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Disaster Remarks by Barbour, McCoy, Tuck, Others

Transcribed Remarks by the Governor and other state officials/MEMA Press Conference/Jackson, MS

Governor Haley Barbour: "Before I start trying to share some briefing with you… First, I'm pleased that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker accompanied me to the coast today to meet with the President and tour some of the devastated parts of Biloxi, with him, Senator Lott, Senator Cochran, and Congressman Pickering. So before I have anything to say, I want to invite the Lieutenant Governor to say some remarks."

Ramsey Cartoon Shades of Schwindaman

We appreciate the compliment, Marshall, but a note of appreciation would have sufficed.

Well, I guess this is a compliment to the JFP's editorial cartoonist, Darren Schwindaman. Today's Marshall Ramsey cartoon copies Darren's cartoon of two weeks ago almost directly, except using Joe Camel instead of the Marlboro man/cowboy. I'll try to get a PDF of Darren's version up today, site problems allowing.

SEIU: Stand Up for Main Street

[verbatim] WASHINGTON, DC – With Congress continuing to debate a bailout of Wall Street banks, Senators will hear from voters this week calling for action on the economic priorities of Main Street. The two million-member SEIU (Service Employees International Union) announced today it will make 150,000 calls this week to Senators running for reelection, criticizing them for failing to take action on a broader stimulus package to ease the economic pain of working families.

McCain Camp Bummed at Lack of Third-Party Smear Money

Politico is reporting that third-party smear groups, such as the Swiftboat crowd, aren't likely to step forward to fill in McCain's money gap with ugly ads—and resurrect Rev. Wright so McCain doesn't have to—in the next two weeks:

Crye-Leike Realtors Achieves 100% in United Way Campaign

[Verbatim] RIDGELAND, MS., – Crye-Leike, Realtors congratulates it's sales associates and employees in Ridgeland Mississippi for their support of the 2008 United Way Campaign. Under the leadership of Broker Associate Shari Lackey-Culver, the sales team achieved 100% participation. "I want to thank my fellow associates for their support and for realizing that we really can make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate," said Shari. "While we always hope to raise more money than we did the year before, it's equally important to have everyone participate and together we can have a profound impact on the lives of our neighbors.

Travis Childers on Heartland Acquisition

[Verbatim from Rep. Travis Childers] Washington, D.C. – Congressman Travis Childers (D-MS) released the following statement regarding ProVia Door's successful purchase of Heartland Building Products in Booneville, Infinite Building Products in Olive Branch, and Outdoor Technologies in Macon: "I am extremely pleased that these three companies, which provide so many important jobs to the hard working people of North Mississippi, are no longer facing closure. Heartland, Infinite Building Products, and Outdoor Technologies are important contributors to our region's economy, and ProVia's purchase has prevented a great loss to North Mississippi's communities and families.

Barr Praises House for Rejecting Wall Street Bailout

[Verbatim] Atlanta, GA – "Few people thought it could be done, but members of Congress listened to the people rather than the establishment to vote down the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street," notes Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party presidential nominee.  "Their courageous action gives us a chance to start over.  Our starting point should not be a government bailout.  It should be a market work-out," says Barr. "The bailout package was flawed from front to back, starting with its price tag," Barr explains, noting that a Treasury Department spokesman admitted to that the data was 'not based on any particular data point.'

Time to Stop the 'Black Friday' Lunacy

The trampling death of a Wal-Mart temporary worker yesterday morning in a stampede to shop in a big-box retrailer whose products are mostly made outside the United States sent a clear sign that American needs to grow up and that the marketing creation "Black Friday" needs to end. Not to mention, Black Friday is terrible for local economies and local businesses as people crowd into mega-stores that take much of the profits out of town and out of state (and out of the country, in too many cases.

The Animals We Love

Little River For years now, Todd and I have delightfully referred to the delightful creature as just "Don Potts' horse." And Little River is definitely a miniature horse, and most certainly not a "pony." Now that we've moved to Fondren, my morning walking routes are planned around visits to Little River, as I've learned the horse is called. And I even got special permission from mom Becky to give Little River a wedge of organic apple from Rainbow divided into thirds at certain times. Let's just say that Little River isn't quite as stand-offish anymore to Big Donna.

Clarion-Ledger Layoffs Coming Dec. 3?

