Paying Attention
While I love living in a country where any citizen can run for public office, I also hate living in a country where so many think they should.

Justifying Foolishness
At times, this country is a model for intolerance. Our compassion is thrown to the wind, and our grand ignorance is on display for all to see.

Teach Your Sons
Fathers, teach your sons what respect means. It seems to be a quality lost on a new generation of boys, and we all must collectively take responsibility for that.

What's in a Name?
I had an interesting conversation recently on my Facebook page about the "Christmas controversy" that comes up every year.

The Worst of Us
We've seen the ugly side of America. We've seen what we can devolve into, and I don't think most of us like it.

Now It’s Serious
Things just got serious. We have less than a week until the election, and I hope everyone understands how close this race is.

A Smile, A Smirk
In social media, I see lots of folks who say they've either unfollowed, unfriended, blocked or deleted someone because of their political beliefs.

Romney: Not Presidential
There's an old adage that says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them."

Making Others 'Comfortable'
Of dreadlocks and MBAs; of fashion trends and government intervention; of earrings and the news. Don't worry; I'm about to make my point.

Scars Run Deep
Most people hear about victims of domestic violence. It's always a friend or a relative of a co-worker or that woman you passed in a crowded bar whose name is bandied about in hushed tones.

Fashion Police in Politics
Lets just get to the bottom line. The "saggy pants" debate is perhaps the most ridiculous, over-talked issue of modern times. It's downright stupid. And might I add ... stupid.
[Kamikaze] Hold the School Board Accountable
I'm a proud product of Jackson Public Schools. I attended Boyd Elementary and Chastain Middle schools up until the 9th grade. I then went to St. Joseph Catholic School because my mother wanted me to attend Murrah High School instead of my neighborhood school, Callaway.
[Kamikaze] Rich in Life
My oldest daughter graduated from high school this past Friday. It was a proud moment indeed, as she also finished as her class valedictorian. This fall, she'll be attending Jackson State University on a full academic scholarship.
[Kamikaze] Keep Us Informed
Transparency, good communication, access to information, assurances, being proactive—these are a few traits I'm sure citizens expect out of those who hold leadership positions. Whether elected or appointed, a certain level of responsibility comes with certain positions.
[Kamikaze] Enemies of Progress
When the check writers determine who the law writers are, the system never changes. When bureaucrats are allowed to govern with impunity, the system never changes. In or out of office, where we don't have natural leaders, citizens—and more importantly, children—are done a disservice.
[Kamikaze] Still Racial
So, you're tired of hearing folks talk about race, right? Tired of reading about it? Sick of seeing all the articles and all the pieces on CNN? You could do without another rally, without another Facebook or Twitter campaign, correct?
[Kamikaze] Your Child or Mine
It's frustrating to think that what happened to Trayvon Martin will probably happen again somewhere. It's even more unsettling to think that Jackson is primed for similar incidents to occur right here if we're not careful.
[Kamikaze] Healing Starts at Home
So, #STOPKONY is a new trending topic in social media. If you're not familiar, the "Stop Kony" movement refers to Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony. Kony lived in relative anonymity before last week when a video from activist group Invisible Children went viral.
[Kamikaze] Behind the Curtain
It appears the culture wars of 2008 have returned for a sequel in 2012. You can attribute some of it to the Republican presidential candidates. Sure, gas prices are rising, and there's growing unrest on foreign soil, but why bother with those issues when it's so much more important to legislate morality?
[Kamikaze] Year of the Underdog
I'm drawn to stories of the underdog—the little guy or gal triumphant against seemingly insurmountable odds.
[Kamikaze] ‘I'm No Token'
I attended the Greater Jackson Chamber Partnership annual luncheon last week. It's one of those affairs where the city's power players share a meal and listen to a speaker talk about how to move our city forward.
[Kamikaze] Politics, as Usual
We are a nation of extremes. And as we've been inundated with debate after debate in this Republican primary season, it has been even more prevalent. I watched as Republicans jockey to position themselves as the "most conservative" while trying to discredit the front runner, whom they deem "moderate."
[Kamikaze] Embracing Who I Am
