All results / Stories / Micah Smith

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Band of the Day: Naught

Whether it's the inherent volume, distortion or darker tones, heavy-metal music isn't for everyone. The members of Jackson's Naught have seen those elements turn listeners away in their former projects and have learned from those moments.

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Pencils Down, Pints Up!

Sal & Mookie's New York Pizza & Ice Cream Joint (565 Taylor St., 601-368-1919) brings Jackson's beer aficionados and hops-loving hopefuls together with an MBA program—Master of Beer Appreciation.

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Funding Bigfoot

Director Michael Brouphy, who moved to Brandon from New Orleans about eight years ago, began working on the script for his upcoming film, "Tsaaloh Expedition," in 2013.

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The Streaming Landscape

When it comes to music-streaming services, I'm usually late to the party, and not fashionably so.

The Must-Sees of Summer 2015

Once May rolls around each year, tons of new activities pop up, old events spring back to life, and summer feels absolutely endless. That is, it does until it's over. Here are a few ideas to keep an eye out for as you soak up as much summer as possible.

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A Closer Look at ‘Crossroads’

Brandon, Miss., singer-songwriter Tommy Ray and I have crossed paths on more than a few occasions, usually with me catching the tail end of his sets at Bonny Blair's Irish Pub open-mic nights.

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Adib Sabir

Adib Sabir has a different perspective on Jackson music, one gained from nearly half a century in the industry. Growing up in the golden age of Mississippi's blues and jazz made one thing abundantly clear to him: Legacy matters.

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Rita B.

For more than two years, Cherita Brent has been taking the stage as stand-up comedian Rita B. Now, she's taking one giant step forward in her comedy career with her first hour-long special, "Rita B. Is the New Black," which records live Saturday, June 20, at the Alamo Theater.

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Givers We Love

I appreciate the presents my dad has bought me in the past, of course, but when it comes down to it, I'd rather hang out with him. I'd rather thank him for showing me the kind of person I want to be.

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Lessons from Getting ‘Caught’

Even those, like Janice Singleton, who commit white-collar crimes struggle to find gainful employment after they're released, which is one reason that prisons have so many repeat offenders, she says.

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Scott Albert Johnson

Writing, recording and distributing an album is never an expedient process. For Jackson vocalist, songwriter and harmonica player Scott Albert Johnson's latest record, "Going Somewhere," that was especially true.

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Unconventional Art: Creativity and Mississippi Comic Con

Some fans anxiously awaited Mississippi Comic Con even before its predecessor, last year's SOPOCU Con, wrapped up. But while founder Greg Hanks hoped to make it an annual event, he hadn't necessarily planned a follow-up convention.

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Silo on Reviving the Delta Spirit

What Tallulah has in abundance is history and nature, and that's the rich spring from which female folk duo Silo chose to drink with its first album, "Tall Tales."

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Pitbull Doesn’t Know What Love Means

I don't normally call out a particular song or performer. There are plenty of things that I don't like, but venting is best done with close friends or anonymously on the Internet.

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Happy Times with “Days of Abandon”

New York noise-pop band The Pains of Being Pure at Heart creates an easily listenable experience, one with a much more jovial experience than one might expect from an album called "Days of Abandon."

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Say Anything Wanders with ‘Hebrews’

The ever-changing, ever-acerbic rock act Say Anything subverts expectation on a regular basis.

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Lit Highlights September 2014

Fall might mean football season to a lot of people, but the conscientious bookworm knows changing leaves mean that your favorite bookstores are changing their shelves.

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Love and Equality in the 'South Pacific'

The Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein musical "South Pacific" will take on new life this September, thanks to the music department at Mississippi College in Clinton.

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Nothing Ties Down 2Chainz

Georgia hip-hop artist Tauheed "2 Chainz" Epps visits Jackson at the peak of his popularity.

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Historical Oracles

If you want something that's both educational and entertaining this fall, the Old Capitol Museum's Mississippi Archaeology Expo offers edifying fun while celebrating our state's history.