All results / Stories / Tim Summers Jr.

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Hinds Supervisors Want Consortium for Continental Tire Hiring

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors wants a business consortium to help prepare and promote local contractors for Continental Tire projects, but passed the work of clarifying the organization's details on to the Hinds County Economic Development Authority.

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The DA’s Puzzling Accusations

A week after Special Judge Larry Roberts ordered files unsealed in the wide-ranging charges against Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith for allegedly improperly trying to help a defendant, the files were still not in public view as at press time.

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Cuts to City Budget Hurt, Surprise

Patricia Phillips bought a white 2014 Mazda 6 last November because she felt confident in her steady paycheck and supervisor position at an early-childhood care center with the City of Jackson.

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Sheriff: Volunteer Deputies on Bikes to Patrol Downtown 'Transients'

Hinds County Sheriff Victor Mason wants to sweep away the "transient" population downtown with a bike-and-foot patrol comprised of reserve officers, all without expense to the county.

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Rule Changes to Civil Service Commission Under Fire

The City of Jackson Civil Service Commission reinstated an employee of 25 years, who had been laid off before others with less tenure, raising questions about an Aug. 11 change to rules outlining how the administration chooses which employees leave first. The layoffs are part of the City's budget-cutting efforts, but some feel they are targeting the wrong employees.

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Youth Court Judge Sues Hinds County Over Budget

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors finds itself caught between two judges in their efforts to address issues at the Henley-Young Juvenile Justice Center.

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Alleged Smith-Turner Connection Revealed in Case 16-120

The connection between Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith and Darnell Turner, a criminal defendant named in one of the six counts that Smith faced originally, has been something of a mystery.

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Arts Council’s Future Uncertain, Some Cry Foul

In uncertain financial times for the City of Jackson, some council members worry that the mayoral administration could deploy departmental cuts, such as the defunding of the Greater Jackson Arts Council, as political salvos.

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JPD Needs Almost $1 Million for Overtime, Council Approves Funds

The Jackson City Council approved adjustments to the final 2017 City budget today, including an additional $996,173 for the police department to cover overtime on the last paychecks of 2016.

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JPD, Fair Commission Say No Payment, Security Problems This Year

The Jackson Police Department and the Mississippi State Fair Commission say they are confident there will not be a repeat of last year's litigious ending to a disagreement about overtime pay for police security at the fair.

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County Renews Lapsed Ankle-Bracelet Contract DA Complained About

No contract existed between Hinds County and the company that provided pre-trial detainee supervision, Probation Services Company, LLC, for almost 8 years, until the Board of Supervisors ratified a motion this morning to accept all services for those intervening years and open the contract opportunity up to other companies that meet "county standards."

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FBI Agent Accuses Hinds District Attorney of Shielding Drug Traffickers

A judge unsealed documents last week as part of the ongoing case against Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith and Assistant District Attorney Jamie McBride that reveal more about the possible reasons for the circuitous legal quagmire that spans multiple cases and courts.

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City Police Overtime Balanced, Fair Security Set

In a climate of desperation, the Jackson City Council approved the final numbers for the 2016 budget last week, closing out a difficult financial year for the City while rolling over $5.9 million in reserve funds for the next year.

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Murders Reach 54, Kidnapper Nabbed, City Joining Federal Anti-crime Network

As Jackson suffered its 54th violent death this year, Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance reminded his team that they would have to do more with less during this difficult budget climate.

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In DA Case, Former Mayor Danks Challenges AG's Right to Empanel Grand Jury

Former Jackson Mayor Dale Danks Jr., the attorney for Assistant District Attorney Jamie McBride, is challenging the attorney general's authority to ask a Hinds County grand jury to indict him and his boss, Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith.

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Lawsuit Targets Chris Butler, Connected to Mega Mattress Scam

Christopher Butler, one of the more prominent figures involved in the ongoing legal battle between Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith and the Mississippi attorney general's office, now faces a federal civil lawsuit in addition to his pending criminal charges.

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UPDATED: City Agreement Outrages Abortion Clinic Owner, Staff

Pro-Life Mississippi protesters reached an agreement with the City of Jackson recently in federal court to limit what they say are breaches of their constitutional right to protest. But the two parties did not consult with the clinic's owner, manager or any of the women who visit for treatment.

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Arts Head Blasts City for Cuts, But Deep Everywhere

The Jackson City Council moved funding back to the Greater Jackson Arts Council on Oct. 4, but it was not up to the level of last year—nor did it come quickly enough to restore the organization's confidence in its relationship with the City administration.

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Hinds County Funds Girl's Home After State Money Dries Up

The Hinds County Board of Supervisors this morning allocated funding for the fifth year in a row to support an alternative to detention for young girls.

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'One Lake’ Plan Moving Forward

Finding a way to prevent the kind of flooding that left downtown Jackson underwater in the Great Easter Flood of 1979—while still getting the most use out of the river with development and recreational use—is the stated goal of the Pearl River Vision Foundation.