All results / Stories / R.L. Nave

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Problems Persist in First Half of Election Day

Dozens of gold-shirted volunteers at the NAACP's Protect the Vote headquarters are busily fielding a steady stream of calls from across the state to the organization's voter helpline.

1000s of Vote Forms Sitting in Circuit Clerk's Office

Five large boxes containing hundreds if not thousands of valid voter registration forms are piled in a corner of the Hinds County Circuit Clerk's office.

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Transforming Jackson From the Kids Up

Patrice Gilbert Alma Powell and Walter Isaacson, both heavyweights of the nonprofit world, will engage Jackson residents on ways to transform our community at a Nov. 12 forum.

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Shotgun Blues

Democratic lawmakers are questioning why the Mississippi Legislature is getting a funding boost when other agency budgets are shrinking. Democrats point to this year's $30 million legislative operations budget.

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Hail in a Hand Basket

State workers were hit especially hard when a hailstorm marched recently through the capital city.

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Protests Mark Roe Anniversary

Diane Derzis, the owner of the state's only abortion provider, expects state health officials to issue a finding that her clinic failed to meet new state regulations tomorrow, Jan. 22—the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

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Charter Schools Headed to House Floor

Lubed up by the addition of several friendly lawmakers, the House Education Committee, as expected, passed its version of a charter-school bill out of committee this morning.

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Bryant Ignores Jackson in Address

Conspicuously absent from the governor’s eight-and-a-half page speech was any mention of the capital city.

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Mississippi Republicans in the Legislature have said they want to ram charter-school legislation through as quickly as possible, and so far they’re on track to accomplish just that.

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Senate 28: Meet the Candidates

So far, each of the candidates Senate District 28 special election scheduled for Feb. 5 wants full funding for public education, opposes charter schools, supports Medicaid expansion and sees continued development along the Highway 80 corridor as key to job growth.

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Charter Schools: Runaway Train?

A few times during last night's debate over the Mississippi House of Representatives' charter-school law, HB 369, Democrats were resigned that charter schools were a runaway train they couldn't stop.

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Scrap MAEP?

The Mississippi Adequate Education Program, a formula the state uses to level funding for the state's K-12 public schools, is wrong, according to state Auditor Stacey Pickering.

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Into the Night

The Mississippi House of Representatives bandied its version of a charter-school bill for more than eight hours until close to 1 a.m., eclipsing the Senate's four-hour-long debate the previous week.

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Leveling the Education Playing Field

Mississippi's legislative leaders promised a whirlwind session heavily focused on education issues. Based on the volume of education-related bills flying out of the Capitol, they appear to be achieving that goal.

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Hinds E911 Fund Almost Empty

Hinds County's emergency-communications system is in a state of financial emergency.

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At Capitol, Much at Stake for Jackson

With a renewed push underway for a local-option sales tax, Jackson could at last get some aid in paying for maintenance projects the city has in the works.

Crisler, Norwood Tops in Senate 28 Election

Not surprisingly, yesterday's Senate District 28 special election resulted in a runoff.

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Forget the Kumbaya

Some former mayors of Mississippi Delta towns would like to have a word with Gov. Phil Bryant.

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Prison Pipeline: National Security Threat?

The United States is facing a national security crisis—but not from a foreign enemy.

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GOP Spat Blamed for Exchange Failure

A day after informally notifying Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney of the federal government's rejection of the state's proposal to run a health-insurance exchange, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services outlined its reasons in a letter to Chaney.