All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

URGENT: 211 Emergency Number Failing; call 866-472-8265 Instead

The 211 number has been failing over the last 24 hours. The United Way reports that you call use this number instead: 866-472-8265.

BREAKING: Melton Rushed to St. Dominic; Sources Say ‘Unresponsive'

May 5, 2009—WAPT and other sources are reporting that Mayor Frank Melton is en route to St. Dominic in an ambulance. May be in cardiac arrest; "unresponsive," according to scanners and sources.

Judge Kidd Rules Against John Reeves

Judge Winston Kidd has just ruled that the election results in the District 71 race between Adrienne Wooten and incumbent John Reeves should be certified, and that no special election need occur. Reeves was challenging Wooten's win due to voting irregularities.

Wanted: Weather Observers in Mississippi

[Verbatim] The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, better known as CoCoRaHS, has recently expanded into Mississippi and is looking for volunteer weather observers across the Magnolia State! CoCoRaHS, which is being sponsored by the Office of the Mississippi State Climatologist and the National Weather Service, is a unique, non-profit, community based network of volunteer weather observers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and report precipitation amounts (rain, hail and snow). By using low-cost and self-provided measurement tools, the aim of CoCoRaHS is to provide the maximum amount of data for natural resource education as well as research applications, because, as we say "every drop counts."

URGENT: Vote TUESDAY in District 71 Re-Vote

If you live in District 71, please remember to go to the polls Tuesday to vote in the re-vote between Adrienne Wooten and John Reeves. Polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in these locations: Baker Elementary School, Oak Forest Elementary School, Victory AME Zion Church and Lakeshore Baptist Church. Pass the word.

Iraq Edges Toward ‘Full Scaled Civil War'

Rory Carroll reports from Iraq:

[Archive] Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner

Since the JFP launched in October 2002, the following pieces have discussed, in one way or another, the murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner and the effect of that tragedy on modern-day Mississippi. We present these stories together as an archive in honor of June 21, 2004—the 40th anniversary of their deaths in Neshoba County.

Mississippi Beats Louisiana; Now Most Unhealthy State

CQ Press has released its annual list of unhealthiest states—and Mississippi comes out the winner, taking out last year's winner, Louisiana. And the reasons couldn't be more direct:

Europe vs. America

A provocative piece by Tony Judt in the New York Review of Books right now.

Happy New Year! Resolution, Lesson Learned?

Happy new year, all. The JFP office is closed today, which may be the first time ever we've been closed on a business day. (We've often been open on holidays!) But the staff deserves a rest before this crazy legislative session kicks off! And don't worry: We put the legislative preview to bed Friday, so the paper is on its regular schedule.

Entergy Temporarily Suspends Reactor License Applications

[Verbatim statement from Entergy] Jackson, Miss. – Entergy New Nuclear Utility Development, commonly referred to as Entergy Nuclear, is temporarily suspending reviews of two new nuclear license applications and will explore alternative nuclear technologies that better serve its customers, company officials announced today. The company asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Friday to suspend reviews specific to GE Hitachi's Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor after unsuccessful attempts to come to mutually acceptable business terms with GEH. Entergy Nuclear also will temporarily defer environmental reviews related to the construction and operating license applications for potential projects at its nuclear sites at Grand Gulf, near Port Gibson, Miss., and River Bend, near St. Francisville, La.

Gustav Hits Houma; Levees Holding; Tornado Watches Multiply

The Associated Press is reporting:

Obama Takes Lead in Superdelegates

The Associated Press is reporting that Sen. Barack Obama has officially gone ahead of Sen. Hillary Clinton in the race for Democratic superdelegates:

Teen Summit Tuesday Deals with Teen Pregnancy

[Verbatim statement] Jackson, MS- Centers for Disease Control recently released a report that puts Mississippi as the nation's leader in teen births. Many parents are intimidated to talk with their child about sex and other social issues that most students face everyday. The Jackson Medical Mall Foundation (JMMF) is taking the anxiety out of that discussion. The Mississippi State Health Department and others will join the Jackson Medical Mall Foundation for a news conference on Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at Center Stage of the Jackson Medical Mall Thad Cochran Center to announce plans and activities for "Empowering Minds, Saving Lives" Teen Summit 2009. Partners will unveil the agenda that helps high school students develop prevention and intervention skills to deal with issues they face on a daily basis

Lawyers File New Appeal for Condemned Man, Citing ‘Sham'

Phelps Dunbar attorney James Craig released the following statement about the appeal of death-row inmate Dale Bishop:

Legislature to Pass MAEP Today?

More details as they develop ...

The word out of the Capitol is that the Legislature's first order of business today—the first day of the 2007 session—is to pass the Mississippi Adequate Education Program. This would be a major victory for public-education propopents who have fought Gov. Haley Barbour and his legislative followers tooth and nail to get MAEP fully funded.

Monticello Mayor: No Payments for Jackson

Mayor Dave Nichols II of Monticello has a letter in The Clarion-Ledger today opposing the move to pass a PILT (payment in lieu of taxes) bill for the capital city. It reads in part:

UPDATE: McCain Flip-Flops, Headed To Oxford

Update: CNN is reporting that Sen. John McCain has announced he will be attending tonight's presidential debate in Oxford, despite his earlier refusal to participate if an agreement had not yet been met to resolve the looming economic crisis.

Melton Unlists Phone Number

Mayor Frank Melton has changed his old phone number, 601.206.3116, "to an unlisted number," according to a recording on the old number. Assistant Editor Maggie Burks learned about the number change when she tried to call for a response to the change in police chief guard.

Melton's Attorney: ‘He Is In Charge'

Mayor Frank Melton's attorney John Reeves said today that the mayor has no need to appoint an interim mayor after confirming that Melton traveled home to Texas after leaving the hospital Friday. "He is in charge," Reeves said. He said the city is sending Melton essential papers to be signed. "He has a wonderful staff—some of the best I've seen, and I've been in public service for 25 years."