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OPINION: Healing Communities from Within: How to Survive Tough Times Together

Columnist Kevin Fong argues that emotional wounds are deeper, longer lasting and more toxic today, and they require more intensive work. He calls it Radical Healing.

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OPINION: Exceptional White Men, It’s Time for a Reckoning

Donald J. Trump's impeachment acquittal was a victory for white male mediocrity. The majority of the 69 white men in the U.S. Senate, engaged in a succession of choices that left in place a man, whom few beyond his base would call exceptional.

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From Patriots to Panthers, a New ‘Rainbow Coalition’

Imagine what would happen if someone wore a Confederate flag button with clasped black and white hands to a Trump or Black Lives Matter rally. Given what we have seen on the media, the person would likely be met with indignation, insults and perhaps physical violence.

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Seeds of Destiny

One of the most influential mentors in my early years was Arla Little, the artistic director of the Black Repertory Dance Troupe in Berkeley, Calif.

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Love & Revolution

For the Fongs, the last two weeks in December are about family, friends, fun, food and movies. Over that time, we saw "Loving," the story of Richard and Mildred Loving's landmark civil-rights case that struck down anti-miscegenation laws in 1967.

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Deplorable Me

A report on "The Trump Effect" by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that the levels of anxiety, fear, and bullying in schools have increased, due in part to the tone of the Trump campaign. But he isn't the only candidate who is guilty of "us vs. them" tactics.

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Of Guns and Rainbow Flags

As conversations around gun control heat up in Washington, D.C., social media and perhaps around our kitchen tables, I hope that we can all have the courage to take a brief stop in each other's worlds and explore things that we might not otherwise consider.

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Within Our Lifetime

I recently spent three days in St. Louis with 10 brilliant people from the Within Our Lifetime Network strategizing on how to end racism. While we had planned this gathering months in advance, we could not have predicted the juxtaposition of recent events with the purpose of our meeting.

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In July, I returned from an eye-opening trip to Cuba with the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance. During our 10-day excursion, we met with scholars and local experts to learn about the country's health, education, agricultural and political systems.

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One Drop at a Time

Every day, I hear people calling one another out. Liberals call out conservatives, and the reverse is also true. It’s a game of gotcha, where one side tries to shame the other in the hope of winning in the court of public opinion.

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Othering and Belonging

Building communities of belonging requires conscious engagement. It starts when you reflect on these three questions: 1) Where do I other? 2) What does it look and feel like? 3) How does it separate me from my humanity?

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McKinney, Texas: Let’s Reflect and Talk

The night of June 5, police were called to a pool party because, the reports said, a group of black kids had crashed the party and were being disruptive.