A-BOOM VIP reception at the Chick Ball gives these amazing women the spotlight they deserve and gives the people who love them, too, the opportunity to honor them while helping raise money to fight domestic abuse in and around Jackson (this year's proceeds help fund nearby rural programs and assistance).

Gannett Corp. Revenue ‘Grim'

Despite the big effort to transform itself into an "information center" rather than a newspaper, the Gannett Corp.'s revenue is still dropping, according to information the corporation has reported about its fourth-quarter earnings. Guess that's why The Clarion-Ledger stopped giving employees free coffee.

Here's A Full List of Barbour's Pardons; What Do You Think?

Jan. 10, 2011—Click here to read a full list of outgoing Gov. Haley Barbour's pardons, then tell us what you think (and what you know about these folks' crimes!)

NASCAR's Junior Johnson Endorses Obama (!)

The support of Junior Johnson may be Obama's biggest endorsement, yet. Here it is, as posted on Sean Hannity's forum. (Tee, hee.)

Bush Again a ‘Compassionate Conservative'

AP is reporting: "For months, President Bush has been courting his core conservative supporters. Now, in a New York minute, he's shifting his focus to moderates, independents and Democrats not entirely sold on John Kerry. He wants to be known as the 'compassionate conservative' again. That slogan from his first presidential race lost its meaning to many people shortly after Bush's bitterly contested victory four years ago, when he moved like a man with a mandate to install a right-leaning Cabinet with an agenda to match. Facing an electorate no less divided than in 2000, Bush hopes to reclaim a slice of the political center with a week-long convention script designed to highlight the moderate parts of his program while reminding swing voters why they once found him so likable."

WSJ: ‘Completely Green' Sarah Palin Cramming for Debate

The Wall Street Journal is reporting on the struggle to get Gov. Sarah Palin ready for her vice presidential debate Thursday, and that Todd Palin is upset that his wife has been separated too much from her family:

MEMA Headed to Oxford Debate

[Verbatim] PEARL – The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency is coordinating with key federal, local and university personnel to provide support and resources for the Presidential Debate at the University of Mississippi in Oxford on Sept. 26. "We are proud to be a part of this historic event," said MEMA Director Mike Womack. "The preparation for this monumental debate has been a collaborative effort among MEMA, other state agencies, federal entities, city and county officials." MEMA is scheduled to deploy its Mobile Command Unit and members of its state emergency response team Wednesday to set up a forward state emergency operations center near the Oxford Police Station.

Will single women swing the ‘04 election?

Women eNews is reporting: "Are single women the soccer moms of 2004? That's what some national Democrats are betting on as they gear up for this year's presidential election. Democratic activists are basing their convictions on a study of unmarried women released late December that showed that single women are more progressive than the average voter but are less likely to vote in national elections. Democrats contend that if they could reverse that trend and persuade more single women to go to the polls on Election Day, they could tap into a goldmine of new supporters and tilt what is now regarded as a difficult race for the White House in their favor. 'If unmarried women voted at the same rate as married women, they would have a decisive impact on this election and could be the most important agents of change in modern politics,' said Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster who conducted the survey and chair of Washington-based Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research."

Quiz: What Mississippi Legend is Calling Sarah Palin ‘White Trash'?

The JFP will tell you a bit later today on our brand, spanking new Debate-Politics Blog. Stay tuned.

Dean Warns about Draft at ‘Rock the Vote' Party

CBS News reports: "As people wondered if former President Bill Clinton was here yet, and college-age guys scanned the chatting celebrities in the VIP area for actress Natalie Portman, the packed club of young Democrats cheered wildly. Former Gov. Howard Dean was on stage, chopping his arm, yelling passionately. The 2,000-person crowd roars. Dean avows: 'If you want a draft, vote for George Bush!'"

Conservative LeSueur wins Primary

Clarion-Ledger reports:Clinton LeSueur trounced his opponents Tuesday in the 2nd Congressional District Republican primary, leaving him now to decide what campaign strategy to use against Democratic incumbent Bennie Thompson in the fall. ... LeSueur, of Greenville, will face Thompson in November for a second time. He won 44 percent of the vote against the congressman two years ago. He says he will hit the campaign trail promoting his conservative beliefs, including his objection to gay marriage. 'The people haven't seen anything yet. You're going to see a real campaign this round and we're definitely going to do double, if not more than what we did in 2002,' said LeSueur, 35, who has worked to put more male teachers in the classroom."

McCain Attacks Open His and Palin's Closets to Scrutiny

The McCain-Palin campaign opened the floodgates when they told the media this weekend that they were about to start launching personal attacks against Barack Obama in order to "change the subject" away from the economy. In response to their (and especially Palin's) "terrorist" jabs (because Obama knows William Ayers, formerly of the Weathermen, when Obama was 8), media from national to local newspapers in Nevada are opening the doors of McCain and Palin's closets, revealing plenty. A sampling since yesterday:

Hilarious: Texas Man Thwarts the Obama Sign-Stealers

Stealing Obama signs has become high sport in recent weeks. One Texas man found a way around it, though: He just painted his damn lawn.

Denying the Troops a Secret Ballot

A New York Times editorial: "Members of the military will be allowed to vote this year by faxing or e-mailing their ballots - after waiving their right to a secret ballot. Beyond this fundamentally undemocratic requirement, the Electronic Transmission Service, as it's known, has far too many problems to make it reliable, starting with the political partisanship of the contractor running it. The Defense Department is making matters worse by withholding basic information about the service, and should suspend it immediately."

Dean's Midnight Note

Here's an e-mail that went to Dean's e-mail list in the middle of the night after Dean's unimpressive third-placing showing in Iowa (BTW, is anyone else as thrilled as I am that Gephardt dropped out? Argh.) ...

Dean campaign: ‘Annoy the media'

The corporate media's habit of taking quotes out of context is being discussed on Dean's Blog for America right now. Here's a posting by Matthew Gross that is a very telling exchange between CNN's Paula Zahn's and Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi:

Jackson, Miss., to KKK: Drop Dead


OK, maybe not dead exactly. But let it be said that the citizens of Jackson, Miss., do not give a flying bigot what these irrevelant creeps think of us. There it is.