Kate Brantley

Recent Stories

Detoxifying through Fasting

Pesticides. Additives. Preservatives. These chemicals are in the foods most of us consume every day. Detoxification diets or fasts may prove helpful in ridding the body of these toxins; however, detoxification is a contentious issue.

Theresa Kennedy

"I want to create my life, not just to let it happen," she says. "That's a lot of the reason that I am as involved as I am."

Uniting Medicine and Humanities

John Montgomery and Kendra Schneider spent five weeks this summer at the University of Mississippi Medical Center wearing official hospital name badges. They talked to patients, observed tests and consulted with people all over UMMC.

[Brantley] My Mississipi [sic] Identity

I arrived in Metz, France, in fall 2007 equipped with new degrees in English literature and French, and enough clothes to survive the reportedly bitter winter. In the middle of the Lycée Cormontaigne high school campus, where I would be working as an English teaching assistant, stood a remnant from one or both of the World Wars.

A Bit of Discord

Belly dancers dancing. An upright base playing. Computer sound effects clanging. A saxophone honking. What do these things have in common? You might experience all of them at once as part of a performance of the Mississippi Improv Alliance.

Planting Seeds

The kids squealed and jumped up and down with delight and fear, oblivious to the wet Mississippi heat. The shy kids poked the writhing mass of squirming red wigglers with sticks or blades of grass; the braver ones took the creatures in their cupped hands and admired them.

Butch Bailey

Butch Bailey thinks Mississippians are missing out on something divine: gourmet beer.

Sandra Peterson Lott

The moment Sandra Peterson Lott sits down with her lunch, I sense her comforting nature. She has an hour-long lunch break from her duties as a pediatric nurse, but she ignores her food to talk about her passion: ministering to children and unwed mothers.

Katie O'Neal Sorey

Katie O'Neal Sorey began to get a sense of her life's purpose when she was 14 years old. While attending the Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church's annual Mission Fest, a conference based on service and worship, she had the opportunity to work with the homeless at Gateway Rescue Mission.

Just Say No To Plastic Bags

In my house, there are drawers and cabinets I am afraid to open. It is not for a fear of the unknown; I know exactly what is in there: hundreds of plastic bags. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that we use around 500 billion plastic bags are globally every year, and very few are recycled.

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