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[Editor's Note] Peace, Prosperity and Tolerance

Every December now for about a decade, we have asked the Jackson Free Press staff members to sign hundreds of holiday greeting cards that we send to freelancers, advertising clients, sources, and other friends and acquaintances of the JFP.

[Johnson] Right the First Time

Charter schools have the potential to be a boon for children in our state's education system.

[Barkley] Power of the Purse and the Pill

Women's personal economies have always been tied to their ability to control their reproduction.

Stop Obstructing and Get to Work

Republicans in the Mississippi Legislature seem to be dealing with a lot of pent-up demand. Every day, we hear of another piece of legislation that is a virtual rehash of a bill that could not be passed without a Republican majority in both houses of the Legislature.

Stop the Injustice of ‘Justice'

Nothing brings the inequality and foibles of our justice system into stark relief like an upcoming execution. As lawyers battle over last-minute efforts to save a human life, it's impossible not to weigh one man's sentence of death against others who receive lesser sentences—or even pardons—for equivalent crimes.

[Stiggers] Gainful Employment

My purpose is to celebrate and make history by encouraging the workers who remain jobless in 2012. I will not condescend or criticize people who feel betrayed by the government, politicians, corporations, etc. Instead, I will use the stories of people like Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells Barnett, and Ella Baker to motivate the despondent and defeated masses still looking for a job with health-care benefits.

[Stiggers] Drink Your Big Black Cow

Mr. Announcement: "Ghetto Science Public Television presents highlights from Kunta 'Rasheed X' Toby's thought-provoking documentary film series 'The Pursuit of Crappyness: The Unemployed, Underemployed and Part-time Djs are Close to the Edge.'"

[Dennis] Screaming in Stereo

Last night, my 3-year-old son kept screaming out in the night. Most nights he sleeps really well, but as any parent can testify, he has those occasional nights when peaceful rest is nothing more than an elusive dream. This was clearly going to be one of those nights that my wife, Leann, and I would rise to the challenge (literally) many times before morning.

[Your Turn] Movement for Education

The link from education to the economy, health and crime is easy to see, and Blueprint Mississippi 2011 makes this compelling case with fresh data. As a teacher at one of Jackson's public high schools, I work mostly with low-income students, and I believe education is the best way to intercept the cycle of poverty. Yet even innovative policy solutions will only make incremental change without the grassroots support of the communities they seek to serve.

[Queen] I Am a Feminist

One of my favorite quotes is by Margaret Trudeau: "I can't be a rose in any man's lapel." For years, these words have sung to the very core of my being, yet I failed to understand its significance to my life. A recent conversation led me to recall situations in coming-of-age that have awakened my reality.

[Stiggers] Cool and Creamy

Children and adults of the Ghetto Science Community, the new, improved, environmentally friendly, solar powered Hybrid Electric and Petroleum Mister Ice Creamy Truck is coming to your neighborhood.

[Head] Men: Hold Creeps Accountable

I think we men, myself included, have not done enough to confront other men. We have let too much slide.

[Barkley] Women: Time to Rebel

It is time for us to refuse to passively cooperate with government that ignores the realities that punctuate the lives of women in the Deep South.

[Editorial] We Like ‘Obamacare'

With the U.S. Supreme Court considering health-care reform, we thought we'd mention that (a) our health-insurance rates are down, (b) we appreciate the tax credits for our small business, and (c) we've already seen cases where pre-existing conditions or gaps in coverage—which used to keep employees from getting insurance—are no longer barriers to coverage.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days

My Saints vs. Tim Tebow Super Bowl dream died Saturday. Both teams were dead within 20 minutes of each other.

[The Slate] The Best Of Sports In 7 Days

I am such a sports geek, I don't know what I am more jacked up about: NCAA Tournament Final Four or WrestleMania Sunday night.

‘If You Let Me Play'

In 1995, Nike produced an iconic commercial. In it, young girls cited facts and figures about the benefits of girls playing sports.

46 for XLVI

It's Super Bowl XLVI in 46 numbers.

Pick Up the Phone

Most days, Ben Lott runs around the perimeter of his apartment complex and into nearby neighborhoods working on getting into shape. Ever since his friend Scott Livingston encouraged him to enter the Warrior Dash in mid-February, he has been training.

[The Slate] The Best In Sports In 7 Days

Three football games left, but only one really counts. Plenty of basketball is on the way, and baseball is knocking on the door.