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Football Cocktails

No matter which side you cheer, these recipes will score the winning touchdown with your crew.

[Balko] Failing Upward in Criminal Justice

When the SWAT team came for Richard Paey in 1997, officers battered down the front door of the Florida home he shared with his wife and their two children. Paey is a paraplegic who uses a wheelchair after a car accident and a botched back surgery. He also suffers from multiple sclerosis. Paey was accused of distributing the medication he used to treat his chronic pain, even though there was no evidence he had sold or given away a single pill. Thanks to Florida's draconian drug laws, he was eventually convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

‘Bodies, Bodies'

"The Swimming Pool" by Holly LeCraw (Doubleday, 2010, $25.95) starts with this uninviting, ethereal opening line: "Bodies, bodies."

[Kamikaze] Spring Cleaning Jackson

Babies change you. They change the way you think, the way you act, even your outlook on life. It's funny how something so small can loom so large when you're deciding even your next step.

A Mind/Body Bookshelf

Wellness is more than just the absence of illness. It incorporates the whole being, body, mind and spirit. Physicians and psychiatrists have studied and written about wellness for decades (at least), so we know their interest in wellness is far from being some new-fangled, new-age fad.

The Secession Bandwagon

It seems Mississippi Sen. Joey Fillingane, R-Sumrall, is out to prove an election-year point by appealing to the most extreme fringe of the far right.

[Stiggers] Bird's Eye View

It's time for the 'Rev. Cletus Car Sales Church' morning show radio broadcast. Wake up, get up, and go out. Remember: This is the day the Lord has made. So rejoice and be glad you have a job and you're able to pay your bills and get around in a Rev. Cletus hybrid-hoopty car.

The Seas' Bounty

As a child, one of my fondest memories was at the Audubon Aquarium in New Orleans when I was about 8. After I complained that all the creatures were behind glass, the penguin keeper surprised me with a wobbling baby penguin to touch and marvel over. Studying the bug-eyed rainbow trout and the menacing tiger shark made me squeal with delight.

The Student-Loan Maze

I distinctly remember when the first wave of payments for my student loans arrived. I cringed at the amount, immediately wishing I hadn't been so shortsighted as a student. Did I really need to borrow that much money?

2011: Out Of Town

<b>Best Day Trip: NOLA (New Orleans)</b>

Best Day Trip: NOLA (New Orleans) New Orleans is known for Mardi Gras and Second Line parades, a million music festivals and bars out the wazoo. Hear great music at One Eyed Jacks, Tipitinas or Howlin' Wolf; admire street performances on Jackson Square. Pick up a mufaletta at Central Grocery, or Mid-Eastern fare at Mona's.

To Die or Not To Die (for Love)

I have a problem with Bruno Mars. More specifically, I have a problem with the music producers and executives who heard his lyrics and instantly thought, "hit record," and with the listening public for so eagerly agreeing with them. The cynical side of me hears him sing, "her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying," and wants to scream: "Are you blind? Don't you see the hair products on your bathroom counter?"

Timothy and Cheryl Coker

Music is a powerful thing. It allows people to express their creativity, convey emotions, and it can foster community between like-minded fans. Music can also cause people to fall in love. Just ask Timothy and Cheryl Coker, who have shared a life working with music.

Finding Beauty

Walking into the Mississippi Museum of Art's "The Orient Expressed: Japan's Influence on Western Art, 1854-1918," you may kind of know what to expect, but you won't anticipate seeing 10 or so black rectangles lining the wall.

Is Surgery Necessary?

Every day, women's lives are saved and improved thanks to the work of surgeons. They rid patients of cancerous tumors and right malfunctioning body parts; they stitch up wounds and oftentimes they deliver babies in distress. Surgery can seem like an obvious choice to better your health, but it may not be your best choice.

The Color of Love

"You don't know who you are, holding that cracker's hand!" I heard a woman say as my husband and I walked down the street in San Diego. At first I didn't register what she said, and I didn't know if the words were directed at us.

Building A Future that Works

Beginning a brand-new clean calendar at the turn of the year provides all of us the perfect opportunity to take stock of the past and make changes for a better future, especially those things we may have been procrastinating about.

[Stiggers] The Mean Machine

"It's time for the people to escape the slave plantation of this capitalistic nation and become self-sufficient. It's time to use our talents, skills and abilities to help ourselves. Hair-Did University is here to create and develop an independent Ghetto Science community."

Wedding Poll

What was the most unique or most memorable part of your wedding or wedding reception?

Pop-up in Paradise

Jimmy Buffet sang about them. Wimpy ate 'em with abandon (and would gladly pay you Tuesday for one today), and 86 percent of Americans ordered at least one last year.

On Feb. 15, Vote Ice for Ward 1

The Jackson Free Press' readership is diverse in many ways, and we get criticized from the left and right for editorial stances and endorsements. Our editorial board believes in groups of people with varying opinions getting together to debate and discuss and, thus, find a better solution due to diversity of opinion.