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‘I'm Not Crazy'

Keep up the good work," they'll say. Or, "your folks must be proud." They say this when I show up to interview them or to photograph them. Before even seeing my work, people are proud. Once they actually meet me and see that I am only 18 years old (some think younger), people's minds begin to wonder, "How did this little girl end up doing such a big job?" Never do they seem to doubt my capabilities and talents. They assume that I must be pretty good if I'm so young and already being given assignments by a real newspaper; but really, I'm just an intern hoping to one day be more.

Bridging the Spiritual Gap

In America, approximately 89 percent of people identify with a religion. Faith traditions affect the way people interact with each other and with those not of their religion.

From Ashes to Art

Since June 1, Travis Pinkston and daniel johnson have explored the Midtown community, picking up bits and pieces along the way. As part of the Midtown Debris Organization, the two collect and organize old bottles, brushes, leaves and cigarette butts. Then they sort what others call trash by aesthetic categories and symbolic association.

Sheila Bedi

On Nov. 29, Sheila Bedi testified before the Attorney General's National Task Force on Children Exposed to Violence in Baltimore, Md.

Zombies Take Fondren

Fondren's first Zombie Charity Crawl and Zombie Prom is Thursday, Oct. 27. The Miss-issippi Optometric Foundation, Fondren Association of Businesses and Fondren Renaissance Foundation present the event with an aim to raise awareness about children's vision issues. All proceeds go to the Mississippi Optometric Foundation.

Laurel Isbister Irby

Laurel Isbister Irby released her sophomore album, "Nautilus," Jan. 21 at the Commons at Eudora Welty's Birthplace. "It's something for the creative community of Jackson," Isbister Irby said. "Jackson has been a really nurturing place for me as an artist so I wanted to share that with other artists and spread that around." The event featured visual art from Tony Davenport, Jessica Russell and Ellen Langford.

Why Not Risko?

Local bands Risko Danza, The Wild Card Charlies and Wicked Gentlemen will grace the stage of Hal and Mal's Red Room tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 14, for a charity bash honoring Risko Danza's one-year anniversary. Proceeds will go to Stewpot Community Services.

Band of the Day: Colour Revolt

"All bands have their humble beginnings where they just want to play shows and write music," Sean Kirkpatrick says, and tonight Colour Revolt celebrates. Colour Revolt's Vinyl Release Party is tonight at Hal and Mal's Red Room. The band will play alongside The Weeks to celebrate the rerelease of Colour Revolt's first EP on vinyl.

Simple to Urban

Visual Arts Chairwoman Martha Hamburg opened the eyes of some Power APAC students last winter during an arts project.

A Response to an Article from The Clarion Ledger [Constance/Itawamba Co.]

Youth Media Project

All Mississippi needs is more negative media coverage, and here it is. People already think, all around the world, that Mississippi is full of closed-minded individuals whose main goal in life is to keep the state as conservative as possible.

Steps to Success

A few months ago, this little project of ours was just starting. We had almost no idea what we would be doing with this thing. Now, we have a lot going, but we still have a long way to go.

The Pre-College Life

Youth Media Project

For a little while though, my vision was blurred. I got caught up in this college race and tried to do lots of things for college, because all of the other students around me were doing it. They were just doing things to put on their résumés, but this just didn't feel right to me. I had to figure out for myself that there is not necessarily a right way to live. I just need to do what feels right to me, and those are the things that I actually enjoy; things that I care about.

Making Music Relevant

Marlan "ML" Williams came close to a Grammy nomination this year. The R&B artist, who goes by ML "The Truth," had two songs make the last round of voting Nov. 30 to choose a list of nominees, but neither song found a place on the ballot.

Second Line Time

The festivities for the St. Paddy's Parade don't start with the parades on Saturday. Friday night is the second annual Marching MALfunction & Second Line Stomp.

Willie Mae Shirley

At first sight, one wouldn't suspect that the freshly painted home of Willie Mae Shirley has been standing since 1926. The home, located on Shirley Avenue in the Washington Addition subdivision, is filled with memories from friends and family in the form of pictures, furniture and gifts. An inviting walkway lined with brightly colored marigolds leads to the home's front porch.

David Hoskins

David Hoskins is used to getting strange questions. As the reference librarian at the Eudora Welty Public Library, he is the go-to guy for research materials and assistance.

Jake Greer

When some people think of Jackson, they conjure a place full of crime, drug houses, bumpy streets and rundown buildings, but not Crystal Springs native Jake Greer.

Band of the Day: The Weeks

This Friday, The Weeks and Colour Revolt will grace the stage of Hal and Mal's. Both bands, due to scheduling conflicts, were unable to perform at Esperanza Plantation's Holiday Showcase in December and are now making up for it.

Millsaps Brings in Literary Celebrities

Each semester, Millsaps College, with the help of assistant professor of English Steve Kistulentz, brings award-winning authors to campus for craft talks, lectures and public readings. Kistulentz curates the Millsaps Visiting Writers Series and is also an award-winning poet and fiction writer.

Tease photo

Welcome, New Jacksonians

Fact: Jackson is a college town. The metro area is home to eight colleges and universities plus a few technical schools. Despite the popular (and false) saying of "there's nothing to do in Jackson," people flock here for their education, swelling the city's population by 30,000 to 40,000 people. There are plenty of places to go and things to see, some of which are free.