All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

Mississippi Voter Forum, Debates On Way

From the Mississippi League of Women Voters: A Political Forum on Saturday will

Election Day. Secretary of State Eric Clark will lead the introductory Political Forum, then U.S. Representative Benny Thompson and Mississippi Supreme Court justices will be featured in four televised debates sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Mississippi and WLBT-TV (Channel 3) this month. A panel of journalists and League members will question the candidates in each debate.

GOP Blames Soldiers, Dems, Media for Scandal

In an editorial, The New York Times exposes the strategy to protect the White House from prisoner-abuse fall-out: "The administration and its Republican allies appear to have settled on a way to deflect attention from the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib: accuse Democrats and the news media of overreacting, then pile all of the remaining responsibility onto officers in the battlefield, far away from President Bush and his political team. That cynical approach was on display yesterday morning in the second Abu Ghraib hearing in the Senate, a body that finally seemed to be assuming its responsibility for overseeing the executive branch after a year of silently watching the bungled Iraq occupation." [...]

Watch the McCain-Palin Hateful Highlights

Here's a film that gathers many of the dark moments of the last week of McCain-Palin rallies into a documentary short:

Democrats Charge GOP with Trying to ‘Rescue' McCain

The Washington Post is reporting that Republicans backed out of a deal on the bailout this afternoon, with Democrats charging that some Republicans are trying to give McCain cover for backing out of the date:

Legislature Funding a ‘Field of Dreams'

It's amazing the lengths these yucks will go in order to try to make up for the precious manufacturing jobs lost in the state due to NAFTA madness. And, thanks, Haley for your role in that, dude. Ledge:

Why Republican Chuck Hagel Doesn't Support Friend McCain

The New Yorker has a good piece on why Sen. Chuck Hagel isn't supporting John McCain, one of his closest friends:

McCain Damage Control on Palin Bankruptcy Gaffe

ABC News is reporting that the campaign is frantically backtracking on her misstatement of the campaign's position on some protections for homeowners under foreclosure—giving them too much:

Project Vote Blasts GOP Attack on Montana Voters

[Verbatim statement]As reported yesterday in the online news outlet The Missoulian, the Republican Party of Montana is challenging the eligibility to vote of at least 6,000 residents of that state—mostly in key Democratic strongholds—based solely on the fact that the residents have filed change-of-address cards with the U.S. Postal Service. While state GOP Executive Director Jacob Eaton claims the challenges are an attempt to protect "the integrity of the voting process," such massive challenges at this late date threaten to overwhelm election officials, suppress turnout of eligible voters, and create chaos at the polls.

Wall Street Journal Compiling ‘Obamacan' List

The Wall Street Journal has started a list of prominent Republicans who have endorsed Obama. Fascinating.

How to Steal Back the Vote

A video message from Robert Kennedy Jr.:

Mississippi GOP on McCain: ‘Heard Nothing'

The Daily Mississippian is reporting that all plans are moving ahead (except for people having to cancel already due the financial risk) for the debate Friday night. Even the Mississippi Republican Party had gotten nothing from the McCain campaign:

Eric Stringfellow: Why back candidate who does not vote?

Eric Stringfellow writes in the Clarion Ledger:

Bush Campaign Doctors Campaign Ad

This story is burning up political circles. Salon today:

That Old-Time ‘Southern Strategy'

Jack Bass writes for Salon: "The recent recess appointments by President George W. Bush of two controversial Deep South Republicans to federal courts of appeals indicates that the Republican 'Southern strategy' remains alive and well. Much of the Democratic opposition in the Senate to confirming Charles W. Pickering of Mississippi and William H. Pryor of Alabama focused on matters suggesting insensitivity to civil rights issues. Opponents cited the records of both men that included criticism of or efforts to limit important remedies or provisions of the Voting Rights Act."

AP: Bush's Record Has Him in Tough Spot

AP is reporting: "Bad news for President Bush: Americans are anxious about the economy and unhappy about the Iraq war. The number of soldiers killed will probably hit the psychologically important 1,000 mark before the November election. And in the political horse race, he is tied or worse with Democratic rival John Kerry. There's a strong market for change at the White House, lifting Democrats' hopes.

Salter: Mississippi NOT Throwing Money at Education

Clarion-Ledger columnist Sid Salter again pulled no punches in his Sunday column about funding of public education. Importantly, he shot down the funding myths being spread by the governor and his agents in the Senate. Sid, again, gets the columnist's gold star for this column:

Another Oxford Debate—This One Malcolm X

Allow us to pause during Debate Week madness in Mississippi to observe a different tall, skinny black man in an Oxford debate.

Barbour Details ‘Streamline' Budget

[verbatim statement] (Jackson, Miss.)-- Governor Haley Barbour was joined today by Lieutenant Governor Amy Tuck and scores of legislators as he filed the bill that represents his budget-fixing plan, "Operation: Streamline." "Operation: Streamline recognizes that we cannot move forward as a state until we confront our budget problem," Governor Barbour stated. "Workforce development, job creation, education and economic development all depend on keeping Mississippi's budget deficit under control. "Operation: Streamline" has a simple goal and that is to cut Mississippi's budget deficit * all $709 million of it * in half in one year, and eliminate it altogether in two years. It took many years to get in this budget hole and we will not get out overnight."

Fall-Out: ‘Women for Obama' Event Canned; Caterer Loses $7,000

Just in, verbatim:

Due to the uncertainty surrounding the Presidential Debate scheduled for Ole Miss, the Federation of Democratic Women reluctantly postpone the Women for Obama-Biden Forum.

Bush Calls Kerry Campaign ‘Pathetic'

AP reports: "President Bush chided Sen. John Kerry and fellow Democrats on Monday for asserting that Republicans will undermine Social Security, calling the strategy 'the most tired, pathetic way to campaign for the presidency.' Traveling by bus through the southwest corner of this battleground state, Bush tried to improve voters' perceptions of his domestic policies by condemning Democrats for going negative—even as he held Kerry's plans up to the harshest possible light. "'I'm running against a fellow who has got a massive, complicated blueprint to have our government take over the decision making in health care,' the president said. 'Not only is his plan going to increase the power of bureaucrats in your life, but he can't pay for it unless he raises your taxes. What would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts?" Bush said, as a partisan crowd cheered the reference to Kerry's home state and its liberal leanings.