Kick Your Bleach To The Curb
Maybe I am a little too sensitive. Or maybe I am just weird. But the smell of bleach and other strong cleaning agents makes me want to run far, far away.
[Balko] Flashbangs Under Fire
The New York Times reported last week that the New York City Police Department has halted the use of "flashbang" stun grenades. The department began phasing out the devices in 2003 after their deployment in a mistaken drug raid caused 52-year-old Alberta Spruill to suffer a fatal heart attack. The prior year, the department had used flash grenades 175 times.

Driving Green
Only one thing is better than driving on a Mississippi road trip, and that is being a passenger on a Mississippi road trip.
Spring Tour of Jackson
Spring is here, and it is time to get out of the house. Rediscover the green grass under your toes and our city's green destinations.
No Child Left Inside
There is a growing epidemic among today's children. Television, video games and endless after-school activities are rapidly taking the place of spending time playing outside.

Grass Isn't Always Greener
With the arrival of fall, I am ready to spend more time outside after months of avoiding the summer heat. Mississippi doesn't have quite the autumn splendor of my home state of Virginia, but my husband is slowly trying to add more fall color to our yard with trees such as blackgum, red maple and silverbell.
Green Girl to Green Mama
You might think you have made your home and lifestyle as green as possible, but a new addition to your family is sure to test your eco-fortitude. If you start making green choices for your child before the day he or she is born, it will probably be easier to stick to your green guns.
Grocery Gratification
When I go to the grocery store, I try to conserve the resources of both the planet and my wallet. Now that several grocery sale ads are delivered to Jackson mailboxes each week, my grocery planning is even easier.

[Green Girl] Eco-Dating
Whether you're looking for an alternative to the dry, dinner-and-a-movie routine, or trying to plan a Saturday staycation with your spouse of 20 years, Jackson has many options for the eco-savvy, especially if you plan ahead to minimize driving.

Eco-Friendly Honeymoons
For true honeymoon relaxation, forget passports and plane connections. A Mississippi honeymoon will lighten your carbon footprint and leave more money in your pocket for indulging in gourmet food, luxury accommodations and deluxe spa packages.