The Jackson Free Press has learned that the next round of Clarion-Ledger layoffs ordered by the Gannett home office in Virginia could come as early as Dec. 3. Bizarrely, even as the newspaper is shrinking staff and doing less substantive news coverage than ever, it has asked staffers to literally work overtime to help take pictures of people hanging out in bars (a photographer even showed up at our Election Night party at Hal & Mal's last night). On Election night, as the world watched Barack Obama become president-elect of the United States, the Ledger was busy launching its new Metromix Web site, which is part of a national chain of fluffy entertainment Web sites, now operated by many Gannett Corp. newspapers nationwide. The U.S.' largest newspaper chain is not known for local entertainment coverage—The Clarion-Ledger notoriously reported that nightlife is "non-existent" in Jackson at one point—but believes that its future profits may lie more in fluffier coverage. The local outlet of Metromix was set to launch in the summer, but was delayed likely due to The Clarion-Ledger's first round of layoffs.

Meeeeeeeetttt Mr. Deuce!

Here's our latest little rescue darling, Little Mister Deuce. He's staying in the office with us right now, home at night, and really needs a good home. He's loving, and playful and loves to cuddle! Get in touch with us, 601.362.6121 ext. 5 if you'd like to be considered as his new parent(s). You would be very lucky. He's wonderful!

Barbour Proclaims October as Dine Out Mississippi Month

[Verbatim] Mississippi Hospitality & Restaurant Association is pleased to announce that Governor Haley Barbour has proclaimed the month of October as Dine Out Mississippi Month. Recognizing the importance of the restaurant industry to Mississippi's economy, Governor Barbour states, "Mississippi's restaurants are a cornerstone of our economy,"

Clarion-Ledger on the 'Saddened But Perhaps Wiser' Melton

The Clarion-Ledger editorial boys weigh in today with another brillliant screed about crime. The guys–who are now into community-style policing now that the mayor/chief who were into it, too, are gone–say that because crime is up dramatically under Melton, the "saddened but perhaps wiser" Melton is doing the right thing by calling a crime summit to talk about various ways to fight crime (presumably beyond endorsing and electing a wild, west mayor who promised to cure it in 90 days). And, warns the Ledger dudes, be sure to note who is not there because THEY CLEARLY DO NOT CARE ABOUT CRIME, the way the Ledge and all the rest of us, and the Ledge's edit-men, do:

Come On And Rescue Me ...

Driving to work this morning, I saw a handful of pro-birth protesters with huge magnified fetus signed, probably Photoshopped (their favorite tech invention), in front of UMC. It seems that most of the traffic was ignoring them; it wasn't like they were met with a bunch of honks of support. I wanted to ask them what they were going to go to help "rescue" all the unwanted children and ensure they have adequate food and educations once they get our only abortion clinic closed and go on back wherever, but knew it wouldn't do any good with such zealots. I wonderfed if they had a permit to protest there; it seems they didn't and got arrested a short time later.

Donna Needs Bloggers' Help

All, today I've been preparing for a panel on "how blogging has changed my newspaper" that I'm sitting on at the AAN conference next week (right before the Bill Clinton keynote. Ha!). Anyway, it just dawned on me that I should ask all of you how you think the JFP blogs (which really is the whole site; we're unique in that way) make the JFP different from other newspapers. Help me prepare, peeps. You're all why we're up we're getting a Web site award, after all! And its payback time for this lovely free forum we give everyone who knows how to behave in mixed company. ;-)

Ann Coulter Really Bears Her Fangs

It's truly hard to be uglier than this women. It's amazing to think that The Clarion-Ledger runs this idiot every week. First her indifference to actual facts to support her hate. Her love of McCarthyism. Now this:

Silencing the Media, Hiding Crimes & Misdemeanors

A good story in USA Today about the "scorched-earth" assault on the media's ability to hold elected officials accountable:

Damned If He Did; Damned If He Didn't?

OK, should we be more concerned if he did, or didn't know, that this was happening? This looks really friggin' bad either way for this beleaguered White House. What could possibly be next!?! A P is reporting

Barbour Won't Be Prez in 2009. No Kidding.

So, Gov. Haley Barbour has made it official: He's not running for president in 2008. What tickles me about is that Haley Barbour doesn't have snowball's chance in hell of getting the presidential nomination, or even to be the vice presidential nominee. I thought it was so quaint to hear Mississippi "pundits" talk about what a great chance he had at the presidency. Who are they fooling? (Or, what are they smoking?) They clearly do not understand what most of the rest of the country thinks of Haley Barbour: that he is a right-wing zealot who openly courts the racist vote–and is ]very, very close to the lobbyist and fund-raising scandals of late.

FOX News is the Media Scum of the Earth

Check this out. While conservative blog-queen Michele Malkin was talking about how it's fine to criticize Michelle Obama as long as people don't take "cheap shots," FOX News was flashing across the screen that the possible future first lady is "Obama's Baby Mama."