All results / Stories / Amber Helsel

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Ye Olde Pub Meeting Place

Upon hearing the name The Bulldog, you may picture a loud sports bar with team signage everywhere. Maybe you even picture a bar dedicated to Mississippi State University. But The Bulldog may surprise you.

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EKO the Sumatran Tiger Cub

EKO (Indonesian for "first born"), a 100-pound Sumatran tiger cub, was born in May, and JSU adopted him Nov. 11 in a partnership with the zoo.

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Fitness App of the Week: Walk for a Dog

You know what they say: A dog is a man's best friend. Perhaps that's why quadruped pals (and I don't mean cats) make the best walking or running partners. A dog's gotta walk, right? And you need exercise.

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The 'Be Happy' Playlist

Music is the one of the only reasons I can stand to be in a gym. I hate to admit it, but if my iPhone isn't at least 50-percent charged, I won't exercise because I can't deal without my playlist.

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Run for a Cause

If running more than three miles with a crowd doesn't make you happy, maybe contributing to a good cause will. Most 5Ks are held with fundraising in mind.

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Simon Majumdar

If you've ever seen "Iron Chef America" or "Cutthroat Kitchen," you've probably seen Simon Majumdar.

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Stephanie Burks

When the Jackson Free Press first asked to interview Stephanie Burks, her immediate reaction was, "Are you sure it's me and not my mom?"

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Mother’s Day Meals

Your mother has probably spent her entire life taking care of you in one way or another. This Mother's Day, which is Sunday, May 10, treat her to brunch at a local restaurant and make her feel special.

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In Memoriam

The day she was born in Jackson, April 7, 1965, doctors told Ginna Stewart's parents, Alma and Walter Whittington, that, she would never be able to walk or talk. "Her parents told the doctor, 'You don't know how much faith we have,'" her husband, Jim Stewart, says.

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Bridging Soul and Rock

Like "Boys & Girls," it took a few times listening to "Sound & Color" for me to like it, but it's now one of my favorites. The record shows how much Brittany Howard and the rest of the band have progressed since their debut album.

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What You Need to Know: High Heaven Trampoline Park

This summer, The Park will be abandoned no more. CircusTrix, the largest operator and developer of trampoline parks in the world, will bring High Heaven Trampoline Park into that space.

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Five Reasons You Should Go to Fondren Public

It wasn't until recently that I first visited Best of Jackson award winner Fondren Public. But when I went, I loved it. Here are five reasons why you should, too.

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Jerrell Jones

Hip-hop has been part of Jackson native and rapper Jerrell Jones' culture since he was born.

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How to Not Waste Food

I'm really good at wasting food. I go to the grocery store and drop a fairly decent sum of money on healthy groceries, and then, somehow, I find a reason not to eat any of it. I go out to eat, or I wait so long to cook that it goes bad.

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What Is Beauty?

Wherever you are, just appreciate the person looking back at you. Half the battle in life is learning to stop hating what you see in the mirror.

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Healthy App-ing

With smart phones now at the forefront of technology, there really is an app for almost everything you can imagine, from enacting your secret desire to be a crazy cat person (looking at you, Nekoatsume) to helping you get fit.

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Live Healthy, Locally

Eating healthy is getting easier and easier for Jacksonians. Rainbow Co-op and High Noon Cafe give us easy ways to find good food that's good for you, and they do it with locally sourced products.

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Cheryl Pearson-McNeil

Cheryl Pearson-McNeil created Nielsen's African American consumer report, published for the first time in 2013, and served as Nielsen's senior vice president of communications prior to being vice president of public affairs and government relations.

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Service Dog of the Day

About 10 years ago, an assault and robbery left Mississippi Gulf Coast native Davis Hawn physically and mentally scarred.

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All Things in Moderation

"Hungry for Change" focuses on many of the things the diet, weight-loss, and food industries don't want us to know, and what keeps us from being healthy.