All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

City Votes to Take Over Bus System

As the Jackson Free Press reported last week, the Jackson City Council has voted to take over the city's beleaguered bus system. Watch for a more detailed story.

McCain Wins GOP N.H. Race; Obama and Clinton Close So Far

CNN has called the GOP side in New Hampshire for John McCain. Early returns are showing Clinton slightly ahead of Obama, and Edwards trailing a distant third. CNN also projects that John Edwards will come in third.

Happy Mother's Day

Arise, then, women of this day!

Here is the original, pre-Hallmark, Mother's Day Proclamation, penned in Boston by Julia Ward Howe in 1870:

Leland Speed Stepping Down from MDA

[verbatim statement] Governor Haley Barbour announced today that Leland Speed, executive director of the Mississippi Development Authority since the beginning of the Barbour Administration, is returning to the private sector and will be replaced by Gray Swoope, MDA's chief operating officer. The change will become effective at the end of the year.

Scruggs Takes the Fifth 19 Times

The Sun-Herald is reporting that attorney Dickie Scruggs is refusing to incriminate himself in a bribery trial in Oxford:

Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Raids

The Cato Institute—made up of pesky libertarians who take on both "sides"—has released a report by Radley Bilko on the rise in popularity of paramilitary drug raises—and their dangers and abuses. Here's the executive summary:

Bush Approval Slipping With Men, Conservatives

AP is reporting:

President Bush's job approval slipped into the mid 40s in national polls released this week as he lost some support among men and other groups of core supporters. Public approval for Bush slipped from 52 percent in a CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll over the weekend to 45 percent in that same poll released Thursday. A CBS News poll released earlier in the week found Bush's approval slipping six points to 43 percent.

ACORN Strikes Back at Smear Campaign

And how. Verbatim:

WASHINGTON, DC -- In a press conference at the National Press Club yesterday, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform‚ Now (ACORN) held a nationally televised press conference to discuss their successful nonpartisan voter registration drive, which helped register over 1.3 million low-income, minority, and young Americans this election year, and to respond to partisan allegations of "voter registration fraud" centering around a relatively small number of faulty or falsified registration applications collected in the nationwide effort. Representatives of ACORN were joined by leaders from the voting rights groups Common Cause and Demos, as well as by actual voters to testify to the importance of voter registration.

DiFatta Donates Evers Painting to Boyd Elementary

See a full gallery of photos of the reception here.

NPR Listeners Dissect, Unload on Mississippi

NPR's Bryant Park Project did a piece yesterday about segregated school proms in Charleston, Miss. (a piece that was inspired by Kamikaze's column in the Jackson Free Press on the topic). The segment is drawing quite the array of comments about Mississippi on NPR's blog. Here's one to consider:

House Votes to Accept Senate's Tort Reform Bill

After a long floor debate today, the Mississippi House of Representatives voted 76-38 to concur with the Senate strike-all version of HB 13 — a bill that institutes $1 million damage caps on general business liability and removes the exemption for disfigurement. Rep Ed Blackmon—who had previously said he would not support any non-economic damage caps—made the motion to concur with the bill (which means it will go straight for the governor's signature). The measure passed 76-38 at 2:19 this afternoon.

American and Southwest Cancel All Jackson Flights Today

American and Southwest Airlines have cancelled all flights in and out of Jackson-Evers International Airport for the rest of today, Sept. 1., and at least until 9 a.m. Tuesday. Delta is cancelling at least some flights. Be sure to call the airline to check on status of flights. WAPT is discussing the fact now that any passengers stranded at the airport cannot check into local hotels because they are all full.

Fondren After 5 Today 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

It's a gorgeous day to head to Fondren today after 5 p.m. for the monthly art and shop walk. Many galleries, shops and other businesses will be opening with free goodies and lots of socializing. This announcement, for instance, is from Mishka's Gallery:

Memorial Service for Latasha Norman

Norman's memorial service will be at the Rose Embly McCoy Auditorium on the main JSU campus.

Jackson State University is hosting a memorial service at noon today (Monday, Dec. 3) for murdered student Latasha Norman. Police found Norman, a 20-year-old accounting major from Greenville, dead Thursday. She had been missing for more than two weeks. Her ex-boyfriend, Stanley Cole, is in jail without bond. Norman reported on Oct. 9 that he had punched her in a parking lot in Pearl, but he was not arrested for that incident until Nov. 15, two days after Norman was reported missing. When he showed up for his hearing on Nov. 29 for that incident, police took him in for questioning. He reportedly led them to her body.

Ride ‘Em Cowboys, We're Back ... But Apologies

As most of you cowpokes have figured out by now, the JFP's site underwent technical problems this week with our service provider. Understanding exactly what happened is above my pay grade, but Todd tells me it has a whole lot to do with having too much traffic, which overloaded our previous system. That seems a blessing in disguise, even if it didn't feel like it this week. As you can see, the site has been transferred over and is up and running again. However, there are still some glitches.

Melton At Home; McLemore Still Acting Mayor

[Verbatim from city] Mayor Frank E. Melton will hold a 10:00 a.m. press conference at City Hall on Monday, January 14, 2008 to discuss his recent surgical procedure. In the interim, the Mayor again extends his appreciation to the public for their outpouring of concern and interest on his behalf.

Chelsea Campaigning for Mama at Cups, Broad Street

Update: See Roy Adkins' photos of Chelsea Clinton at Cups here.

Attorney Chokwe Lumumba Re-instated

The Associated Press is reporting that the Mississippi Supreme Court has voted 8-1 to re-instate controversial attorney Chokwe Lumumba. Here's a JFP news story with relevant context, and an opinion piece against his disbarment.

Is The Clarion-Ledger the Worst Daily in the U.S.?

This thread contains analysis of the Clarion-Ledger's reporting on Melton, talk about Melton's record of drug arrests at MBN, and Ben Allen on the friendship between Kenneth Stokes and Frank Melton. Just call it a blog potpourri.

Best of Jackson 2008 Ballot Is Here

Yes, Best of Jackson season is upon us again. In the current print edition, you will find the ballot for this year's reader's choice awards. And the online version is now up. So have at it.