All results / Stories / Ronni Mott

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Lowest Gas Prices in Jackson

Summer driving vacations may be a little more affordable now than they were a couple of weeks ago.

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The Tangled Web of Hate

The Southern Poverty Law Center counts the Council of Conservative Citizens as a "Neo-Confederate" hate group, which, like the more radical League of the South, fights for the rights of "the Confederacy." The CofCC stops short of calling for a second secession from the Union. Neo-Confederates unite behind goals of preserving Confederate monuments and honoring the Confederate battle flag, in addition to fostering "pro-white," anti-immigrant politics.

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Mississippi Folks

This morning's historic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the majority of President Barack Obama's 2010 Affordable Care Act means that millions of Mississippians will continue to enjoy the benefits of the law.

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Help for Isaac Recovery Available

In the wake of Hurricane Isaac, counties in the Jackson metro area--Hinds, Rankin and Madison--are among the many areas under a federal-disaster declaration.

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Palin and the Fringe

The extreme right is declaring a third-party victory with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the presidential ticket this fall.

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Miss. Income Down, Poverty Up

The Magnolia State has the lowest household median income, $36,919, according to the data released yesterday.

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Group of the Day: Cyclists Curing Cancer

If you're a biking enthusiast, you still have time (barely) to ride for a most worthy cause: curing cancer.

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Who Are the 47 Percent?

Last week, a videographer caught Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in an unguarded moment during a political fundraiser.

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Mississippi Women's Turn: Can They Break the Political Ceiling?

The political landscape might have shifted in Mississippi, but in 2012, women are still struggling with the same issues.

Bryant Signs New 'Olivia Y' Agreement

This morning, Gov. Phil Bryant signed a modified settlement agreement recommitting to the state's previous commitment to protect Mississippi's foster children.

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Climate Change: Real or Not?

In 2008—back when President Barack Obama was a candidate—then-Sen. Obama promised to take on global warming.

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Make It Fun

Deirdra Harris Glover is an inspiration.

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Kerry Baker

Mississippians might remember the small town of Smithville in north Mississippi, which was hit particularly hard in April 2011 by a tornado.

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Rochelle Hicks

Lifelong Mississippian Rochelle Hicks has worked more than 15 years in the tourism industry.

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Health-Care Industry Needs Healthy Workers

It's no secret that when it comes to the health of Mississippians, we rank at or near the bottom of nearly every well-being marker, from obesity to infant mortality.

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Protecting the Kids

On Oct. 24, after an eight-month investigation and two months of unsuccessfully trying to negotiate with the defendants, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the county, the city of Meridian, two county youth court judges, the state Department of Human Services and the Division of Youth Services, accusing "unlawful conduct through which they routinely and systematically arrest and incarcerate children."

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Flonzie Brown-Wright

It wasn't so very long ago that voting was a right people fought and died for. Native Mississippian Flonzie Brown-Wright remembers those days clearly.

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Dems: Reprioritize to Fund Schools

The Mississippi Legislature does not lack the money to fully fund education; it lacks political will, Rep. Cecil Brown, D-Jackson, says.

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MLK Day Still a Problem in Mississippi

The third Monday in January presents a conundrum for many folks in the Deep South, made even more complicated by the fact that today is also the day the first African American president is sworn in for a second term.

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JWHO Guard Pepper-Sprayed Protesters over Sprinkler

A Jackson Women's Health Organization security guard sprayed two anti-abortion protesters in the face with pepper spray this morning.
