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[Stiggers] McScruffie, the Crime Dog

"I know only three ways of living in society: one must be a beggar, a thief, or a wage earner." Honore de Mirabeau (1749-1791)

Why I'm Voting Tuesday

<b>Web Exclusive</b>

The hip-hop generation has been much maligned—partially because apathy runs rampant in our demographic. "Why should I vote?"or "My one vote won't make a difference" or even better, "I'm too busy" are all these familiar excuses? The scary thing is ... every vote counts. This is probably one of the most important elections in the history of politics. The very welfare of this country and the lives of thousands of servicemen overseas hinges upon the decisions we make this November.

[Silver] The 30-Year-Old War

I'm glad I'm not running for president. My service record would be made public, and while there's little in there that's embarrassing other than my grade in navigation, it's not the stuff of the greatest generation, either. To avoid stomping through rice paddies, I joined Navy ROTC at Tulane and majored in sociology. It was a way to defer the worst of the war and ensure that when I went, I would go on my terms.

[Lott] A Serious Issue

We say we're upset by gasoline prices. We complain because it costs $30 dollars to fill up our car or perhaps $40 or even $50 to fill up our truck. But do we really care about the country's dependance on foreign oil? Are we really serious about reducing our dependency? Apparently not. In recent months it seems we've come to accept $1.80 and $2 per gallon fuel prices. Unless America wakes up and adopts a national energy policy, we're going to see increases at the pump again and again until one day Congress and citizens alike will be forced to make a sudden, sobering change in the way America lives, works and travels.

[Colleges] This is Your Life, Baby

It's 8 in the a.m. on your first official day of college, and you and several hundred of what you hope will become your closest friends are gathered in the gymnasium watching your freshman orientation leaders (OL) sing and dance.

Thanks, But No Thanks

I'm no feminist, and I definitely wear a bra most days of the week, but I am fed up with men giving me their unsolicited advice or trying to force me into liberation. It happened on the track one day at the YMCA on Fortification Street. I was plodding along at my 5.5 mph pace minding my own business. Suddenly some jerk … oops, I mean strange man … ran up beside me and said, "You should lengthen out your stride," then ran on ahead. Look, buddy, I'm training for a marathon and being coached by a nationally ranked triathlon athlete; I don't need your advice. Needless to say, I didn't see the fellow again that evening. Why? After one measly mile, he headed inside to lift weights. I finished my six miles in record time while fuming over this meathead's comment.

SPANN: Going To The Chapel?

President George W. Bush wants you to get married. And why not? Just consider the implications. According to Wade Horn, assistant secretary of children and families for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and a long-time marriage advocate, marriage can: end poverty in America, end abuse and neglect, and maybe even achieve world peace. Who knew that "I do" was so powerful?

[Spann] Right the First Time

I don't really follow politics per se; the whole mess bores me. But I have taken note lately. Over the last year, the political scene has been a colorful place from Pennsylvania Avenue to Silas Brown Street, home of Jackson's temporary city hall. As I watch the political ads and listen to the news reports, I wonder: Wouldn't it be great if life were as carefree as the most idyllic childhood? Someone might goof during a game, everyone would chuckle, and then you'd simply yell, "Do over!" and all would be right in play land again.

LADD: Talk About Freedom

Join another vigil for peace and safety of the troops Sunday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in front of the Eastland Courthouse on West Capitol Street downtown. This column is dedicated to Todd Allen, who showed up one day to help distribute the Jackson Free Press because he believes in our mission. He is a peace-lover and an Army chaplain who is now en route to the Middle East. Godspeed.

Doin' the Cha-Cha for Equality and Rent Money

Electric Slide Foundation of America presents the 2004 Post Olympic Cha-Cha Slide/Steppin' Dance Competition and Voter Registration Drive for World Peace and Rent Money.

EDITORIAL: ‘The Children Must Be Saved"

Please call your legislator today. We can make a difference right now.

[Stauffer] To Peace and Prosperity

As I'm writing this, the Dow seems to have settled into a new level over 10,000 and up about 25 percent on the year. Our abysmal unemployment numbers have seen a little improvement recently (although some manufacturing jobs would be nice), and orders for durable goods have been up in past months along with GDP growth. That's all pretty good news, and it's news that I hope translates into peace and prosperity for all of us in the new year. There is, of course, a lot of work to do—particularly in government, where the red ink flows at both the federal level and here in the state capital.

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Kevin J. Williams

Kevin Williams explores the relationship with the black community in the documentary "Fear of a Black Republican."

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Biz Roundup: Supercell, Hair, Crafts

From iPods and laptops to Android phones and iPhones, Supercell buys, repairs, refurbishes and sells a wide range of electronics.

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SCOTUS Creates Buzz in Mississippi

As with many U.S. Supreme Court rulings, there was a little something for everyone in yesterday's ruling on Arizona's tough anti-immigration law.

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Turning Back the Clock

J. K. Morrison will turn over in his grave on July 1.

[Irby] Thank You, Mr. McIntyre

PHILADELPHIA, MISS.—Lawyers made closing arguments today in the State of Mississippi v. Edgar Ray Killen trial. I sat with the media in the courtroom shaking my head as defense attorney James McIntyre of Jackson avoided addressing the facts of the case and tried instead to convince the jury why it should not have been brought up in the first place.

[Young] Not About Conservatism

A few days after the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, an extraordinary panel met in New York City to discuss the urgent problem still posed by the racial gap in educational achievement.

[Stiggers] Watch That Indecent Exposure

The following is an excerpt from the new E! program, "Mo'tel William's Celebrity Interview," with special guest, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown.

[Sawyer] A Stroll Down Prosperity Street

"Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days." (James 5:1-3)