Gallery: Dr. Cedrick Gray Jr.
JPS Superintendent Dr. Cedrick Gray, Jr. spoke with JFP reporter R.L. Nave. Photos by Trip …

Jim Hill Teacher Wins Milken Award
Tracee Thompson, a teacher at Jim Hill High School, was shocked to learn she won …

Crossroads of the South; Gateway to the World
The International Student Organization and the International Perspectives program at Millsaps College hosted intercultural festival, …

Mississippi Pushes Toward Deal to Increase Teacher Salaries
Mississippi lawmakers on Wednesday discussed the latest proposal to boost some of the lowest teacher salaries in the nation, and negotiators said they hope to reach a final deal soon.

JSU Education Endowment, Ezra Jack Keats Awards and Out of the Darkness Campus Walk at USM
Jackson State University recently received a $75,000 education endowment named for the late Stephen F. Mason, the 17th pastor of the Greater Pearlie Grove M.B. Church.

It's a Deal: Mississippi Teacher Pay Plan Awaits Final Votes
Negotiators from the Mississippi House and Senate reached a deal Wednesday to boost some of the lowest teacher salaries in the nation.

Mississippi Senate OKs Pay Raise for Teachers, House to Vote
Mississippi teachers would receive their largest pay raise in years, under a bill that the state Senate passed Thursday.

JSU Blue Tie Gala and Regions Card, MSU Virtual Reality Grant
Jackson State University’s National Alumni Association will host its fifth annual Blue Tie Gala on Saturday, April 9, at 7 p.m. at the Jackson Convention Complex in downtown Jackson.

Alumni Enrichment Institutes an MS Got Soul at JSU, State Science Fair at USM
Jackson State University recently announced that it is an Alumni Enrichment Institute Partner for the 2022 Alumni Enrichment Institutes.

JSU Getty Images Donation, MSU Research Week and Give Wing at USM
Getty Images recently donated two Canon camera bodies and three Canon lenses to the Office of University Communications at Jackson State University as part of the company's new partnership with the university.

Oakdale Elementary Students Raise Funds for Make-A-Wish in Honor of Classmate
Oakdale Elementary students organized a Make-A-Wish fundraiser in honor of Ariel Hurley, a kindergartner at Oakdale and a recipient of the foundation.

JSU Commencement Speakers, National Academy of Inventors Chapter and Marc E. Bassy at MSU
Jackson State University recently announced that Thasunda Brown Duckett and Homer Wilkes will hold presentations during the university's 2022 commencement exercises.

New CSET Atrium Dedication and College of Business Donation at JSU, MSU ERDC Day
Jackson State University President Thomas K. Hudson and other JSU faculty recently held a ceremony to unveil the Brigadier General Robert Crear CSET atrium on the JSU campus.