All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Police: Suburbs Dropping Their Homeless in L.A.

Musgrove statement to JFP, more Klotz answers posted

This morning, we posted a statement from Gov. Musgrove on the Politics Blog addressing several of the substantive issues in our questionnaire. And House 66 candidate Chris Klotz sent over his free-expression answers, which we added to his page. (We're rather impressed with how Klotz is making time to answer our questions, even in chunks. We haven't heard from his opponent at all, yet.) Head on over and check out the latest round of answers.

Haley Barbour Issues Statement Posted

Go take a look at Barbour's positions on a list of issues just posted on his JFP candidate blog.

C-L Endorses Blackmon, Tuck for Lt. Guv

The Clarion-Ledger pointed to Blackmon's experience in the Senate to choose her over Democratic challenger Jim Roberts for the Dem nod, and to take on Tuck in November. Sid Salter pointed out in his fairtime column correctly that Blackmon's place on the ticket could help interest more black voters, which in turn could hurt Haley Barbour come November. He also pointed out that the black woman's race (to be the first black elected statewide in Mississippi since Reconstruction, by the way) could "result in an awakening of the 70,000 additional rural white male votes that Republican Kirk Fordice was able to get to the polls in his 1995 re-election." Presumably, all those presumably angry white guys would never think of voting for a qualified black woman as lieutenant governor. Talk about the bigotry of low expectations; maybe this year is the year that the state's voters will start bucking, er, conventional political wisdom. Let's hope.

Did Jesus Wear Birkenstocks?

Two Nations Under God

Chip Pickering Celebrates Medgar Evers

Press statement: Congressman Chip Pickering: CELEBRATING THE LIFE AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF MEDGAR EVERS ... House passes resolution commending the lives and accomplishments of Medgar Evers and Myrlie Evers-Williams ... (WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Today, the US House of Representatives passed House Concurrent Resolution 220, commending the lives and accomplishments of Medgar Evers and his widow Myrlie Evers-Williams. Discussion on the House Floor followed a special ceremony held at Arlington National Cemetery. The resolution was sponsored by Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS, 2) and co-sponsored by Congressman Chip Pickering (R-MS, 3). A similar resolution passed the US Senate last week, sponsored by Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran (R) and co-sponsored by Senator Trent Lott (R-MS).

‘Eradicate all Mention of God'?

Jackson First Stop on AntiFolk the Vote Tour

[Press releease] MUGSY Records, the ARTIST WORKER ACTION LEAGUE and SOFTSKULL PRESS join the League of Indy Voters to launch the 2004 ANTIFOLK THE VOTE Swing State Tour.

NBA Star Etan Thomas vs. Conservatives

Packin' Crime Stories for the C-L

How the Left Lost Teen Spirit

Read a Salon interview with Danny Goldberg, author of the book, ""Dispatches From the Culture Wars: How the Left Lost Teen Spirit." The reviewer writes: "As Goldberg points out -- and no other political pundit, to my knowledge, has noticed this -- in 1996, Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole by 19 points among voters under 24. In 2000, George W. Bush and Gore were dead even in that age group, a total of about 9 million votes. Restore even half of Clinton's '96 edge with youth, and the result of the election is clearly different, with or without the much-debated Nader factor." He adds: "But would it really be so daring for Democratic candidates to make it clear that they support free speech, and that what Americans want to watch and listen to is entirely their own business? Wouldn't it be OK for candidates to the left of Bush to admit that fact, and to point out that they represent a party that, at least historically, has stood alongside the civil rights movement, the abortion rights movement, the environmental movement and the lesbian and gay liberation struggle?"

Plea to Candidates: Prosecute Civil Rights Murders

John Gibson writes: "Please call the candidates for District Attorney for Mississippi District 8 (includes Neshoba county) and ask will they and how will they aggressively pursue prosecution in the murders of James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman and others whose bodies were found before, during, and after the search for the three civil rights workers . Please call or write others, especially residents of District 8 (Leake, Neshoba, Newton, and Scott counties), and ask them to contact the candidates. Assistant district attorney Mark Duncan (601 656-1991) of Philadelphia and Johnny Pope (601 267-5636), a Carthage attorney and former justice and municipal court judge, will meet in the Democrat primary. There are no Republican challengers. The vote is on August 5, 39 years and one day after the finding of the three civil rights workers bodies. The state of Mississippi has never charged anyone in the those murders as well as many other murders."

"Hope"-ful Stringfellow Column Today

[Talk] Social Republicans

Aug. 21, 2003—Barbara Blackmon's race might hurt her chance at the lieutenant governor's post this November, but it might help put fellow Democrat Ronnie Musgrove back into the governor's mansion. That was one of the messages at the Aug. 11 Stennis Institute Capitol press corps luncheon at Hal and Mal's in downtown Jackson where two political scientists, one black and one white, predicted what is in store.

JFP in 2004

Dillon Celebrates Women's Equality Day

Gubernatorial Sherman Lee Dillon sent around a statement saluting Women's Equality Day. It reads: "Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate, Sherman Lee Dillon is fed up. As the father of four daughters and the grandfather to three granddaughters, Sherman Lee thinks it is time for Mississippians to heed the rights of our mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts -- all women. August 27 is Women's Equality Day. Sherman Lee thinks that it is not enough that women have had suffrage for eighty-three years. More must done to honor women and ensure equality.

Version 3.0 Is Live! (Mostly)

JFP Web Traffic Skyrockets in June!