Fly! Style


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Azia’s Virtual Picks 6-26-20

"I hope you can share an event from this list and maybe use it to spark a conversation, learn more about one another or maybe even set the foundation for new ideas and new platforms with new voices to emerge."

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Five Things to Know about Carlton McGrone, Freelance Writer

"Although I was a natural storyteller, I never knew I wanted to write until I applied for Southern Miss' student-run newspaper, The Student Printz. Since then, I've wanted my life to contain some form of writing, whether that be fiction or some type of journalistic pursuit."

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Azia’s Virtual Picks: Juneteenth Edition

I pray that we all take time to remember our collective history and learn more from it and each other despite our background, race, religion, or creed. This is how we truly manifest power to the people!

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Five Things to Know about Ken Steere, Lead Driver

"For the JFP, I manage the lists of where we distribute the papers and the routes they are assigned to."

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Azia’s Virtual Picks 5-29-20

If you’re still remaining cautious and feel safer at home, there are still many virtual options to turn to for entertainment. Check out my picks for this weekend to see what calls out to you.

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Azia’s Virtual Picks 5-22-20

I hope that you are remaining safe and continuing to follow CDC guidelines to protect your family, yourself and your community. If you’re still remaining cautious like me, check out some of the virtual events I’ve had my eye on.

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Azia’s Virtual Picks 5/7/2020

"In times like these, it’s easy to give in to hopelessness. I know it’s been hard. I know it’s been painful. I know it's been intense; but don’t give in, don’t give up. I hope you find ways to build yourself up during this time."

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Azia’s Virtual Picks 5/1/20

As we all desperately wait to reach the light at the end of this long, uncertain tunnel, check out a few more virtual happenings to indulge in. I hope something on this list inspires you to move, create and engage with others to share your new interests with.

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DIY: A Bespoke Video Tribute This Mother’s Day

This DIY project is a variation on the classic 1950s card shower, updated and modernized for the 21st century. The idea—a slideshow and video tribute—is simple, but it has the ability to bring the warmest of smiles to your mother's face as she basks in the nostalgia of old photos and the kind words from loved ones.

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DIY: No-Sew Bandana Face Mask

If you are looking to make a face mask at home that you can reuse, but you have little experience in sewing, then this no-sew makeshift face mask may be a good match for you if you happen to have the materials around the house or can easily acquire them.

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Five Things to Know about Acacia Clark, Freelance Photographer

Five things to know about Jackson Free Press freelance photographer Acacia Clark.

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Easter Family Fun: Character Cornhole

I am sure many of you have children who have been home from school for too long and are getting antsy for something to do. Well, with a little creativity, you can turn some basic items into something fun for the family to do for a weekend afternoon.

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COVID-19 Brings Parade to Screeching Halt

Since COVID-19 made its way to the continental United States, the virus has forced organizations to cancel or postpone events that have been embedded into the lives of citizens.

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Mississippi ToyCon in Brandon

The inaugural Mississippi ToyCon took place on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Brandon Civic Center. The event featured more than 40 vendors selling vintage and modern toys, comics and collectibles, as well as cosplayers, prizes and more.

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Home Is Where the Office Is

To allow Jacksonians the chance to give a shoutout to their workplace homes, we include the Best Place to Work category in our annual Best of Jackson issue.