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The Writers Guild’s Guiding Hand

Jackson native Susan Marquez's commitment to writing tends to keep her busy, whether it's her freelance work for various Mississippi publications, editing books for other authors or writing her own.

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Blind Dates With Books

Little Free Libraries are just what the name says—free book exchanges. Folks build a little house, essentially, in their yard. If you have a book to share, you leave one; if you want a book to read, you take one.

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Virginia Reeves: Of Home and History

Virginia Reeves may be from Montana, but she has long had a feel for southern stories.

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Unlocking ‘In a Different Key’

When Caren Zucker learned that her son, Mickey, had autism in 1996, she was ushered into a dark, misunderstood corner of the medical world.

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Books Beyond Bars

Under most circumstances, one would be correct in assuming that life-changing movements don't begin with a puppet show.

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Pitts: The South is Overdue for Reckoning

Leonard Pitts Jr. will sign copies of Grant Park at Lemuria Books on Nov. 18 at 5 p.m. He recently spoke to the Jackson Free Press about race, writing and reckoning.

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Remembering ‘Riot’

When James Meredith became University of Mississippi's first African American student, a cub reporter and part-time university employee named Edwin Meek was there, photographing him every step of the way.

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Richard Grant

In his latest work, "Dispatches from Pluto: Lost and Found in the Mississippi Delta", Richard Grant delves into a region that's foreign but not at all far away.

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The State in ‘Little Stories’

As a rule, photo books have a few simple goals. Whether the focus is on nature, architecture or even a specific event, they can either provide deep and poignant reminders of the past or lively, beauty-centered images of present.

Katrina: Words After the Storm

Here are a few great reads that remind us of the struggles and triumphs in the midst of one of America’s costliest storms, Hurricane Katrina.

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A Time to Read

When political consultant and author Jere Nash met his friend Leila Salisbury, director of the University Press of Mississippi, for lunch at Hal & Mal's in the spring of 2013, he didn't see himself walking out of the restaurant with a two-year mission.

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The Scott Sisters

The news cycle has turned quite a few times since the Scott sisters' release. Finding a way back to normal life has proved a much slower process for the siblings.

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For Future (’80s) Reference

Author Ernest Cline has been in high demand since the release of his best-selling science-fiction tale, "Ready Player One." A bidding war and two movie deals later, he returns with his sophomore book, "Armada," which hit shelves July 14.

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A Long Time Coming

"Go Set a Watchman," the second novel by "To Kill a Mockingbird" author Harper Lee, will finally be out July 14.

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Lessons from Getting ‘Caught’

Even those, like Janice Singleton, who commit white-collar crimes struggle to find gainful employment after they're released, which is one reason that prisons have so many repeat offenders, she says.