All results / Stories / Andrew J. Williams, Esq.

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OPINION: Take Down the Flag

I was born and raised in the South. It's my home. I want it to live up to its potential. I am not a Democrat, nor am I a liberal. I am a white man born here, and I say take the flag down.

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OPINION: Not a Heritage to Celebrate

The "Anglo-American law enforcement heritage" is one of violence, racism and exploitation. This is a heritage to be scorned, a dark mark to be expunged. This is not, contrary to what Attorney General Sessions thinks, a heritage to be celebrated.

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OPINION: Project EJECT: A War On Jackson

Project EJECT is not original, and it is not a novel way to combat violence. It is the failed "war on drugs"; it is New York's unconstitutional "Stop and Frisk" program and all other "tough on crime" crusades. Like all of them, it will result in collateral damage to society's most vulnerable.

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Sen. McDaniel’s Loyalties

It appears that Mississippi Sen. Chris McDaniel has decided to endorse the view that those deserving of support and by implication, rights, are only "white christian males."

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How America Sees ‘Them’

With the recent extrajudicial killings, i.e. murders, of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Paul O'Neal, Tyre King, Terence Crutcher and Keith Lamont Scott, as well as the attempted murder of Charles Kinsey, the unpleasant reality of the one-sided relationship between criminal justice and the black community was once again thrust to the forefront of the national consciousness.