All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

Think You're Not Creative?

"You're so creative," they'd say. "I wish I could be creative."

Back in my last life, I worked as a professional marketer, writing and designing advertising and materials to sell stuff. It used to make me totally nuts when people would look at what I did and then bemoan the fact that they were not creative.

Not This, Not That

In her newest book, Karen Armstrong expands on a premise I first came upon in her 2001 book, "The Battle for God," in which she wrote that religious fundamentalism is a thoroughly modern invention, unheard of prior to the late 19th century.

Dr. Susan Love: Be Aware Of Your Body

The Dr. Susan Love Foundation located in Santa Monica, Calif., is a non-profit group working to eradicate breast cancer in our lifetime. Love is known worldwide as one of the founding mothers of the breast cancer advocacy movement and is the author of "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book," (Da Capo Press, 2005, $22.)

Fitness: A Growth Industry

On the heels of yet another piece of bad economic news, here's a bit of brightness: Whether you're just starting out in your career or you're considering a change, take a look at the fitness industry. This is one industry expected to see a lot of growth in the coming years, reports The New York Times. Here's an excerpt:

Low-Cost Heart Health Screening

If you or your loved ones are concerned about heart health, take advantage of the Baptist Health System's low cost heart health screening, offered Monday through Friday at the Baptist Medical Center in Jackson and at the Baptist Cardiology Clinic in Madison.

You Gotta Have Heart

This information should not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care. Please consult with your doctor before changing or adding any therapies.

Health Fair on March 28

The North Street Family Medical Clinic (953 North Street) is inviting Jacksonians to the clinic's first health fair on March 28th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Various physicians, clinics and medical supply companies will be on hand as well as companies designed to better your lifestyle. The clinic will be screening for sleep apnea and hypertension, plus the MS DJ Services will be providing the music. Come out and join them for a healthy 2009. Call 601-944-0345 for more information.

What's True, What's Not

The five "myths" include:

Even with all of the Obama administration's upcoming emphasis on the economy, the nation's health care is sure to get a lot of attention in the coming years. With nearly 50 million uninsured Americans, and facing epidemics of obesity--and all the fun stuff that comes with it (heart disease, diabetes, stroke, etc.)--HIV/AIDS, autism and a host of other health problems (not to mention a rapidly aging population), you're bound to start seeing a lot of news on the subject. As always, the facts will allow you to separate marketing/lobbying spin from reality. Along those lines, The Wall Street Journal health blog featured "Five Health Myths Busted" on their site today.

Advertising = Obesity

Quick: How can the U.S. (and Mississippi) reduce childhood obesity by 18 percent and reverse the current trends? Education? Better food in schools? Nope. It's simpler than that. Just ban fast-food advertising.

Women Will Regain Access to Discounted Birth Control

President Obama is quickly overturning some of the previous administration's health-care regulations that primarily affected women. On the president's desk now is a provision reversing a 2005 law that financially dissuaded pharmaceutical companies from discounting birth control pills and other contraceptives to family planning clinics and campus health clinics, reports U.S. News and World Report.

Marathon Prizes Announced

The Second Annual Mississippi Blues Marathon announced today that they will be awarding a total of $30,000 in prize money, including $4,000 each to the top male and female runner, plus an additional $1,000 if they break the course records.

Therapeutic Yoga Workshop

Friday Evening: Therapeutic Insights into the Bandhas

Butterfly Yoga in Fondren is hosting yoga teacher, author and columnist Doug Keller, E-RYT 500, for a weekend Yoga Therapy Workshop, Dec. 5 through 7.

The Busy Person's Guide to Saving Time

Who isn't busy this time of year? Between scheduling relatives, parties, caroling, etc., etc., etc. the season can be pretty crazy-making. Leo Babauta over at the Zen Habits blog offers The Essential Time-Saving Guide for Busy People, dividing his tips into Work, Computer and Home categories. And he should know about busy; Babauta is the father of six.

Acupunture Bill Needs Your Support

[Verbatim from the Mississippi Oriental Medicine Association:

Reflections on Martin Luther King Day

In my e-mail this morning, I came across a message from Burns Strider of the Eleison Group about what this day means to him:

Managing Holiday Stress

Holidays aren't always an unbroken time line of happiness and joy. They can be stressful, especially for women. The Brookhaven Retreat a residential trauma and addiction center in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, offers some reasons for the stress and tips to managing it in the following release:

Fit in Jackson

Fried chicken, biscuits with butter and honey, mashed potatoes with gravy—all that outstandingly delicious Southern comfort food has a way of adding pounds and inches, fast. Add it to a sedentary lifestyle, and you'll soon find that your favorite jeans won't zip, and just walking up a flight of stairs has you huffing and puffing.

A Heart for Survivors

In 2007, she began to feel unwell, she said. She was inexplicably losing weight, was feeling nauseous and had developed what she called a shiny, itchy spot on her left breast. She brushed it off as sadness despite the protestations of her family and friends. Then, in December of that year, an old friend, Leroy Walker, who hadn't seen her in months, told her, "Stephanie, you're sick."

Tease photo

Ballet's ‘Collage'

On Saturday, April 28, Ballet Mississippi presents "Collage" at the Jackson Academy Performing Arts Center. The performance is a compilation of ballet and music with works from eight composers and seven choreographers.

Family-Friendly Fest

Celebrate arts, music and community April 21, when St. Andrew's Episcopal School presents Arts on the Green.