All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

St. Paddy's & SPQ Photos in JFP Galleries!

All, be sure to check out the JFP Galleries for several packages of photos of last year's St. Paddy's madness in Jackson. We'll be out and about again this year collecting photos for a new round of galleries. So check back next week after the craziness subsides.

JFP Chick Ball Celebrates Women and Works to End Domestic Violence


On Saturday, July 9, Jacksonians from all walks of life will unite to celebrate women and support the fight against domestic violence at the seventh annual JFP Chick Ball.

Cousin of Shooting Victim Says JSU Football Players to Blame

A cousin of Jackson State University student Ryan Henderson, gunned down last weekend at a pool party, is blaming JSU football players for the shooting. On her Tumblr page this morning, Shelby Davonna wrote: "My cousin Ryan was brutally murdered by members of the Jackson State University football team after he accidentally bumped into a player during a pool party. The problem could have been resolved when Ryan apologized, but instead he was jumped 3 times, chased around an apartment complex, and eventually was shot in the face."

McCain's Relationship With Lobbyist Scrutinized

The New York Times created a national firestorm today when it published a story about a close relationship McCain had in the past with a female telecommunications lobbyist. Apparently, his aides were worried enough about the way it looked to ask him to distance himself, and there is concern that he may have done favors for her clients. I guess you call this the "February Surprise." The story begins:

Oh, No: Not An ANGRY Woman!

This is pathetic; the GOP is going to have to do better than playing the angry-woman card. If not, they're going to p!ss off a lot of already-perturbed female voters, and they really ought not do that. The Associated Press today:

We Won't See If We Don't Look

The New York Times today present a "grim portrait" of the prisoner abuse committed by the U.S. in a secret unit in Iraq:

FOX News Skewers Joe-the-Plumber's ‘Israel' Remarks

Really. It's remarkable that the McCain campaign has set this guy up to make a fool a fool of himself to try to spread their hateful lies about Obama and Israel. Watch this:

Folo Exposes Shocking Hinds County Case

The Folo folks are still doing a great job digging out documents related to Dickie Scruggs controversy, and most compelling and relevant to us here in Hinds County, cases related to former District Attorney Ed Peters, who still has his fingerprints all over more recent, shall we say, situations here in Jackson. This stuff today, on the Keith Shelton case, is being called "explosive" in some quarters. The first bullet points state:

Eaves Launches Anti-Barbour Web site

The John Arthur Eaves campaign just e-mailed a link to a new Web site devoted to giving what they call the real story on Haley Barbour's record. The site opens with the following:

Bush Stretches to Defend Surveillance

The Los Angeles Times is reporting:

Obama Picks Up Two More Mississippi Delegates

Yesterday Secretary of State Delbert "Low to Moderate Turnout" Hosemann certified the results of the Mississippi Democratic Primary, giving him essentially two new delegates because he made it over the 62.5 percent margin that draws him yet another at-large delegate. According to, Obama ended up with 62.512 percent of the vote (even with all those DeSoto County Republicans crossing over for Hillary Clinton). The final numbers were:

Polls: Republicans Turning on Republicans

AP is reporting that 31 percent of conservatives want Republicans out of power:

Isbister, Moyo, Others Kick Off ‘Freedom' Events at Hal & Mal's

Laurel Isbister will play Friday night as part of the local line up that kicks off the Mississippi NOW Reproductive Freedom Summer events going on in Jackson July 15-22. The opening party starts at 7 p.m. and goes to 10 p.m. in the big room in the back at Hal & Mal's. Laurel's set Friday starts at 8:30, and she'll be joined by percussionist Loye Ashton as well as spoken word diva Thabi Moyo. Thabi and Laurel have recently penned a new song together that they think you'll like.

Alright, What's Going on Here?

Suddenly, today, FEMA is sending me press releases (see below). They have not sent me press releases before. I also am getting a flurry of statements from the governor's office about what he's doing on the Coast. Granted, I'm the suspicious type, but you don't suppose all this Katrina PR has something to do with this Bloomberg story yesterday, do you?

Should a Woman Be Pardoned for Killing Her Abuser?

That's the question the Salon "Broadsheet" (a blog for women—get it?) is asking on the topic of self-defense in domestic violence. The post starts:

Health & Wellness Info Needed on Jackpedia!

To help the JFP prepare for our upcoming fall wellness issue (out Oct. 11), we're asking readers and wellness practitioners to post information on Jackpedia that will help JFP readers live more healthy and productive lives. In that issue, we will pull wellness listings from Jackpedia to feature in the paper. The way to be considered for inclusion is for practitioners, healthy restaurants, health clubs, doctors, etc., to register at Jackpedia and post info about your wellness service/business, or for readers to offer suggestions about wellness sources/ideas that have helped you.

Hey from Portland!

I'm sitting here in my Portland, Ore., hotel room kinda bummed that I have to leave so soon. I've been here since Friday for AAN's national board meeting. We're having our next national convention here next June, so we met here to try it out. What a great city. I'd been here once before with Todd, but experienced a little more of the city this time with the guidance of the Williamette Week editor (the Pulitzer Prize-winning Williamette Week, I might add). Several things strike you about this city right away: (a) It is brimming with pride and self-confidence. (b) People believe in LOCAL. (c) The city has incorporated respect for the environment into about everything it does—and makes their "green" attitude" a tourist attraction. We all took th the MAX (light rail) to dinner Saturday, and there were lots of teenagers on their in Halloween costume with their bikes, which you can hang on the train. I loved watching a little fairy girl hop on her bike when she got her to speed to her party with her friends. (d) The people are very friendly—almost more friendly than in the South, it seems, if that can be possible.

What a Tragic Way to Play a Game

Not long after we started the JFP, a man who had worked in the public domain in the state for many years warned me about something: "You'll have all sorts of weirdos lining up to tell lies about you." The truth is, there haven't been that many. I'm thrilled at how the entire community, including many people whom I disagree with on some major issues, have opened their arms to the JFP and our truth-telling mission. But there have been a small handful (usually who have been kicked off this site for racist or personal attacks) who will try anything to discredit the JFP. The other night a man at a party who is a fan of the JFP laughed and said, "I hear you have some sort of relationship with Robbie Bell."

Tease photo

10 Easy and Fun Ways to Help the Chick Ball & Fight Sex Trafficking

Here are 10 easy ways you can help:

It is JFP Chick Ball season in Jackson, and we need your help to fight domestic abuse—this year to start a rape crisis center and raise awareness about sexual assault in our city and state!

Hello from Little Rock

All, I'm in Little Rock today at the national convention of the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies. Much of the talk here is about our battle with the Gannett Corp./Clarion-Ledger back in Jackson. The entire country is watching to see how it works it out—and watching in awe as the community gets behind local media and tells Goliath that they are squelching free enterprise with their tactic to take over our distribution. THANK YOU for all your phone calls, conversations with businesses, petitions, e-mail drives and so on. Please keep it up, and please reporting in about where you see the TDN boxes pop up, and whether or not local media are disappearing, yet. (Use this thread for that if you want.) I am in Little Rock, but there are things happening on our behalf back in Jackson as we face Goliath's June 19 eviction deadline. We need you. Thank you for everything.