All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Education Still Inadequately Funded

With no shortage of suggestions about how to fix the conditions and the lagging achievements of public schools during this legislative session, Democrats say that the Mississippi Adequate Education Program, or MAEP, has yet to receive the attention it deserves.

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Erica Michelle

Erica Michelle has known all her life that acting would be her career. Now, at 26, the Jackson State University alumna has completed her first movie role and has several other projects in the works.

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Putting Early Learning First

When it comes to Mississippi's future—economically and socially—we have no better way to ensure success than to provide our youngest citizens with early childhood education, beginning at age 3.

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Notes from the Fishbowl

Waking up to our biases is like popping the red pill—suddenly, the matrix is everywhere.

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Brendan O'Toole

Brendan O'Toole isn't using lavish fundraisers to raise $2 million to support veterans. Instead, he's using his stamina, endurance and, mostly, his feet on a 3,600-mile, coast-to-coast run.

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Newton H. James

Those who knew him best say that Newton H. James was a brave man at a time when such bravery came at the risk of life and livelihood in Mississippi. James, former mayor of McComb, died Thursday, June 13, at age 96.

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The Odd Journey of Mills for Schools

Millage rates—property taxes—might sound about as far from "sexy" as any story can be. But the well-being of Jackson Public Schools depends largely on the city allocating enough money to meet the schools' needs.

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Sex Trafficking: A Local Problem

Trading lives for money, sex, work or drugs—those are just a few of the ways people get used. The money can be huge—for those in control of other lives.

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Making of a Mayor

On the morning of the Democratic primary race on May 7, Jackson's political insiders in the mood for prognosticating might have positioned Ward 2 Councilman Chokwe Lumumba as a long shot.

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Sex Trafficking: It’s Not About Sex

Heather Wagner, assistant attorney general in charge of the domestic violence unit in the state attorney general's office, says it's unclear just how big the sex trafficking problem is in the state.

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Rev. Reddit Andrews III

Rev. Reddit Andrews III believes all good theology should be practical.

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Voter Exit Poll 'A Waste'

After spending $34,000 in taxpayer funds to poll Mississippi voters Nov. 6, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann's new exit poll has confirmed what voter ID opponents have been saying all along: Those most at risk for disenfranchisement under voter ID laws are black, poor or young.

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Building Assets: A Path Out Of Poverty

Having a job that pays a living wage is only one aspect of lifting one’s self out of poverty.

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Searching Out Solutions to Poverty

Approaching solutions to poverty may seem like a daunting task. With so much to overcome, some folks are paralyzed into doing nothing at all. But making a difference doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

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How We Measure Poverty

Although lots of folks have tinkered with the formula and the numbers have been updated in line with the Consumer Price Index, the baseline assumption has not changed since the ’60s.

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Giving 'For Good, Forever'

When the Jackson Free Clinic wanted to expand its facilities, the Community Fund of Greater Jackson helped make it happen.

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We're No. 2!

Mississippi rises toward the top in the number of people executed in 2012.

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Clinton Cuts Domestic Violence

When it comes to people accused of domestic violence, police and courts tend to see the same men and women over and over again—often with a revolving set of victims. That has changed in Clinton, however, since the judicial system embraced a batterer's intervention program in 2010.

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How Clinton is Reducing Domestic Abuse

Tamra Morgan was the driving force behind putting a batterer's intervention program into the Clinton judicial system's toolkit. The program has significantly reduced domestic violence in the city.

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The Battle Over Schooling

Public-school K-12 education is slated to take a top spot on Mississippi lawmakers’ agendas again this year. Heat notwithstanding, Republicans will probably get their way on both issues.