Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Kills'


"That's why we're here, because we're saying, 'Let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens.'"

—Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives March 21, calling for repeal of the Affordable Care Act, again.

Why it stinks: Since 2010, House Republicans have unsuccessfully tried to repeal the ACA, aka "Obamacare," 36 times. Setting that aside, Bachmann's basis for the emotional appeal is the thoroughly debunked "death panel" meme that first raised its ugly head during the 2008 presidential campaign. The law does include a Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board, which cannot ration care, change eligibility or restrict benefits to seniors. Its purpose is to cut waste and inefficiencies.

Her rhetoric ignores the many improvements the ACA has already provided. For example: coverage for 22 preventive health services for women without additional costs, including mammograms and cervical cancer screenings; 50 percent discounts on name-brand drugs for many seniors; extended funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program through 2015.

Bachmann's hysterical opining also ignores studies that show lack of health insurance is responsible for thousands of premature deaths each year, of which, many can be attributed to treatable conditions that can be avoided or managed with appropriate medical care, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Without insurance, however, patients do not receive preventative care or treatment in a timely manner.


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