Blog: Politics Blog

Entries for October, 2013


MoJo: Chris McDaniel Spoke at Confederate Ball; McDaniel Denies: I Was at an ALEC Event

Mother Jones, the liberal investigative-news magazine that broke the story of Mitt Romney's 47 percent remark during the presidential campaign, is now taking aim at Mississippi politics. MoJo reports that in August, state Sen. Chris McDaniel, who last week announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate, addressed a "a neo-Confederate …

Horhn Praises City Leaders on 1-Percent Sales Tax

Mississippi State Sen. John Horhn was singing the praises of Mayor Chokwe Lumumba and the Jackson City Council Wednesday afternoon, a day after they moved forward on a motion to put to referendum vote a proposed 1-percent sales tax. He released this statement: "I would like to applaud the Jackson …

Cooper-Stokes Balks at Her Own Motion

In an odd turn of events last night, Ward 3 Councilwoman LaRita Cooper-Stokes balked at a chance to bring her own motion to "unauthorize" the Jackson Redevelopment Authority forward, even though all she had to do was second a fellow council member who had already moved to adopt her motion. …

The Deweycare Government Health-Care Takeover in Full Swing

When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. — Thomas Jefferson This afternoon, Gov. Phil Bryant followed through on his promise to issue an executive order for BlueCross & BlueShield of Mississippi to accept 10 Hospital Management Associates facilities into …

Showdown Over JRA Looms Next Tuesday

The response to the question that will be posed to the Jackson City Council next Tuesday (Oct. 22) is something many people are asking: Is the Jackson Redevelopment Authority still worth having? Ward 3 Councilwoman LaRita Cooper-Stokes has put forward item No. 34, an order by the city council unauthorizing …

Obamacare Proving an Early Success in... Kentucky?

The deeply "red" state of Kentucky -- the folks who put both Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul as in Senate (and, excruciatingly, on our TVs) -- is also the only Southern state that has expanded Medicaid in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. They also implemented their own ACA online …

Nunnelee and Palazzo Voted Against Reopening Government, Paying The Country's BIlls

According to, Representatives Alan Nunnelee and Steven Palazzo voted against House Bill 2775 this evening, which was the bi-partisan compromise in the Senate to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling in order that the bills owed--from budgets already passed and funds already appropriated by this same House--might …

Sen. Chris McDaniel to Announce Beginning of End of Political Career

State Sen. Chris McDaniel, a Republican from Ellisville, is making an announcement this weekend about his political future, the blog Mississippi PEP reports. McDaniel, a self-styled fiscal and values Tea Party conservative, has been rumored for some time to have his eyes on senior U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran's seat. Anyone …

Miss. Parole Board: 70 Days, 3 Chairmen

Barely a full two months after taking over as chairman of the Mississippi Parole Board, Doug Davis is leaving for a new job as Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's chief-of-staff. Davis was appointed to the parole board earlier this year and ascended to the chairmanship on Aug. 1. He replaced …

Water, Sewer Rates Officially Increased

The Jackson City Council had a couple of hurdles to jump Tuesday morning to keep the city from losing up to 20 percent of its expected profits from the now-official water and sewer rate increases outlined in Mayor Chokwe Lumumba's 2014 budget. Some were cleared; others were not. The city …

Church Gives to Hinds Dem Hopeful Willie Robinson: Legal?

Religious organizations are generally not allowed to donate to politicians, but often find clever ways to skirt the Internal Revenue Service prohibitions. One way is just for the pastor and key church officials to personally make big contributions, and encourage their flock to do the same, to support candidates who …

Trent Lott: GOP is 'Nasty and Mean'

Will the GOP pay attention to its moderates?

Thompson Derides Repubs for Shutdown

19,000 Mississippians awoke this morning to the possibility of no paycheck.