All results / Stories / Donna Ladd

The New, New Race-Baiting

Also see: Jackpedia: Southern Strategy

UPDATED: Chick Ball Donations Piling Up; Here's Who Has Donated So Far ...

With the JFP Chick Ball less than three weeks away and the deadline to make the big Chick Ball gift/silent auction guide (in the July 6 issue of JFP), the donations are arriving fast and furious at the JFP offices. Here is a list of the donations and donors we have logged to date; we will update between now and Chick Ball (if you don't see your name and you've donated, email [e-mail missing] to make sure you get due credit).

New Republic on the ‘K Street Evil Genius'

I knew New Republic was doing a story on Gov. Haley Barbour, and this one looks like a doozy. There's a lot there, but this part about Capitol Resources, etc., stuck out to me. (Read the whole story here).

Secret Pentagon Study Gives 3 Iraq Options

And none of them are pretty: "injecting more troops into Iraq, shrinking the force but staying longer or pulling out, The Washington Post reported Monday. The newspaper quoted senior defense officials as dubbing the three alternatives 'Go big, go long and go home.' The secret military study was commissioned by Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and comes as political and military leaders struggle with how to conduct a war that is increasingly unpopular, both in the United States and in occupied Iraq."

Women Turning U.S. Blue?

Newsweeks' Politics Blog is exploring the pivotal role that women played in this week's election—they wanted change, went to the polls and made it happen. Go, grrls.

More Ledger Illiteracy

OK, folks, check out The Clarion-Ledger's editorial about Melton today—for the way it is written. Here are some money quotes:

Need ‘Famous' Jackson Pets

OK, what animals do y'all know of in the community that are "famous" in some way—meaning have to know people beyond their owners. Pets that live in businesses? Pets with lots of friends? You get my drift. Need fast!

Deadly Pet Food Filler Open Secret in China

It seems that all that "free trade"—and loss of American jobs and trading economic strength in our communities for sweat shops—is starting to come home to roost by killing our pets. As the JFP has been saying for years, folks: Think Global, Shop Local. And that doesn't mean chasing our manufacturers to other countries, Barbour, Clinton, et al. What goes around does indeed come around.

This Is What Ugly Looks Like, Folks

When I got in this morning, one of my writers had emailed me about a new Facebook page bashing the Jackson Free Press—apparently because the folks on it are sore for not winning Best of Jackson awards.

Worst Newspaper in the U.S. At It Again

OK, so here comes The Clarion-Ledger after the election with a story about Robert Smith and his history, including his getting in trouble in Madison County for calling a law enforcement agent a name:

Lalee: No Better Off Today

Gary Pettus has a good follow-up today on the story of Lalee Wallace, a Delta grandmother who was the subject of an HBO documentary. The JFP did a story about Lalee and the film way back in our first issue. The story shows that little has changed for poor people like Lalee in the Delta -- as if a film could change a system engrained by years of slavery, Jim Crow and poverty:

Which is Worse: An Uninformed Electorate or a Bad Newspaper?

The Clarion-Ledger today has a somewhat-admirable editorial blasting the Legislature for passing such a stupid anti-immigration bill. It's called "Immigration: Pandering to fears is shameful." It starts out:

Attention: I'm Tired of Chasing Political Ghosts

Campaign season does not bring out the best in some of you, that's for sure.

This is to all the anonymous people out there working to unseat elected officials, especially the district attorney. Please stop sending me unsubstantited accusations and innuendo, claiming that it is evidence of wrongdoing. If you have evidence of wrongdoing, provide it to us. Pick up the phone and call me or Adam Lynch at 601.362.6121, identify yourself as an unnamed source, give us the information and sources that can verify it. Stop the anonymous games, the sound and fury that turn into nothing—I assume you just want me spending my time chasing false leads rather than doing my job, and I'm sick of playing games.

Domino Mag Breaks White House Decorator News

It makes me happy in a way I can't explain that we have a family going into the White House that appreciates the kind of home decor featured by Domino Mag. And allowed the über-hip decor mag to break the news.

Lifting the Hoods in Baltimore

So, do y'all think this frat at the hoity-toity Johns Hopkins University on up in Baltimore is integrated?!? AP is reporting:

Northside Sun Praises John McGowan for Outsmarting Environmentalists

One wonders if Northside Sun publisher Wyatt Emmerich is actually working against John McGowan and this Two Lakes project. This week in his column, Emmerich smugly praises the oilman from Texas for his ability to "outsmart" environmentalists:

Let's Talk Domestic Violence

Let's talk, Mississippi.

In honor of Heather Spencer, who was beaten to death by her boyfriend who almost beat her to death a couple months back with nothing done about it by the police, let's talk about the realities of domestic violence. We can at least honor the life of this woman, and others like her, by being brutally honest about how bad this problem is, especially in Mississippi, one of the most violent for women in the country. How do attitudes about women, and keeping your family together no matter what, play into this problem? How do economics in the poorest state keep women in violent situations? How do our laws, and lax enforcement, make the problem worse? How does the threat of even more violence when a woman tries to leave keep women in abuse situations? How does the ability of richer families to cover up their problems (or send them off to rehab instead of jail) tie in?

Shops, Businesses, Personalities (and Remy!) Supporting BOOM Runway Show Nov. 12 at Duling Hall!

Just look at the line-up on board so far!

JFP and BOOM Jackson are as excited as we can be about our first BOOM runway show on Friday, Nov. 12, in Duling Hall in Fondren us for a three-part event: cocktail reception, runway show and VIP after-party with DJ Phingaprint. For one ticket price, you can eat, drink, enjoy beautiful clothes, support Dress for Success Metro Jackson, and leave with a seriously chic swag bag. You won't want to miss it!

Clarion-Ledger Drops Southern Miss Beat?

Fa la la la la.

Isn't this special? is reporting that The Clarion-Ledger is dropping their Southern Miss sports beat. That's interesting news considering that the Ledger supposedly relies on its sports beat to keep readers, as the rest of the paper goes to pot. Also, staffers over there are complaining that they're not getting Christmas bonuses for the first time this year—and that the publisher is getting a new hardwood floor put in his office, creating lots of construction noise.

The C.I.A. Tape Affair

This controvery is taking on a huge life on the blogosphere. Read a round-up.