All results / Stories / Adam Lynch

BREAKING: Council Splits 3-3 Over President Pick

This morning, the Jackson City Council split into predictable factions over who to appoint as Council President to take the place of Ward 1 Councilman Ben Allen, who stepped down June 22, citing health issues. On one side were unwavering supporters of Mayor Frank Melton—Frank Bluntson, Charles Tillman and Kenneth Stokes—who voted to promote Bluntson, a long-time friend of Melton, into the president's seat. On the other side were Margaret Barrett-Simon, Marshand Crisler and Leslie McLemore, who voted for McLemore to take over the presidency. The McLemore faction consists of consistent critics of Melton, who they believe is putting the city at risk of lawsuits and other legal actions with his actions and policies.

Council Majority Fears Illegal Transfers

A majority of the City Council held a press conference today explaining their recent votes of no confidence in City Attorney Sarah O'Reilly-Evans and to withhold pay from two city employees.

BREAKING: Michele Purvis Endorses D.A. Faye Peterson

Former Hinds County District Attorney candidate Michele Purvis endorsed incumbent Faye Peterson over the weekend. "When looking at the remaining two candidates, based upon experience I feel she is the best person for the job as far as the community is concerned and what's best for the community. ... I know (the Jackson Free Press) did not believe me when I was running, but again, my only reason for running was trying to make a difference for the community," Purvis said Monday. "With the problems we're having with crime and things of that nature, I just believe Faye is the best person to try and correct those things."

Working Man

The JFP Interview With Jamie Franks

Rep. Jamie Franks, D-Mooreville, does not have the most expressive mug in the world. Somebody in his life taught this guy that looking you directly in the face is the only way to have a conversation, so his eyes keep a direct, unsettling stare on you throughout any exchange.

BREAKING: Ellis Hearing Officer Recuses

Charles McClelland recused himself as hearing officer from the Jackson Public Schools administrative termination hearing for Chastain Principal Michael Ellis this morning.

UPDATE: Taylor's Mom—‘Kids Will Be Kids'

The mother of a 17-year-old housemate of Mayor Frank Melton excoriated* the county today at a press conference in front of the Hinds County Courthouse. Youth Court* ordered that Taylor be re-arrested earlier today on armed carjacking charges after Youth Court mistakenly released him earlier this year.

Big City, Bright Future: Development Surges Ahead in Downtown Jackson

Graphic illustration courtesy of Downtown Jackson Partners

These may be strange days for a Capitol City, but Jackson's rebirth continues to pick up speed, despite the antics of its indicted mayor.

Marshand Crisler: The Man Watching the Mayor (2006)

The office of Jackson Council President Marshand Crisler bears the signs of a harsh duality. Crisler carries himself with a clean, pressed look—in startling contrast to the reporter sitting across from him. He's always clean and ironed, he's hardly ever been spotted with a stain on his shirt, and ring around the collar is something that happens to other people. There's a very good chance Crisler was up this morning before 5 a.m., and it's an even better bet that his clothes were ironed before he went to bed in the first place.

Reeves Plans to Challenge Ruling

Republican District 71 incumbent Rep. John Reeves said he will appeal a Hinds County Circuit Court decision to the Mississippi Supreme Court. Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Winston Kidd granted a writ of mandamus Tuesday to Democratic District 71 winner Adrienne Wooten, compelling the Hinds County Election Commission to certify the results of the Nov. 6 election and declare Wooten the winner.

Police Have Suspect in 'Miracle' Shooting

Hinds County Sheriff and interim Jackson Police Chief Malcolm McMillin has named convicted felon Michael Allen as the suspect in the Dec. 1 shooting of Jackson business owner Donnie Register. Register, owner of The Antique Market in Fondren, made national headlines, shielding his head from a bullet allegedly fired by Allen. The bullet ricocheted off Register's wedding band and sent fragments into his hand and neck, potentially saving him from a fatal head wound.

BREAKING: Mayor Cancels Confirmation, Outrages Council

Several members of City Council were outraged today that Mayor Frank Melton abruptly cancelled the confirmation hearing of Charles Melvin, who is Melton's choice to head up the Parks and Recreation Department. Melvin's confirmation hearing was scheduled weeks in advance, but around 11:30 a.m., Melton announced he was cancelling the hearing because Councilman Frank Bluntson was sick.

BREAKING: Approaching Storm in Demolitions Filings?

City Council President Ben Allen dropped a bombshell during a contentious discussion of the city's claims and payroll dockets during Monday's work session.

BREAKING: Melton in Jail, In Medical Lock-up

Photo caption: Mugshots of Mayor Frank Melton, courtesy Hinds County Sheriff's Office.

BREAKING: Green Orders Melton Arrest

See the JFP Melton Blog/Archive Here.

Sheriff Malcolm McMillin has confirmed to the Jackson Free Press that Judge Tomie Green has issued a warrant for the arrest of Mayor Frank Melton. Green issued the arrest warrant March 1 in response to Melton violating the terms of his probation. In November, Melton pled guilty to misdemeanor weapons violations and was sentenced to six months in the Hinds County jail. That jail time was suspended so long as Melton honored the terms of his probation, which included a nighttime curfew.

Melton to Undergo Bypass Heart Surgery

Photo caption: Mayor Frank Melton and Dr. Robert Smith announcing that Melton will undergo heart surgery.

JUST IN: Lumumba: Stop Melton's ‘Jackson Gestapo'

Audio of press conference: Lumumba_21207.mp3 (8.3MB)

BREAKING: Magnolia Bar Calls for Danks Sanctions

<i>Photo credit: Adam Lynch

Photo caption: Jaribu Hill of the Magnolia Bar Association called for sanctions against Dale Danks Wednesday.

BREAKING: Ramie Ford Leaves City Government

Ramie Ford, who Mayor Frank Melton tapped to head up a proposed Neighborhood Enhancement Division, has left city government to become the director of state parks under the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.

Melton Lawyers Attack

Prosecutors and defense lawyers filed motions (PDF, 196 KB) at an accelerating pace as Mayor Frank Melton's felony trial approached.

JPS Board Won't Renew Edwards' Contract

The Jackson Public Schools Board of Trustees voted during its Dec. 7 meeting not to renew Superintendent Lonnie Edwards' contract for the upcoming school year, Board Attorney Dorian Turner told the Jackson Free Press today. The 3-1 vote came during executive session, and the board informed Edwards of its decision at a meeting this afternoon, Turner said.