All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

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Martha Raddatz

Martha Raddatz set a new national standard last night.

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Beware the GOP's (Un)Scientific Sexism

The majority of Mississippians who voted last fall to block the passage of the "personhood" initiative should be very nervous about the Nov. 6 election.

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The Deal With a Racist Devil

We seem to be going backward, not forward, on race and other bigotry issues.

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Real Love

I may have a tough exterior, but I'm a romantic. And I love love.

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Between Man and His God

Consider this: Why should a free government that we all pay into support the beliefs of some over others?

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Flipping the 'Race Card'

I almost spewed coffee all over my screen. I had just opened a "Haley Barbour" news alert and read that our esteemed former governor had accused Democrats of playing the "race card."

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Yes, It Was That Bad

"I've alluded to it here and there, but it wasn't until this year, when we decided to focus the Chick Ball on sexual assault, that I knew it was my turn to come out, so to speak."

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7 Innings to Extraordinary Kids

Rafe Esquith, who has taught at Hobart Boulevard Elementary School in Los Angeles since 1984, inspires young students—all from a poor, immigrant community—to become extraordinary students and citizens.

Feds Indict Five Jackson Men on Drug Charges

Five men indicted in federal drug charges include one man who was close to the late Mayor Frank Melton.

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A More Intolerant Nation

This week, a local dentist showed up on Facebook agitated that we had dared publish a story about guns in a public-health context.

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Beating the Spread

When I think of my childhood, I remember love and drama, my alcoholic daddies, a hard-working mother and lots of football.

Mississippi CofCC: Pearl Shouldn't Become ‘Little Jackson'

From the Mississippi CofCC Web site: "Some of our committee members met with several Mississippi House of Representative members to discuss upcoming issues that the legislature will face in 2005. One key issue of concern was the Mississippi flag.

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Mayor Lumumba Bans Police Chokeholds, Restricts Firing at Moving Vehicles, More

Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba, in an executive order today, prohibits the Jackson Police Department from using choke-holds, knee-on-neck or any other tactic that restricts breathing in an amendment of its use-of-force policy.

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Stop Glamorizing the Cruelty of Racist Ancestors

"The Legislature put up this flag as a stated symbol of white supremacy in 1894 as all those hideous soldier statues were popping up with their sappy remembrances, and it can take this putridly racist flag down in 2020."

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Tate Reeves Needs to Stop Making Excuses, Start Leading

"Gov. Tate Reeves is spinning. He is grasping at any straw he thinks can divert attention away from his abysmal leadership during the COVID-19 crisis in Mississippi."

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Life in the Shadows of Neshoba County’s Confederate Statue

As a Neshoba County kid, I grew up in the shadows of the Confederate statue that loomed in front of the courthouse.

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EDITOR'S NOTE: No More ‘Lynching Logic’ to Excuse Brutality Against Black People

"The most common excuse we hear is (Jacob) Blake was wanted for a sexual-assault warrant. So, all of us should be outraged enough to think it was just fine for an officer to shoot the father repeatedly in the back? He did something bad, as far as we know, so anything goes?"

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EDITOR'S NOTE: As You Vote, Recall the Blackjacks Hitting Mrs. Hamer’s Back

"(Fannie Lou Hamer) came up in a Mississippi where white leaders, including former Confederate generals immortalized as heroes, had worked diligently in the years before her birth to make sure that Black people could not enjoy the fruits of emancipation."

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Learning to Roar in Mississippi from Anne, Hazel and Fannie Lou

Mississippi has long had women warriors who don't flinch at attempts to make them shut our little mouths, who stare back, who write scathing columns, who get the hell beaten out of them in jail cells without editing one word they still need to say afterward.

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The Joy and Pain of Fighting for U.S. Democracy

Donald Trump is just one man. The real threat is the terrifying number of Americans who dote on him no matter what he does. His supporters are often described as a cult, and it's hard to disagree with that much of the time.