I'm a fan of MSNBC's "Morning Joe." At the end of every show, in a segment called "What have we learned today," each of the hosts tells one thing new that they learned on that's day's show. It's always interesting, because as well-read as the hosts are, they still take in some new information almost daily.
[Kamikaze] Parental Sanity
Our children are our greatest commodities. It is our responsibility as parents, as teachers and adults to protect and nurture them so they can grow to be productive citizens.
[Kamikaze] The War Outside
"There's a war going on outside no man is safe from." —Prodigy of Mobb Deep
[Kamikaze] Just the Messenger
Mississippi, and Jackson particularly, suffers from "shoot the messenger" syndrome. You know: If you don't like the message, just attack the person(s) delivering it. If the message could possibly upset your gravy train, then you discredit the source.
[Kamikaze] Let's Talk, Dems
Hey, Mississippi Democratic Party: Can we talk? We've heard some pretty strong accusations that you aren't as powerful as you used to be. In fact, a few folks are whispering that you've become a shell of your former self.
[Kamikaze] Good Food for Good Work
There's not much going on in Jackson that I don't know about. I try to stay up to speed on all of the good things that the city has to offer, but occasionally, I'll run across something that really sparks my interest. It might be something that I never knew about at all. And of course, when I'm turned on to great things, I want to pass that good news on.
[Kamikaze] Address Causes, not Symptoms
When is enough going to be enough? When will be fed up? No, better yet, when will we get mad? It's these times that challenge the passion in positive Jacksonians.
[Kamikaze] The Green Light
I remember making my transition from doing music full time to more community-oriented exploits. I like to categorize it as maturation. It was about seven or eight years ago, and I decided to dust off my writing talent and get back into print. It had been a while; I left a cushy Associated Press job to dive into the music business. But I felt the writing bug again and wanted to share my stories with a new audience.
[Kamikaze] Stop Waiting; Start Working
In past columns I've spoken about what has been coined the "savior complex," the tendency of a group, party or race to expect one individual to be the answer to all that ails it. It's the thought that by electing or appointing the perfect person to a position of power, we can sit back and watch as they magically make everything better with the stroke of a hand.
[Kamikaze] I'm Angry
I try not to write when I'm angry. They say some of the best writing comes out of emotion. But some of the most regrettable pieces have come when penned emotionally as well.
[Kamikaze] What We've Learned
It's frustrating. Those of us who preach progression, who practice tolerance, see it daily. Despite the Herculean efforts of most of us, we still have some among us who are not willing to embrace diversity.
[Kamikaze] Professional Politicians
I cringed when I heard the president utter the words. As his quote was continuously bandied about the Internet, I became even more disappointed. Barack Obama had become the very thing that he tried so hard to convince us he was not.
[Kamikaze] Here's to You
My youngest daughter is now 15 months old. Though it's been fun to share all her adorable moments with you guys via Facebook, my thoughts often turn to more serious pursuits. As the father of a 17-year-old daughter and now my youngest little girl, I try to exert as much influence as I can.
[Kamikaze] The Propaganda Machine
Let me explain the difference between Eric Bolling and Jon Stewart. One guy is on a fake news show on Comedy Central. The other is on a real news network where they are supposed to deliver (ahem) real news. Deliver a well-placed joke on one network, and we laugh. Make an ill-timed one on another, and you may find yourself in hot water.
[Kamikaze] Yet Another Distraction
So, another politician has gotten caught with his finger on the "send" button, or in this case, the "tweet" button. We all know how this movie plays out. Politician has vice; politician gets caught; politician denies impropriety; politician denies again; politician is presented with irrefutable evidence; politician comes clean and apologizes. Repeat.
Quentin Whitwell, Nic Lott, Othor Cain, and Chris Bell on "Direct Line" Tuesday 7pm
Just FYI, We've got an action packed Direct Line on tap for Tues. Ward 1 City Councilman Quentin Whitwell will join us. Along with Mississippi Link Editor Othor Cain, Nic Lott, and Former State Represenative Candidate Chris Bell. We'll be waxing poetic about the proposed Tax commission, JPS Superintendent hearings, Billy McCoy stepping down, Obama vs. Cornell West and much MORE. the show is LIVE so you can call in and grill our guests 601 914 0064. 7pm on comcast channel 14. TUNE IN!
[Kamikaze] Trash Talking
Let's put some accurate information onto the turnpike, shall we? Crime in Jackson is down. Dropping. Heading south. It's a slow decline, yes, but a decline, nonetheless. For those of you who liken Jackson to the streets of Medellin, Colombia, during the Pablo Escobar era, I'm sorry to inform you that overall crime has dropped 5 percent since this time last year.
