All results / Stories / Lauren Rhoades

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Tips for the Lazy Gardener

If you're like me and would rather let nature do most of the work in your yard, here are some spring gardening tips that require minimal effort.

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In Honor of Dead Diet Resolutions

I propose that we bring pleasure back into our vocabulary around food. In honor of all those dead diet resolutions, here are some ideas for making the rest of 2019 more, ahem, palatable.

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OPINION: The Stories We Tell About Jackson

We hear a lot of stories about our city secondhand from people who don't live here. Many of them are unflattering, and most are untrue.

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Six Easy Ways to Support Your Local Farmers

Supporting our small farmers strengthens the local economy, is better for the environment and leads to better public-health outcomes.

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Love Fresh Berries? Pick Them

This summer, instead of buying your berries from the market or store, opt for a more memorable outing at a U-Pick farm.

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OPINION: ‘Don’t Yuck My Yum’

As a food educator, I spent many hours in classrooms doing taste tests, interactive cooking demos and nutrition lessons. I've seen elementary schoolers, even the so-called picky eaters, taste everything from sauteed Swiss chard, to beet smoothies to chickpea cookie dough, and ask for seconds.

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Get Fancy with Easy-to-Grow Edible Flowers

I used to think that edible flowers belonged solely in the realm of fancy restaurants. Yet once I started gardening, harvesting and eating flowers seemed unavoidable—there were just so many of them, both cultivated and growing in the wild.

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Embrace the Heat with Homemade Hot Sauce

Farmer's markets and gardens will soon be overflowing with peppers of all kinds. What better way to embrace the Mississippi summer heat than to make some hot sauce?