[Kamikaze] Freedom and Responsibility
Ah, the First Amendment: freedom of speech—that little inalienable right that we all have and that we all have invoked. Clearly some of us don't really understand what it means. Nor do we understand the responsibility that comes with it.
So…Am I Wrong For Pointing This Out?
Anyone else notice the extreme disparities in the comments on the Clarion Ledger sight re: The Ridgeland Shooting vs. The Terry Shooting? Both incidents. Tragic. Avoidable. Domestic disputes involving family members where tempers got out of hand. Yet, somehow, someway, the Terry suspects have managed to get called "thugs". Their lifestyles questioned, slick racial comments made. But in the case of the Ridgeland shooting...just a horrible tragedy and sympathy for the victim ad her family. Only 5 comments to 15. Am I wrong? Should I just assume that this will always be the norm? How two identical situations. Two identical crimes of passion could be reacted to SO differently. Mississippi, we HAVE to do better than this.
Ruth Chris Steakhouse in Ridgeland Gets Foot-In-Mouth Disease
I received an e-mail from a colleague today–one that was most interesting to say the least. It's not often that you get folks to put IN WRITING what they're really thinking. Especially in management, you're free to "think" whatever you wish, but smart money says it's not good for business to openly make, ummm, "controversial" remarks.
Reactions to Gov Barbour's Speech/Ariz Shootings Tonight 7pm on Direct Line
For those of you who dont know, Ive been named the new host of TV23's Direct Line. An hour-long Live News Talk show devoted to adressing the day's top issues. It airs every Tuesday at 7pm on Cable 14, Direct TV, or channel 23 in Jackson if you dont have cable. Tonight our roundtable will give reaction to the Gov's speech AND we'll talk about the Arizona shootings. You can call in 601 914 0064 or you can tweet in your questions by following and tweeting @directlinetv23.
Hey Jackson! Old School HipHop Icon Doug E. Fresh LIVE on Saturday
It isnt often that Jackson the kind of music events that will attract music lovers both young and old. Both Black and White. But I honestly believe if youre an old-school fan like I am, you dont want to miss Saturday night at Dreamz. The original "Human Beat Box" as he was coined back in the golden age of Hip Hop, DOUG. E. FRESHA will be appearing live and doing what he does best. He's recently experienced a revival of his career after the new dance craze "The Dougie" swept the nation and was the subject of several new songs. Doug E. made the dance famous years ago and will make his 2nd trip to Jackson. So who saying there isnt anything to do in downtown? If you can, grab some friends and come down Saturday Night. Doors open at 9pm.
[Kamikaze] A Fresh Start
2010 could be described as "the best of times and the worst of times" for the Franklin family and me. We always have high hopes and expectations, but sometimes life throws you a few curve balls. It's those surprise occurrences that test your mettle.
Mississippi United Concert for A Cause: Clothing and Toy Drive. WE NEED YOU!
On SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th. Mississippi United Presents: The TeamSipp GenerationNxt CONCERT FOR A CAUSE at DreamzJxn(426 Capital). The event will bring several area organizations together for the cause of giving back to those less fortunate during the holiday season. Concertgoers are asked to bring any clothing or toy items to Dreamz on Dec. 19th which will in turn be given to our friends at Gateway Mission. Not only will you be giving to a great cause but you will be entertained by some of the state's hottest talent who have donated their performances for the cause.
[Kamikaze] It's About People
Let's be honest. This town needs an enema. There are some leadership voids that indicate it's time for our city to turn a page—or three.
[Kamikaze] Take the ‘I' Out of Team
I'm not a Democrat or Republican. Nor am I liberal or conservative. I shun the two-party mindset, believing that there's no either/or scenario when it comes to politics. I'm more moderate if I'm anything, a subscriber to a more common-sense approach when it comes to governing people.
What does the term "Taking Back Our Country" Mean? And while we're at it…
... Can someone tell me why the folks who are "taking America back" are called "Patriots?" Why am I not one? and who are we "taking our country back from" anyway? Are we the "us" or the "them."
[Kamikaze] Re-Shaking Things Up
Even I get discouraged. As much as I champion Jackson, there are times that its outdated vestiges rear their ugly heads. There are times when the corporate status quo takes a few slow promising steps forward, then a disappointing few steps backward.
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